Unit 7 At weekends-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:80540).zip

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牛津小学英语五年级(上册) UnitUnit 7 7 AtAt weekendsweekends PeriodPeriod 4 4 教学内容教学内容 CartoonCartoon timetime 同学们,让我们一起来写一写 Billy 的日常生活吧! Billy always _and _ at weekends. He _ like _ _ in spring. In summer, He doesnt like _. But he likes _ in autumn. 设计意图:让学生根据 cartoon time 的内容,展开适当推理,写一写 Billy 的周末生活。 Billy always _and _ at weekends. He _ like _ _ in spring. In summer, He doesnt like _. But he likes _ in autumn. He is _ _in winter. Billy is really _ .He is _ _in winter. Billy is really _. T: What will Billy be in winter? 让我们来给这篇文章加个结尾吧。 再引导学生给本篇加上一个题目,并强调可以用上关联词 but。 i. Lets guess T shows some pictures of a secret boy. T: What does the secret boy do at weekends? 设计意图:让学生用所学内容来猜一猜神秘男孩的活动。教师提供一些频率副词: always,usually,sometimes,seldom,never。 T: Lets ask the secret boy to talk about his weekends. 设计意图:揭秘神秘男孩的面纱,让他来说说自己的周末生活。 j. Lets write the weekends of the secret boy. Useful words: always/ usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never Useful sentences : This is. / Hes /His weekends are colorful. 让同学们来根据预习的内容,根据调查表格来写一写好朋友的的周末活动。神秘男孩自 己写自己的周末活动。 完成后,教师分别投影批改神秘男生和其他同学的作文。 Useful sentences: This is . / Hes ./His weekends are colourful! Mary play the piano go walking play badminton ride a bike Homework : Finish P77: Think and write “What do you and your friends do at weekends? 作业设计作业设计 板书设计板书设计 Unit7Unit7 AtAt weekendsweekends What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . . What does he /she do at weekends? He/She alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . . (Period 4 Cartoon time & Check out time) Lets say Say out the phrases loudly and quickly Lets say You can use words: always/usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never? What do you do at weekends? He usually He also He sometimes They usually chats plays goes Lets memory Lets write This is my friend Mike. He usually _ _ his grandparents on the Internet at weekends. He also _ _ with Liu Tao. He sometimes _ _ the park with his family. They usually _ and _ there. Tip:让我们尝试着来写一写,介绍下:让我们尝试着来写一写,介绍下Mike的周末生活吧。的周末生活吧。 chats with plays football goes to fly a kite have a picnic 同学们,我们在写作时,一定要注意人称哦。当看到同学们,我们在写作时,一定要注意人称哦。当看到usually、often、sometimes 的时候,要注意第三人称单数的动词用法哟!的时候,要注意第三人称单数的动词用法哟! 同学们,我们可以根据参与活动的频率,适当的添加频率副词哦。如:同学们,我们可以根据参与活动的频率,适当的添加频率副词哦。如: always,usually/often/sometimes Lets write This is my _ Mike. He _ chats with his grandparents on the Internet at weekends. He _ plays football with Liu Tao. He _ goes to the park with his family. They _ fly a kite and have a picnic there. usually also sometimes usually friend 同学们,我们在写介绍周末活动的时候,可以先来用小短句说明下人物的身份。同学们,我们在写介绍周末活动的时候,可以先来用小短句说明下人物的身份。 这样,别人就会明白你写的是谁的周末活动哟!这样,别人就会明白你写的是谁的周末活动哟! He always has happy weekends. () 在文章的结尾,我们还可以加上一句适当的结束语哟!在文章的结尾,我们还可以加上一句适当的结束语哟! Mikes weekends 同学们,最重要的是要记得给你的作文同学们,最重要的是要记得给你的作文 加上一个标题哦!加上一个标题哦! Lets be a detective 1.Whose house is it? 2.Why do you think so? Lets imagine 同学们,让我们一起来想想一下同学们,让我们一起来想想一下Billy的日常生活吧!的日常生活吧! 1.What does Billy like doing ? 2.Does Billy like sports? Lets watch Tip:请仔细观看并想一想请仔细观看并想一想Billy的生活和你想象中的一样吗?的生活和你想象中的一样吗? Lets think and say 1.What does Billy always do at weekends? 2.Why Billy doesnt want to come out and play basketball? 3.Why Billy doesnt go swimming in summer? 4.What would Billy like to do in autumn? 5.Why Billy cant go out at last? Billy Billy always watches TV at weekends. He always eats a lot too. Mmm, nice! 注意模仿正确的注意模仿正确的 语音、语调、语气哦!语音、语调、语气哦! Lets listen and repeat It is spring. Sam and Bobby often play basketball. Come out and play basketball, Billy! No. I dont like playing basketball. Summer comes. Sam and Bobby often go swimming. Lets go swimming, Billy! No. I dont like swimming. Lets go and have a picnic, Billy. Sure! I like picnics! Now it is autumn. Billy is too fat. Oh, I cant get out! Lets write about Billys daily life. 同学们,让我们一起来写一写同学们,让我们一起来写一写Billy 的日常生活吧!的日常生活吧! Billy always _and _ at weekends. He _ like _ _ in spring. In summer, He doesnt like _. But he likes _ in autumn. Tip:可以根据图片展开适当推理,然后进行填写哦!可以根据图片展开适当推理,然后进行填写哦! 在文章中,我们也可以加入合适的连接词哦!在文章中,我们也可以加入合适的连接词哦! Billy always _and _ at weekends. He _ like _ _ in spring. In summer, He doesnt like _. But he likes _ in autumn. He is _ _ in winter. Billy is really _ . What will Billy be in winter? too fat lazy 让我们来给这篇文章写个结尾吧!让我们来给这篇文章写个结尾吧! Lets write about Billys daily life. Billy needs to do more exercise. () Lets guess What does the secret boy do at weekends? You can use words: always/usually/often/ sometimes/seldom/never? Lets guess Lets ask the secret boy to talk about his weekends. You can use words: always/usually/often/ sometimes/seldom(几乎不)几乎不)/never(从不)(从不)? Lets write the weekends of your friend. Useful sentences: This is . / Hes ./His weekends are colorful! M ary play the piano go walking play badminton ride a bike always usually often sometimes seldomnever Homework: Finish P77:Think and write “What do you and your friends do at weekends?
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