Unit 3 How many -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:715e1).zip

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课课 题题 4A4A Unit3Unit3 HowHow manymany? (1)教学内容:教学内容: 译林小学英语四年级上册,Unit3 How many? Cartoon time,sound time&checkout time 教学目标 (二)知识目标(二)知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 play,many, do, box, table tennis, but 2.复习词汇 1319,sticker, can, how many, have a look, very, sure 3.复习句型 How many.do you have? I have/What do you have? (三)能力目标(三)能力目标 1. 能有感情地朗读卡通,理解其幽默之处。 2. 能根据语境正确询问并回答他人拥有的物品和数量。 3.能利用 Ticking time, 对自己的学习效果做出正确评价。 (四)教学重难点(四)教学重难点 1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 play,many, do, box, table tennis, but 2.能有感情地朗读卡通,理解其幽默之处 3.能根据语境正确询问并回答他人拥有的物品和数量。 (五)教学准备(五)教学准备卡通头饰,乒乓球,教学 PPT (六)教学过程(六)教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and review 1.Sing a number song 出示本课学习目标 2.“数字雨”读词游戏(复习 119 数字) 3.“拼词达人”比赛(拼写数字 1119) 4.“举一反三” T:Look at this book. 学生用 Look at 造新句。 复习 Do you have a/any?/How many do you have? Theyre/ Can I have a ?)2. Greetings and Free talk 师生间,生生间 (复习句型) What do you have? I have Do you have ? How many do you have? Step2 完成 Checkout time a. 学生看图独立完成练习 b. 核对答案,两两对话 (理解 What about you? 在这里的用法含义)并核对答案 Step2 Presentation T : whats in this box? Can you guess? S: guess. T:Look,I have some table tennis balls. 学习 table tennis 并且了解一些著名的乒乓球运动员。 step3. Cartoon time 出示 Sam 和 Bobby, T: Look! Who are they? What do they have? T: How many balls do they have? Lets count. S: Thirteen balls. T: Are they big balls? S: No. T: Youre right. These are small balls. Theyre table tennis balls. T: How many small balls? How many big balls? S: Twelve small balls and one big ball. a. T: Good! Bobby has twelve table tennis balls. Can he play table tennis? Lets read the story by yourselves. b. Watch the cartoon and choose a title for the story. A. My balls. B. Can you play table tennis? C. I can do this. D._ c. Read after the tape. (帮助理解 Lets及图三对话) d.Read together. e.Read in roles f.Act the story Step4 sound time 3.a.由小诗引到 Sound time Look at all those rulers. Eight, nine, ten and eleven. See how long it takes for you to use them all. look ruler eleven long l / l/ b.出示 library(图书馆) lovely 让学生读一读 c.出示图片 T:Whats this? Ss : Its a lion. T: It looks very lovely. Wheres the lion? Ss: Its in the library. d.出示句子: Look at the lion in the library. It looks so funny and lovely. e.拓展一些含有字母 l 的单词 Step5 Ticking time 1.回顾本单元学习内容。 按要求完成 Ticking time. Step6 欣赏英语寓言故事ant cant 让学生明白一个道理:天生我材必有用,做自己喜欢做的事情。 Unit 3 How many? 译林出版社英语四年级上册 Lets play If you see a number, read it loudly. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它大声读出 来。 If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, noOh, no! ” 如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!” 。 twelve fourteen thirteen sixteen nineteen eight fifteen one eleven three1010 Ask and answer: (同桌之间利用所给物品互相问答) A:What do you have? B:I have some. A:How many.s do you have? B:I have. crayons robots balls Guess: Whats Guess: Whats in that boxin that box? ? ( (猜一猜,猜一猜,那个盒子那个盒子里有什么?里有什么?) 用Do you have a/an/any.?来猜 table tennis(乒乓球) Tip:乒乓球是我国的国球,很多人都会打乒乓球。 caketen Can you(你会) play table tennis? Yes,I can. No,I cant. 如果认识他们,请大声说出 他(她)的名字。 play table tennis well(好 ) 玩,(打球 ) What about Miss Chen? I have a table tennis, lets play. 玩,(打球 ) Try to make a new sentence. 参照所给图片,试着造一个新句子。 I have a/an/some_, lets _. (eat/drink/listen听/play/read读) Cartoon time. Bobby And Sam Cartoon time. Do you know what Sam will have this time? 这次Sam又会带来什么好东西呢 ? 上集回顾 One,two,three! I have two mangoes. Look! One,two,three! I have a mango. Do you like mangoes, Bobby? Cartoon time. Season 3 Episode 3 第3季 第3集 What does Sam have ? What does Bobby have? Task1:Watch and answer What does Sam have ? What does Bobby have? Task1:Watch and answer A ball. Many balls. 许多 I have a ball. Lets play. I have many balls. Theyre in that box. How many balls do you have? I have twelve balls. How many balls does Bobby have? Task2:count and answer Task2:Read and answer No, but I can do this! Can Bobby play table tennis? What does I can do this mean? A. I can play table tennis. 打乒乓球 B. I can play with table tennis. 玩乒乓球 Lets read I have a ball. Lets play. I have many balls. Theyre in that box. Tip: 1、跟读课文,注意模仿正确的语音、语调、语气哦! 2、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦! 表示重读表示降调 表示升调 让我们读书吧! How many balls do you have? I have twelve balls. Can you play table tennis? No, but I can do this! Sam最后会对Bobby说什么呢? Cool/Great/Wonderful!. Read in roles. (分角色读) Read together. (齐读) Task3:Read and act Tip:表演时,可以根据内容,适当加些动作哦。 两人一组,以小组 为单位,选择一种喜欢的 方式读一读课文。 Sam: I have a ball. Lets_. Bobby: I have _. Theyre _. Sam: _balls do you have?. Bobby: I have _ balls. Bobby: No, but I _. Sam: Can you _?. Try to fill in the blanks.(填空) play many ballsin that box How many twelve play table tennis can do this l _at the _ in the _. It looks so funny(有趣的) and _. s o u n d eleven library look lovely ruler Look lionlibrary lovely 读一读,找出字母l怎么发音 ? s o u n d 你能试着读出下列单词吗? long 长的 clock 钟 lamb 羊羔 letter 字母 lazy 懒惰 lady 女士 你能说出更多类似的单词吗? I can count from one to nineteen. I can use How manydo you have? to ask questions. 我能从1数到19。 我能用“How manydo you have?问问 题。 I know the sound of the letter l. 我知道字母“l”的发 音。 要求:1. 能流利地从1数到19。 2. 知道How manydo you have?的正确回答方式。 3. 能根据读音读出新的单词。 We can see Lets enjoyLets enjoy bird cow dog ant 蚂蚁 遇见 飞 嗡嗡叫 跳跃 哞哞叫 呼噜叫 汪汪叫 爬上墙 Everyone has a talent. 天生我才必有用! Its fun to do something you like! 做自己喜欢的事很有趣! What do we learn from the cartoon and this story? 1.Read the cartoon after the tape more than five times. 听录音,模仿朗读至少五遍。 2.Spell and remember the numbers from 1to19. 拼读数字1到19。 Homework: Thank you
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