Unit 2 Part 2 Grammar and usage &Integrated skills同步练习 (2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期).docx

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1、Part 2Grammar and usage get tired of;show up;put on;be capable of;send out;get down to;sweep sb. along;reflect on; relate to 1.Tell me if youdriving and well change over. 2.She didnton set because of what you said. 3.It is certain that every student in our classpassing the exam. 4.You cana call for

2、help over the radio. 5.The speaker had the ability tohis listeners. 6.The start of the new year 2021 is a good time tothe many achievements of the past. 高一数学组2 7.One class that I thought was very interesting but didntmy career so much was the family law class. 8.With the election out of the way, the

3、 government canbusiness. 9.With the cold wave of 2021 approaching, youd bettermore clothes so you wont catch a cold. 10.Theyclose the school at the earliest opportunity because of COVID- 19. .单句语法填空 1.Digital(record) gives excellent sound reproduction. 2.He is suitablethe job because he is never abs

4、ent-minded. 3.The master usually has an assistant who accompanies herthe piano. 4.I reached out a hand to steady myself against the wall while I got my (breathe) back. 5.(unusual), as a Japanese politician, hes a fluent English speaker. 6.Their hope, and their(expect), were that she was going to be

5、found safe and that she would be returned to her home. 7.The best hope is that we will get international support and get downaction. 8.As you get older, you begin to reflectthe uncertainty of life. 9.There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too (distance) future. .完成句子 1.这

6、两个部件黏合得太好了,你几乎看不到接缝。 高一数学组3 The two pieces were stuck togetheryou could hardly see the join. 2.覆水难收。 crying over spilt milk. 3.我不知道工人们建这座桥要花多长时间。 I dont know how longthe workers to build the bridge. 4.我要做的第一件事就是使自己迅速适应完全不同的环境。 the completely different circumstances is the first thing I will do. 5.又渴

7、又饿,她走进一家饭店,在一张小桌子旁坐了下来。 ,she went into a restaurant and seated herself at a little table. 素养练习 .阅读理解 (2021湖南长沙长郡中学高二入学考试,) Worlds Best Summer Music Festivals Governors Ball Music Festival As a relative newcomer to the summer music festival scene, the Governors Ball offers a variety of performers and

8、 a taste of New York culture. Visitors can catch sets from rock, electronica, and performers while tasting food from popular New York City restaurants. To take a break from the music, festival-goers can participate in activities such as Silent Disco or lawn(草坪)games. WHERE:New York City 高一数学组4 WHEN:

9、June 35 Roskilde Festival Created by two Danish college students, Roskilde has developed from a hippie(嬉 皮士)gathering ground to a mainstream music festival. The festival attracts an international following and features performances from more than 3,000 artists. Bands include a mix of contemporary an

10、d lesser-known performers, and visitors can watch their favorite artists perform inside large tents. WHERE:Roskilde, Denmark WHEN:June 25July 2 Montreux Jazz Festival Set on Lake Genevas beautiful shore, the Montreux Jazz Festival attracts a global audience. Founded in 1967 as a jazz-only festival,

11、Montreux has since evolved(逐渐形 成)into a two-week-long showcase that attracts more than 200,000 music enthusiasts. Performances dont end on the shore; visitors can catch themed shows from boats and train cars. WHERE:Montreux, Switzerland WHEN:July 116 Rock al Parque Rock al Parque is proud of an atte

12、ndance of 88,600 visitors a day. Most music festivals require tickets, but the participation in the three-day festival is free of charge. Festival-goers line up to watch performances from some of Latin Americas most popular artists, but the festival also offers sets from international bands. WHERE:B

13、ogota, Colombia 高一数学组5 WHEN:July 24 1.What can you do at the Governors Ball Music Festival? A.Dance in local restaurants. B.Take part in relaxing activities. C.Watch performances from boats. D. Enjoy food from the whole country. 2.What do we know about the Roskilde Festival? A.It lasts the longest t

14、ime. B.Its modern jazz is popular. C.It provides themed shows for visitors. D.It was originated by two college students. 3.Which festival does not charge an admission fee? A.The Roskilde Festival. B.Rock al Parque. C.The Montreux Jazz Festival. D.The Governors Ball Music Festival. .完形填空 (2021广东仲元中学期

15、中,) My history of music was not good. I still remembered when I took my short-lived piano lessons, my grandfather said1to my grandmother, “Why didnt he make any progress with much practice?” I2to make my piano performance attractive. However, my efforts were3. 高一数学组6 So I gave up playing any musical

