Unit 6 Healthy diet-Listening ﹠ Speaking-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(编号:a0194).zip

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123ContentsContentsSpeakingListeningDevelopmentTurkeyGuangzhou International Food Festival Candied fruit from China Sushi from Japan Seafood from America Indian Prata/TeaSpeakingSpeakingPaula and PeterExpressing preferencesA Talk timeWhat is Susans/Davids preference?A1 Role-play the following conversation. Pay attention to the words in blue.What are Susans/Davids preferences?Waiter/Waitress: Hello. Go news for you. We have many different kinds of food for you, such as What would you like to eat?.anything else?S1: Id prefer becauseS2: Id rather have . It so thatS3: I like betterA2. Suppose you can order some food in food festival. Show your preferences. Suppose this year we can order some food in food festival. How to order food on the phone?what foodtimenameaddressListeningListeningPre-listeningPre-listeningAddress: Room_, _ BuildingListeningListeningOrdering foodMary is calling the Corner Cafe to order lunch. Listen and help the waiter complete the order form.Address: Room_, _ Building ListenListen again.again. GetGet moremore informationinformation aboutabout orderingordering food.food. Waiter:Hello.CornerCaf.MayIhelpyou? Customer:Idliketosomefoodanddrinks. Waiter:Yes.Goahead. Customer:ahamburger,apotatosaladandanorange. Waiter:Anythingelse? Customer:No,thatsall,thanks. Waiter:Its11:30now.youit? Customer:By12:30,please. Waiter:MayIhaveyourand,please? Customer:Yes,Imandwearein Waiter:Room1512,DevonBuilding.Right,wellhaveyourordertherebytwelvethirty.Thankyouverymuch. Customer:Thanks,welllookforwardtoit.Goodbye. Waiter:Goodbye.orderIll have When would likename address Speak up 你们的同学陈彩莹将要过15岁的生日,你们要为她举行一个生日大食会。正巧今年广州国际美食节可以电话订餐,每人能点一样东西,你们会订什么, 做到既健康又有意义呢?建议: 1.选好菜单。 2. 选定食品,陈述理由。 3. 电话订餐。4. 评价表演。【Tips】 A food party for TomWhat to order?ReasonsS1-3Lets order_as our main food/drinks/fruit/vegetables/ snacks.I d prefer/rather havebecause S4 and WaiterWell order (food, time, name, address) Today, to celebrate Chens birthday, we are going to hold a food party. Now, we are planning an amazing menu. A food party for Chen Caiying TocelebrateCaiyingsbirthday,wearegoingtoholdafoodparty.Now,weareplanninganamazingmenu.Letsordercheesepizzaasourmainfood.Idpreferpizza,becauseIseldomeatfoodlikethis.Letsorderlemonteaasourdrink.IlikekeepingahealthydietIllordersomefoodanddrinksPizzas SaladsFruit Salad- 39 Yogurt salad- 20 Waitress: PipiMeat Lovers Pizza-45 Bean salad - 15Cheese Pizza- 35 Potato salad - 16Seafood Pizza- 50 French salad- 27Drinks Fruits Pepsi- 11 Apple - 10Coffee -25 Grape - 15Lemon tea- 15 Watermelon - 10Soda water -Free Orange - 10Mary s Little Lamb(Sichuan hotpot)MeatBeef-40Fish - 35Chicken- 30Meat balls- 35 Vegetables Cabbage - 15 Corn- 10Potato - 10 DrinksBeer- 12Cola- 8Wanglaoji- 5Waitress:YingPanyu HotelGuangdong Din sumDumplings-12Chicken legs-15Bun- 15 Vegetables- 12Fish balls- 15Meat balls- 15Zongzi- 10Steamed rice rolls- 13DrinksTea -FreeCoconut juice- 15Bean milk - 5Waitress:JunhuaHappy BarCakesChocolate cake- 65Fruit cake- 45cheese cake - 45SnacksChips- 12Ice-cream- 5Chicken wings- 20Hamburger- 15Juice Apple juice- 15 Orange juice- 10Mango juice- 10 Carrot juice- 15 Waitress:Fei Guangzhou International Food Festival项目项目分分值值 得得分分 备备 注注1.语言运用:发音清晰,语音标准语言准确,表达流畅。4 分 2.表达内容:要点齐全,句型丰富。 3 分 3.表演技巧:自然大方,生动有趣,全员参与。3 分 总分10分 你们组的代表评分:你们组的代表评分:G1_ G2_ G3_ G4 _G5_ G6_ G7_ G8 _ G9_ H HHomeworkHomework1. 为你家周末家庭日设计你心中的理想菜单,并陈述理由。2.英语周报19A Unit 6 Listening & Speaking一、一、The analysis of teaching material:The topic of Unit 6 is Healthy diet and it belongs to Module 3.The first and second periods are Reading(Whats a balanced diet?). After learning it, students can know what a balanced diet is and they can accumulate quite a few of related words about eating.This lesson is the third period of this unit. It contains Talk time(Expressing preferences) , Listening (Ordering food) and Speak up. Based on the knowledge of Reading, students are able to express their preferences for drinks and food in their daily life,and imitate the example of ordering food in a task.