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    • (2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 基础同步练习一(有答案).docx--点击预览
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    • (2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 基础同步练习二(有答案).docx--点击预览
    • (2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 基础同步练习五(有答案).docx--点击预览
    • (2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 基础同步练习四(有答案).docx--点击预览


Unit 2 练习一 1 单词拼写 第一组 1 To her _(宽慰),the whole work was finished on time. 2 We mustnt let ourselves _(超过) by our competitors. 3 In my opinion,youd better set an _ (可完成的) goal first. 4 The audience present at the race were moved by his _(体育精神) 5 He says that _(一年一度的) general meetings are usually rather dull. 6 The mother stood there until her daughter was out of _(视野) 7 He made no _(答复) to my email,which made me worried. 8 The young player stepped onto the nearest stage and showed his _(奖牌) 第二组 1 To his r_,his son was found at last,safe and sound. 2 Im not sure whether he will be d_ in the coming game. 3 In that case,you will have to pay for a _(替换物) 4 The small plane c_ into the tower,causing many deaths. 5 Fatal(致命的) accidents have decreased in _(频率) over recent years. 6 There was a large _(观众) of young people at the pop concert. 7 It was really tough,but you shouldnt have quit it _(在中途) 8 The young reporter asked her a lot of _(令人尴尬的) questions. 9.Cycling is good exercise,which _(加强) all the muscles of the body. 10 He told all of us in his home bookshelves _(占据) most of the living room walls. 2 单句语法填空 第一组 1 I suggested he work out a new plan but he didnt make a _(respond) to it. 2 How did he respond _ the news about his personal life? 3 She was not sure whether she should give _ or continue. 4 From his _(amaze) expression,I could tell that he didnt know it. 5 _ the other hand,she doesnt want to give up her present job. 6 They used _(gather) in the park and did some exercise together. 7 To be frank,I cant stand _(live) with such a selfish person. 8 The young man from the south is particular _ the food,vegetables _particular. 9 To our _(amaze),the face of the city keeps on changing every day. 10 Little by little,I began to be fed _ with the examinations. 11_ our satisfaction,our class has been given a big prize. 12 It is said that the ceremony is held in that old town _(annual) 13 Medical examinations are _(benefit) to our health. 14 The doctor advised the old man to do some walking _(regular) 15 In the end,his efforts paid _. 16 Living without an _(achieve) aim is like sailing without a compass. 17 I prefer _(work) rather than go on holiday to the seaside. 第二组 1 No matter what happened, I would defend her _ being hurt. 2 All the people were fighting against the flood _ defense of their own homes. 3 What are the forwards doing?attacking or _ (defend)? 4 Dont ask him about his planshe just gets _ (defense) 5 He has employed one of the UKs top lawyers to defend _(he). 6 In his opinion,good friends are to be taken advantage _. 7 He was advised not to speed _ at the crossing many times. 8 The runner fell down,so he couldnt catch up _ the others. 9 The actor will hold a party in _(respond) to the bad news. 10 It was very quiet all around with nobody _ sight. 11 The traveler jumped with joy when he caught sight _ the big lake. 12 Seeing the _(amaze) scene,the children all began to shout. 13_ the other hand,she was eager to be independent of her parents. 14 The mother rushed there _ defence of her children. 15 When I was in danger,he came to my _(defend). 16 Its the duty for every soldier to defend our country _ enemies. 17 The boy had to defend _(he) against the guard dog. 3 用不定代词填空 1 I had to buy _ these books because I didnt know which one was the best. 2 The tea tastes nice. Would you like _? 3 I understood most of what they said but not _ word. 4 I invited Joe and Linda to dinner,but _ of them came. 5 If you want to change for a double room,youll have to pay _ 50 yuan. 6 Paul has made a lot of kites,but _ can fly in the sky. 7 Now people can learn _ information from the Internet. 8 Could you show me how to do the word processing? Sorry,I am also a beginner. I only know _ about it. 9 There are only _ students in the classroom. Where are the others? 10 How can you make a trip with so _ money? 11 There is _ ink in my pen. Would you give me a little? 12 _ likes a person with bad manners. 13 There are two apples on the plate,but _ of them is fresh. 14 Sorry,but _ of us speaks/ speak English. 15 _ in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. 4 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 This was the _ (five) time that I had been here with foreigners. 2 Practise under the guidance of some _(experience) teachers who can help you with basic writing skills. 3 One of the most _(effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. 4 In fact,Mr. Smith goes to visit his old mother _ (regular) 5 The exercise can improve your upper body _(strong) 6. The performance of the actor really made us _(amaze). 7. All of us were amazed _(see) him in this village. 8. His _(amaze) success made his parents very happy. 5 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. _,Tom becomes more naughty.