Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-WritingA report on a story-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:5007e).docx

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Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-WritingA report on a story-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:5007e).docx_第1页
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Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-WritingA report on a story-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:5007e).docx_第2页
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Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-WritingA report on a story-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:5007e).docx_第3页
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Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-WritingA report on a story-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:5007e).docx_第4页
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1、1ATeaching Design for 9AUnit 7 WritingAreport on a story设计设计思路:思路:以 Speak up 问题导入,口头介绍最喜欢的故事;接着引入本节课的主题:写读书报告(故事) 。让学生预测读书报告包含的内容,根据学生的预测呈现读书报告的内容;展示 Book A Writing 范文,让学生先完成结构配对练习及每段大意,找出一些可以用于写读书报告的句子;引导学生学会概括故事情节,用适当的形容词评价这个故事,然后成文。 根据学生层次,可以尝试让学生互相点评作文,并给出分数。课型分析:课型分析:读写课,通过一篇读书报告的例文学习读书报告的结构,找出

2、一些可以用于写读书报告的句子;引导学生学会概括故事情节,用适当的形容词评价这个故事,写出一篇故事报告,在课堂上分享和展示;根据学生层次,让学生互相点评作文。家庭作业用 Book B的一篇阅读材料做范文,用思维导图列出要点,家庭作业写一篇书评。学生情况分析:学生情况分析:本班是我校第一层次的班,平时考试均分在 90 分左右,学生英语基础较好,英语运用能力较强,但不爱表现,喜欢读写活动。教材分析:教材分析:本单元以“汤姆索亚历险记”为话题,以马克吐温的不同作品为主线来展开听、说、读、写的训练。根据话题,本节课定位读写课,整合了 U7 Speak up 及 writing 例文,用 Speak up

3、 问题让学生互相询问做好简略记录,然后说出同伴最喜爱故事的汇报;在此基础上让学生预测书面故事报告的内容,然后列出故事报告的结构,展示 BookA Writing范文,让学生将故事报告结构配对,了解每部分大致内容,找出一些可以用于写读书报告的句子;重点是引导学生学会概括故事情节,用适当的形容词评价这个故事,然后归纳出写故事报告的通用句式;根据故事报告的要点和结构,写出自己的文章,老师展示评价 1、2 篇例文,然后让学生互相点评给分。家庭作业:根据学生的实际情况进行适当拓展,以 BOOK B P122,Reading C 让学生列出书评包含的内容及结构,巩固和提升所学的写作技巧通过阅读了解文章的结

4、构和大纲,并进行写作 。教学目标教学目标:语言知识目标语言知识目标:认读和理解:lazy, pretend, trick sb into doing sth.,认识单词:plot2语言技能语言技能目标:目标:1.能简单地口头汇报 my favorite story;2.通过例文的阅读了解故事报告的结构和要点;3.根据例文的故事情节介绍学会如何归纳故事情节:故事的开始、发展过程及结果;4.用范例引导学生用适当的形容词归纳点评故事;5.通过例文的阅读掌握并运用读书报告通用句式:This is a report on the story by ; This story has characters

5、The story is enjoyableand full of fun. It helps readers 教学重点教学重点:1.根据例文的故事情节介绍学会如何归纳故事情节:故事的开始、发展过程及结果;2.用范例引导学生用适当的形容词归纳点评故事;3.通过范文的阅读掌握并运用读书报告通用句式:This is a report on the story by ; This story has characters The story is enjoyableand full of fun. It helps readers ;教学难点教学难点:1.如何概括故事情节;2.用范例引导学生用适当的

6、形容词归纳点评故事;Teaching procedure:TeachingproceduresTeachersActivitiesStudentsActivitiesPurposesstep 1Leading-inAsk questionsin speak upAsk and answer the questions in pairs.Then give a report.Inspirethestudentsbackgroundand set basefor writingStep 2Pre-writingAsk ss to readtheintroductionand answer aque

7、stion.Ask ss to readtheexamplewritingandlearnaboutthe main ideaofeachparagraph.Read the introduction and answer:What do we need to tell people in ourreport on a story?Read the example writing.Learnaboutthemainideaofeachparagraph.Fill in the blanks.Learn the new vocabulary plot and thephrase trickint

8、o doing in the context.TotrainSsskimmingskills.TohelpSslearn the basicstructure of areportonastory.Todevelopword-learningabilityontheir own.3HelpsssummarizeUnderline sentences that can be used ina report on a story.Brainstorm for some more expressions,such as “it was written by/which waswritten by”.

9、Read the plot. Learn how to summarizethe main idea of a story.It must include the most important parts ofthe story: the beginning, the development( how, why) the endTense: the simple present / past tense;Leadthestudentstosumuptheplot of a storyStep 3WritingOffer2stories for sstochoosefrom.First read

10、 the two stories and ask thestudents to sum up the plot of the story ;Then let them choose one of the followingstories to write a report of it.Tom and Becky in the cave/Toms trickUsewhatweve learnedtowriteandcreateStep 4Post-writingAssesssswritingAssess partners writing.Toimprovesswritingthroughassessing.Step 5Assignment1. 用以下单词和短语造句:plot,lazy,pretend;tricksb. into doing sth.。2. 选择一项完成:1)完善课堂作文;2)完成英语(九年级上册)B第 122 页阅读练习并写一篇书评(Areview of _) 。板板书书设设计计plottrick sb into doing sthThis is a report onThis story has threeThe story is enjoyable教教学学反反思思4Writing text:


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