16、 instrument. But my old friend Leroy4me to play the violin with him when I was 57. It made me enjoy the joy of playing music again. On that day, Leroy sent a text5me that there was a music performance and he wanted me to join him. Thinking of my past, I6his invitation. I expected to hear his words t

17、hat I would become7with practice on stage. But he said, “OK, only play when you want to.” I was totally8by the unexpected answer and made no reply except to tell him goodbye. No one was9me to participate, but I faced a special10. Should I play on stage or just watch a movie? I had chosen the “movie

18、route” too many times and this time I was11to grasp the opportunity. After a long and careful12, I played the violin with Leroy.13I didnt lose all my nervousness, it was enough for me to overcome my fear. Finally, I14a full performance in front of the audience. A short time later, my friend Leroy pa

19、ssed away, but his15stayed. It helped me not only in music, but in all aspects of life. When I focused on what I wanted to do, fear would be replaced with joy. 1.A.worriedlyB.calmly C.patientlyD.angrily 2.A.pretendedB.regretted C.agreedD.tried 3.A.on timeB.in order C.in vainD.on display 4.A.challeng

20、edB.invited C.allowedD.reminded 高一数学组7 5.A.convincingB.informing C.warningD.cheating 6.A.refusedB.received C.blamedD.evaluated 7.A.importantB.special C.reliableD.skilled 8.A.shockedB.scared C.satisfiedD.ashamed 9.A.teachingB.begging C.forcingD.expecting 10.A.chanceB.goal C.taskD.choice 11.A.suitable

21、B.curious C.willingD.generous 12.A.preparationB.explanation C.testD.search 13.A.IfB.Since C.ThoughD.When 14.A.plannedB.recommended C.watchedD.offered 15.A.fameB.concern C.influenceD.care 高一数学组8 .语法填空 (2021湖南雅礼教育集团高二上期中,) There are many benefits of singing in a choir(合唱团). They range from the social

22、benefit of having the opportunity1(make) new friends to the physical benefit of learning to breathe2(proper). Research has also shown that young people3 sing in choirs do better in studies and have a tendency to be4(healthy). But the first question you should ask yourself if you are considering5(joi

23、n) a choir is “Can I sing in tune?” It might seem obvious, but unless you can, there is little point in seeking out6choir because youll only get rejected. Every choir you apply to join is going to audition(面试)you. Dont worry if you cant read music; that can be taught later. If you7(accept), youll fi

24、nd choir practices to be hard work,8 great fun, because theyre social events as well as music training. You will learn to read music and how to sing9confidence. Your voice and technique will probably develop quite quickly with proper instruction, and you may just end up wondering10 you didnt do this

25、 years ago. 高一数学组9 Part 2Grammar and usage along6.reflect on7.relate to8.get down to9.put on10.intend(ed) to .1.recording考查名词。句意:数码录音的声音效果极佳。digital recording 意为 “数码录音”,作主语。 2.for考查固定搭配。句意:他适合做这项工作,因为他从不心不在焉。be suitable for sth.为固定搭配,意为“适合某事”。 3.at/on考查固定搭配。句意:这位大师通常有一个助手用钢琴为她

26、伴奏。 accompany sb. at/on the+乐器名,表示“用乐器为某人伴奏”。 4.breath考查名词。句意:我伸出一只手撑在墙上使自己站稳,同时缓口气。形容 词性物主代词后接名词,根据 my 可知,设空处用名词形式。 5.Unusually考查副词。句意:不同寻常的是,作为一位日本政治家,他能讲流利的 英语。设空处修饰整个句子,故用副词形式。 6.expectation考查名词。句意:他们的希望和期盼是她被找到时安然无恙并被送 回她家。形容词性物主代词后接名词,根据 their可知,设空处用名词形式。设空处 与前面的 hope并列,故填 expectation。 7.to考查固

27、定搭配。句意:最好的希望就是我们将得到国际支持,开始行动。get down to为固定搭配,意为“着手处理”。 8.on考查固定搭配。句意:随着年龄的增长,你会开始思考生活的不确定性。 reflect on 为固定搭配,意为“沉思,认真思考”。 高一数学组10 9.distant考查形容词。句意:然而毋庸置疑的是,事情在不太遥远的将来会有改善。 设空处修饰名词 future,故用形容词形式。 .1.so well that2.Its no use3.it will take4.Adjusting myself quickly to 5.Thirsty and hungry 素养练习 .语篇解读

