Unit 3What would you like -C-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:72962).zip

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人教(PEP)2011 课标版五年级上册 Unit 3 What would you like? Part C Story time 课题课题 Unit 3 What would you like? Part C Story time 教学目标教学目标 本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 通过趣味阅读故事,复习巩固单元核心句型和描述食品特征的单词,增加学生的语言输入。 2. 在图片的帮助下理解、朗读并表演故事 3. 理解、阅读绘本故事。 4. 在小组活动中整合学生已学过的语言,扩展语言运用,通过小组讨论完成健康均衡的三餐设计并作报 告。 教学重点、教学重点、 难点难点 教学重点: 1. 通过趣味阅读故事,复习巩固单元核心句型和描述食品特征的单词,增加学生的语言输入。 2. 在图片的帮助下理解、朗读并表演故事。 教学难点:在小组活动中整合学生已学过的语言,扩展语言运用,通过小组讨论完成健康均衡的三餐设 计并作报告。 教学方法教学方法 Situational language teaching method, Question and answer method, Task-based teaching method 学习方法学习方法 Cooperation study method, Independent study method 教学资源、教学资源、 教具教具 PowerPoint 课件, 头饰, 餐盘,贴纸 教学流程图教学流程图 Part I Lead-in 兴趣激活 齐唱唱歌 Part I Pre-reading 激活已知 猜谜、头脑风暴和问答最喜爱的食物 Part II While-reading 感知体验 发现并使用有关农场和制作沙拉的词汇 理解内化 通过听力、问答、朗读、表演,内化故事 Part III Post-reading 拓展阅读 师生分角色朗读绘本故事 扩充健康知识 讨论、总结健康均衡的饮食的重要性 运用 通过师生问答、小组讨论设计健康三餐综合运用的输出活动 展示 口头展示设计的三餐的报告综合运用输出活动 Part IV Summary and homework 总结 进行情感教育,并总结本课所学内容 布置作业 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Lead-in (2 minutes) 1. Greetings. 2. Ask students to sing a song. 1.Greet with the teacher. 2.Sing a song together. 营造轻松愉快的 学习氛围,激活 学生的学习兴趣。 Pre- Reading (4 minutes) 1.Ask students to guess the teachers favourite food and have a brainstorm. 2.Ask student to talk about their favourite food. 1.Think and guess the teachers favourite food. 2.Talk about their favourite food. 利用猜谜小游戏 来进行简单的头 脑风暴;通过谈 论最喜爱的食物, 激活学生已知、 复习旧知。 While- Reading (17 minutes) 1.Set a situation. Show students pictures of Zip and Zoom on a farm. Ask students to guess where Zip and Zoom are. 2.Show pictures of vegetables on the farm. 3.Play the video of Story time 4.Ask students to answer questions. 5.Help students to grasp new language points. 6.Ask students to read the story. 7.Ask students to role-play the story. 1.Guess where Zip and Zoom are. 2.Answer questions and talk about the vegetables. 3.Watch the video of Story time. 4.Answer questions about Story time. 5.Learn the new language points. 6.Read the story together. 7.Role-play the story with partners. 看图片,感知、 复习有关农场和 制作沙拉的词汇; 通过听力、问答、 朗读、表演来理 解内化故事。 Post- Reading (15 minutes) 1.Ask students to read the picture book. 2.Ask students to think about Little Bears eating habits and talk about healthy diet. 3.Ask students eating habits and let them talk about what they would like to eat for three meals 4.Ask students to make a report and present it. 1.Read the picture book with the teacher. 2.Think about Little Bears eating habits and talk about healthy diet. 3.Think about their own eating habits and talk about what they would like to eat for three meals 4.Work in a group. Design three meals, make a small report and present it. 通过拓展绘本阅 读,来扩充健康 知识;通过师生 问答、小组讨论 设计健康三餐, 并口头展示设计 的三餐的报告来 进行语言综合运 用输出活动。 Summary and Homework (2 minutes) Summary: Students will talk about what they have learned respectively. And we will sum up the importance of keeping healthy and balanced diet. Homework: 1. Listen to the story and read it. 2. Retell the story to your friends. 3. Make a salad with your parents. Layout on the blackboard Unit 3 What would you like? Part C Story time tomatoes carrots onions Be careful! Teaching Reflection Students are quite interested in learning about and reviewing the food and drinks. They can read, understand and role-play the story actively by working together with partners. They are also excited to read the picture book, which enables them to think about healthy and balanced diet from a new perspective. And with cooperation between group members, they can design and make a report. If time permits, its better to arrange more time for them to role-play the story and show their report.
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