Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section A-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:9002e).docx

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Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section A-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:9002e).docx_第1页
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Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section A-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:9002e).docx_第2页
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Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section A-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:9002e).docx_第3页
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Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section A-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:9002e).docx_第4页
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1、教学设计教学设计Unit3 Topic3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? SectionA 1. 教材内容教材内容 本节课为仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic3 Section A, 学生在话题一谈论个 人的兴趣爱好、话题二学习关于音乐的分类及喜好的基础上,通过谈论周末活动 引入话题三的主要语法项目“过去进行时” ,本话题贴近学生生活,学生能够描 述过去某个时刻正在发生的动作并结合自己的生活实际谈论过去的活动。 2. 教学目标教学目标 1. Learn to talk about the activities in the pa

2、st. 2.Understand and try to use the new tense “the Past Continuous Tense”. 3.Listen , grasp the key words and complete the tasks. 3. 学情分析学情分析 八年级的学生有了一定的英语知识基础和英语听说能力, 对英语学习保持着 浓厚的兴趣。经过新课程的实践和课程改革的推进,学生有了初步的自主合作探 索的能力和很强的团队协作能力。七年级下册就已经学过现在进行时态,对于现 在进行时的结构、用法,都能够掌握和熟练运用,这都为学生本堂课的学习打好 了坚实的基础。 4. 教学重难

3、点教学重难点 Import points: 1.Understand and try to use the new tense “the past Continuous Tense”. 2.Learn to talk about the activities in the past. Difficult points: Listen , grasp the key words and complete the tasks. 5. 教学过程教学过程 Step1 Warm up and lead in In this step, I will give students some pictures

4、, use the sentence “What is he doing now?” or “What are they doing now?” to review the continuous tense. Let students answer these questions. Then show two pictures and two questions.They are the present continuous tense and the past continuous tense. Ask and answer.Lead in the title “What were you

5、doing at this time yesterday?” (板书课题) Then ask students what they were doing at this time yesterday. Then let students have a free talk, use the sentence “What ere you doing at this time yesterday?” “I was doing.”. (板书句子: What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was reading some books at this t

6、ime yesterday.) Then I will ask some groups to ask and answer. At the same time , learn new words from the examples I give them, like “Beijing roast duck”,“ take a shower.”(板书新单词) (设计思路:本环节首先复习现在进行时,通过两张图片在时间上的对比, 引出两个句子,一个是现在进行时,一个是过去进行时。从而引出今天所学课题 “What were you doing at this time yesterday?”然后提问学

7、生,在学生的回答辅助 下,进入过去进行时的学习,练习I was doing .的句型。有利于学生完整地接受 过去进行时) Step2 Grammar In this step, I will show them another two pictures, the questions are “What was he doing at eight oclock last night? and “What were they doing at this time yesterday?” Students say“ He was chatting on the Internet at eight o

8、clock last night” and “ They were visiting a museum at this time yesterday. (板书新单词 chat, museum) Show three sentences, let students find something in common. Let students conclude the concept of the past continuous tense by themselves. (设计思路:到本环节学生已经清楚本节课要学习过去进行时,并且会用句 子“I was doing.”让学生通过其他图片和问答句子继

9、续练习过去进行时的句子, 最后给出三个句子,让学生自己找出规律,自己总结过去进行时的概念,有利于 提高学生学习的自主能力。 ) Step3 Listening In this step,I give student a listening, its a telephone dialogue,listen to the dialogue for two times, the first time ,answer two questions. And the second time ,let students circle the key points. Then read the passage

10、 aloud together. (设计思路:本篇课文比较简短,涉及到上面语法中学到的“what were you doing at this time yesterday”,听完之后,回答两个问题及划出重点短语和句子, 主要目的是提高学生在听力方面的技能) Step4 Grammar In this step,we continue to learn the general question of the past continuous tense, First I give students a question “Were you sleeping at ten oclock last

11、night? Yes or No?” ask one student to answer the question. Then ask another student one by one. Then let students do a group work to practice the sentences “Were you doing.?” “I was doing.” (设计思路: 本环节继续学习过去进行时的一般疑问句, 通过提问题的方式, 引导学生回答Yes,I was和No,I wasnt。然后让学生互相提问,大量练习句子, 提高学生说英语的能力和对本课语法的进一步学习。 ) St

12、ep 5Guessing game In this step, give students a guessing game to practice the general question of the past continuous tense. It can give rise to the studentsinterest. (设计思路:本环节是一个猜图游戏,极大地吸引了学生的兴趣。让学生在 娱乐的同时也在练习过去进行时的一般疑问句,有更好的学习效果。 ) Step6 Pair work and a survey In this step, let student student do

13、a pair work, use the sentences we learned this lesson.Two people in one group to do this pair work. Then do a survey,six people in one group. Let students write on the paper, then do a report in front of the class. (设计思路:本环节主要是学生活动,首先是小组活动,练习本节课所学的 过去进行时句子,极大地鼓励了学生说英语的积极性。然后是一个调查,也是在 练习过去进行时,让学生上台做报

14、告,提高学生上台演讲的能力) Step7 Summary Have a summary, see what we learned today. The words,the phrases,and the new tense “the past continuous tense”. 6. 作业作业 Review todays lesson. Recite the new words and 1a 7. 板书板书 Unit3 Topic3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Beijing roast duckWhat were you doing at this time yesterday? take a showerI was reading a book at this time yesterday. chatWere you sleeping at eight oclock last night? museumYes, I was./ No, I wasnt.


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