28、本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个世界最佳夏季音乐节的相关 信息。 1.B细节理解题。根据第一部分中的 To take a break from the music, festival-goers can participate in activities such as Silent Disco or lawn games.可知为了从音乐中休息 一下,参加音乐节的人可以参加一些活动,比如无声迪斯科或草地游戏。由此可知, 在 Governors Ball音乐节上,参加者可以通过跳无声迪斯科、玩草坪游戏等活动来 放松,故选 B。A 项“在当地餐馆跳舞”;C项“看船上的表演”;D项“享受来自全国各

29、地的食物”。 2.D细节理解题。根据第二部分中的 Created by two Danish college students, Roskilde has developed from a hippie gathering ground to a mainstream music festival. 可知由两名丹麦大学生创立的罗斯基勒音乐节已经从嬉皮士的聚集地发展成为主 流音乐节。由此可知,罗斯基勒音乐节最初由两名大学生创办,故选 D。由四个音 乐节的起始时间可知,Montreux Jazz Festival持续时间最长,长达 16 天,排除 A 项;Montreux Jazz Festiva

30、l 部分中的 Founded in 1967 as a jazz-only festival.和 visitors can catch themed shows from boats and train cars可知 B、C两项都不是关于 罗斯基勒音乐节的。 3.B细节理解题。根据 Rock al Parque部分中的 Most music festivals require tickets, but the participation in the three-day festival is free of charge.可知,大多数音乐节都需 高一数学组11 要购票,但是参加该持续三天的音

31、乐节是免费的。由此可知,Rock al Parque是免费 的,故选 B。 【高频词汇】1.a variety of各种各样的2.take a break 休息片刻3.participate in 参与4.more than多于,超出5.be proud of以为骄傲6.free of charge免费 .语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者因小时候练习乐器产生了心理阴 影。但是最后作者在朋友的邀请之下,战胜自己内心的恐惧走上了舞台。 1.A句意:我还记得,当我上我短暂的钢琴课时,祖父担心地(worriedly)对祖母 说:“为什么他练习了这么多却没有任何进步呢?”calmly 镇定地; pa

32、tiently耐心 地;angrily生气地。根据下文 Why didnt he make any progress with much practice?可 知,此处表示祖父很担心。故选 A。 2.D句意:我努力(tried)使我的钢琴演奏变得有吸引力。pretend假装;regret后 悔;agree同意。根据下文 However, my efforts were3.可知,efforts 与 tried呼应。 故选 D。 3.C句意:然而,我的努力都白费(in vain)了。on time 按时,准时;in order妥当;on display展出。根据上文可知,作者很努力地练习,此处用了

33、 However表示转折,说明 这些努力都白费了。故选 C。 4.B句意:但是我的老朋友 Leroy邀请(invited)我和他一起拉小提琴,那时我 57 岁。 challenge挑战;allow允许;remind提醒。根据下文 Thinking of my past, I6his invitation.可知,老朋友 Leroy 邀请“我”。故选 B。 5.B句意:那天,Leroy给我发短信通知(informing)我有一场音乐演出,他想让我加 入他。convince使信服;warn警告;cheat欺骗。根据上文老朋友 Leroy邀请“我”和 他一起拉小提琴可知,此处指他发短信通知“我”。故选

34、 B。 高一数学组12 6.A句意:想起我过去的经历,我拒绝(refused)了他的邀请。receive收到;blame 责 备;evaluate评估。根据上文作者学习钢琴的痛苦回忆可知,此处指作者拒绝了朋友 的邀请。故选 A。 7.D句意:我期望听到他说,有了舞台上的练习我会变得熟练(skilled)。important重 要的;special 特别的;reliable可靠的。前文提到作者不擅长音乐,所以作者希望朋友 的回复是舞台上的练习可以让自己熟练。没想到他却说:“好吧,你想玩乐器的时候 再玩。”故选 D。 8.A句意:我完全被这出乎意料的回答震惊了(shocked),除了跟他说“再见”

35、别的什 么都没回复。scared害怕的;satisfied 感到满意的;ashamed 羞愧的。根据下文 the unexpected answer可知,朋友的回答让作者始料未及,感到震惊。故选 A。 9.C句意:没有人强迫(forcing)我参加,但我面临着一个特殊的选择。teach 教;beg 乞求;expect期望。根据上文在作者拒绝邀请后,朋友很自然地接受了可知,此处表 示没人强迫作者去参加。故选 C。 10.D句意同上一题。chance机会;goal目标;task任务。根据下文 Should I play on stage or just watch a movie?可知作者面临一个

