(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Word Study ppt课件.pptx

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1、In this class we will 1. build up our vocabulary by brainstorming words related to the space exploration.2. enlarge vocabulary by roots and affixes.3. learn some important usages of the key words.4. apply what we have learnt to exercises. astronautrocketsatelliteorbitlaunching toweruniversespacecraf

2、tspacewalktransmit dataspace suit1. universe宇宙,天地万物宇宙,天地万物2. spacespacecraft3. astronaut 4. rocketlaunching tower发射塔发射塔satellitespacewalkspace suit5. vehicle车辆;交通工具车辆;交通工具(总称)(总称)运载工具运载工具The red traffic light signals passengers and vehicles to stop.Scientists make vehicles to carry people into space

3、.6. transmit data7. orbitdatabase数据库数据库旅行者1号今天仍在传送数据.Voyager 1 still transmits data today.n.轨道;势力范围轨道;势力范围v.绕绕.运行运行The satellite orbits the earth every 48 hours. the Moons orbit around the earth.月球绕地球的运行轨道v. 传输;传送传输;传送mankinddockjademuscletowelmicrowavetissuesoapglobefoampillowpillowsfacilityfacilit

4、ies1. mental adj.精神的;思想的adv. 精神上,思想上_2. intelligent adj.有智慧的,聪明的adv.聪明地_ n. 智力,才智,智慧_3. _v. 依靠,依赖adj.依赖的_ adj. 独立的independent adv. 独立地,自主地_ n.独立,自主_4. determine v.查明;确定;决定 adj. 意志坚定的_ n. 决心_ 令人失望的_5. _v. 使失望adj. 失望的;沮丧的 disappointed n. 失望_词根mentallyintelligenceintelligentlydependdependentindependent

5、lyindependencedetermineddisappointdisappointingdisappointmentdeterminationphysical adj. - physically adv.用括号内单词的正确形式填空:In the world, one should be _ of his family when he turns 18. That is to say, he must finish things _.(depend)It is because of the people of_ that China has made great progress in s

6、pace exploration.(intelligent)The _look on his face shows that he _ to achieve his goal with strong will and_ .(determine)We are _that in the special period of epidemic prevention and control, some people dont live in isolation.(disappoint)independentindependentlyintelligencedetermineddisappointedde

7、terminesdetermination 1. determine vt. (1)determine vt查明;决定;确定determine to do sth. 决心做某事(表示非延续的动作)determine on sth 对某事做出决定(2)determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事(表示延续性的动作)be determined that. . . 决心例句:他决定和其他的医生一起抗击新冠病毒。A. He _ fight against the novel coronavirus with other doct

8、ors.B. He_ fight against.C. He _ that he should fight against.determined towas determined towas determined2. disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的1)disappointed adj.be disappointed at sth be disappointed in sb be disappointed to do.=be disappointed that.2)disappointed/disappointing区别3)disappointment n._ ones di

9、sappointment 令某人失望的是a disappointment to sb一件令某人失望的事儿/人to对某物感到失望对某人感到失望做某事感到失望用disappoint的正确形式或介词填空The _ result made everyone here_.My parents will be disappointed _ me if I fail the exam.To my_, they refused my request. We were all disappointed _ the news that our picnic was cancelled because of the

10、 rain.He was disappointed _ see that she wasnt at the party.disappointingdisappointedindisappointmentatto3.on board在宇宙飞船上在宇宙飞船上 在火车上在火车上在船上在船上在飞机上在飞机上boardboard/blackboard/chessboardThe board is unhappy about falling sales.Free room and board are provided for every teacher.伙食膳食伙食膳食董事会董事会板板/ /黑板黑板/ /

11、棋盘棋盘Some other important expressions in this classin the hope of doing .抱着做.的希望so as to do= in order to do.为了做1) So as not to infect others or be infected, everyone must wear masks when going out.(改错)2) An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 spread _ (在船上)Diamond Princess and some people prayed eve

12、ry day _(希望)leaving it soon. so as to do不可放句首;in order to do可放句首或句末 In order not to in the hope ofon board2019年爆发的冠状病毒在“钻石公主号”上蔓延,许多人每天祈祷,希望尽早离开。根据首字母或汉语提示完成短文 M_ has always explored the space _ (希望)finding out more about the u_. They make v_ like _(宇宙飞船) to carry brave people into space. On 4 Octob

13、er 1957, the Spautnik 1 s_was _(发射) by the USSR and successfully _(绕.运行) around the earth. Afterwards a_ Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. Following this, many more goals were achieved. Despite the huge risks, people will _(继续) exploring this final frontier_ (为了)learn its secrets.ankindin the ho

