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- 文学圈(读中分享课).flv
You are in charge of asking the questions your group needs to discuss. You are also responsible for thinking of new questions that you want your group to discuss. You need to make sure that everybody in your team has a chance to speak, and that everybody contributes to the discussion. How you do this is up to you.NameBookGroupPagesGroup membersSome question-asking tips.* Dont just ask yes/no questions, e,g. Do you like .?* Ask for supporting details and evidence.* Create questions that encourage your group to think of many ideas, and help them to explore these ideas.* Invite everybody to contribute, and listen to everybody.Questions/topics that the teacher would like you to discuss and develop answers to:Discussion LeaderQuestions/topics you would like to pose for discussion:Sample question types:* What kinds of conflicts (problems) are the characters facing?* What do you think about the way the author/character . ?* What if . had happened instead?* What would you have done if you had been in this characters shoes?* How has . changed your attitude?* What do you think about this event?* Did . surprise you? Why/why not?* What do you think will happen next?Reflect on your time as Discussion Leader for this literature circle: Your job is to present your groups work to the rest of the class. You are also responsible for making a list of the main developments and changes in the plot, setting, and characters as you read. At the start of the each meeting, you will read this summary list to your group so that they can remember what they were reading about last time.NameBookGroupPagesGroup membersReporting tips:* Keep ahead of the reading. * Make notes about the plot, setting and characters as you read. * For homework, simplify your notes into key information. Key information includes the really important events and changes/developments in the story. Read this key information at the beginning of the next meeting to remind your team where you were last time.* Practice how to present your information to the class. How are you going to be brief and concise? What would your group mates want you to say, and not want you to miss?Questions/topics that you are working on in your group:ReporterKey information to the share with the group:Setting (think about changes in the setting or mood that seem important)Plot (think about major events that take place)Characters (think about how characters interact with each other and how characters have changed)Reflect on your time as Reporter for this literature circle: You are responsible for paying careful attention to the diction (word choice) in the text and making notes of interesting, powerful or confusing language. NameBookGroupPagesGroup membersDetective tips:* Which words/word groups are difficult?* Which words/word groups have special power?* Can you see any literary and/or grammatical devices being used really well? Note them down and say why you think they are successful/powerful/useful.Questions/topics that you are working on in your group:Diction DetectivePageWord, phrase, passage, deviceReason for choosing this word, phrase, passage or deviceWhy did the author choose this word? What is the author/character trying to say? Is it successful?Language that caused confusion:Reflect on your time as Diction Detective for this literature circle:You are in charge of making connections inside the world of the book, and also outside the world of the book. What connections can you see with what has already happened in the book? What predictions can you make about what will happen in the future of the book? Can you make connections with your own life and community, and other characters and stories?NameBookGroupPagesGroup membersBridge-building tips:* This task is all about connections inside and outside the book.