WELCOME UNITPart 3 Reading for Writing & Building Up Your Vocabulary 同步练习(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).docx

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1、PartPart 3 3ReadingReading forfor WritingWriting give.feedbackon;flashcards;atthe weekends;be busy(doing sth.) 1.Would you like to attendChinas Got Talent(中国达人秀 )? Id like to, but Ipreparing for the mid-term examination. 2.SteveveryChinese culture and customs. 3.As usual,we always have a good time.

2、4.Dont worry, and the teacher willyouthe test. 5.I usually useto learn new English words. .单句语法填空 1.Beijingsgreentransportationhasledtogood (improve)in air quality. 2.I spent the whole weekend(revise) for my coming exam the next week. 3.A marriage without(register) is not recognized by law. 4.The le

3、tter wasnt addressed to him,but he opened it out of (curious). 5.During times of morning rush hour, it might be useful to have a(person)number of a taxi driver, because it might be hard to take a taxi. .完成句子 1.如果学生们出了差错怎么办? the students? 2.友谊对我来说可比一本书重要得多! Friendship isto mea book! 3.这位老师手里拿着一本书走进了教

4、室。 The teacher walked into the classroom . 4.那个女孩高兴时不是唱就是跳。 When the girl is happy, she. 5.人离开了空气、食物和水不能生存。 Manair, food and water. 6.不管老师说什么,我都觉得他是对的。 , I think that hes right. 7.我的梦想是成为一名翻译,就像张京那样。 My dream is, just like Zhang Jing. 8.我吃饭的时候从来不看手机。我认为那是一个坏习惯。 I never watch my phone. I think that i

5、s a bad habit. 9.我发现我的同学们在开学第一天既紧张又兴奋。 I find my classmateson the first day of school. B B 组组 .阅读理解 (2021 黑龙江大庆中学高一月考,) You may not know a lot of people when you start high school. Maybe your friends from middle school are going to a different high school. Even if you know other freshmen(一年级学生), you

6、 still feel nervous that you dont know any upperclassmen. How are you going to make friends among this sea of unknown faces? Most high schools hold freshman orientation(迎新会) before school actually starts. It is helpful not only because you can learn your way around the building and get to meet some

7、of your teachers, but also because you can get to meet fellow freshmen. That way, when you show up on your first day of school, you may already recognize a few familiar faces. When you talk to people at orientation, youll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. Theyre all new

8、 to the school and dont know what to expect. Talking about a common concern with your classmates can help you develop friendships. The work in high school is something freshmen are probably anxious about. The work in high school builds on what you learned in middle school, giving you a more advanced

9、 knowledge of many subjects. So you may find you have more work to do or that its a bit more challenging. If you ever find your work too difficult, teachers can give you extra help. High school also has more after-school activities than middle school did, such as clubs, music and theater groups and

10、sports teams. This is a good time to explore your interests and try new things. Middle school taught you the basics of academic knowledge, time management, and social skills while providing you with a little extra support and guidance. High school gives you the chance to learn how to be more indepen

11、dent and responsible. 1.According to the passage, when they come to the school on the first day, how do freshmen usually feel? A.Proud.B.Nervous. C.Excited.D.Afraid. 2.What are freshmen probably anxious about? A.The learning task. B.The chances to make friends. C.The freshman orientation. D.The rela

12、tionship with teachers. 3.After-school activities mainly help students. A.build up healthy bodies B.develop friendships C.develop their interests D.improve their learning ability 4.Whats the last paragraph mainly about? A.What youll learn in high school. B.What you learned in middle school. C.The di

13、fference between middle school and high school. D.The importance of being more independent and responsible. .七选五 (2020 辽宁沈阳第一七中学高一上月考,) 1One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. Its great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels theres never anything to do

14、during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.2Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless. Next you need some friends to be in your club with you.3 All you need is three or four other people who are intereste

15、d in the same thing as you. 4You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. Thatll keep you busy for ages. At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or si

16、sters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just nearly everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them.5Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it. So the

17、re you are, get clubbing! Once you get started youll think of loads of more interesting things to do! A.Thats easy. B.Enjoy your own club! C.Invite a designer to join you. D.What are you interested in? E.Some vacation is just around the corner. F.Then you need to pick a name for your club. G.Use a b

18、right thick pen to make a special design. .完形填空 (2021 安徽合肥六校高一上期末,) At 35, Yong Duckworth is the oldest student at Chrisney Elementary School in Chrisney, Indiana. Duckworth attended the first grade last September,1to learn English. Since arriving in the U.S. 13 years ago from Korea, Duck

19、worth had2 private teachers and adult education classes. Nothing3 effectively. At last Duckworth called Chrisney Elementary Schools headmaster Leroy Meyer. After4to find a private teacher for Duckworth, Meyer suggested she attend the first grade at Chrisney Elementary School. Duckworth5immediately.

