Unit3 Words and expressions 重点单词讲解ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit3 Words and expressions 重点单词讲解ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit3 Words and expressions 重点单词讲解ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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1、 UNIT THREE Fascinating Parks Words and Expressions 1. edge: n. the outside limit of sth. 边边; 边缘边缘; 边线边线; 刀刃刀刃 vt./vi. to move slowly(使使)徐徐移动徐徐移动; to put sth. around the edge of sth. 给给加边加边 1)They live in a big house on/at the edge of the town. 2)The thief edged towards the window. 3)The table is ed

2、ged with metal. 4)I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge. 2. ban: vt. not allowed 明令禁止明令禁止; 取缔取缔 (banned - banning) n. official rules telling sth. is not allowed禁令禁令 ban doing sth.: 禁止禁止 ban sb from sth: 禁止某人什么禁止某人什么 ban sb from doing sth: 禁止某人做什么禁止某人做什么 1)China will ban smoking in publi

3、c. 2)He was banned from driving for six months after the accident. 3)The county has a ban on parking cars in this busy street. 4) Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries. 3.

4、 accompany: vt. to travel or go with sb. 陪同陪同; 陪伴陪伴; 伴随伴随; (尤指用钢琴尤指用钢琴)为为伴伴奏奏 accompany sb: 陪伴某人陪伴某人= keep sb company 1) Taking the elevator, children must be accompanied by an adult. 2) After retirement, she had got only a computer to keep her company(=accompany her). 3)Since reindeer were always o

5、n the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them. 4. adopt: vt. to accept 采用采用; 采取采取; 采纳采纳; 领养领养 adoption: n. 采用采用; 领养领养 adapt: v. to change in order to be suitable 适应适应; 适合适合; 改编改编; 改写改写 1)He adopted a different approach to the problem. 2)Danny is their adopted son. 3)I am not a Sa

6、mi, but in Sarek Ive adopted some of their habits. 5. set out: 出发出发; 启程启程; (怀着目标怀着目标)开始工作开始工作 set out to do : 开始做什么开始做什么 set out for: 出出发去发去 set off/forth: 出发出发; 上路上路; 动动身身 1)They decided to set out (for the town) right away. 2)We will set out to find the truth behind the failure. 3)After breakfast,

7、 I pack my bag and set out again. 6. bless: vt. to ask God to protect 祝福祝福 blessed: adj. 神圣的神圣的; 有福的有福的; 无忧无虑的无忧无虑的 1)They are blessed with three lovely children. 2)Blessed are the Chinese people. 3) Good luck and God bless you. 4)However, I cannot complain. Being in such a beautiful and wild place

8、makes me feel blessed to be alive. 7. live off: to rely on sb./sth. in order to survive 依靠依靠生活生活; 以吃以吃为生为生=live on live/lead a . life: 过过.的生活的生活 live by doing .: 靠做靠做.为生为生/生存生存 1)You cant live off your parents your whole life. You have to be independent one day. 2)They find it hard to live off the m

9、oney they make. 3)The Sami lived off reindeer, moved with them, and accompanied them for hundreds of years. 8. prohibit: vt. to ban or forbid (尤指以法令尤指以法令)禁止禁止; 阻止阻止 prohibit (sb) doing: 禁禁止止(某人某人)做什么做什么 prohibit sb from doing: 禁禁止止/阻止某人做什么阻止某人做什么 prohibition: n. 禁止禁止; 阻止阻止; 禁令禁令 1)Those people are p

10、rohibited from travelling abroad. 2)People are prohibited from smoking on campus. 3)There is a prohibition against smoking on campus. 4)To ban means to officially or legally prohibit. 9. stretch: vi. to spread or continue(time) 延伸延伸; 延续延续; 伸展伸展; 舒展舒展 1)It is good to get out of the car and stretch ou

11、r arms and legs. 2)Lets stretch for a minuteweve been sitting here for over 3 hours. 3)The road stretches ahead across the plain. 4)The forest stretches for about 150 kilometers. 5)The Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park was set up in Jilin and Heilongjiang, with boundaries stretching all the

12、way to the border and joining with Russias wildlife reserves. 10. rewarding: adj. worth 值得做的值得做的; 有益的有益的 reward: n. 奖励奖励; 回报回报; 报酬报酬; 悬赏悬赏金金 v. 奖励奖励; 奖赏奖赏; 给报酬给报酬 1)Volunteering is fun and rewarding, but if you want to be a good volunteer, you need to learn more. 2) It is both challenging and reward

13、ing to study English well. 3) You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 11. ahead: adv. further advanced or earlier向前向前; 在前面在前面; 提前提前 Go ahead : 干干吧吧; 进行吧进行吧; 继续继续 ahead of : 在在前面前面; 早于早于; 领先领先 ahead of time/schedule: 提前提前 = in advance in the weeks/months/years ahead =in the . to come: 在在 未来的几周未来的几