二、二、The analysis of studentsAfter years of being trained four English basic skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing), most of the students of my class own the ability to communicate with others in simple English. Students are interested in using English,but they still face a lot of difficulties when trying to plan a food party and state their reasons. Due to this, some situational teachings are provided accordingly.Besides,the teacher should offer to help the students whenever it is necessary.三、三、Teaching aimsThrough the learning of this lesson, students can:Language competence1.Know and understand words “customer and preference. 2.Express preferences with the sentence patterns “Id preferand Id rather”3.Take down key words of quantity and price, while listening to a dialogue of ordering food. 4.Know the common expressions of making an order and complete an order form on the phone. 5.Learn to hold a food party to celebrate a good friends birthday. And they can order food and drinks from International Food Festival in Guangzhou.Cultural awarenessAccept the food from other countries and strengthen cross-cultural awareness.Thinking qualityLearn to cooperate with others by group work.Learning skills1. Know how to order food in their daily life.2. Learn to evaluate the performance of group work.四、四、Teaching focusTo express preferences with the sentence patterns “Id prefer sthand Id rather have sth”To complete an order form五、五、Teaching difficultiesTo choose right food for a birthday party and order these food and drinks in English六、六、Teaching methodsTasked-based approach and communicative approach2七、七、Teaching proceduresStepsTeaching activities AimsStep 1 Lead-in(5)Situation1: Suppose the students are in Guangzhou International Food Festival.Students see some pictures of Guangzhou International Food Festival. Ss name the daily food appeared in Food Festival with students and classify them into healthy and unhealthy food.To activate Ss background knowledge and arouse students interest and lead in todays topic.Step 2 Talk time practice(7)Situation2: Suppose the students are able to try the food and drinks in Guangzhou International Food Festival. Students read after the tape and express their preferences for some food and drinks, and give reasons why they like them. To help Ss think more about the food and drinks. Get what they like according to their preference.Step 3 Listening practice(10)Situation3: Suppose the students have a chance to order the food and drinks in Food Festival. However, they dont know how to order food on the phone. Thus,they need to learn from Marys phone call.Students: 1. think more deeply by brainstorming. “What may be included in an order?” (Names of food, quantity, price each, total price, customers name and address, etc.) 2. act as the waiter of Corner Caf , listen to the dialogue and take notes about the food and drinks from Marys order.3. listen twice. Fill in the blanks about more information on how to order food and drinks with the help of a table.To make Ss understand a menu in a restaurant and learn how to order food and how to write down useful information when necessary.Step 4 Speak up (16)Situation4: Suppose a students birthday is coming soon. The students are going to celebrate it and they need to order some food and drinks in Food Festival.Students choose the right food to hold a birthday party. Discuss what the students preference is and order food on the phone. Act out!To evaluate if Ss can use what they have learned to show preference and show how to order food on the phone.Step 5 Homework assignment(2)Plan a weekend dinner for your family and give reasons.Use what they learnt in their daily