20、Duckworths experiences at Chrisney Elementary School have been6ones. She is as much a mother as a classmate to the other students. During the story hour they sit around Duckworth. She asks them to say “please” and “thank you”, and hugs them when they need7. Duckworth studied English in junior high s

21、chool but8 learned to speak fluently. She once opened a clothes shop, but it closed down before long9her language problems. These days, her 4-year-old son, Simon, is her main10 to make an effort to learn English. “Duckworth knows shes going to have difficulty11Simon,” says Duckworths husband Ben. “H

22、es going to start coming home with12and shes going to have to be able to13them.” “Duckworth is having a great impact14young students at Chrisney Elementary School,” says Meyer. “When they see a person going to school, they realize how important15is.” 1.A.promisingB.hoping C.hatingD.refusing 2.A.forg

23、ottenB.tried C.noticedD.met 3.A.appearedB.happened C.functionedD.mattered 4.A.failingB.managing C.decidingD.regretting 5.A.respondedB.agreed C.stoppedD.refused 6.A.commonB.cheerful C.awfulD.horrible 7.A.adviceB.pleasure C.comfortD.service 8.A.alsoB.already C.neverD.certainly 9.A.according toB.due to

24、 C.by means ofD.except for 10.A.inspirationB.behaviour C.destinationD.attitude 11.A.educatingB.ordering C.changingD.hearing 12.A plansB.presents C.errorsD.questions 13.A.doubtB.compareC.followD.answer 14.A.inB.onC.toD.of 15.A technologyB.money C.educationD.experience 答案全解全析答案全解全析 A A 组组 pany4.campus

25、 5.experiments 6.style7.impressed8.concentrate9.frightened 10.senior .1.ambusy2.is;curiousabout3.attheweekends 4.give;feedback on5.flash cards .1.improvement考查词性转换。句意:北京的绿色交通使空气质 量得到了很好的改善。设空处在句中作 led to 的宾语,短语 lead to 中的 to 为介词,故用名词 improvement。 2.revising考查固定结构。句意:我花费了整个周末为下周即将到 来的考试复习。spend some

26、time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间做 某事”,故填 revising。 3.registration考查词性转换。 句意:法律不承认未经登记的婚姻。 设空处作 without 的宾语,故填名词 registration。 4.curiosity考查词性转换。句意:这封信并不是寄给他的,但他出 于好奇拆开了它。短语 out of curiosity 意为“出于好奇”。故填 curiosity。 5.personal考查形容词。 句意:在早高峰时间,有一个出租车司机的 私人电话也许是有用的,因为可能很难打到车。 设空处作定语,修饰其 后的名词 number,所以用形容词 per

27、sonal。 .1.What if;make mistakes2.much more important;than 3.with a book in his hand4.either sings or dances5.cannot live without6.No matter what the teacher says7.to become a translator8.while eating9.nervous and excited B B 组组 .语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。 文章向高一新生介绍了高中生 活及如何适应高中生活。 1.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Even if you kn

28、ow other freshmen(一年级学生).upperclassmen.”可知,即使你认识其他一 年级学生,你还是会因为不认识任何一个高年级学生而感到紧张。所 以新生第一天来到学校时通常感到紧张。故选 B 项。 2.A细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 中 的 “Theworkinhigh school.anxious about.”可知,高中的学习任务可能是新生们感到 焦虑的事情。故选 A 项。 3.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“High school.to explore your interests and try new things.”可知,高中的课外活动也比初中多,

29、如俱乐部、音乐和戏剧团体及运动队。这是一个探索你的兴趣和尝试 新事物的好时机。由此可知,课外活动主要是帮助学生培养兴趣。故 选 C 项。 4.C主 旨 大 意 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 “Middleschooltaught you.responsible.”可知,初中教你基本的学术知识、 时间管理和社 交技能,同时还为你提供一些额外的支持和指导。高中让你有机会学 习如何更加独立和有责任感。由此可知,最后一段主要是介绍初中和 高中的区别。 故选 C 项。 A 项“你在高中将学到什么”和 B 项“你在初中 学到了什么”都是片面的表述;D 项“更加独立和有责任感的重要性”在 文中未体现。 【

30、高频词汇】1.fellowadj.同伴的,同类的2.show up 出现,露 面3.concernn.令人担忧的事;烦恼;担心4.advancedadj.高等 的;先进的5.guidancen.指导6.independentadj.独立的 7.responsibleadj.有责任感的 长难句分析 原句It is helpful not only because you can learn your way around the building and get to meet some of your teachers, but also because you can get to meet

31、 fellow freshmen. 分析本句是主从复合句。 两个 because 引导的是原因状语从句,not only.but also.连接了这两个并列的原因状语从句。 句意那是有帮助的,不仅因为你可以了解楼周围的路,可以认识一 些你的老师,还因为你可以认识一些高中一年级的同学。 .语篇解读本文介绍了在假期开办俱乐部的事情,以此提高学 生的个人能力。 1.E根据空后的 One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club.during the school holidays.可知,假 期时可以组建你自己的俱

