Unit 1 Wise men in history-More practice ﹠ Culture corner-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(编号:9083f).zip

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ScalesChemical test In the ancient times In ancient Greece, women _ to appear in public places. Helen _to _ the Olympics. Finally, she _.were not alloweddressed as a soldierattendwas caught and sent into prisonHow to weigh this big machine?Weigh its pieces ?wise men Born in the Spring and Autumn Period. The founder of Taoism(道家道家). Famous work: Daodejing. His family name is Li, and his given name is Er. People always call him Laozi.Luck and misfortune(不幸不幸) come in turn.祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏,福兮祸所伏。Laozi lived in the 6th century BC.It is believed that he wrote the(Bible;Daodejing).It is said thatPeople say thatIt is said/ People say that Kobe is an excellent basketball player.据说据说科比是一名优秀的篮球运动员。It is known that= People know that众所周知众所周知,他总是把时间花费在派对上。It is known/ People know that he always spends time on parties.It is believed that he wrote the(Bible;Daodejing).be popular with 受到的欢迎This book is popular in both the East and the West.Many people have found inspiration in this book.手机在世界范围内应用广泛。mental supportIt is still widely read today. There are many famous sayings in the Daodejing. One of them is “A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.”Who was the earliest one?Namelived inLaozithe 6th century BCConfuciousthe 5th century BCMengzithe 4th century BCthe 6th century BCthe 5th century BCthe 4th century BCMengziLaoziConfuciousPractice makes perfect.Failure is the mother of all success.Its never too late to learn.失败是成功之母。失败是成功之母。活到老学到老。活到老学到老。熟能生巧。熟能生巧。 When Davinch was 14 years old, he learnt drawing from a famous painter. In the first class, the teacher taught him to draw eggs. At the beginning, Davinch was very interested in it. However, for a long time, the teacher only asked him to draw eggs. To his surprise, he asked him the reason. His teacher told him that the time he could draw the eggs well in different angles is the time for him to be a good painter. From then on, he had been working on drawing eggs. In the end, he became a very excellent painter in the world.Practice makes perfect. Thomas Edison is an inventor. In the early 1990s, people used gas to make light, so there were many accidents happening at that time. In order to avoid more accidents, Edison decided to creat something which could take place of gaslamps. So he did a lot of experiments for inventing that kind of thing. At the beginning, There was not any success, but he still kept working on it with his coworkers. After more than 6,000 experiments, finally, he invented light bulbs which could light for more than 1,200 hours successfully.Failure is the mother of all success. When Mao Zedong was in Yanan, he once said if he could only live for ten more years, he would keep studying for 9 years and 359 days. He encouraged people to read books for the whole life. In fact, he passed away at 0:10 a.m. on September 9, 1976. What did he do on September 8? He lay in the bed quietly. As soon as he woke up, he would open a book or read files. He woke up 11 times and ask for reading books for 11 times. He was awake for 2 hours and fifty minutes. So he spent that period reading books. The last time he read books is at 4:37 p.m. on September 8. Seven years later, he passed away. Its never too late to learn.A AB BC CD DE EF FGGHH I IJ J 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。 Luck and misfortune(不幸不幸) comes in turn. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。 Union is strength. 团结就是力量。 不劳无获 No pains, no gains.失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of all success. 活到老,学到老。 Its not too late to learn.千里之行,始于足下。A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.1.Luck and misfortune(不幸) come in turn.2.All roads lead to Rome.3.Knowledge is power.4.All for one, one for all. 5.Union is strength.6.No pains, no gains.Based on one saying, make up a story or talk about your own experience. It is believed that _ They are men with great minds.Homework :Look for some information about the famous person you like and write a composition about him or her.语言知识认读和理解单词 inspiration, widely, century, journey, believe.语言技能1.能通过阅读了解老子的生平和贡献。2.锻炼学生阅读能力及综合运用所学知识的能力。教 学 目 的学习策略1.通过分角色表演对所学课文进行复习。2.利用猜谜游戏加深对老子背景知识的了解3.通过视频扩展学生们对于老子背景知识理解。4.使用图片教师学生对课文重要知识点的印象。5.通过拓展性阅读提高学生词汇量。6.学会将名人名言应用于作文中。教学重点分享中国历史上的名人名言教学难点能掌握结合名言讲故事的能力。教学环节教学内容活动设计Step1导入导入T:Do you still remember which wise men we have learnt in this unit?(引导学生说出是哪三位智者)。T:Do you know how to check whether the necklace is made of gold or not?(In the modern world, we have many useful skills, such as scales and chemical tests. We also have many experts who are good at testing jewelry. But how about in the ancient times?)(对比现代检验金子的技术,在古时候有一个叫阿基米德的人,学生们表演关于其检验皇冠纯金与否的故事。从这个故事中得出要善于观察周围发生的事情,从中可以得到好主意。)