life.3预习一:预习一:把以下的食物分类,你能补充更多吗?apple,beef,cabbage, green tea,milk,orange juice, potato, sweets, chips, corn, bread,coffee,coke, coconut juice, ham, turkey, mango, carrot, mushroom, cherry, grape, chicken legs/wings, crab, tomato, banana, fish, lemon tea, noodle, pork, rice, yogurt, soup, ice-cream, sandwich, salad, mutton, wine, duck, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, hamburger, chocolate, cake,Grains MeatVegetablesFruitDairy productsDrinksSnacks预习二、预习二、翻译菜名的技巧:1、菜的命名煎/炒/炸 pan-fry 火腿煎蛋:Fried Eggs with Ham 油炸食品:fried food 煮 boil 水煮鱼丸:boiled fish balls焗 bake 黄油烤龙虾 Baked Lobster with butter烤 roast/grill 如烤鸭 :roast duck 烤牛肉 Roast Beef蒸 steam 如蒸鱼:steamed fish 小结 1)煮的方式+肉的名称 鲜果海鲜配沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit烤羊排配奶酪和红酒汁 Roast Lamb Chop with Cheese and Red Wine 小结 2)sth with sth2、汤的命名 番茄浓汤 Traditional Tomato/ Onion/ bean Soup4Unit 6 Listening & Speaking 研学案研学案 Name:_【课堂练习课堂练习】一、再次听取录音,简要记录如何订餐和如何填写订餐信息。Waiter: Hello. Corner Caf. May I help you?Customer: Id like to some food and drinks. Waiter: Yes. Go ahead. Customer: a hamburger, a potato salad and an orange.Waiter: Anything else?Customer: No, thats all, thanks. Waiter: Its 11:30 now._ you it?Customer: By 12:30, please.Waiter: May I have your and , please?Customer: Yes, Im and we are in Room1512, Devon Buildingthats D-E-V-O-N.Waiter: Room 1512, Devon Building. Right, well have your order there by twelve thirty. Thank you very much. Customer: Thanks, well look forward to it. Goodbye. Waiter: Goodbye.二、你们的同学陈彩莹将要过 14 岁的生日,你们要为她举行一个生日大食会。正巧今年广州国际美食节可以电话订餐,每人能点一样东西,你们会订什么, 做到既健康又有意义呢?建议:1.选好菜单。 2. 选定食品,陈述理由。3. 电话订餐。4. 评价表演。You can begin like this: Today, to celebrate As birthday, we are going to hold a food party. Now, we are planning an amazing menu.What to order?ReasonsS1-3Lets order_as our main food/drinks/fruit/vegetables/ snacks.I d prefer/rather havebecause S4 and WaiterWell order (food, time, name, address)5*小组活动评价表小组活动评价表项目项目分值分值得分得分备注备注1. 语言运用:发音清晰,语音标准,语言准确,表达流畅。4 分2. 表达内容:要点齐全,句型丰富。3 分3. 表演技巧:自然大方,生动有趣,全员参与。3 分总分10 分组内代表评分:G1_ G2_ G3_ G4 _ G5_ G6_ G7_ G8_ G9_ Guangzhou International Food FestivalPizzas SaladsFruit Salad- 39 Yogurt salad- 20Meat Lovers Pizza-45 Bean salad - 15Cheese Pizza- 35 Potato salad - 16Seafood Pizza- 50 French salad- 27Drinks Fruits Pepsi- 11 Apple - 10Coffee -25 Grape - 15Lemon tea- 15 Watermelon - 10Soda water -Free Orange - 10Mary s Little Lamb(Sichuan hotpot)MeatBeef-40Fish - 35Chicken- 30Meat balls- 35 Vegetables Cabbage - 15 Corn- 10Potato - 10 DrinksBeer- 12Panyu HotelGuangdong Din sumDumplings-12Chicken legs-15Bun- 15 Vegetables- 12Fish balls- 15Meat balls- 15Zongzi- 10Steamed rice rolls- 13DrinksTea -FreeHappy BarCakesChocolate cake- 65Fruit cake- 45cheese cake - 45SnacksChips- 12Ice-cream- 5Chicken wings- 20Hamburger- 15Juice Apple juice- 15 Orange juice- 106Cola- 8Wanglaoji- 5Coconut juice- 15Bean milk - 5Mango juice- 10 Carrot juice- 15 备用:二、再次听取录音,简要记录如何订餐和如何填写订餐信息。Waiter: Hello. Corner Caf. (提供帮助) May I help you?Customer: (订餐用语) Id like to order some food and drinks. Waiter: Go ahead. Customer: (点菜用语) Ill have a hamburger, a potato salad and an orange.Waiter: Anything else?Customer: No, thats all, thanks. Waiter: (确定时间) When would you like it?Customer: By 12:30, please.Waiter: (确定人物和地点) May I have the name and address, please?Customer: Yes, Im and we are in Room1512, Devon Buildingthats D-E-V-O-N.Waiter: Room 1512, Devon Building. Right, well have your order there by twelve thirty. Thank you very much. Customer: Thanks, well look forward to it. Goodbye. Waiter: Goodbye.三、以小组为单位设计一份节日菜单,可以从这些节日中选取,也可以自定。如:春节,元宵,母亲节,父亲节,中秋,圣诞节, 奶奶的生日晚宴等。 A menu _ Main food:_ Snacks: _Fruit: _Soup/Drinks: _ Vegetables:_一、信息转述假如你是餐厅的服务员,请你根据所听到的内容和要点提示,在 50 秒内说出一段Mary 订餐的信息,应包含全部要点。7Ordering food1. Who makes a phone call?2. What food and drink to order?3. How much is it together?4. What is the address?5. When should the order be sent to?
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