32、乐部,所以与假期信息有关的 E 选项(某个 假期很快就会来临)合适。 2.D从空后的 Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.可知,这些都是一些 兴趣爱好。故选 D。 3.A根据设空处上下句可知,接下来就是去找几个兴趣相投的朋友, 这并不是很难。故 A 项符合语境。 4.F根据空后句中的 write down every name you can think up 可 知,此处讲给自己的俱乐部起名字。故选 F。 5.G根据设空处上下句可知,此处介绍给会员制作会员

33、卡的事情,可 以进行一些特别的设计,故选 G 项(用一支鲜艳的粗笔做一个特别的 设计)。 本题容易误选 C 项,但是上下文并没有明确的相关信息表明有 设计师的加入。 【高频词汇】e up with 想出;提出2.write down 写下,记 下3.think up 想出4.agesn.pl.很长时间5.around the corner 很近;在附近 长难句分析 原句Its great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels theres never anything to do during the school hol

34、idays. 分析本句是主从复合句。 连词 if 引导条件状语从句,其中 who 引导 定语从句,修饰先行词 the sort of person,feels 后为省略了 that 的宾语从句。 句意这是非常有趣的,尤其是如果你是那种觉得在学校假期里从没 有什么事情可做的人。 .语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一位 35 岁的妈妈为了学 习英语而进入小学一年级的故事。 她的行为对其他的小学生也起到了 积极的影响。 1.B考查动词词义。句意:Duckworth 去年九月份上了一年级,希望 (hoping)学习英语。此处表示上一年级的目的。promise 承诺;hate 讨厌;refuse 拒绝。

35、 2.B考查 动词词 义。句 意: 自从 十三年 前从韩 国来到 美国 后,Duckworth 尝试过(tried)私人教师和成人教育班。根据下一句中 的关键词 Nothing 和 effectively 可知她尝试过这些方法。forget 忘记;notice 注意;meet 遇见。 3.C考查动词词义。句意:一切都起不到有效作用(functioned)。根 据下段中 Duckworth 的做法可知,她之前尝试的这些方法都没能起到 有效的作用。appear 出现;happen 发生;matter 要紧。 4.A考查动词词义。句意:在没能够(failing)为她找到一位私人教 师之后,Meyer

36、 建议她上克里斯尼小学的一年级。由下文 Meyer 建议 她进入一年级学习可知,找私人教师这一做法没能成功。 manage 设法 完成;decide 决定;regret 后悔。 5.B考查动词词义。句意:Duckworth 立刻就同意(agreed)了。根据 文章第一句得知,她进入了一年级上课。respond 回应;stop 停 止;refuse 拒绝。 6.B考查形容词词义。句意:Duckworth 在克里斯尼小学的经历是令 人愉快的(cheerful)。根据后文可知她与其他小朋友相处得很好。 common 常见的;awful 糟糕的;horrible 恐怖的。 7.C考查名词词义。句意:她

37、让他们说“请”或“谢谢”,并会在他们需 要安慰(comfort)的时候去拥抱他们。advice 建议;pleasure 愉 快;service 服务。 8.C考查副词词义。句意:Duckworth 在初中学过英语,但是从没 (never)学会流利地说英语。通过上下文可知,她的英语并不好。also 也;already 已经;certainly 当然。 9.B考查介词短语词义。句意:她曾开过一家服装店,但是由于(due to)她的语言问题,店不久后关闭了。文章通篇都在讲她学英语,所以 推知她英语不好导致店倒闭。according to 根据;by means of 凭 借;except for 除

38、了外。 10.A考查名词词义。 句意:这些日子,她四岁的儿子 Simon 是她努 力学习英语的一个主要动力(inspiration)。behaviour 行为,举 止;destination 目的地;attitude 态度。 11.A考查动词词义 。句意:Duckworth 知道自己在教 育 (educating)Simon 方面将会有困难。order 命令;change 改 变;hear 听。 12.D考查名词词义。 此处指他将会开始带着问题(questions)回家, 她需要能回答(answer)这些问题。plan 计划;present 礼物;error 错 误。 13.D考查动词词义。解

39、析见上一题。doubt 怀疑;compare 比较,对 比;follow 遵循。11、12 和 13 题可以作为一个整体的小语境去进行 推理,四岁的儿子即将上学,每天会带着需要父母解答的问题回家,而 这是教育孩子方面的体现。 14.B考查介词词义。句意:Duckworth 正在对克里斯尼小学的 小学生们产生很大的影响。have a great impact on.意为 “对产生很大的影响”。 15.C考查名词词义。此处指当他们见到有人去上学时,他们会意识 到教育(education)是多么重要。上学是去接受教育。technology 技 术;money 钱;experience 经验。 【高频词汇】 1.privateadj.私人的,私用的2.effectivelyadv. 有效地3.failv.失败,未能做到4.immediatelyadv.立即 5.fluentlyadv.流利地6.due to 由于7.inspirationn.使人产 生动机的人或事;灵感8.make an effort to do sth.努力做某事 9.have an impact on.对有影响


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