(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 2 知识点总结(含答案).docx

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1、Unit 2 知识点总结知识点总结 一一 单词表扩展及变形单词表扩展及变形 Topic Talk 1. athlete n 运动员athletic adj 2. frequency n 发生的频率,发生率frequent adj 频繁的frequently adv 3. prefer vt更喜欢prefer to do rather than do / prefer doing to doing 宁愿做。不愿做。 preference n 偏爱have a preference for 偏爱。 4. rather than 而不是 5. badminton n羽毛球 6. golf n高尔夫

2、7. gymnastics n体操 8. jog vi. & n慢跑 9. cycle vi. 骑自行车cyclist n 自行车选手 10. bowling n保龄球 11. skateboardn. 滑板vi用滑板滑行 12. track n跑道 13. in good/bad shape 健康状况良好不佳 14. balanced adj. 均衡的balance n/va balanced diet 15. diet n日常饮食be on a diet 节食(表状态)go on a diet 节食(表动作) 16. stair n楼梯;梯级 17. regularly adv经常;定期地

3、regular adj 18. net n. (网球等的)球网;网 19. court n(网球等的)球场 20. within prep在之内 Lesson 1 21. underdogn处于劣势的人(队);弱方 22. defeat vt(在比赛、战争中)战胜,打败 23. companyn公司;一群人 24. guy n(非正式)男人,家伙 25. champion n冠军,第一名 26. shot n投球,击球 27. inspiration n激励,鼓舞;给人以灵感的人物;灵感 Inspire vinspire sb to do 鼓励某人做。 Inspired adjinspirin

4、g adj 28. try out for sth 争取成为;参加选拔 29. bench n替补队员席on the bench 在替补 30. replacement n替换的人(物)replace v 代替 31. desire n渴望have a desire for 渴望。desire to do 渴望做。 32. crash vi. & vt. 猛撞crash into 猛撞,猛击 33. gather vi. & vt. 聚集,聚合gather around 聚集 34. notanymore 不再not any morenot any longer 35. packn包,包裹 v

5、i. & vt. 把包起来 36. sharply adv严厉地,毫不客气地sharp adj 37. let sb down 使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望) 38. onto prep到上,向上 39. extra adj额外的,另外的 40. pay off 取得成功:奏效 41. keep up with 跟上,保持同步 42. energy n力量,活力energetic adj 43. crowd n人群crowded adj 拥挤的be crowded with 挤满了。 44. clap vi. & vt. 鼓掌,拍手 45. earn vt赢得:博得earning n 收入e

6、arn ones living 谋生 Lesson 2 46. boxing n拳击(运动) 47. bounce vi.& vt. (使)弹起,(使)反弹 48. belt n腰带,皮带 49. announcement n通告,公告announce v 50. defence n防守队员,后卫defend v 51. audience n观众:听众 52. remind vt.使(某人)想起,提醒remind sb to do 提醒某人做。/remind sb of sth 使某人想起。 53. bite vi.& vt. 咬 54. prohibit vt禁止 55. case n状况,

7、场合;事例,实例 56. in case+句子以防万一in case of+词组以防万一 57. sign up 报名 58. annual adj.一年一度的,每年的annually adv 59. application n申请书apply vapplicant n 申请人 60. warm up 热身运动,准备活动 61. quit vi. & vt. 停止(做某事)quit doing 62. halfway adv半途地 63. tip n建议,忠告,窍门 64. ought to do aux应该,应当ought not to do 65. occupy vt占用,占去(时间)oc

8、cupation n 职业be occupied in doing 忙于做。 66. disappointment n失望;扫兴;沮丧to ones disappointment disappoint v 使。失望disappointed adjdisappointing adj 67. amazingly adv惊人地,了不起地amaze vamazed adjamazing adjamazement n Lesson 3 68. relieve vt减轻,缓解relief nto ones relief 69. strengthen vi. & vt. (使)强健strong adjstr

9、ength n 力量 70. immune adj免疫的;有免疫力的 71. system n系统 immune system 免疫系统 72. cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 73. weekly adj一周一次的,每周的 74. be fed up with 厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的 75. awkward adj令人尴尬的 76. particular n尤其,特别 adj特定的 in particular 尤其,特别be particular about 对。挑剔 77. benefit n好处益处beneficial adjbe beneficial to 78

10、. membership n会员身份 79. equipment n设备,装备equip vbe equipped with 配备了。 80. capable adj能干的;能力强的 be capable of 有能力做 81. prevent vt预防;阻止,阻挡prevent 。From。 82. disease n.疾病 83. upper adj较上的,上面的 84. flow vi流,流动 n流动 85. oxygen n氧 86. relief n减轻,缓解 87. ache n.隐痛 88. guideline n指导方针,指导原则guide v 89. click vi. &

