(2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Life Choices Lesson2 单词(1) ppt课件.pptx

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1、UNIT 1LIFE CHOICES LESSON 2 UNDERSTANDING AND COPING WITH STRESS stress n. & vt. (1)n. U,C精神压力;(物理)压力;U强调,重要性 be under stress 在压力下 under the stress of 在的压力下 cause / reduce stress 引起 / 减轻压力 suffer from / deal with stress 承受 / 应对压力 lay / put / place stress on sth. 强调/重视某事 Lily has been under a lot of

2、stress since her mother fell ill. (2)vt. 使紧张;强调,着重 stress the importance of 强调的重要性 He stressed the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现When feeling (stress), most people tend to breathe short, shallow breaths. (2) Moving to a new house is a very ( stress)experience. (3)词汇复现She has

3、 been a lot of stress since her sons injury in his right leg. (4) The manager lays great stress the importance of good communication. 完成句子完成句子 (5) One of the most effective ways to (减轻压力)is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. (6) The teacher ( 强调)the importance of not leaving out any impo

4、rtant details while retelling the story. stressed stressful under on reduce stress lays / puts / places stress on suffer vi. & vt. (1)vi.(因疾病疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨 suffer from a bad cold 患重感冒 suffer from a headache/toothache 头疼/ 牙疼 The volunteer suffered from a bad cold, but still volunteered to help t

5、he elderly. (2)vt. 遭受,蒙受 (其后常跟抽象名词) suffer pain/ hardship 经历痛苦/ 困难 suffer a defeat/ a loss/ punishment 遭受失败/损失/惩罚 We may suffer endless hardship before we achieve our aim. 【学法点拨学法点拨】 suffer from 的宾语一般是痛苦的原因,表示“因 而受苦”; suffer 的宾语往往是非疾病类的词语,如失败、损失、 惩罚、困难等。 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1) Mary is suffering ill health

6、 at the moment. (2) Even if he (经历许多困难), he never gave in. from suffered a lot of difficulties reduce vt. 减少;降低;缩小 reduce stress/costs 减轻压力/降低成本 reduce to. 把减少到(to 表示结果) reduce by. 把减少了(by 表示幅度) 【归纳拓展】 drop/ decrease to 减少到 drop/ decrease by 减少了 rise/ increase to 增加到 rise/ increase by 增加了 reduction

7、n. 减少,降低,缩小 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1) Her weight has been reduced ten kilos by going on a diet. (2) As he asked for two days leave last month, his pay was reduced 5% 2000 dollars. (3) If their marketing plans succeed, they will increase their sales 20 percent. by byto by expert n. & adj. (1) n. C专家,行家,能手 an

8、expert at/in/on (doing) sth. 是(做)的专家 He is an expert at/in/on controlling airplane. (2)adj. 熟练的,内行的 be expert at/ in (doing) sth. 在(做) 方面熟练的 He is expert at/in controlling airplane. remove vt. (1)移走,搬走 remove. from. 从搬走 remove. to. 把搬到 (2)去掉,清除,使消失(=get rid of) remove from 从中去除 We cant remove stress

9、 from our lives entirely. (3)脱下(衣服等);摘下(=take off) I didnt recognize him until he removed his sunglasses. (4)免除的职务,开除 remove sb. from sth. 免除某人的职务 He was removed from the position because he broke the rules of the company. 他因为违反公司规定而被免职了。 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1) Three children were removed the school for b

10、ad behaviour. (2) Students removed several desks another classroom. from to extent n.程度 toextent 到程度,在程度上 to a great/ large extent 在很大程度上 to some extent/ to a certain extent 在某种程度上 To a large extent, doing sports regularly can reduce stress. organise vt. 组织,筹划 The chairman of the is a highly person

11、and we all like the activities he . (organise) organisationorganised organises in other words 换句话说(=that is to say) They ask him to leave, in other words, he was fired. in a word 总之,简言之 keep ones word 遵守诺言 break ones word 食言,违背诺言 function vi. & n. (1)vi. 运转,起作用 function well/ normally 运转良好/正常 functi

12、on as 起作用,具有的功能 The sofa functions as a bed at night. (2)n. 功能,作用,职能 perform a () function 发挥()功能,履行()职责 As an organiser, you must perform your function. seek (sought,sought) (1)vt. 寻求,请求;寻找;设法 seek advice/ help from sb. 向某人寻求意见/帮助 seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会 (2)vi. 试图,设法 seek to do sth. 试图做某事, 设法做某事

13、 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1) The government has (seek) the advice of scientists, who have done research into the bird flu virus. (2)He sought (surf) the Internet to know more about the background of this poet. (3) Legal advice should (seek)before you take any further action. sought to surf be sought professional adj. & n. (1)adj. 专业的,职业的 a more professional approach to work 更专业的工作方法 (2)n. 专业人士,职业选手 professsion n. 职业职业 the teaching profession 教育专业 professor n. 教授教授


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