Unit 6 At the snack bar-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:20acb).zip

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LauraLaura is is mymy goodgood friend.friend. SheShe is is fromfrom America.America. SheShe likeslikes ChineseChinese foodfood veryvery much.much. SheShe oftenoften hashas eggseggs andand soysoy milkmilk forfor breakfast.breakfast. SheShe hashas lunchlunch atat school.school. SheShe likeslikes toto eateat rice,rice, chicken,chicken, sweetsweet potatoespotatoes andand tofu.tofu. AfterAfter school,school, sheshe helpshelps herher mommom toto cookcook suppersupper forfor herher family.family. LauraLaura is is goodgood atat makingmaking jiaozi.jiaozi. SheShe likeslikes jiaozijiaozi best.best. TomorrowTomorrow is is MothersMothers Day.Day. LauraLaura is is goinggoing toto buybuy herher mommom a a boxbox ofof chocolatechocolate toto celebratecelebrate herher momsmoms birthday.birthday. SheShe lovesloves herher mommom veryvery much.much. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的打“” ,错误的打 “” 。 ( ( ) ) 1.1. LauraLaura is is fromfrom China.China. ( ( ) ) 2.2. LauraLaura likeslikes ChineseChinese food.food. ( ( ) ) 3.3. LauraLaura hashas lunchlunch atat school.school. ( ( ) ) 4.4. LauraLaura is is goodgood artart makingmaking jiaozi.jiaozi. ( ( ) ) 5.5. TomorrowTomorrow is is herher fathersfathers birthday.birthday. Unit6 At the snack bar 在在快快餐餐店店里里 What food do you find in the rhyme? (韵律诗中出现了哪些食物呢?(韵律诗中出现了哪些食物呢?) Lets try What else food or drinks do you know? 你们还知道你们还知道其他其他食物类或者饮料类单词吗?食物类或者饮料类单词吗? A:What would you like ?你想要什么?你想要什么? B:I d like,please. 我想要我想要 the snack bar Lets guess What food are they ordering? 他们点了哪些食物呢? 猜一猜 他们点了哪些食物呢? What food are they ordering? 他们点了哪些食物呢?他们点了哪些食物呢? Watch and circle 圈圈出出Mike,Helen和和Dad点的食物和饮料。点的食物和饮料。 A B C FDE G 1. What would like? 2. What would like? 3. What would like? Listen and tick 听录音,根据各人点的食物并完成表格。听录音,根据各人点的食物并完成表格。 1. What would like? 2. What would like? 3. What would like? What would like? Listen and tick What Dad will say to the waitress? 爸爸会怎么对服务员说呢?爸爸会怎么对服务员说呢? Lets guess ? 猜一猜猜一猜 Lets try to read Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone. (仔细听,模仿录音中的语音语调)(仔细听,模仿录音中的语音语调) Lets dub 动画配音动画配音 Read in roles. 四人分角色朗读,给故事配音。 完成任务,你就可以得到相应的星哦! Act it out. 四人表演故事,注意语气、动作和表情。 Act creatively. 创造性地和小组同学表演故事。 Tips 1 Dad 1 Helen 1 Mike 1 waitress Lets act Ticking time! 你能得到多少颗星星呢?你能得到多少颗星星呢? Ticking time! I can name some food and drinks. 我能说出一些食物和饮料的名字。我能说出一些食物和饮料的名字。 我会点餐。我会点餐。 I can order food. I I can read and act the story. 我能朗读和表演故事。我能朗读和表演故事。 In the fruit shop (水果店里水果店里) Good morning! What would you like? Customer1(顾客顾客1): Id like :What about you? Customer2(顾客顾客2): Id like Here you are. Customer1,2(顾客顾客1,2): Thank you. 可能用到的单词:可能用到的单词:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pineapple Lets show演一演一 演演 At the snack bar (在快餐店里) 你可能用到的单词:a hamburger, rice,some noodles, a glass of milk, a cup of coffee, a sandwich, a cake, a hot dog. :Hello! Sit down,please. What would you like? : Here you are. :Thank you! Customer(顾客) :Thank you. Id like Customer(顾客) Lets show演一演一 演演 Eat more junk food, fatness and illness will be your friends! 垃圾食品吃的越多,肥胖和疾病越会成为你的好朋友垃圾食品吃的越多,肥胖和疾病越会成为你的好朋友! Homework 1. Read and imitate the story. 听录音,朗读并模仿对话。听录音,朗读并模仿对话。 2.Act out the story with your friends. 和朋友一起表演故事或创编故事。和朋友一起表演故事或创编故事。 