(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit1-5 期末复习必背句子(含答案).docx

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1、1 新人教必修二新人教必修二句子翻译期末复习题句子翻译期末复习题 (B2U1) 1. 对于如何保护中国传统文化,学生们观点不一。(hold different opinions on) _ 2. 有些学生认为我们应举办有创意的活动来庆祝传统节日。(be supposed to.;creative) _ 3. 是我们不遗余力地保护中国传统文化的时候了。(Its high time that; spare no effort) _ 4. 在我看来,既然你迟到了,你应该马上向老师道歉。(opinion;apologize) _ 5. 一个人灿烂的笑容不仅能使我们高兴,还能使他人感到愉快。 (倒装;e

2、nable; delight) _ (B2U2) 1.当谈及艺术时,他总是情不自禁地提到自己的父亲。 (When it comes to) _ 2.我们希望这些措施将会有效,以便我们能够生活在一个美丽和谐的社会中。 (so that) _ 3.只有当你有目标并且持之以恒地去追求时,你的梦想才能实现。 (Only when) _ 4.随着时间的推移,我更加重视在生活及工作中进行自我反思。 (attach more great importance to) _ 5.就我个人而言,不花太多的时间玩智能手机是明智的。 (As far as ones concerned) _ (B2U3) 1.使用手机

3、能方便的让我们掌握国内外的最新消息。 (convenient,keep track of) _ 2.锻炼对身体健康有巨大益处,能让我们保持良好的状态。(benefit, in shape) _ 3.校长鼓舞人心的演讲激励我坚持下去。(inspire, carry on) 2 _ 4.既然有机会,你不妨好好利用它。(now that) _ 5.我和你一起去购物,只是为了陪伴你,帮你渡过这段艰难的时光。(company, go through) _ (B2U4) 1. 众所周知,失败往往由懒惰导致,而勤奋(diligence)能导致成功。(result in; result from) _ 2.随

4、着考试的临近,我发现有些同学很焦虑,无法专心学习。(with sth. approaching; focus on ) _ 3.官方消息称,他不久将再次来中国访问。 (announce; pay a visit) _4.许多学生渴望找到 一个能在短期内提高英语写作水平的好方法。(eager) _ 5.在农场干活使得他懂得了父母的艰辛(hardship).(doing 做主语) _ (B2U5) 1.他因在这次演出中出色的表演而获奖。 (win an award) _ 2.人们往往会把中国与丝绸和美食相联系。 (connect. to/with) _ 3.由于他专心于科学研究,他没有时间放松。(

5、be absorbed in) _ 4.由于在事故中受伤了,这个运动员只好退出了比赛。(injure 过去分词作原因状语) _ 5.老师的言行对学生的未来有很大的影响。 (have a great impact/influence/effect on) _ 3 答案答案 (B2U1) 1.The students hold different pinions on how to protect traditional Chinese culture. 2. Some students thought that we were supposed to hold some creative act

6、ivities to celebrate traditional festivals. 3. Its (high/about) time for us to spare no effort to protect traditional Chinese culture. =Its (high/about) time that we spared/should spare no efforts to protect traditional Chinese culture. 4. In my opinion/As far as Im concerned/From my point of view,

7、now that/since you are late, you should apologize to your teacher (for it). 5.Not only can a bright smile make us happy, but it also enables other to feel delighted. (B2U2) 1.When it comes to art, he always cant help referring to his father. 2.We hope all these measures will be effective so that we

8、could live in a beautiful and harmonious society. 3.Only when you have a goal and go for it with perseverance can your dream come true 4.As time goes by, I attach more great importance to selfreflection in life and work. 5.As far as I am concerned, it is wise not to spend much time playing with smar

9、tphones. (B2U3) 1.It is convenient for us to keep track of the latest news at home and abroad by using mobile phones. 2.Exercise is of great benefit to health and enables us to keep in shape. 3. The inspiring speech from my headmaster inspired me to carry on. 4.Now that you have got a chance, you mi

10、ght as well make full use of it. 5.I went shopping with you just to keep you company and help you go through this tough time. (B2U4) 1.As is known to all, failure usually results from laziness while diligence can result in success. 2. With the approach of the exams/With the exam approaching, I find

11、some students anxious and unable to focus on their study. 3. It has been officially announced that he will pay a second visit to China soon. 4. Many students are eager for/to find a good way to improve their English writing in a short period. 5. Working on the farm makes him understand/allows him to

12、 understand the hardship of his parents. (B2U5) 1. He won an award for his wonderful performance in the show. 2. People often connect silk and delicious food to China. 3. Because he was absorbed in scientific research, he had little time to relax. 4. Injured in an accident, the athlete had to quit /drop out of the race. 5. what teachers do and say has a great impact/influence/effect on studentsfuture.


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