Module 3 Places and activities-7 At school-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:4013b).zip

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    • Unit 7 Anmial school.flv
    • Unit 7 Anmial school.ppt--点击预览
    • 学习报告单.docx--点击预览
    • 故事视频.mp4
    • 教案4013b.doc--点击预览
    • 课前歌曲.mp4


7 Module3 Places and activities Oxford English Animal school Oxford English Our School There is a/an in our school. There are many (s) in our school. a playground a teachers office a library many classrooms Are there any classrooms there? There is an animal school in the . forest forest There are no in the school. classrooms What happened ? sad happy 1.Why is she crying? 2.Why is she happy at last? 1.Why is she crying? 2.Why is she happy at last? A.She cant sing. B.She cant swim or climb the trees. C.She cant fly. A. She can run fast ! B. She can climb trees. C. She can fly. B A Part 1 Whats the matter? Im sad. I cant swim and I cant climb trees. Im not a good pupil. Thats not true. 1.Read it in your group and write the new words on the card . 读第一部分在卡片上写上生词 2.Solve the new words. 解决生词。 3.Act it with your neighbor. 和同桌表演一下 1.dictionary字 典 2.teacher老师 3.radio音频 :Dont be sad. I can climb trees ,but I cant jump high. :Dont be sad. I can ,but I cant . : . I can ,but I cant . Part 2 1.What will the monkey say? 2.What will the dog say? What about the duck? Part 3 Come . Wow! . A.Come on, Rabbit. Lets run B.Go and try, Rabbit. C.Wow! Look at Rabbit! Shes fast. D.Im first. I can run fast. 1.Listen to the radio and fill in the blank. 听音频并用序号填空。 Part 3 B.Go and try, Rabbit. A.Come on, Rabbit. Lets run. C.Wow! Look at Rabbit! Shes fast. D.Im first. I can run fast. A.Come on, Rabbit. Lets run B.Go and try, Rabbit. C.Wow! Look at Rabbit!Shes fast. D.Im first. I can run fast. 1.Listen to the radio and fill in the blank. 听音频并用序号填空。 Part 3 B.Go and try, Rabbit. A.Come on, Rabbit. Lets run. C.Wow! Look at Rabbit! Shes fast. D.Im first. I can run fast. A.Come on, Rabbit. Lets run B.Go and try, Rabbit. C.Wow! Look at Rabbit!Shes fast. D.Im first. I can run fast. 1.Listen to the radio and fill in the blank. 听音频并填空。 2.Act it in your group. 小组内表演一下。 Team Work 1.Divide your role in your group. 2.Role-play. Show Time 、? Although I cant climb trees, I can jump high. What about you? 、? I cant , but I can ! 词库:clean the floor 扫地 clean the house 打扫房间 do housework 做家务 read a book 读书 draw 画画 drive a car 驾车 swim 游泳 make friends 交朋友 make the bed 整理床铺 play football 踢足球 play table tennis 打乒乓球 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴 wash clothes 洗衣服 write a letter 写信 Everyone has his good points. 各有所长。 Part 1 Part 2 Animal School 自学报告单 12 1 Part 3 Part 4 3 1 课题:课题:Oxford English book 4 Module 3 Unit 7 At school Enjoy a story Animal school 课时:课时:Period three 沪教牛津版四年级上册第七单元 第三课时 课标分析课标分析 英语课程标准中要求三四年级的学生能在图片的帮助下,听懂和读懂简单的小故事, 并能表达简单的情感和感觉。能根据录音模仿说英语并能做简单的角色表演。能看懂语言 简单的英语动画片或程度教学节目。让学生通过图片来简单的描述图片内容,并感受故事 所表达的情感和道理。 教材分析教材分析 本套教材是基于一系列学生熟悉的相关话题开展各项教学活动。本模块的课题是地点 和社会活动。本单元的前一个课时介绍了学校里学生活动的地点:school、 playground 、library 、office、 classroom 、toilet。学生能够用 There be 句型介绍各个地点。本课时 在此基础上,展开了故事的学习。学生能通过观察图片,描述故事中的主人公 Rabbit 在老 师 Owl 和朋友 Dog、Duck、Cat 的鼓励下重拾自信。