* Think about books that you have read and films that you have seen, and any similarities that you see between the characters, themes and events in them, and what is going on in our book.* Gather suggestions from other people, and share your suggestions with them.* Connect what is happening in the book now, with what happened before, and make predictions about what might happen in the future of the book.Questions/topics that you are working on in your group:Bridge BuilderEvent from bookType of connectionText to selfText to textText to worldConnectionReflect on your time as Bridge Builder for this literature circle: Your job is to create an illustration related to the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, flow chart, or other depiction.NameBookGroupPagesGroup membersBridge-building tips:* You can choose to illustrate a scene, an idea, a symbol, or a character. * Consider how to use color in your illustration.* Ask each group member to respond, either by making a comment or asking a question.* After everyone has responded, then you may explain your illustration and answer any questions that have not been answered.Artist 1Teaching Plan一、教学材料一、教学材料教学资料: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time授课班级:初三(1)主题: 爱与成长课型: 读中分享课课时长度:50 mins二、教学内容分析二、教学内容分析文本类型:悬疑神秘小说文本内容:The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time(Chapter 101-139; Page61-90)文本语言:难度适中,学生基于前期知识能够基本理解文本内容。教师需注意提示学生适当跳过一定影响理解的词汇。文本评价:结构清晰,内容有趣,情节曲折,以爱与成长为主题,适合中学生认知水平。文本简介: 深夜小狗神秘事件(The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time), 作者马克哈登(Mark Haddon)英国作家、插画家、漫画家及剧作家。1962 年生于英国中部名城北安普顿,1981 年毕业于牛津大学,之后在爱丁堡大学获得英语文学硕士学位。2003 年,长篇小说处女作出版深夜小狗神秘事件,凭借作品本身的魅力,于 2004 年圣诞前夜,超越哈利波特,登上英国畅销书排行榜第 1 名,并荣获英国“惠特布莱德年度图书”“、“大英图书奖年度童书”“、卫报“最佳儿童小说奖”等三十多项文学大奖。 小说站在 15 岁的小男孩 Christopher 的角度,向我们描述了一个与众不同的孩子,如何以一种不同寻常、令人惊奇却更能揭示真相的方式,来理解世界。展示了男孩孤独、游离而又充满勇气、诗意的精神世界。作品以第一人称叙述,对学生有较强的吸引力,语言相对简单,清洁明晰,小说在结构、主题、人物刻画、内心刻画、内心描写、对比冲突等方面皆有可挖掘之处。 本节课所分析章节属于整本书结构的第二部分,主要描述 Christopher 发现邻居家小狗离奇死亡并对其展开调查的过程。2三、学情分析三、学情分析 本届教学班共有学生 16 人。从历次纸笔测试结果看,学生整体语言水平差异较大,如何调动所有同学的积极性和主观能动性,参与到整本书阅读活动中来,是教师考虑的首要问题。 在完成九年级上第七单元、八单元的 Reading 学习后,学生对如何分析小说有了一定的认识。经过导读课和几次“文学圈”的合作阅读学习,学生对自己的角色和职责有了更清晰的认知,能够参与到小组活动中,进行较为积极的对话。 基于“文学圈”阅读模式的理论基础,教师在考虑学生的语言水平、个人特长的基础上,结合本人意愿对学生角色进行了分工。从认知-理解-深辨-欣赏四个层面,引导学生进行自主合作学习、小组讨论、展示与同伴互评等活动激发学生的阅读积极性,更多表达自己对欣赏故事方面的理解,深入思考故事的发展和结局,以培养他们的思维能力和综合语用能力。四、教学目标四、教学目标1、语言能力1)运用阅读策略猜测生词词意,获取细节信息,理解主旨大意,判断作者意图;2)读懂故事的主题和意图,获取主要信息、理清故事的脉络;3)表达观点和意见,参与讨论。2、学习能力1)利用交互问答、图画等信息理解主题;2)通过互相交流,培养交际策略;3)通过深入理解故事,挖掘人物性格,培养文学鉴赏力。3、思维品质1)通过对情节的分析,培养逻辑思维能力、理性思维;2)通过对细节的理解,培养欣赏能力、推断能力;3)通过同伴评价,拓展思维空间,扩充认知角度,培养明辨性思维能力。34、文化品格1)了解、赏析原版文本,学会合作、分享与倾听;2)联系小说与现实生活,获得启示,体验文学作品的美与内涵;3)学会做一个有责任心的人,并学会帮助他人,乐观待人待物。 本节课主要目的是激发和引导学生,从不同角度理解文本,欣赏文本,评析故事,表达观点。从而培养学生的欣赏能力,推断能力,明辨性(批判性)思维能力,交互式思维能力,并以写读书报告为最终呈现形式,培养学生逻辑思维和创造性思维能力,引发对生活的思考。五、教学重点、难点五、教学重点、难点1、重点1)理解故事情节,体会、挖掘人物的内心活动;2)对故事表达个人不同的观点;3)赏析文学作品,锻造思维品质。2、难点1)个别学生互动学习参与性不强;2)文本长度对学生造成心理压力。六、教学设计思路六、教学设计思路1. 指导方向: 2016 年我国明确提出英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力。其中思维品质是英语学科核心素养的重要组成部分,而逻辑性、批判性和创新性思维能力是关键。好的阅读是一边阅读,一边猜测的过程,是凭借思维来理解信息、进行创作的过程。语言既是文化的组成部分,又是文化的载体。原版小说承载着大量的文化信息,通过阅读体验,学生接触并了解符合他们认知能力的英语生活方式和价值观念,有效拓宽学生视野、丰富知识层面,发展跨文化意识与能力,提高人文素养,为最终形成分析问题、解决问题能力打下基础。 42、教学思路:(1)前期准备: 通过学习教材中的故事类文章,帮助学生掌握文学阅读的基本要素。如:Archimedes and the golden crown, Cao Chong weights an elephant, Two geniuses, Einstein and the little girl集中教学,促进学生掌握 setting, character, plot 等分析文学作品的基本要素。 学习 The Gifts, The Last Leaf 教材中篇章,补充阅读英文短篇小说,了解比喻、夸张、拟人等基本的修辞手法,触发学生的深度思考,建立文本与现实生活的联系。 (2)本课设计: 依托“文学圈”这一阅读模式,展开学习。设计开放性的任务指导学生对话文本,通过小组合作,激发学生的积极性和学习兴趣,组织信息,为完成阅读搭建脚手架。