T: Fill in the blanks based on the picture and the story of Helen at the Olympics.T: In ancient China, we also had some wise men. Do you know the name of the little kid?(Cao Chong)(引导学生说出曹冲的故事,并通过问如何称量一个巨大的机器,引导学生说出可以像曹冲一样通过量其零件的重量。)T: We have learnt these three wise men. Who will be the next one we are going to talk about?(老子与本单元前面三人都是智者并由此引出有关老子的猜谜游戏)承上作用。通过英语剧和通过英语剧和看图填空练习看图填空练习以及图片讲述,以及图片讲述,引导学生们回引导学生们回忆第一单元已忆第一单元已经提到的三个经提到的三个智者及其故事。智者及其故事。Step 2T:From the video, we know Laozi said so many sayings. One of them is “Luck and misfortune come in turn.” I would use an example to explain it. “”If I got an A in this exam, but I didnt study hard, I will lose in the next exam.”通过猜谜游戏通过猜谜游戏猜出是老子,猜出是老子,并观看老子及并观看老子及道教的视频,道教的视频,视频中出现许视频中出现许多名言,其中多名言,其中一个是一个是 Luck and misfortune come in turn,并用一个关于并用一个关于考试的例子使考试的例子使学生猜出学生猜出“祸祸兮福所倚,福兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏兮祸所伏” 。Step 3T:Listen to me carefully.T: Read after me sentence by sentence.T: Each group needs to read the whole article and others read after them.教师首先读课教师首先读课文,然后由教文,然后由教师带领学生一师带领学生一句一句读,之句一句读,之后以组为单位后以组为单位读课文,其他读课文,其他组跟读。组跟读。Step 4:When did Laozi live?What did he write?Can you give a famous saying from the Daodejing.两人一组讨论两人一组讨论并回答以下问并回答以下问题,一问一答。题,一问一答。Step 5In the 6th century BC means from the year 600 to the year 501 BC.It is believed that./ People believe that与其相同结构的句型It is said that/ People say thatIt is known that/ People know that学生翻译句子据说科比是一名优秀的篮球运动员。It is said that/ People say that Kobe is an excellent basketball player.众所周知,他总是把时间花费在派对上。It is known that/People know that he always spends time on parties.popular be popular with 受到的欢迎学生用 be popular with 自己造句子。S1: The Name of the People is popular with many people.S2: The song is popular with many young people.教师用攒钱的例子解释 A journey of thousand li begins with a single step.学生猜出是“千里之行始于足下。 ”结合图片讲述结合图片讲述知识点。知识点。Step 6T: Lets review those language points we have learnt.If you know it, you need to hand up.用快闪的方式用快闪的方式呈现中或英文呈现中或英文知识点帮助学知识点帮助学生复习知识点。生复习知识点。Step 7进行他们生活的年代排序。 (公元前)点出孔子英文中叫”Confucious”。给出音标,并由教师领读。中国古代除了中国古代除了老子,还有其老子,还有其他智者,给出他智者,给出图片引导学生图片引导学生猜出是孟子和猜出是孟子和孔子。孔子。Step8通过简单的英文分别解释三个名言,学生猜出其含义。Failure is the mother of all success.Its never too late to learn.Practice makes perfect.给学生三分钟时间自己阅读,并进行匹配。教师在学生每匹配成功时,讲出小短文中得出的道理。给出三个名言给出三个名言以及三个关于以及三个关于中外名人的小中外名人的小短文,进行搭短文,进行搭配。配。Step9T: You need pick one from the ten and translate it into Chinese or English.玩一个选字母玩一个选字母游戏。学生选游戏。学生选字母,并翻译字母,并翻译字母后面的名字母后面的名言言(包含这堂课包含这堂课讲的内以及一讲的内以及一些简单的名言些简单的名言)。Step 10T: Pick one from the six and make up a story or talk about your own experience.Luck and misfortune(不幸) come in turn.All roads lead to Rome.Knowledge is power. All for one, one for all. Union is strength.No pains, no gains.学生代表自己组汇报完成的故事或经历。从学生们的故事中,他们了解到这些智者的名言对我们的生活、工作和学习很有用。应用 It is believed that 句式说出这些智者都是聪明的人。 (作为启下章 great minds)It is believed that they are men with great minds字母游戏中的字母游戏中的简单名言。学简单名言。学生六人一组选生六人一组选一条名言编故一条名言编故事或叙述自己事或叙述自己的经历。的经历。Step 11: Look for some information about the famous person you like and write a composition about him or her.作业作业:寻找学生寻找学生们喜欢名人的们喜欢名人的信息并写一篇信息并写一篇关于这个名人关于这个名人的作文。的作文。ExerciseMatch the saying with each paragraph.Failure is the mother of all successIt is never too late to learn.Practice makes perfect.When Davinch was 14 years old, he learnt drawing from a famous painter. In the first class, the teacher taught him to draw eggs. At the beginning, Davinch was very interested in it. However, for a long time, the teacher only asked him to draw eggs. To his surprise, he asked him the reason. His teacher told him that the time he could draw the eggs well in different angles is the time for him to be a good painter. From then on, he had been working on drawing eggs. In the end, he became a very excellent painter in the world.Thomas Edison is an inventor. In the early 1990s, people used gas to make light, so there were many accidents happening at that time. In order to avoid more accidents, Edison decided to create something which could take place of gaslamps. So he did a lot of experiments for inventing that kind of thing. At the beginning, There was not any success, but he still kept working on it with his coworkers. After more than 6,000 experiments, finally, he invented light bulbs which could light for more than 1,200 hours successfully.When Mao Zedong was in Yanan, he once said if he could only live for ten more years, he would keep studying for 9 years and 359 days. He encouraged people to read books for the whole life. In fact, he passed away at 0:10 a.m. on September 9, 1976. What did he do on September 8? He lay in the bed quietly. As soon as he woke up, he would open a book or read files. He woke up 11 times and ask for reading books for 11 times. He was awake for 2 hours and fifty minutes. So he spent that period reading books. The last time he read books is at 4:37 p.m. on September 8. Seven years later, he passed away.
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