14、周/月月/年年 1)We finished the project 20 days ahead of time. 2)The signpost tells that the road ahead is closed. 12. incredible: adj. unbelievable极好的极好的; 极大的极大的; 难以置信的难以置信的 It is incredible that .: 难难以置信以置信; 无法相信无法相信 1)She has incredible interest in wildlife in the district. 2)It is incredible that he s

15、hould have gone to live in such a dangerous country. 3)Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you. 13. appeal: vi. to attract有吸引力有吸引力; make an urgent request 呼吁呼吁; 恳求恳求; 上诉上诉 n. 吸引力吸引力; 呼吁呼吁; 上诉上诉; 请求请求 appeal to.: 有吸引力有吸引力; 有感染力有感染力; 呼呼呼呼; 上诉上诉; 打动打动

16、appeal to sb to do.: 呼吁某人做什么呼吁某人做什么 1)They will appeal to the local government for money to build a hospital. 2)The school is appealing to everyone to save water and electricity. 3)This kind of film has much/little/no appeal for me. 4)The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. 14. amuse

17、ment: n. activity of pleasure 娱乐娱乐(活动活动); feeling of pleasure愉悦愉悦 amuse: v. 使开心使开心/愉快愉快/发发笑笑; 逗逗笑笑; 逗逗乐乐 amused : adj. 愉快的愉快的; 开心的开心的; 逗乐逗乐的的 amusing: adj. 有趣的有趣的;引引人发笑的人发笑的; 令人开心的令人开心的/愉快的愉快的 be amused at/by/with.: 因因.而乐而乐 an amusement park: 游乐场游乐场 to ones amusement: 使某人高兴的是使某人高兴的是 1)As you wander

18、around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. 2)Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free-fall drops. 2)The scientists found some rare plants in the forest. 3)He suffers from a rare

19、blood disease. 4)How do you like your roast beef, rare or well done? 5)Its rare that I have an evening meal with my parents. 54. steam stim: n. 蒸汽蒸汽; 水蒸气水蒸气; 蒸汽动力蒸汽动力 vi. 蒸发蒸发; 散发蒸汽散发蒸汽; 冒水汽冒水汽 1)Riding on the only steam engine still working in the southeastern United States is a special treat. 2)Sh

20、e wiped the steam from her glasses. 3)Who invented the steam engine/train? 4)You can steam the fish. It will taste delicious. 5)The cup of coffee was steaming. 55. superb supb: adj. 极佳的极佳的; 卓越的卓越的 super sup: adj. 超级的超级的; 极好的极好的;了不起的了不起的 outstanding: adj. 优秀的优秀的; 杰出的杰出的; 重要的重要的 excellent ekslnt: adj.

21、 优秀的优秀的; 很好的很好的; 好极了好极了 1)And for those who like rides, Dollywood has a superb old wooden roller coaster, Thunderhead. 2)You look superb. 3)Michael Jordan is a superb player. 4)My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat. 5)The car is in superb condition. 56. aquarium kwerim: n. 水族馆水族馆; 水水族玻璃

22、槽族玻璃槽; 养鱼缸养鱼缸 (复数复数: aquariums /aquaria kweri) 1)Last Friday we went to the Georgia Aquarium and saw different kinds of sea life from over the world. 2)What time does the Chongqing Aquarium open? 57. up to.: 多达多达; 达到达到(某数量、程度等某数量、程度等); 直直到到; 不多于不多于; (体力或智力上体力或智力上)能胜任能胜任 It is up to you. 由你决定。由你决定。 I

23、t is up to sb to do.: 做做.由某人决定由某人决定; 做做.是某人的职责是某人的职责/责任责任 What are you up to? 你在做什么你在做什么? 你你在忙些什么在忙些什么? 1)Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium-the worlds largest-and see up to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length. 2)You can write up to five key words on the card

24、. 3)I will read up to page 60. 4)Up to 200 students admitted that they played on the phones last night. 5)In my opinion, he is (not) up to the work/job/task. 6)My English really isnt up to the work. I do apologize. 58. polar pl(r): adj. (近近)极地的极地的; 南南极极(或北极或北极)的的; 磁极的磁极的 pole pl: n. 竿竿; 柱柱; 极极 The N

25、orth/South Pole: 北北/南极南极 1)You can also see all kinds of interesting animals, including polar bears. 2)One day, the penguin and the polar bear will play together. 59. upside down: 颠倒颠倒; 倒转倒转; 翻翻转转 psad turnupside down: 把把倒过来倒过来 1)The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight again

26、st pirates, get turned upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! 2)The boat floated upside down on the lake. 3)The children hung the map upside down. 4)As he got closer, he found another car upside down on the road. 5)She opened her eyes and found everything wa

