welcome unit 重点短语句式 ppt课件 2021-2022学年人教版高一英语必修第一册 .pptx

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1、page 1-5 词和短语 1.教材语境 P3 response n.C,U回答,答复;反应,响应 I knocked on the door but there was no response. The product was developed in response to customer demand. Carl made no response and went on with his meal. 常见搭配 make a/no response to.对做出/不做答复/回应 in response to.作为对的答复/反应 相关词语积累: respond vt.& vi.回答,回应v

2、i.作出反应,响应 respond to sb./sth.(with sth.)(以)回应 He responded to my suggestion with a laugh. 练一练: 翻译下列句子 1.他没回答却问了我同样的问题。 _my question but asked me the same question. 2.应观众的强烈要求,这部戏将会在这个剧院每周上演两次。 _the audiences great demand, the play will be put on in the theatre twice a week. He made no response to In

3、 response to 2.教材语境P3 Then add a word to each group. add.to.意为”把加到”,add在此为及物动词。 If you want to eat something hot,you can add some chillies to them. Add two to seven,and you will get nine. add构成的其他短语: add to增添,增加 add (sth.)up 把加起来 add up to总共是,总计为(不用于被动语态) Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmospher

4、e in the summer streets. Add up all the numbers and you will know the result. The cost of two trips added up to 1,000 dollars. 用add的相关短语完成句子 We were halfway up the mountain when it began to rain,which_ our difficulties. The school library has received many donated(捐赠) books and the number _more than

5、 2,000. He wrote down the weight of each stone and then_all the weights. 2.单句写作 如果你在菜里加点盐,味道会更好。 added to adds up to added up If you add some salt to the dish,it will taste better. 3.教材语境 P4Describe your first senior high school day 描述你高中生活的第一天 (1)adj.级别(或地位)高的;年纪较大的,年长的 Our school is divided into t

6、wo parts:the junior high school and the senior high school. He is also a teacher,but senior to me. My brother Bob is two years senior to me. be senior to sb.比某人年长;比某人的地位/职位高 be.year(s)senior to sb.比某人年长岁 (2)n.C较年长的人;级别(或地位)较高者,上司 It is impolite for children to cut in when their seniors are talking.

7、Jenny is lively and hard-working,and has been praised by her seniors in the company. 特别提醒 senior本身已含有比较意义,没有比较级和最高级形式,此外,其后用to而不用than 表示比较。 相关词语积累: (1)adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的;年少的,年轻的 be junior to sb.比某人地位(或职位、级别)低;比某人小 He is junior to me,but looks older than me. He held a junior position in the company.。

8、(2)n.C职位较低者;青少年(运动员) He has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law. 他曾说过,法律援助工作适合由初涉法律工作、年资较浅的律师来做。 She has coached many of our leading juniors. 她训练过我们许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。 4.教材语境 P4 I miss my friends from junior high school,but I believe I will make new friends here,and theres a

9、 lot to explore at senior high. explore vt.& vi.探索,考察;vt.探究,探讨 Im going to make use of this tour to explore the history of the castle. Travelling is a good way to explore different cultures. We need to explore ways of improving work efficiency. 相关词语积累: exploration n.C,U探索;探测 explorer n.C探险者,勘探者,考察者

10、A team of_will _ the valley in two days. The _will last more than ten days. explorersexplorationexplore 句式 1.教材P2 Describe what the people in the pictures are doing. 句式剖析 本句的结构分析如下: Describe what the people in the pictures are doing. 谓语 what 引导的宾语从句 考点提炼 what 引导的宾语从句 what引导的宾语从句的语序为陈述语序,what在从句中可以作主

11、语、宾语、表语或定语。 分析what 在从句中的成分 1.My mom tells me that I cant control what happens to me. 2.Pick yourself up. Courage is doing what youre afraid to do. 3.May I ask what your plans are? 4.I want to know what color you like best. that引导宾语从句时,不作任何成分,也没有词义。 Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes inf

12、luence aging, but they believe that they do. 语法填空 1.Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created,and shes also positive about _the future might bring. 2. Up until now, there has been no scientific evidence(证据)about_caused the death of dinosaurs. 3.I asked her_she was and she told me _she was a

13、nurse. 4.I truly believe_beauty comes from within. what what what that that what引导的宾语从句的语序为陈述语序,what在从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语或定语 2.教材P4 What if no one talks to me? What if.?”为常用句型,What if后面跟一个完整的句子,且句子通常用现在时或过去时。 该句式有如下含义: (1)如果怎么办?要是怎么办/会怎么样呢?(尤指令人不愉快的事情发生) What if the family had simply left the cat behind?