首先,在独立阅读的过程中,小组成员依据特定的角色和职责,按照角色自主阅读,完成任务,填写讨论提纲, 形成分享期待。其次,小组成员按照自己预先准备好的讨论提纲进行讨论,与其他成员进行分享将自己阅读过程中的阅读心得 。最后,展示交流,同伴互评,汇报总结。 3、教学方法: 任务型教学法、 语篇分析教学法、交际教学法。 七、教学过程Process步骤Objective 目的Teachers activities教师活动Students activities学生活动Learning methods学习策略Time时间Warm up热身Assess students understanding of the novel and prepare them to discuss in class.初步检测及了解学生对指定章节的阅读情况,营造上课氛围。Present some statements relevant to the content of the novel;Ask students to judge;Observe students reaction.展示和文本相关的陈述。 Decide on true or false:判断正误:a. The chapters of the novel are in order of prime number.b. Christopher tells us why he doesnt like yellow in five ways.c. Rhodri is Checking in5 mins5Christophers friend.d. Christopher likes math because it was safe. He likes math because it means solving problems, and these problems are difficult and interesting but there is always a straightforward answer at the end.e. Clues and Red Herrings are the same writing device.To check students understanding of the story; Help students understand the text;Provide opportunities for students to communicate and share ideas.学生交谈,检测、增进对文本的理解。Walk around to check students understanding of the text;Record students participation and engagement level;Help students if necessary.观察、记录学生表现。Respond, question, make personal connections, evaluate, analyze and interpret the quotation or passage. 彼此交流,分析文本。Literature CircleReading comprehension理解&欣赏Organize the content they shared and prepare for presentation.组织、整理分享内容。Ask students to make a poster to share the content of their discussion.提醒各小组成员将分享内容制作为海报。Make a poster to share show the main content of their discussion.小组成员将分享内容制作为海报。Poster making15 mins6Reading appreciation&Evaluation 欣赏&评析To get students to think more about the text.To get students to understand the text better.To provide a chance for students to share their opinions and think critically.To lead students to appreciate the details of the story.To encourage students to read the text critically. 学生对文本有更深入的了解。该环节为老师提供可见的评估证据,了解学生对文章的理解,可参照学生作品进行反馈。Record students participation and engagement level;Help students if necessary.Observe and take notes on students work. 观察、记录学生表现。总结归纳学生作品情况。Group Evaluation 小组间评价Modified give one to get one.Gallery Walk.15minsPresentation& Feedback汇报&反馈Share views.Help students understand and appreciate the text better.分享观点,给出反馈,从不同角度理解文本。Listen closely; Make further explanation if necessary;Record results.聆听报告,若需要协助做进一步解释,记录反馈结果。Oral Presentation.总结汇报。Debrief15mins八、板书设计八、板书设计7 Agenda Check-in (5 mins) Literature Circle (15 mins) Gallery Walk (15 mins) Debrief (15 mins)A story about a boy in the autism(自闭症) spectrum who is investigating the murder of his neighbourss dog. Chapter101-Chapter 139 True or False?The chapters of the novel is in order of prime number.Christopher tells us why he doesnt like yellow in five ways. Page 83 Rhodri is Christophers friend.Page 65 Rhodri is the man who works for Father.Page 65-66 Rhodri was wearing a pair of white dungarees which had dirty marks all over them and he had a gold ring on the middle finger of his left hand he smelled of something I do not know the name of which Father often smells of when he comes home from work.Christopher likes math because it was safe. He likes math because it means solving problems, and these problems are difficult and interesting but there is always a straightforward answer at the end. Page62-63 This is because Mr. Jeavons doesnt understand numbers.Clues and Red Herrings are the same writing device.Page72-73Literature CircleGroup leaderReporter Diction detectiveBridge BuilderArtistGroup leaderReporter Bridge BuilderDiction detectiveDiction detectiveArtistGroup leaderReporterBridge BuilderDiction detectiveArtistGallery WalkDebriefAward Ceremony