27、s upside down. 60. splendid splendd: adj. 壮丽的壮丽的; 雄雄伟的伟的; 极佳的极佳的; 非常好的非常好的 1)I cant imagine you have such a splendid house! 2)They think a party is a splendid idea! 3)We won another splendid victory last year. 4)There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. 61. display d

28、sple: vt. 显示显示; 陈陈列列 n. 展览展览; 陈列陈列; 展览品展览品 on display/show: 陈列陈列; 展出展出 1)Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and fireworks display . 2)A new kind of car is on display in the shop. 3)The details of todays flights are displayed on the monitor. 4) She displayed great interest when

29、visiting the museum. 5)Its the first time the painting has been displayed to the public. 62. appetite ptat: n. 食欲食欲; 胃口胃口; 强烈欲望强烈欲望 have a good/poor appetite: 胃口好胃口好/差差 have no appetite: 没有胃口没有胃口/食欲食欲 lose ones appetite: 没有胃口没有胃口/食欲食欲 have an appetite for .: 有强烈欲有强烈欲望望 1)The park has plenty of resta

30、urants with tasty food for every appetite-you can even eat while watching the fish swim by. 2)The walk gave me a good appetite. 3)I have no appetite because I didnt sleep well last night. 4)To start with, you must have an appetite for knowledge. 63. entertainment enttenmnt: n. 娱乐娱乐; 招待招待; 娱乐活动娱乐活动;

31、文娱节目文娱节目 (指娱乐节目或活动,如电影、电视、文艺表演等指娱乐节目或活动,如电影、电视、文艺表演等) amusement: n. 娱乐娱乐; 消遣消遣 (指因事物搞笑而感到的开心指因事物搞笑而感到的开心, 或或为打发时间而进行的娱乐活动为打发时间而进行的娱乐活动) 1)If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom! 2)There will be live entertainment at the party. 3)A cinema is a place of

32、entertainment. 4)Id like to take the opportunity to thank you for the best entertainment. 64. column klm: n. (书、报纸印刷页上的书、报纸印刷页上的)栏栏; 专栏专栏; 柱柱(形物形物) 1)I always read her column in the local newspaper. 2)The temple is supported by twenty columns. 65. Sami smi: 萨米萨米人人 (居住在斯堪的纳维亚北部的拉普人居住在斯堪的纳维亚北部的拉普人) 1)

33、Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. 2)For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. 拉普人拉普人: 北北欧斯欧斯堪的纳维亚原住堪的纳维亚原住民民, 自称自称 “萨萨米米人人”, 属属于蒙于蒙 古人种和欧罗巴人种的混合类古人种和欧罗巴人种的混合类型型, 被被称为欧称为欧洲洲 “最最后的土后的土 著著”。主要分布在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯

34、的北极地主要分布在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯的北极地区区, 使使用拉普用拉普语语, 多多信基督教路德信基督教路德宗宗, 少少数信东正数信东正教教,并并广泛保广泛保 留原始宗教残余。拉普人的祖先早自留原始宗教残余。拉普人的祖先早自1万年前便开始从乌万年前便开始从乌 拉尔地区陆续迁入斯堪的纳维拉尔地区陆续迁入斯堪的纳维亚亚, 原原分布地区较分布地区较广广, 后受后受 日日耳曼耳曼部落部落和芬兰部落排和芬兰部落排挤挤, 逐逐渐北渐北移移, 部部分人被后来分人被后来者者 同同化化。萨米人萨米人有有着自己悠久的历史和独特的文着自己悠久的历史和独特的文化化, 千千百年百年 来来, 他他们一直生活在山地、雨林

35、、沙漠、极地等偏远地们一直生活在山地、雨林、沙漠、极地等偏远地区区, 过过着自由自在的生着自由自在的生活活, 与与大自然和谐共处、相得益彰。大自然和谐共处、相得益彰。 66. Sarek National Park: 萨萨勒克国家公园勒克国家公园 萨萨勒克国家公园位于瑞典北勒克国家公园位于瑞典北部部, 是是一个颇受徒步旅行一个颇受徒步旅行 者和登山者欢迎的国家公者和登山者欢迎的国家公园园, 是是欧洲最古老的国家公园。欧洲最古老的国家公园。 它拥有它拥有100座冰川和座冰川和6座超过座超过2000米的山米的山峰峰, 高高山深山深涧涧, 风风景景 奇绝。公园整体轮廓呈圆奇绝。公园整体轮廓呈圆形形,