14、(2)如果怎么样?(用于表示提出有益的建议) What if you join us for lunch? What if we move the sofa over here? Would that look better? 归纳拓展 与what相关的其他句型: What about.?(=How about.?) .怎么样? What do you think of .? 你认为.怎么样? Whats up?=What is the matter?=Whats wrong? 怎么回事?/怎么了? What for ? 为何理由? Guess what ! 你猜怎么着! So what? 那

15、又怎么样? 用 what的相关句型完成句子 1. Would you please go to ask him for help? But_he is busy? 2.Jack,you seem excited. _! I won the first prize in the English speech contest. 3. She might be disagree with you. _?I know I am in the right. 4.You seem to be worried. _? The teacher asked us to hand in our homework,

16、 but I left mine at home! what if Guess what So what Whats up/What is the matter/ Whats wrong page 6-10 1. 教材语境P6 And,after a long day of study,he likes to watch the sun go down and wait for the stars to come out. (1)(日、月)落到地平线下,落下;(船等)下沉,沉没 I like watching the sun go down over the ocean. The ship w

17、ent down to the bottom of the sea on a stormy night. (2)(物价等)下跌,(温度等)下降 The price of new houses in the city has gone down since the end of March. Last winter,the temperature suddenly went down before the heating came on. (3)被记下,被写下,载入(不用于被动语态) The talks went down as a landmark in the peace process.

18、常见搭配: go down in history 名垂青史 单句写作 1.春节过后,肉的价格已经下降了。 2.屠呦呦将作为一位伟大的科学家名垂青史。 3.在黄山上看日落是一件令人愉快的事。 After the Spring Festival,the price of meat has gone down. Its a pleasure to watch the sun go downon Mount Huang. Tu Youyou will go down in history as agreat scientist. 2.教材 P6 Studying and doing homework

19、seem much more fun when you are at sea! 句式剖析 本句的结构分析如下: Studying and doing homework seem much more fun when you are at sea! 主语 系动词 表语 状语从句 可修饰比较级的词语有: (1)有点儿/稍微:a bit,a little (2)很/得多:rather,much,far,by far,a lot,a great deal (3)更:still,even (4)其他:any,no,倍数 例句赏析: Now he looks a little fatter than be

20、fore. This book is a lot more interesting than that one. You are the tallest in our class,but he is even taller than you. Are you feeling any better now? They made three times more cars this year than they did last year. 完成句子 1. 21世纪的出生率可能会比20世纪的低得多。 The birth rate in the 21st century may be _ than

21、it was in the 20th. 2.她丢了工作。更糟糕的是,她还失去了房子。 Shed lost her job._, shed lost her house. 3.我现在感觉比去年自信多了。我相信,将来会很美好! I feel_than I felt last year. I believe that the future will be great! much more confident much lower Even worse 3.教材语境 P10 If you are quiet,you may concentrate best on your own. 该短语为_,通常作

22、状语和表语。其用法如下: (1)独自地,单独地 Are you sure he is old enough to travel on his own? (2)独立地,无援地 If you cant finish the work on your own,just call me. 辨析: on ones own/of ones own He has a house of his own and he lives in it on his own. 介词短语 意为“属于某人自己的”, 常作后置定语 3.教材语境 P10 Decide on what you want to learn. deci

23、de on 意为选定,决定”,其后可接_作宾语。 Have you decided on the classes you want to take this semester? She decided on taking a gap year to go around the world after finishing her high school. (1) decide vt.& vi.决定,选定 _ n.C(作出的)决定 (2)”决定/决心做某事”的表达法: make up ones mind to do sth. decide on doing sth. decide to do st

24、h. determine to do sth. be determined to do sth. 名词、代词或v-ing decision 1.语法填空 They decide_(have)more workers for the project so that it wont be delayed. They decided_a tour to the United States in 1964. The absolute most important skill that you learn when you play chess is how to make good_ (decide)

25、. 2.完成句子 有了这种不可动摇的信念,我在14岁的时候决定成为一名作家。 With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen,_a writer. to have decisions on 4.教材 P10 If you like to talk,then it may be best to study in groups. No matter what you want to learn,it is important to decide on your goal before you make a plan. If you are learning

26、new words,it is wise to use small cards with the words written on them. 句式剖析 句中的蓝色部分都属于 _句型 意为”_”。 It is/was+adj.(+for sb.)+to do sth (某人)做某事是的 Its hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. Its also hugely important for parents to know which apps their children are using.

27、 区分: It was very wise of you to follow your mothers advice. It was kind and generous of you to do these for me. 语法填空 1.Whether you walk, cycle or drive,_is important to follow the traffic rules. 2.It is necessary_students to make a plan for their studies before a term starts. 3.So it is wise_(learn) some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members. 4. It is foolish_them to spend too much time on such meaningless things. it for to learn of

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