本节课的重点是引起学生学习英语的 兴趣,提升学生的语言表达能力,营造一个能用语言知识表演中发展语言能力,在故事中促 进学生思维品质的发展的英语课堂。让学生表演故事并感受到 Everyone has his good point. 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生心智发展到了比较关注社会、环境信息,以及对于生活环境的了解有一定的 程度,谈论学校内设施的话题,比较贴近生活。四年级的孩子们更喜欢合作、表演和朗读。 本课通过励志故事 Animal school 学生使用 There be 句型介绍学校环境,学生使用 Come on、Go and try 句型提升学生的实际语言表达能力。学生可以通过观察图片联想起故事中 Duck、Cat 、Dog 鼓励 Rabbit 的话。学生的难点在于故事的复述和语句的流畅表达。 依据课标要求以及教材分析、学情分析的结果,我设置了故事Animal School 的教学目 标。 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标:通过阅读故事 Animal School,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用核心句型:There be 2、能力目标:学生能够用 Thats not true. Go an try. Come on! 等日常用语表达观点或鼓励 别人。 3、情感目标:通过此故事引导学生善于观察周边环境并能用 There be 句型介绍周围环境。 用 I can.but I cant.句型,正确的认识自己的长处短处,要善于鼓励别人,赞美别人。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点:欣赏故事,运用所学介绍一个熟悉的环境,学会鼓励别人。 教学难点:故事的复述、语句的流畅表达。 教学基本策略及设计思路 面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异。在整个教学过程中,教师始终以 小组合作学习为主,让每个孩子都参与表演故事,成为课堂的主人。并在扩展环节中改编 新的故事,提高学生的英语发散性思维,设置分层教学,高效落实英语核心素养在英语教 学钟的应用,以培养学生语言能力,思维能力为主,学会把教材读成一篇文章,把文章读 成一句话。 教学准备 教学准备:动物头饰、多媒体、自学报告单。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming up 热身 Before class, sing the song : Lemon tree. Teacher shows the shadow of school and students have a introduction of school. There is a/ our school. There are .(s) in our school. Free Talk: There is a playground in our school. There are classrooms in our classroom. 欣赏歌曲,边 听边做动作, 歌曲内容与鼓 励和自信有关, 让学生跟读并 模仿录音的语 音语调。 Step 2 Presentation 新授 Ask a question:Today we will visit an animal school. Where is the animal school? Ask a question:There is an animal school in the forest. Are there any classrooms in the school? Ask a question:There are no classrooms in our school, but we have many lovely animals. Who are they? Watch the video.At first, the rabbit is sad but at last the rabbit is happy. Lets enjoy the story. After watching the video. Answer two questions: Why is she crying? Why is she happy at last? Students can answer the question by looking at the picture. Students can answer: There are no classrooms in the school. Students can describe pictures. Students watch the video carefully and answer the questions. She cant swim but she can run fast. 以配图小故事 形式进行语音 学习的巩固和 拓展。从激发 学生兴趣出发, 帮助他们理解 故事的含义, 进而体会到英 语学习的乐趣 教师先出示主 人公的图片, 引导学生观察 并分析图片, 通过播放视频 的方式让学生 整体感知故事, 再通过观察图 片设置问题引 发学生的思考 和输出,更能 激发孩子们的 思考。 Step 3 Practice 练习 Group working. Students learn Part 1 and act it . Make a new play: What will the monkey say? What will the duck say? What will the dog say? By Using: I can.but I cant. Listen to the radio and fill in the blank. Then act it. Team work: Act a new play. 6 students a group act the story. Try to imitate the intonation. 利用图片操练 句型There is /There are Whats in your School? 通过感知故事 进行故事的续 写与复述,感 受人物的内心 以及学会鼓励 和帮助朋友, 学会挑战挫折。 Step 4 Post activities 活动 Listen and read. Act the new play. Free Talk. If you were rabbit, will you sad? Read after the radio and imitate the sounds. Although I cant swim, I can run. Everyone has his good points. 帮助学生巩固 新学知识提供 对话范例,让 孩子在互动的 过程中操练新 知识和技能。 Blackboard 板书设计:板书设计: 教学反思教学反思 1. 通过本节课的实际授课,在内容设计上稍多,下次课要及时进行调整。 2.利用图示法引导学生想象故事情节,能够激发学生语言输出能力,在今后教 学中药运用多种教学方法讲授语法知识。 forest
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