(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 主题相关综合练习 含答案.docx

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1、B3U1 Festivals and Celebrations 主题相关综合练习主题相关综合练习一、阅读理解:AThe earlier Thanksgiving in Canada was to celebrate the earlier start of winter in the North, ending the harvestseason earlier. Thanksgiving in Canada did not have a fixed date until the late 19thcentury. Many of the individualCanadian province

2、s had declared their own days of Thanksgiving. The first official Canadian Thanksgiving occurredon April 15, 1872, when the nation was celebrating the Prince of Wales recovery from a serious illness. By the endof the 19thcentury, Thanksgiving Day was normally celebrated on November 6. However, when

3、World Warended,the Armistice Day holiday was usually held during the same week. To prevent the two holidays from conflicting witheach other, in 1957 the Canadian Parliament declared Thanksgiving to be observed on its present date on the secondMonday of October.Much as in Canada, Thanksgiving in the

4、United States was observed on various dates throughout history. Fromthe time of the Founding Fathers until the time of Lincoln, the date Thanksgiving was observed varied from state tostate. The final Thursday in November had become the date of custom in most states by the beginning of the 19thcentur

5、y. Modern Thanksgiving was first officially called for in all states in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. Influenced bySarah Josepha Hale, who wrote letters to politicians for around 40 years trying to make it an official holiday, Lincolndeclared the date to be the final Thursday in November in an attempt to

6、 raise a sense of American unity between theNorthern and Southern states. However, a nationwide official Thanksgiving date was not realized until the 1870s. OnDecember 26, 1941, President Franklin DRosevelt changed the national Thanksgiving Day from the last Thursdayin November to the fourth Thursda

7、y.1. What do Canada and the USA have in common about Thanksgiving?AThey both have fixed dates of Thanksgiving in historyBThey both celebrate their Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.CThey both celebrated their first official Thanksgiving in the 1870s.DThey both observed thanksgiving to

8、raise a sense of unity of their countries.2. Who made American Thanksgiving Day celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November officially?AAbraham Lincoln.BSarah Josepha Hale.CFranklinDRoosevelt.3. What is the passage mainly about?AThe history of the dates Thanksgiving in Canada andAmerica.BThe first

9、 official Thanksgiving in Canada and America.CModern Thanksgiving in Canada andAmerica.DThe customs of Thanksgiving in Canada andAmerica.BTeachersDay is, interestingly, not celebrated on the same day all over the world. In some countries it is markedby a holiday, in others it is a working day.Intern

10、ational Teachers Day is celebrated on October 5. Being held ever since 1994, it is in honor of teachersorganizations worldwide. Its aim is to encourage supports for teachers and to meet the needs of students.ChinaIn 1939, Teachers Day was set for August 27, Confucius birthday. In 1951, the celebrati

11、on wasstopped. However, it was founded again in 1985, and the day was changed to September 10.IndiaTeachers Day is celebrated on September 5 in honour of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the secondpresident of India, whose birthday falls on that day.RussiaIn Russia, Teachers Day was celebrated on the f

12、irst Sunday of October between 1965 and 1994. Since1994, the day isobservedon October 5, just the same day as World TeachersDay.The USIn the US, Teachers Day is non-official holiday. It is celebrated on the Tuesday of the first full weekof May. A number of activities are organized in schools to hono

13、r teachers. The celebrations can continue for thewhole week of May.ThailandIn Thailand, National Teachers Day is celebrated every year on January 16. The first Teachers Daywas held in 1957. The day is a holiday in schools.4. What country celebrates TeachersDay in October?AIndia.BThe US.CIndia.DRussi

14、a.5. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word “observed”?AstoppedBcelebratedCheldDfell6. Which of the following is possibly true?AChina has celebrated TeachersDay since the year 1931.BTeachersDay is an official holiday in the United States.CDr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnans bir

15、thday is in September.DTeachersDay is a working day in schools of Thailand.7. From the passage we can learn that _.AThe first TeachersDay was held in 1965 in Thailand.BTeachersDay falls on Confucius birthday in China.CInternational TeachersDay aims to benefit the students.D TeachersDay is celebrated

16、 on the same day all over the world.CWorld Reading Day was set up by the UNESCO in 1995 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discoverthe pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honor great writers, for example, William Shakespeare, born or dead onthat day.Many countries celebrated World