11、vt.点击(鼠标) 90. detail n细节detailed adj 详细的=in detail 91. principlen原则基本的观念 92. amount n数量,数额 93. shortcutn捷径,近路 94. overnight adv突然,一下子 95. achievable adj可完成的;做得成的achieve vachievement na sense of achievement 成就感 96. make sure 确保 97. muscle n肌肉 98. bone n骨头,骨 99. satisfaction n满足,满意satisfy vsatisfied a

12、djsatisfying adjbe satisfied with 对。满意 100. sweat n汗水 101. overdo vt把做得过火 Writing Workshop 102. sight n视野catch sight of 看见lose sight of 看不见 103. cyclist n骑自行车者,自行车运动员 104. overtake vt超过 105. amazed adj大为惊奇的,惊讶的 106. sportsmanshipn体育精神 107. bronze n铜 108. medal n奖牌:勋章 109. response n回答,答复respond vres

13、pond to 回复 110. gesture n姿态;手势;姿势 111. take advantage of sth 利用某物 Reading Club 1 112. defend vi. & vt.保护,保卫 Reading Club 2 113. flexibilityn灵活性flexible adj 二 课文短语及词组搭配 1 have a healthy and balanced diet 健康又均衡的饮食2 fruit and vegetables 蔬菜和水果p28 3 depend on= be dependent on 依靠p29 4 have a/little/no cha

14、nce to do 有(没有)机会做。5 on the. team 在。队 6 on ones own 独自7 wait for 等待p30 8 It is ones time to do 轮到某人做。9 spend time in doing 10 stop doing 停止做11 earn ones place 赢得地位p31 12 next to 紧靠着p32 13 be related to 与。相关14 remember to do 记住去做15 while doing 当做。时p34 16 what is up?怎么了P35 17 keep healthy/ keep fit/ s

15、tay healthy 保持健康18 allow sb to do 允许某人做 19 be new to doing 刚开始做。p37 20 hate doing 讨厌做21 start to do/start doing 开始做。22 kill time 打发时间p 39 23(be)ahead of 领先26 speed up 加速27 the finishing line 终点线 28 take advantage of 利用advantages and disadvantages 利弊p40 29 encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做30 have fun doing 做。

16、很高兴31 participate in 参加p42 32 refer to。as。把。看作33 a way of doing=a way to do 做。的方法p43 34 be limited to 受限于35 be based on 以。为根据p41 36 lose weight 减肥p44 37 combine。with。把。和。结合38 be suitable for 适合。 39 work out 锻炼(动词短语) workout 锻炼(名词) 40 inspire sb to do 鼓舞某人做 41 appeal to 吸引p45 42 believe it or it 信不信由

17、你p46 43 at the age of 在。岁时p47 三 课文句型和用法 1 My friend suggested that I should try long-distance running 含有含有“建议建议,命令命令,要求要求,请求请求”的宾语从句的宾语从句,主语从句主语从句,表语从句表语从句,同位语从句都可用虚拟语气同位语从句都可用虚拟语气, should 可省可省 宾语从句 I suggest that we (should ) do. 主语从句 What I suggest is that we (should ) do 同位语从句 I have a suggestion

18、 that we (should ) do 表语从句 My suggestion is that we (should ) do 2 It is vital for teenagers to have a positive attitude It is+adj+for sb to do sth. = To do sth is +adj. = Doing sth is +adj. 四 语法重点 1(定语从句复习) A 填入合适的关系代词 1 Have you found the keys _ you lost? 2 We stayed at a hotel _ Tom recommended t

19、o us. 3 The people _ work in the office are very friendly. 4 Whats the name of the man. _ you borrowed? 5 The man _I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time. B 找出下列句子中的定语从句 1.When we werent playing on the court/which was next to our building,we were watching a game on TV 2 Pauls favouri

20、te player was a guy/who played for the Charlotte Hornets 3 Paul was someone who worked really hard for the team. 4. He didnt know hed soon get the chance that hed been waiting for. 5 They were playing The Bears,a team/whose record was perfect C 选出合适的关系词 1 My uncle was a fan who/which tried to attend

21、 every game. 2 The baseball team who/which my cousin plays for is doing really well this year. 3 I am a friend of the girl whose/that brother is such a great baseball player. 4 My cousin has the ball that/whose was used during last years championship. 2 不定代词(Indefinite pronouns) ThingsPeople Somesom

22、ethingsomebody Anyanythinganybody Nonothingnobody Everyeverythingeverybody 选出合适的不定代词 I. Listen to that guy. He is trying very hard to tell the police something/anything very important about the case. 2 Anyone/No one wants to have health problems. 3 There isnt something/anything I like more than jogging. 4. I can see that you are anyone/someone who knows how to work hard. 5 There was nothing/anything the coach could do to change the players mind


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