(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 2 Writing Workshop, Viewing Workshop & Reading Club 同步习题 (含答案).doc

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1、Unit 2Part Writing Workshop, Viewing Workshop & Reading Club .单词拼写 1If you catch _ (看见) of Mary, ask her to come and see me. 2Its the first time at these games that we have _ (超越) them. 3We are absolutely _ (惊讶) at this teenagers clear presentation. 4They decided it would be a nice _ (姿态) to send he

2、r a card. 5At the moment, we are looking forward to your _ (答复) 6Despite winning the bronze medal, we felt it was a sign of _ (体育精 神) .完成句子 1 All the cyclists began to _ (加速) to cross the finishing line. 2Just a few minutes later, fourthplaced Jack _ (赶 上) Tony. 3He _ (减速) and let Jim run ahead of h

3、im. 4He refused to _ (利用) others troubles. 5This was sportsmanship _ (最佳体现) .单句语法填空 1Fans lined the road to the finishing line, _ (cheer) on the competitors. 2He _ (cycle) as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight. 3Surely, he could _ (simple) overtake Tom and come third. 4H

4、is offering me the prize was worth more than _ I did for him. 5Ive left messages, but theres been no _ (respond) .单句写作 1观众对他们展现的运动精神感到震惊。(be amazed at) _ 2这两位自行车手展现了惊人的体育姿态。(amazing, gesture) _ 3我打算利用这次观光的机会探索一下这座城堡的历史。(take advantage of) _ 4她在考试之前一直患重感冒。(过去完成进行时,suffer from) _ 5我们将尽快处理这些信件。 _ .语法填空

5、 The MidAutumn Festival 1._ (celebrate) by the Chinese people all over the world every year. The moon is said to be its biggest and 2._ (bright) on this day. The MidAutumn Festival is 3._ special occasion for family. People eat many different kinds of mooncakes 4._ (include) fruit, nuts, chocolate,

6、etc. The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, 5._ marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. There are many stories about how the Lantern Festival 6._ (start). Nowadays, most lanterns come in many 7._ (shape). People often eat sweet dumplings boiled and 8._

7、(serve) in hot water on this day. The Dragon Boat Festival, which started more than 2,000 years ago, marks the 9._ (begin) of the hottest season of the year. There is a special food called zongzi 10._ the festival. .完形填空 Leslie Morissettes son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leuk

8、emia (白血病). Throughout Grahams _1_ in the hospital, Graham connected with everyone he met, from _2_ patients to younger children “He would lend other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh. ” Morissette said. “Grahams special spirit is what kept me going. He gave me the energy and th

9、e _3_ to fight with him ” In 1997, when he was 8 years old, Graham passed away. _4_ by how Graham lived his life caring about others, Morissette _5_ the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection in his honor. The organization provides free technologyincluding computers, iPads, and robotsto children _6_ canc

10、er and other serious illnesses. One of the major goal of Morissettes work is to _7_ kids to their classrooms, which really helps them continue their education despite hospitalizations and days _8_ from school. The robots “transport” children right into the classroom in real time. They can _9_ the ro

11、bots right from their hospital bed or home. If a child is unable to attend school, they can _10_ log on to their tablet or laptop and call in to the robot. They can _11_ up and down the school paths. They can go to lunch with their _12_. The real magic happens between classes, when theyre walking do

12、wn the hallway with their friends, by robot, _13_ their weekend and their favorite foods and other things. Morissette said, “I believe that Grahams _14_ lives on in the work that I do. And Im _15_ and privileged to be able to do it in his honor.” 1A.surgeryBtreatment CvacationDrest 2A.elderlyBsleepy

13、 CdeadlyDnaughty 3A.focusBstrength CresourceDattention 4A.ConfusedBDepressed CInspiredDWorried 5A.leftBvisited CbenefitedDfounded 6A.causingBcuring CbattlingDpreventing 7A.connectBforce CinviteDthrow 8A.missedBstopped CsufferedDgraduated 9A.operateBbuild CstealDseparate 10A.hardlyBaccidentally Csimp

14、lyDluckily 11A.driveBjump CclimbDwalk 12A.parentsBfriends CdoctorsDpatients 13A.talking aboutBputting off Cdepending onDthinking of 14A.successBjoy CloveDfortune 15A.angryBsad CcarefulDproud .书面表达 假设你是李华,你校英语角拟举行一次英文演讲比赛(English speech contest),需要两名主持人(host)。你对此很感兴趣。请你用英语给外籍负责人布 朗先生写一封自荐信,内容包括: 个人基本