17、Reading Day. Take the UK as an example, on that day, millions ofschoolchildren can buy book of special price, a much lower price than usual, in any bookstore. It has been doneevery year since 1998. World Reading Day 2010 in the UK will take place on Thursday 4th March. Please note thatthis date appl

18、ies to the UK and Ireland only. The goal is so well set in schools there that they want to make sure thatthe Day happens in term time to really make the most of this opportunity to celebrate books and reading. Most othercountries hold World Reading Day on 23 rd April every year.World Reading Day is

19、also celebrated in China. Chinese former premier Wen Jiabao, an avid reader, does lots ofreading every day though he is very busy. On World Reading Day 2009 he encouraged citizens to do more reading.Wen suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books cannot change the world, but p

20、eople canchange the world by changing themselves through reading.”Reading can benefit people a lot. Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology.Reading gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. Reading is also one of the most importantways to

21、 learn a foreign language like English.“Reading makes a full man.” (Bacon, 1597) Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materialscan help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to spend time onreading every day.8. Which of the follo

22、wing statements about World Reading Day is TURE?AIt was set up to encourage people to learn English.BChina also celebrates it on 4th March every year.CIt is also the same day as some great writers were born or dead.DOnly since 1998 has the UK begun to celebrate it.9.An avid reader is a person who_.A

23、loves readingBnever readsCdoes little readingDhates reading10.According to the passage, reading can help people EXCEPT_.Alearn a foreign language betterBknow more about cultureCimprove their memory greatlyDknow more about the outside world11. Whats the best title for the passage?AWorld Reading Day i

24、n the UK.BReading makes a full man.CWorld Reading Day in China.DWorld Reading Day and Reading.DBelow are the international days currently playing a more and more important role across the world.World Earth Day.Every year on April 22, People all over the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a time to wor

25、k to keep our earthclean. U.S. Senator (参议员) Gaylord Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day in 1962 when he saw pollutedrivers and cities with smoke. He needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. Finally, on April 22,1970, 20 million Americans celebrated the first Earth Day!

26、 It is a day that is meant to raise awareness (意识) andappreciation about the Earths natural environment.World Book Day.World Book Day is a celebration to improve the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on April 23,celebrations take place all over the world. April 23 marks the anniversary (周年纪

27、念日) of the birth or death of anumber of well-known writers, including William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Manuel Meja Vallejo.World Book Day is an occasion to pay a worldwide respect to books and authors and to encourage people to discoverthe pleasure of reading.WorldAutism Awareness Day (世

28、界自闭症关注日)World Autism Awareness Day aims to increase peoples awareness about people, especially children, withautism. This condition affects the brains functions and remains with a person for his or her whole life. The first signsusually appear before a child is three years old. On December 18, 2007,

29、 the UN General Assembly (联合国大会)determinedApril 2 as World AutismAwareness Day. It was first observed in 2008.12. What made Gaylord come up with the idea for Earth Day at first?APolluted water and cities with smoke.BSupport fromAmericans.CServing as a Senator.DThe Earths natural environment.13. Why

30、is April 23 the day of World Book Day?ATo help children with autism.BTo discover the pleasure of reading.CTo honor some well-known writers.DTo sell more books.14. What do the Days have in common?AThe Days raise the awareness of protecting the earth.BThe Days took place in the same month.CThe Days ar

31、e only celebrated in America.DThe Days were all first celebrated in 2008.第二节:七选五World Wildlife DayCelebrated annually on March 3rd, World Wildlife Day is a holiday that not only celebrates the diversity of theworlds wild animals and plants but also raises awareness about the dangers they face due to

32、 human activities.Wildlife today faces many different challenges, which include, but are not limited to, loss of habitat, industrializedfarming and commercial development. 15_While extinction is a natural phenomenon, many scientists estimate that we are losing around 10,000 times thenumber of animal

33、s that are naturally caused by extinction. 16_ As many as half of all current species may beextinct by the mid-21st century.Proposed by Thailand at a United Nations General Assembly, World Wildlife Day was established as aninternational holiday on December 20th, 2013. 17_ That is the day on which th

34、e Convention on InternationalTrade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was adopted.Since World Wildlife Day is a U.N. sanctioned(认可的)observance day and not a public holiday, then schools,businesses, and government buildings are not closed on this day if it falls during normal opera