Good bye! 1 牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 4A Unit6 At the snack bar(story time)教学设计)教学设计 一、教学内容: 4A Unit 6 At the snack bar (story time) 第一课时 二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (a)能正确地听、说、读、写食物类和饮料类单词 。 (b)正确理解并能灵活运用句型 :What would you like? Id like Anything else? 2. 能力目标: 能理解语篇内容并能在真实的语境中灵活使用句型。 3.情感目标:通过学习培养学生的团结合作精神以及健康饮食的观念。 三、教学重、难点: 1. 教学重点 能够熟练掌握本课时的目标词汇和句型,并能在一定的情境中较熟练地运用。 2. 教学难点 在真实的情境中灵活运用 四、教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1.T: Hello,boys and girls. Nice to see you. Today,Im your new English teacher. We are new friends. So I would like to know something about you. Ask the students some questions, such as “How are you?” “Do you like singing?” “Whats your name” “Can you swim? “What about you” and so on. T:I know that A likes, B can So do you want to know anything about me? You can ask me any questions. 【设计意图:通过师生间的问答,减弱学生对新老师的陌生感,增进师生间的情感交流。同时为进 入本课内容做好铺垫!】 S1: Miss Yang, what do you like? T: I like listening to music. Sometimes I like listening to some rhymes. Now lets listen to a rhyme , OK? Please listen carefully and try to tell me what food do you know from the rhyme. 【设计意图:韵律诗 What would you like?节奏欢快,可以很快将学生的注意力吸引到课堂上来,并 以此创设良好的学习氛围,既复习了旧知,又增进了师生间的情感交流。另外,歌曲 内容与本课知识紧密联系,为之后教学活动的展开埋下了伏笔。 】 2.T:What else food or drinks do you know? 以抢答的形式说出以下单词 Ss:some bread ,an ice-cream ,some milk, a cup of tea, some bananas, some apples 【设计意图:通过此游戏帮助学生复习学过的单词,为新知的学习作好铺垫;同时, 抢答的形式容易激发学生的兴趣,使其主动参与语言学习活动。 】 Step2 Lead-in 1. T: Nice job! If we want to have so many food and drinks ,we can go to a snack bar.(带读) 2 Ss: a snack bar. T: Today, our friends Helen, Mike and their Dad are at a snack bar, too. Can you guess what food they are ordering? Ss: Some bread, some eggs, an ice-cream 【设计意图:通过此游戏再次帮助学生复习学过的单词,为进入课文做好铺垫】 Step3 Presentation& Practice 1.T:Excellent.! Now, lets watch the cartoon and try to tell me what are they? 【设计意图:提供“At a snack bar”的语境,让学生在具体的情境中感悟语言的意义。通过一定的 对话操练活动帮助学生将语言知识转化为语言技能,为进一步的运用作好准备。多层次 的活动让学生“有兴趣说,有内容讲”,激发他们的学习兴趣,同时培养其团结合作的精 神。 】 2.Watch the cartoon. 3.T: Would you please tell me what food they are ordering? Here are some pictures and try to circle them. 【设计意图:通过 CAI 呈现,学生再次了解课文中出现的食物和饮料,加深理解和记忆】 4.T: Can you tell me exactly what would Helen like? What would Mike like? What would Dad like ? Lets watch the cartoon again and try to tell me the answers. 【设计意图:以短片的形式呈现课文内容,使学生在整体感知语篇、初步理解语篇的同时强化对目 标语言的印象。通过播放有字幕的动画,帮助学生获取细节信息。通过跟读课文,培养学生正确的语音 语调,为进一步运用语言打好基础】 5.T: From the cartoon, we know that Mike would like a hamburger and a glass of milk. Helen would like some noodles. Dad would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. So can you tell me what Dad will say to the waitress. You can discuss with your partners. 3 Ss: T: Well done! Lets try to read. Pay attention to your tone and pronounciation. 6. Read after the teacher. 7. The students read together. 8. The students read in roles. 9. Try to dub. 【设计意图:通过多种方式阅读故事内容,培养学生正确的语音语调,为进一步运用语言打好更坚实的 基础】 10.Try to retell the story.(T: Good . We know that Dad would like, Mike would like, Helen would like) (让学生根据板书内容,对课文进行复述) 11. Act the story in roles and check how many stars they can get. Step4. Production 1. (Make a dialogue according to the two scenes) 3.Conclusion: Eat more junk food, fatness and illness will be your friends! Step5. Homework. 1. Read and imitate the story. 2.Act out the story with your friends. 4 .
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