15、情况; 口语水平; 相关经验。 注意:词数 100 左右; 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案参考答案 . 1sight2.overtaken3.amazed4.gesture5.response6.sportsmanship . 1speed up2.caught up with3.slowed down4.take advantage of 5at its very best . 1cheering2.had been cycling3.simply4.what5.response . 1The audience was amazed at their show

16、 of sportsmanship. 2The two cyclists made amazing sporting gestures. 3Im going to take advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle. 4She had been suffering from a bad cold before she took the exam. 5We will deal with these letters as soon as we can. . 1is celebrated考查时态、语态。每年全世界的中国人都

17、会庆祝中秋节。 根据时间状语 every year 可知,应该用一般现在时。而主语 The MidAutumn Festival 与 celebrate 之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填 is celebrated。 2brightest考查形容词最高级。据说月亮在这一天是最大最亮的。根据上 文的 biggest 以及 and 可知,此处也应该用最高级与 biggest 并列,故填 brightest。 3a考查冠词。中秋节对家庭来说是一个特别的时刻。此处表示泛指一个 特别的时刻,故填 a。 4including考查介词。人们吃很多不同种类的月饼,包括水果、坚果、 巧克力等。此处用介词短语

18、作定语。故填 including。 5which考查定语从句。元宵节是在正月十五这一天,这标志着中国新年 的结束。此处是一个非限制性定语从句,用来指代前面的一个句子,从句中缺少 主语,而 that 不能引导非限制性定语从句,故填 which。 6started考查时态。关于元宵节是如何开始的有很多故事。元宵节的开 始是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时,故填 started。 7shapes考查名词。现在大部分灯笼有很多的形状。shape 是可数名词, 前面有 many 修饰,要用复数形式。故填 shapes。 8served考查非谓语动词。在这一天人们经常吃汤圆,汤圆是在热水里煮 熟并端上来的。此

19、处 sweet dumplings 与 serve 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词 短语作定语。故填 served。 9beginning考查名词。端午节起源于 2 000 多年前,它标志着一年最热 的季节的开始。定冠词 the 后一般加名词,故填 beginning。 10for考查介词。这个节日有一个特别的食物叫粽子。for 为了。 . 1B在医院里 Graham 通过治疗,他与认识的每个人都有联系。故选 B。 2A他与认识的每个人都有联系,从年长者到小孩子。故选 A。 3B他给了我精力和与他并肩战斗的力量。故选 B。 4C他的灵感来自于 Graham 如何生活在关心他人的生活中。故选 C

20、。 5DMorissette 的灵感来自于 Graham 如何生活在关心他人的生活中, Morissette 以他的名誉创立了非营利组织。故选 D。 6C该组织向儿童提供包括电脑、iPad 和机器人在内的免费技术,这些 儿童正在与癌症和其他严重疾病作斗争。故选 C。 7AMorissette 的主要目标之一就是把孩子们和他们的教室联系起来。故 选 A。 8A这确实帮助他们继续接受教育,尽管有住院治疗,但错过了上学。 故选 A。 9A他们可以在医院的病床或家里操作这些机器人。故选 A。 10C如果一个孩子不能上学,他们可以直接登录到他们的平板电脑或笔 记本电脑,然后打电话给机器人。根据句意可知选

21、 C。 11D他们可以在学校的小路上走来走去。根据句意可知选 D。 12B他们可以和朋友一起去吃午饭。故选 B。 13A真正的魔法发生在不同的班级之间,在那时他们和朋友一起散步, 通过机器人谈论他们的周末, 他们最喜欢的食物和其他事情。 根据句意可知选 A。 14C我相信 Graham 的爱存在于我的工作中。故选 C。 15D我感到自豪和荣幸能够以他的名誉来做这件事。故选 D。 . One possible version: Dear Mr. Brown, Ive learnt that two hosts are needed for the coming English speech co

22、ntest. I would like very much to be one of them. Im Li Hua, a handsome boy of about 180cm in height. As a hardworking student, I have a good command of English, especially spoken English. I have won first prize in many English speech contests. Whats more, I have been the host of English parties since I entered junior high school. It gave me much experience in hosting big event. So I believe I can do the job perfectly. Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua


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