36、选择。故选 D。 11.C句意:我选择“电影路线”的次数太多了,这次我愿意(willing)抓住这次机会。 suitable合适的;curious好奇的;generous慷慨的。根据下文.I played my violin with Leroy.可知,作者这次没选择“电影路线”,说明他这次愿意去参加表演。故选 C。 12.A句意:经过长时间的精心准备(preparation),我和 Leroy一起演奏了小提琴。 explanation解释;test 测试;search寻找。根据下文 Finally, I14a full performance in front of the audience

37、.可知,作者做了充分的准备。故选 A。 13.C句意:尽管(Though)我没有完全做到不紧张,但我克服了自己的恐惧已经足够 了。根据句意判断前后文有逻辑上的让步关系。故选 C。 高一数学组13 14.D句意:最后,我在观众面前呈现(offered)了一场完整的演出。plan 计 划;recommend推荐;watch 看。根据上文,作者做了充分的准备且战胜了恐惧可知, 作者给观众呈献了一场完整的演出。故选 D。 15.C句意:不久之后,我的朋友 Leroy去世了,但他的影响(influence)依然存在。 fame名声;concern 关心,担心;care 关怀。根据下文 It helped

38、 me not only in music, but in all aspects of life. When I focused on what I wanted to do, fear would be replaced with joy.可知,此处表示作者的朋友对他有很大的影响。故选 C。 【高频词汇】1.make progress 取得进步2.grasp the opportunity 抓住机会 3.pass away 去世4.aspect n.方面 5.focus on集中注意力于6.replace vt.代替 .语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了加入合唱团的好处,不仅可以交 友,

39、而且还能学会正确地呼吸,对自己的学业和身体都有益。 1.to make考查不定式。句意:它们包括从有机会结交新朋友的社交上的益处到学 习正确呼吸的身体上的益处。 have the opportunity to do.意为“有机会做”,故 填 to make。 2.properly考查副词。句意同上一题。设空处修饰动词 breathe,需用副词形式,故 填 properly。 3.who/that考查定语从句。句意:研究还表明,在合唱团唱歌的年轻人在学业上表 现更好,也有变得更加健康的趋势。此处为定语从句,先行词为 young people,关系词 在从句中作主语,指人,故填 who或 that

40、。 4.healthier考查形容词的比较级。句意同上一题。由句意可知,这里含有比较意 味,故用形容词的比较级。 5.joining考查非谓语动词。句意:但如果你考虑加入合唱团,你应该问自己的第一 高一数学组14 个问题是:“我唱歌能合上调吗?”句中表示考虑加入合唱团,consider doing 意为“考虑 做某事”,故填动名词 joining。 6.a考查冠词。句意:这似乎是显而易见的,但除非你可以,否则找合唱团几乎没有 什么意义,因为你只会被拒绝。choir为可数名词,以辅音音素开头,此处表示泛指,需 用不定冠词 a。 7.are accepted考查时态和语态。句意:如果你被接受了,你

41、会发现合唱团的训练非 常辛苦,但是很有趣,因为它们既是音乐训练也是社交活动。主语 you 和谓语动词 accept之间是被动关系,由主句使用了一般将来时可知,从句应用一般现在时表示将 来,故填 are accepted。 8.but考查连词。句意同上一题。由句意可知这里表示转折,故用 but。 9.with考查介词。句意:你将学会识谱和怎样自信地唱歌。with confidence意为 “自信地”,在此处作状语,故填 with。 10.why考查宾语从句。句意:在正确的指导下,你的发声和技巧可能会提升得很 快,而且你最后可能会想为什么几年前你没有这样做。wondering 后面是宾语从句, 从

42、句中缺少原因状语,故填 why。 【高频词汇】1.range from.to.包括从到之间的事物2.make friends 交朋友3.have a tendency to do.有做的倾向4.consider v.考虑5.end up最 终成为;最后处于 原句It might seem obvious, but unless you can, there is little point in seeking out a choir because youll only get rejected. 分析本句是并列复合句,but连接两个并列分句,后一分句中 unless引导的是条 高一数学组15 件状语从句;because引导的是原因状语从句;there is little point in doing sth.意为 “做某事几乎没什么意义”。 句意这似乎是显而易见的,但除非你可以,否则找一个合唱团是几乎没有什么意 义的,因为你只会被拒绝。


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