父母不在家,汤姆变得更淘气了。 2. The girl looked at me _小女孩眼含泪水地看着我。 3. _,the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.夏天到了,天气变得越来越热了。 4. Plenty of fresh air can come in _.开着窗户,大量的新鲜空气就能进来。 5. We cant hold the meeting _.噪音在持续,我们不能举行会议。 6_,the girl turned off the computer.回复了所有的电子邮件后,女孩关了电脑。 7 Tom is very good at science,_.汤姆很擅长理科,而他兄弟喜欢文科。 8 Therefore,reading widely _ us.所以,广泛阅读对我们非常有益。 9 Youd better _ before the postman arrives.你最好在邮递员到达之前把书打包好。 10 _,the woman left the supermarket happily.买完东西,这位女士高兴地离开了超市。 6 语法填空 A 组 Mount Wuyi is lying at the junction(交叉点) of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces.It is among 1 first group of Chinas top tourist cities.In December 1999,Mount Wuyi 2 (list)as the Worlds natural and cultural heritage by the UNESCO. With rich tourism 3 (resource),Mount Wuyi is a famous tea center in China.As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty (1100771 BC),it was well-known 4 a place of interest.It has a species-rich ecosystem,with 2,527 kinds of plant species 5 about 5,000 species of wild animals.Mount Wuyi belongs to typical Danxia landform.Except for the 6 (amaze) Danxia landform here,the Daoism culture and tea culture also attract tourists at home and abroad,7 (especial) those coming from Singapore and Malaysia. Mount Wuyi Scenic Area 8 (be) quite large.Attractions in the mountain are dotted(点缀) and distance between each other is quite long.It is not recommended 9 (visit) all the sites in the mountain,but to some main attractions.With the ticket,you can reach all the attractions 10 (include) Heavenly Tour Peak,Wuyi Palace,Dahongpao Tea Trees,Water Curtain Cave,etc. B 组 Diet and way of life are often a problem for teenagers. However,if you eat the right food and exercise 1 (regular), you can feel better,look better and have more energy. So healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the first step 2_ (become) fit. As a teenager,it is important to give your body the energy_3_ needs. For a healthy diet,you should eat mostly rice,bread,vegetables and fruit. The most important thing to remember when you choose food is to protect yourself _4_some tricks. A number of people out there who want to make quick money are always fooling you into _5_ (believe) what they say so their products can sell well. Dont 6_ (trick) by them. What you need is just to trust a diet that is right for your body. Exercise is also something on 7_ you can depend to make you look good,feel good and be healthy. It is obvious that exercise is_8_ (benefit) to you. When you exercise,you build up the_9_ (strong) of your muscles and your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed. Follow the suggestions above,_10_ you will look and feel much better in no time at all. 7 七选五阅读 When I was young,my friends and I often played baseball in an alley(小巷) behind our home. A woman named Mrs Shinas owned a tiny house nearby,and she used to watch us play from her window._1_. We all thought that she was mean. She had a big trained dog and whenever one of our baseballs rolled in its direction,Mrs Shinas would send the dog to catch it._2_. Soon we ran out of balls. In those days,I used to water our lawn each day. One day as I stood watering our small lawn,I noticed that Mrs Shinas lawn looked a little dry. It took only a few more minutes to water it,so I did it._3_. When autumn came that year,I also helped gather up the leaves on Mrs Shinas yard. As I was doing this one day,she invited me to sit in her living room. She gave me a cookie and a glass of milk. As I sat there eating the cookie,she showed me her collection of paintings._4_. That surprised me a lot. It was the first conversation I had ever had with her. _5_. She went into her kitchen and returned with a box. In it were all the balls that her dog had taken. She handed me the box,said “thank you” and smiled. I realized she had a kind heart. I also learned that when we serve others,we are showing them that we love them. A We wanted to buy a new ball B But the dog wouldnt return the ball to us C Her next action even changed my opinion of her D Then she thanked me for taking care of her lawn E Soon I found myself watering her lawn each day F She rarely came out of her house and never smiled G What delighted me most was that she was a great painter 答案 1 单词拼写 第一组 1 relief 2 overtaken 3 achievable4 sportsmanship5 annual 6 sight 7 response8 medal 第二组 1 relief 2 defeated 3 replacement 4 crashed 5 frequency6 audience 7 halfway 8 awkward 9 strengthens 10 occupied 2 单句语法填空 第一组 1 response2 to 3 up 4 amazed 5 On 6 to gather 7 living 8 about/over;in 9 amazement 10 up 11 To 12 annually 13 beneficial 14 regularly 15 off 16 achievable17 to work 第二组 1 from/against2 in3 defending4 defensive5 himself 6 of7 up8 with 9 response10 in11 of12 amazing13 On 14 in15 defence16 against/from17 himself 3 用不定代词填空 1 all2 some3 every4 neither5 another6 few7 much8 a little 9 a few10 little11 little12 No one/Nobody13 neither14 none15 Nothing 4 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 fifth2 experienced3 effective4 regularly5 strength 6 amazed7 to see8 amazing 5 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 With his parents away 2. with tears in her eyes 3. With summer coming 4. with the windows open 5. with the noise going on 6 With all the emails answered 7 while his brother likes arts 8 is of great benefit to/is very beneficial to9 have the books packed10 With the goods bought 6 语法填空 A 组 1 the2 was listed3 resources4 as5 and6 amazing7 especially8 is9 to visit10 including B 组 1 regularly 2 to become 3 it 4 from/against 5 believing 6 be tricked 7 which 8 beneficial 9 strength 10 and 7 七选五阅读 1 F2 B3 E4 D5 C Unit 2 练习三 1 单词拼写 第一组 1 After living abroad for half a year,he had a _ (渴望) to return home. 2 As we know,she has the time and the _ (灵感) to develop her talent. 