Unit 4 Problems and advice-GrammarSentence elements-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:007be).doc

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Unit 4 Problems and advice-GrammarSentence elements-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:007be).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Problems and advice-GrammarSentence elements-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:007be).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Problems and advice-GrammarSentence elements-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:007be).doc_第3页
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1、Demands ofcurriculumstandardsBased on the English Curriculum Standard, the generalteaching aim is to develop the students abilities of usingsimple sentence elements. To achieve this target, we shouldpay more attention to:1.arouse the students interest in learning English.2.strengthen students confid

2、ence.3.develop good learning habits.4.form effective learning strategies.Analysis ofthe teachingmaterialThis lesson is the Grammar part. It is in the importantposition of this unit. By studying of this period, well enablestudents to recognize verbs and sentence structures.At thesame time, let the st

3、udents learn to translate simple sentencesby using the structure knowledge. If the students can master itwell, it will improve their reading and writing abilities. TTeachingobjectivesKnowledge and skills:To learn the simple sentence elements.Process and method:Self-learning, group work.Affective obj

4、ectives, attitude and value:To experience differences between the two languages.Teachingkey pointsandstrategiesTo be able to distinguish each element in a sentence and writesentences with correct grammar and reasonable logic.Teachingdifficultpoints andStrategiesTo grasp the concept of direct object

5、and indirect object ,andthe use of them.Group work.Teachingresourcescurriculum standards, teaching material,teaching reference,PPT,video, pictures,learning paperTeachingaidMultimediaTeachingmethodsGroup work, guiding, cooperation.The design of teaching processTeaching processGuidelineStudentsactivit

6、yTeachersactivityStep 1 Getting ready.Arouse interest. Listen carefullyAskquestions.Step 2 Leading in.Look at some questions andcorrect some mistakesGet ready forthe new lessonand arouseinterest.Work in groupsto discuss andtry to correctthe mistakesGuide.Step 3 Presentation.Explain Sentence elements

7、including subjects, verbs,objects, complements andadverbials.After each part, give someexercise to practice to checkif the students master eachpart.Learn about theuse of sentenceelements.Listen carefullyand take notes.Finish exercisein groups oralone.Explain thekey points.Step 4 PracticeFinish the e

8、xercise about allthe sentence elements.Have a deeperunderstandingof the grammar.Do the exercise.Look andhelpStep 6 Sum up andhomework.Abetterunderstandingof the grammar.Listen and raisesome questions.Explain.HomeworkA.Retell the grammar.B.Finish the learning paper.BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesignUnit 4Sentence elementsSubjectVerbObjectComplement


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