36、 平平均直径为均直径为50公公里里, 是是一片约一片约 2000平方公里未经开发的原生态区域。平方公里未经开发的原生态区域。在萨勒克国家公园在萨勒克国家公园 徒步和登山不是简单的周末户外活徒步和登山不是简单的周末户外活动动, 这这里没有带标记的里没有带标记的 道路、小木屋或便利的设道路、小木屋或便利的设施施, 只只有两座有两座桥桥, 因因此你必须掌握此你必须掌握 这种地形的知这种地形的知识识, 携携带旅途所需的设带旅途所需的设备备, 在在这里至少要游览这里至少要游览 一周。一周。 67. Sweden swi:dn: n. 瑞典瑞典(国家名国家名) Im in the remote far n

37、orth of Sweden in Sarek National Park, a place with no roads or towns. 68. the Arctic Circle: 北极圈北极圈 ktk skl 1)Im above the Arctic Circle, where in summer the sun never sets. 2)It is very cold in the Arctic Circle all the year. The Arctic Circle 北极圈北极圈: 北极圈的范围包括了格陵兰岛、北欧和俄北极圈的范围包括了格陵兰岛、北欧和俄 罗斯北部罗斯北部,

38、 以及加拿大北部。北极圈内岛屿很多以及加拿大北部。北极圈内岛屿很多, 最大的是格陵兰岛。由于严寒最大的是格陵兰岛。由于严寒, 北冰洋区域内的生北冰洋区域内的生 物种类相对较少物种类相对较少, 植物以地衣、苔藓为主植物以地衣、苔藓为主, 树木稀树木稀 少少, 动物著名的有北极熊、海豹、鲸等。动物著名的有北极熊、海豹、鲸等。北极圈也北极圈也 是极昼和极夜现象开始出现的界线是极昼和极夜现象开始出现的界线, 北极圈以北的北极圈以北的 地区在夏天会出现极昼地区在夏天会出现极昼, 而在冬天会出现极夜。而在冬天会出现极夜。 69. the Rapa River: 拉帕拉帕河河 rp 拉帕河是小吕勒河的支拉帕

39、河是小吕勒河的支流流, 全全长仅长仅75公公里里, 流流经萨勒克国家经萨勒克国家 公公园园, 蜿蜿蜒穿过雄伟的山脉和狭窄的山蜒穿过雄伟的山脉和狭窄的山谷谷。拉帕河流量巨拉帕河流量巨 大并且输送着大量的沉积大并且输送着大量的沉积物物, 所所以在萨勒克国家公园形成以在萨勒克国家公园形成 了壮阔的拉帕河三角洲景了壮阔的拉帕河三角洲景观观, 其其被群山、冰川和深谷环绕,被群山、冰川和深谷环绕, 呈现出一幅非凡的景象呈现出一幅非凡的景象。拉。拉帕河谷到处都是层峦叠嶂的山帕河谷到处都是层峦叠嶂的山 峰峰, 常常年被雨水包年被雨水包围围, 所所以这里也是未受外界污染的荒野之以这里也是未受外界污染的荒野之 地

40、。地。此地栖息着大量的野生动此地栖息着大量的野生动物物, 较较为常见的有麋鹿、熊为常见的有麋鹿、熊 和山猫和山猫等等, 许许多濒危物种在这里也能找到它们的踪迹。多濒危物种在这里也能找到它们的踪迹。 70. Siberian sabrn: adj. 西伯利亚西伯利亚(人人)的的 n. 西伯利亚人西伯利亚人 1)The zoos have most of the worlds Siberian tigers. 2)The man was a real hunter, a Siberian! 71. Dollywood dliwud: 多莉山主题公园多莉山主题公园 多莉山主题公园多莉山主题公园坐坐落

41、在美国田纳西州的皮格佛落在美国田纳西州的皮格佛格格, 是是美国乡村乐美国乡村乐 坛有史以来最富创造力的坛有史以来最富创造力的著名歌著名歌手多手多莉莉帕帕顿顿(Dolly Parton)于于1986 年在自己的家乡田纳西收购了一家衰败年在自己的家乡田纳西收购了一家衰败的古老公园的古老公园, 并并在此基础上在此基础上 创建了这个主题公园。多莉山主题公园充满了各种惊险刺激的娱乐创建了这个主题公园。多莉山主题公园充满了各种惊险刺激的娱乐 设设施施, 比比方方说说 “多多莉德比毁灭碰碰莉德比毁灭碰碰车车” 和和 “多多莉山蒸汽特莉山蒸汽特快快” 等等等。等。 多莉多莉帕帕顿顿1946年年2月月19日出生于美国田纳西日出生于美国田纳西州州, 是是乡村乐坛有史以乡村乐坛有史以 来最富创造力的女歌手:超过五十张的畅销专来最富创造力的女歌手:超过五十张的畅销专辑辑, 二二十二首乡村排十二首乡村排 行冠军歌行冠军歌曲曲, 十十张金唱片与白金唱片销售纪张金唱片与白金唱片销售纪录录, 多多次格莱美奖得次格莱美奖得主主, 2011年她获得格莱美终身成就奖年她获得格莱美终身成就奖。


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