Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:b0dae).zip

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Unit 9 What does he look like? Period 1 Listening and speaking (I) 一、Teaching goals 1. Language goals Words compare their looks to teach the new words (tall, short, medium height, thin, heavy, medium build, short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hair) and the target language. Give them more photos to practice, and then let them try to use the target language to describe Yang Mis appearance. Step 3 Pair work Show some photos of famous stars, let students describe their looks. Step 4 Practice Ask students to match the words with the people in the picture. Check the answer. Play the recording, students fill the blanks in the picture. Check the answer. And then students read the conversation together. (Pay attention to the alternative question) Step 5 Pair work Imagine one of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend, and your partner should find him or her. You can make conversations like this: A: What does your friend look like? B: He is tall, and he has curly hair. A: Is it e? B: Yes, youre right. Tell them we cant judge the others by their looks. Step 6 Listening Play the recording, students answer the three questions. Play it again, students fill in the blanks. Then ask them what they look like. Check their answers. Step 6 Game Play a game. Let students be the detectives, ask them to try to find the thief and the hit-run driver. Step 7 Group work Work in groups. Interview your group members and then make a report about their favorite stars. 五、homework Make a survey about your partners family members. 六、Blackboard design Unit 9 What does he look like? What does he look like? He is tall, and he has short hair. She is of medium height. Can you describe her appearance (外貌 )? Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A What does he look like? He He is is t ta all.ll. height He He is is . . ( (身高身高) )hait He He is is ofof mme ed diuiumm h hei eightght. . mi:dm hat He is shorort t. . S She he is is heavy. hev She She is is ofof medium build. mi:dm She She is is . . ( (体形体形) )bld She She is is thin. n What does she look like? build tall of medium height short of medium buildheavythin Can you describe them? What does she look like? Xie Na has short hair. hair /he/he / /头发头发 Wu Xin has long hair. She has short curly hair.She has long straight hair. She has curly hair. She has straight hair. Learning Tips: 1.hashave +hair 2.形容词(长短+形状+ 颜色)+hair She has short hair. She has long hair. What does Wu Xin look like?What does Wu Xin look like? /str/str e e t/t/ /k/k:l/l/ short strshort straiaight hairght hair What does Wu Xin look like?What does Wu Xin look like? long clong cururly hairly hair What does she look like? She She hashas long strlong straiaight hairght hair long clong cururly hairly hair has short hair. has long hair. has straight hair. has curly hair. is tall. is short. is fat/heavy. is thin. is of medium height. is of medium build. He / She Can you describe her appearance (外貌 )? A: What does look like? B: He/She is short / tall / of medium height. He/She is thin / heavy / of medium build. He/She has hair. Pair Work: Talk about their height, build and hair. 1.short hair _ 2.curly hair _ 3.long hair _ 4.straight hair _ 5.tall _ 6.short _ 7.medium height_ 8.thin _ 9.heavy _ 10.medium build _ e/f/h b/h a a/e/f/ h f g c d a/e/g Match the words with the people in the picture. tall curly hair Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture. One of the people in the picture is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him or her. Hes of medium height. He has curly hair. What does your friend look like? Is it e? Yes. Youre right. If your friend is very short, Or if your friend is very heavy, Or if you see a man, and he is ugly, Can you laugh at(嘲笑) him? Everyone is special! Everyone is important! 人人都很特别! 人人都很重要! Dont judge the others by their looks! 不要以貌取人! Listen and answer the questions. 1. Is David tall or short? 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? 3. Is Peter tall or short? 1. Is David tall or short? 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? 3. Is Peter tall or short? He is tall. She has long hair. He is short. Listen again. Fill in the chart. DavidSallyPeter isheavy has tall of medium height, thin short, of medium build curly hair long straight hair short hair A Find the thief(小偷) He is of medium height and fat. He has little hair and always wears glasses. ABC Lets be detectives. (侦探) game B Find the hit-run (肇事) driver She is of medium build and has two big eyes. She is also tall and has curly hair, she never wears glasses. A BC My friends favorite star! A:Whos your favorite star? B:My favorite star is . A:What does he/she look like? B:He/She is . He/She has . Report: My friend As favorite star is . . He/She is . . He/She has . . My friend Bs favorite star is . . He/She is . . He/She has . . Group Work: Interview and report Homework: Make a survey about your partners family members (家庭成员): Family member Height (身高 ) Build (体形) HairEyes Glasses (or) fathertall Medium build short straight small
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