14、pe ofniverseehiclesspacecraftsallitelaunchedorbitedstronautcarry onso as to 1._ n.缺乏;短缺vt. 没有;缺乏_adj. 缺乏的,不足的;没有的2. _ adj.当前的;现在的 n.水流;电流;思潮 _ n. 货币 3._ adj.足够的;充足的_n. 足量,充足4. _ n.地球;世界;地球仪_adj. 全球的;总体的5._ vt. &vi.论证;争辩;争论 _n.争论;争吵;论点6. _ n. (pl. analyses ) (对事物的)分析;分析结果 _vt. 分析;分解;细察7. _ adv.经常

15、;定期地 _adj.定期的;经常的;正常的8. _ adj.结尾的;结束的 n.停业;关闭:倒闭 _最后9._ n.神秘事物;谜_adj. 神秘的;不可思议的问题导学 Read words and expressions of unit 4lacklacking current currency sufficientsufficiency globe globalargueargumentanalysisanalyseregular regularlyclosingin closingmystery mysterious点拨精讲点拨精讲1. recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用 n. _

16、回收利用;循环使用 re- (动词前缀) + cycle (词根) recycle new adj. 新的renew v. place v. 放;置 replace vt. move v. 移动 remove vt. use vt. 使用 reuse vt. build v. 建;建造 rebuild v. re- + adj. _ 可再循环的;可回收利用的 recyclablerecyclingrecycling system 回收系统使更新;重新开始取代;放回移开;挪走再利用重建2. float vi 浮动;漂浮用于环境描写:凝视蓝天,细看云朵飘过。Stare at the blue Sk

17、y and watch the clouds floating by.美妙的音乐从窗口传出。Beautiful music came floating out of the window.用于心理描写:我感觉自己漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。I felt like I was floating in an ocean of sadness.float in the air 漂浮在空中float on air 觉得飘飘然;感觉得意洋洋3. sufficient adj. 足够的;充足的 (= enough/adequate)e.g. The current medical supplies are suf

18、ficient for epidemic(疫情) prevention and control. n. _ 足够;充分 adv. _ 足够地;充分地 ent(adj.)-ency(n.): frequent-frequency 频率 fluent-fluency 流利;流畅efficient-efficiency 效率 urgent-urgency 紧急consistent-consistency 一致 current-currency 货币;通货proficient-proficiency 熟练;精通emergent-emergency 紧急情况;突发事件 sufficientlysuffi

19、ciencybe sufficient for 对来说是足够的4. keen adj. 热衷的;渴望的keenly adv. 强烈地;(观察)敏锐地 keenness n. 渴望;热衷要点必记be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事be keen on(doing)sth. 热衷于(做)某事take /have a keen interest in 对有兴趣a keen eye for sth. 对某事物有敏锐的眼光 5. shallow adj.a shallow understanding of a shallow person in the shallow water We ar

20、e far from the shallow now只剩那浅滩,你我已远离 In the shallow shallow在那浅水区 - A Star is Born Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper 对.肤浅的理解 一个肤浅的人 在浅水里The teacher is monitoring the monitor while he is playing his smartphone.vt. 监视 6. monitorn. 班长 n. 监测仪;监督员5. monitor7. figure outu Zhong Nanshan is a leading figure in medic

21、al area. _ u She does exercise every morning to keep her figure. _ u The gesture of OK also likes the figure “3”. _u I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as close to it as I am to my dog. (2019课标II,完形填空) _人物/领军人物身材/保持身材数字u I cant figure out why he did so. _想出;弄清楚;弄明白u They have figured o

22、ut how much they will spend on the construction of the hospital. _ figure计算出认为 With the development of modern technology and economy, the living standard of the people is improving day by day. This leads to a very common phenomenon: more and more waste cannot be processed effectively, _ a series of

23、problems, such as environmental pollution and waste of _. On July 1st Shanghai introduced strict trash-sorting regulations that are expected to be used as a model for the country. Residents must divide their waste into four separate categories including hazardous waste, _ waste, household food waste

24、 and residual waste. Then throw them into specific public bins at scheduled times. A lot of residents cannot _the classification standard because they lack relative knowledge. The government has made _ measures _ ensure the residents to follow the regulations. For example, _ are arranged to monitor residents behavior. However, some residents _ it and consider it as a _ of their life. resulting inresourcesrecyclablefigure out attachedso as tomonitorsargue againstlimit 当堂检测当堂检测 :选词填空:选词填空 limit; attach; result in; monitor; figure out; argue against;so as to; recycle; resource


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