35、tion hours.18_ There are usually all different kinds of seminars and presentations highlighting the plight(困境)of theworlds wildlife. Activities are held to help raise money for the rangers involved with the protection of endangeredanimals so they can buy new equipment. 19_A. However, it is celebrate

36、d in a variety of different ways.B. It was decided that it would be celebrated on March 3rd.C. You can celebrate World Wildlife Day on your own or with others.D. This means that dozens of species are going extinct every single day.E.At that time hundreds of endangered species were being endangered e

37、very year.F.There are also a number of other charity drives to raise money for endangered animals.G.Illegal trade in animal hides, tusks or fur also brings significant risks to several species including tigers, rhinos, and elephants.二、完形填空二、完形填空World Environment Day is celebrated worldwide on June F

38、ifth. The United Nations16this specialday in 1972 to get people to think about taking care of the17.Public events for World Environment Day18from June first through June fifth. The events andconference help teach world leaders and citizens how to19the environment.Every year World Environment Day is

39、celebrated in a different20. In 2005 it was held in SanFrancisco, California. It was the first time21the beginning of World Environment Day that the conferencewas held in the United States.The main22of World Environment Day that year was “Plan for the Planet”. The events andconferences showed us how

40、 to have “Green Cities”. It23that people talked about the ways that cities couldhave24environment.Most people in the world live in cities,25makes them especially important areas of environmental26. Cities use more than seventy-five percentage of the worlds natural27such as water and gasoline.World E

41、nvironment Day will28on how people in cities can work together to help save the planet.San Francisco held public talks to discuss pollution29, clean energy sources and the importance ofhealthy parks and gardens. Special experts were among the30. For example, former vice-president Al Goretalked about

42、 climate changes. There were also31events such as music concerts, movies, and art shows.Local farmers and restaurant owners served food that had been32grown, “green” of course.The Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom,33city leaders from all over the world to attend thisconference and34ideas. The Uni

43、ted Nations hopes to create an international35that countries andcitizens will follow to help improve the earths environment.16AarrangedBconstructedCconductedDestablished17AplanetBorganizationCsocietyDsystem18Atake apartBhold upCtake placeDput on19AdevelopBprotectCtreatDview20AcityBdateCwayDdirection

44、21AuntilBafterCbeforeDsince22AcontentBmessageCmoralDmethod23ArequiredBpromisedCmeantDreminded24AquietBcleanCwealthyDhealthy25AitBwhereCthatDwhich26AreferenceBconcernCdevelopmentDargument27AproductsBpowerCresourcesDmaterials28ArelyBliveCdependDcenter29Adisappearance BappearanceCreductionDincrease30As

45、peakersBdebatersCcompetitorsDcandidates31AfreeBextraCfunDfunny32AnaturallyBprivatelyCfrequentlyDpreciously33Arecommended BcommandedCsuggestedDinvited34AsuggestBshareCcontributeDsupply35AagreementBcontractCfileDcomment短文语法填空专题(一)On March 8th, many nations around the world observe the United Nations I

46、nternational Womens Day. It isa day 1_(celebrate) womens achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also 2_occasion to reflect on past struggles and achievements, and to consider what still must 3_(do) toimprove the lives and opportunities of women.The Charter of the United Nations, 4

47、_(sign) in San Francisco in 1945, was the first internationalagreement to proclaim(宣告) the equal rights of men and women. But even though women have made great stridessince then, there is still much work to be done. Advancing the status of women and girls 5_(be) critical toachieving successful outco

48、mes.Research indicates that nations that invest in womens employment, health, and education tend to have greatereconomic6_(grow)andimprovedhealthandeducationforchildren.Whenamother7_(educate), her childrens chances of survival and of leading healthier lives increase. When women arefree to participat

49、e 8_ the economic life of a country, the conditions for sustainable( 可 持 续 的 )development and prosperity will 9_(likely) take root.On International Womens Day when we celebrate and honor women,we also renew our commitment to makethe world a place 10_ women are not excluded or marginalized(边缘化), but

50、are free to realize theirfull potential.(二)The Origin of Fathers DayMaybe Fathers day is celebrated all across the world, but do you know the origin of Fathers Day? Mrs. John BDodd, of Washington, first came up with1_ idea of a “fathers day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a specialday to honor her father


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