3 Susan is always full of _ (活力),who can be capable of this work. 4 It snows a little. Please take _(格外的) care on the roads this evening. 5 As a teacher,he has _ (赢得) the respect and admiration of his students. 6 Hearing the song,children _ (拍手) their hands happily. 7 Tony made so many mistakes in the paper that he was blamed _ (严厉地) by the head teacher. 8 I carefully _ (包裹) up the gifts and put them in my suitcase. 第二组 1 The ball b_ twice before the little boy could reach it. 2 Please pay the full _(数额) by the end of the month. 3 I wont help my sister out,for it is against my _(原则) 4 When falling down in public,I felt very _(令人尴尬的) 5 The girl c_ on the link to the next page of the website. 6 He is reminded to do some jogging to make his immune _(系统) stronger. 7 If you are feeling anxious,here are ten ways to r_ anxiety without medicine. 8 The high cost of equipment p_ many people from taking up this sport. 2 单句语法填空 第一组 1 After a fire broke out in the factory,a lot of _(equip) was destroyed. 2 The doctor said that the medicine would relieve me _ my headache. 3 As a matter of fact,he went there in _(defend) of his children. 4 To his _ (satisfy),most students did very well in their lessons. 5 The building _ (occupy) by its new owners last year. 6 The rule will prevent the students _ wasting too much time on the Internet. 7 To her _ (disappoint),her son failed in the College Entrance Examination. 8 The boy loves science fiction _ particular. 9 Living here for two months,Im really fed up _ the rain. 10 Accompanied by _(cheer) music,we began to dance. 11 Generally speaking,sunshine is _(benefit) to health. 12 Please equip yourself _ a pencil and a rubber for the exam. 13 Id like to offer you some _(tip) on how to surf the Internet. 14 The high cost of equipment prohibits many people _ taking up this sport. 15 It was the bad weather that prohibited their _ (go) to the science museum. 16 They voted in favor of the _ (prohibit) of smoking in public areas. 第二组 I have been occupied _ work that I havent time for social activities. 2 The campers are occupied _ (set) up their tents at dusk. 3 Choosing an _ (occupy) takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about. 4 He occupied _(him) with a very important experiment. 5 Decorating the house kept her _(occupy) for a whole week. 6 Everyone benefited a lot _ the movie. 7 Medical examinations are _ (benefit) to our health. 8 The reading material is _ great benefit to English beginners. 9 Nothing could keep him _ changing his mind. 10 Theres nothing to prevent you _ (accept) the offer. 11 As the saying goes,_ (prevent) is better than cure. 12 She reduced her weight _ five kilograms. 13 The new subway should reduce travelling time from two hours _ 40 minutes. 14 There has been some _(reduce) in unemployment. 15 If you feel a sense of _(relieve),you feel happy. 16 Much _ my relief,the car was not damaged. 17 Youll be _(relief) to know that your child is safe. 18 If you dont feel _(relief) you may test the car again. 19 Taking this pill three times a day could _(relief) your headache effectively. 20 It was _ relief to be able to talk to someone about it. 21 They gave me some help in the beginning but it did not amount _ much. 22 The server is designed to store huge _ (amount) of data. 23 A large amount of damage _(have) been done to the local environment in a short time. 3 用适当的关系代词完成定语从句 1 We need someone _ can help us. 2 The man _ you saw yesterday was a doctor from Beijing. 3 This is a story about a Canadian boy _ name is Henry. 4 This is our classroom,_ windows face the south. 5 Here is a book _ will give a lot of useful knowledge. 6 This is the song _ we like best. 7 He did not study hard,_ led to his failing the exam. 8 This is the room _ Lao Liu once lived in. 9 We used the same type of machine _ they did. 10 The earth,_ we all know,moves around the sun. 11 Everything _ I told you just now is true. 12 The sun is bigger than the earth,_ is known to us all. 4.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I suggest that he _ (stay) here for another two days. 2. He ordered that it _(send) back. 3. The doctor advised/suggested that he _(smoke) 4. Yesterday,on the phone,he required that I _(appear) at the party. 5. Her expression suggested that she _(be) angry. 6. The boy insisted that he _(break) the glass. 7. With so much work _ (fill) in his mind,he couldnt sleep well. 8. The man was brought in with his hands _ (tie) behind his back. 9. With a lot of homework _ (do),I cant go to the cinema with you. 10. The boss had her assistant _(go) out to buy some drinks. 11.
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