Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 ppt课件- 高一上学期英语(2019)新北师大版必修第一册.ppt

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1、Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog Warming up What do you think an underdog is? Choose the correct option. a a dog that is defeated by other dogs b an athlete who seems to have little chance to win c a company that never wins Task 1 Read Part 1 of the story about an underdog. Answer the

2、 questions below. Who was his favourite player? How was he treated by the coach? How tall was he? How tall was his favourite player? What team was he on? What kind of player was he on the team? Answers: favourite player: Tyrone Bogues treated by coach: like a weak player how tall:1.6 metres (both) t

3、eam: The Lions kind of player: a replacement player Task 2 Group Work What were Pauls advantages and disadvantages as a basketball player? Discuss in your group. Predict what happens next. Then read Part 2 to find out if your ideas are correct. advantages: Paul has real skills. Paul works hard. Paul

4、 wants to play. disadvantages: Paul is short. Task 3 Read Part 2 again. Put the following events in the right order. Then write them in the notes on the next page under the heading Events. Then, note down the coachs attitude with evidence in the right column. a One player got hurt and could not play

5、. b Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. c Give him a shot coach! d The team had won by 2 points. e Let me try. coach! I wont let you down! Events One player got hurt and could not play. The Coachs Attitude and Evidence Worried (“Weve got no more players”) One player got hurt and could not play. (

6、a) Give him a shot, coach!(c) Let me try, coach! I wont let you down!(e) Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. (b) The team had won by 2 points.(d) Worried (Weve got no more players!) Negative (He cant play!) Hesitant (The coach finally agreed.) Hopeful (“Its your time to shine.) Excited, proud ( a

7、s he hit Paul on the shoulder. big guy!) Task 4 Pair Work Discuss with a partner what happened using the information in Activity 5. Group Work Think and share. 1. What kind of player was Paul? Find evidence from the story to support your view. 2. Why did the coach call Paul big guy? What do you thin

8、k the coach might have learnt from his experiences with Paul? 1. I think Paul was a dedicated player because he spent hours practising even though he was never chosen by the coach. 2. The coach learnt to be supportive of Paul when he was the one who saved the game and helped the team win. He may hav

9、e learnt that he should never judge a person by his physical appearance but according to his ability. Answers (第第7题题) Write a short summary about Paul. Use the questions as cues. 1. Who was Paul? 2. What was his favourite sport? 3. What did he do for making the team? 4. What happened to him during t

10、he match between his team and The Bears? Homework Paul was a basketball player on the team, The Lions. He loved basketball so much. Paul was shorter than most basketball players; in fact he was only 1.6 metres. One of his NBA favourite players was Tyrone Bogues who was also the same height. Answers

11、Paul had to practise much harder than others because of his height. He was always very determined and focused but unfortunately the coach never picked him for the team. Recently, Paul finally got his chance. During a game against The Lions biggest competitor, The Bears, a player on the team was inju

12、red and Paul pleaded with the coach for a chance. The coach was unsure but allowed him to play. Paul proved that he was skilled and talented by scoring shot after shot. When the game ended, the coach told Paul that he had earned his place on the team. 1. (教材P30) Paul had to try out many times just f

13、or making the team. 保罗多次参加选拔,想要入选球队。 try out 试用,试验 try for 试图获得或赢得某物 try sth. on 试穿衣物 try ones best 尽力 try ones luck 试试运气 Alisons trying for a job as a research assistant. 阿莉森正在争取一份研究助理的工作。 It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team. 这件事始于当一位老师建议我参加篮球队员的选拔的时候。 重点词汇讲解重点词汇讲解 2

14、. replacement n替换的人/物 (教材P30) He was still usually on the bench, being just a replacement, which was really tough on him. 然而,他仍旧通常“坐板凳”作为替补队员,这让他感到很痛苦。 replace vt. 取代;替换 replace.by/with. 以代替/替换 I am going to replace my battered car with a new one. 我打算买辆新车来取代我那辆破车。 We need a replacement(replace)for t

15、he secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。 3. desire n愿望,欲望,渴望 v渴望,期望 (教材P30) Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team. 每个人都知道保罗有着真正的技术,他是一个非常努力 的人,并且很渴望为球队打球。 (1) a desire for sth.渴望得到某物 have a desire to do/that. 有的欲望/愿望 (2

16、) desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 desire that sb. (should) 动词原形 希望/要求某人做 Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. 尽管如此,她的勇气和渴望成功的强烈愿望给世人留下了深 刻的印象。 The fans of Li Youbin desired that they (should) watch (watch) his next movie soon. 李幼斌的影迷非常

17、渴望观看他的下一部影片。 He desires me to go (go) abroad for further education. He desires that I (should) go (go) abroad for further education. 他希望我能出国深造。 let sb. down 使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望) 4. (教材P31) I wont let you down! 我不会让你失望的。 let alone更不用说 let down 放下,降低,使失望 let go (of) 放开,松手 let off 宽恕,免除 let out 放掉,发出 We fe

18、ar no death, let alone difficulties. 我们死都不怕,何况困难? Because he was a Christian, the judge let him off. 由于他是基督徒,法官便对他从轻发落。 5. keep up with 跟上,保持同步 (教材P31)The other team just couldnt keep up with his energy and speed. 另一支球队无法跟上他的精力和速度。 keep at sth. 坚持做某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep back 忍住,隐瞒;

19、抑制 keep off 避开,防止,挡住 keep out of 使不进入 keep up 保持,继续 He kept at the job until finished. 他坚持把工作干完。 The rain kept us from going(go)out. 下雨使我们没法出去。 She couldnt keep back her tears. 她忍不住哭了。 I hope the fine weather will keep up. 我希望好天气会保持下去。 知识巩固知识巩固 . 单词拼写 根据汉语提示,写出下列单词 1He easily (战胜) his opponent in th

20、e election. 2What is your biggest source of (灵感)? 3My secretary leaves us next week, so we are advertising for a (替换的人). 4I am filled with (渴望) to go back home. 5The traveler took out a bottle of water from the (包裹) on his back. . 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1frequent adj.频繁的,经常的frequently adv. frequency

21、n发生的频率,发生率 2prefer vt. 更喜欢preference n. 3balance n平衡,均衡;天平 vt. balanced adj.均衡的 4replace vt.替换;取代replacement n 5gather vi. get hurt; try out for; pay off; keep up with 1He is not so handsome but is with nice broad shoulders. 2They could not us when we climbed the mountain. 3My brother want to the fo

22、otball team. 4His hard working will eventually . 5Its not easy for him to get around because his leg . . 1. defeated 2. Inspiration 3. replacement 4. desire 5. Pack . 1. 频繁地;经常地2. 偏爱;优先3. 权衡;使平 衡4. 替换的人/物5. 聚集;集会 . 1. in good shape; 2. keep up with; 3. try out for; 4. pay off; 5. got hurt 参考答案参考答案 THANK YOU


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