(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 1 People of Achievement 基础巩固(含答案).docx

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1、1 Unit 1 People ofAchievement 基础巩固基础巩固 一、根据汉语及首字母提示填写单词一、根据汉语及首字母提示填写单词 1Ahigh building is _(construct) where it was a factory before, which is said to establish a research_(研究所), where medical_(设备)is served to countryside clinic. 2After o_ a specific college degree a job applicant can be competitiv

2、e for previously unavailable jobs. 3Present at the meeting were 200 people from all walks of life, who were m_advanced workers 4Theres absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they dont include poisonous s_ 5Solids(固体)turn to l_ at certain temperatures. 6He shaved his m_ off and look

3、ed younger than his age. 7They e_ untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination. 8They sat down and d_ a letter to the local newspaper. 9Father patted me g_ on my back, but said nothing. 10He was one of the very greatest scientific and mathematical g_. 11He admires the great

4、s_ like Einstein. 12The crowd f_ out of the station and 5 minutes later he picked her out. 13The Peoples Republic of China was f_ in 1949. 14It is a_ that the temperature of the earth is rising 15The public dont think their president is a clever p_. 16She _(明显地)took pains to convince him that she ha

5、d adopted the right system. 17It is certain that everybody would_(去世)away in time, but the method of dying is_(不同的),some of which are _(非凡的)and can be praised_(遍及)the world, so we ought to make an extraordinary arrangement when we are healthy and have opportunity to take_(花费; 占用)time to develop ours

6、elves. (根据 汉语提示填空) 2 18Knowledge has become a_(关键性的) factor in the progress of a country.(根据汉语 提示单词拼写) 19The article examines how the special_(特征)of plastic can cause environmental problems. 20I have several companions in this school, of whom Li Hua is always full of _(热情) when solving problems of s

7、ubjects. _(逐渐地), he becomes an_(非凡 的) example of us.As_(结果), we consider him as all-around good student at the end of the semester. 21He had no_(客观的)evidence that anything extraordinary was happening. 22Water is_(必不可少的)to keep every living thing alive. 23I am an independent inventor and have had doz

8、ens of _(专利)awarded to me in the past 35 years. 24I studied for my _(博士学位)in Tsinghua University from 2013 to 2016. 25Weve made _(非凡的)progress as a society in recent years. 26The new technique is targeted at mobile _(仪器). 27He had a _(酷爱)for gardens. 28When the police hit the shore, the attacker_(逃跑

9、)into the jungle. 29Portuguese explorers had _(绘制)the west coast ofAfrica as far as Sierra Leone. 30Plainly, a more _(客观的)method of description must be adopted. 二、英汉互译二、英汉互译 31a woman of extraordinary beauty_ 32一位非凡的表演者_ 33一个奇特的梦_ 34据报道 3 人在这起交通事故中受伤。 (It is reported that) 35普遍认为新鲜食物对我们的健康有益。 (It is

10、 acknowledged that) 36这个法国人说起长城好像他以前去过那里似的。 (as if) 37贫困国家最需要的不是钱而是先进的技术。 (notbut) 38他坚持主张由于天气不好运动会应推迟到下周。 (insist that) 39我突然想到我可以把书捐给慈善机构(charity) 。 (It strikes sb. that) 3 参考答案参考答案 1constructedinstitutedevice 2obtaining 3mostly 4substances 5liquids 6moustaches 7encountered 8drafted 9gently 10geni

11、uses 11scientists 12flowed 13founded 14apparent 15politician 16apparently 17passdistinctremarkable throughoutup 18crucial 19properties 20passionGraduallyextraordinary a consequence as 21objective 22vital 23patents 24doctorate 25extraordinary 26devices 27passion 28fled 29charted 30objective 31一个容貌出众的

12、女子 32an extraordinary performer 33an extraordinary dream 34It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accident. 35It is generally acknowledged that fresh food is beneficial to our health. 36The French man talked about the Great Wall as if he had been there before. 37What poor countries need most is not money but advanced technology. 38He insisted that the sports meeting be put off till the next week because of the bad weather. 39It struck me that I could donate the books to charities.


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