Module 1 How to learn English-Unit 1 Let's try to speak English as much as possible.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:f0d16).zip

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ReadRead thethe wordswords andand expressionsexpressions loudly.loudly.vpairvcorrectvspellingvwordvpractisevmatchvmeaningvcompletevn. (相关的相关的)两个人,一两个人,一对对vv. 改正改正;纠正纠正; adj. 正确正确的的vn. 拼写拼写vn. ;单词;字;单词;字vv. 练习练习vv. 找到与找到与相配之物相配之物,使相配,使成对,使相配,使成对vn. 意义;意思意义;意思vv. 把把填完整;使完填完整;使完全全Words and expressionsvsentencevdictionaryvgrammarvlettervlook upvmistakevmake a mistakevunderstandvadvicevn. 句子句子vn. 词典;字典词典;字典vn. 语法语法vn. 字母字母v 查;查找查;查找vn. 错误;过错错误;过错v 犯错误犯错误vv. 理解;明白理解;明白vn. 意见;建议意见;建议Words and expressionsvshouldvpossiblevwrite downvnotebookvforgetvpronouncevaloudvradiovpronunciationvv. aux. 应该应该vadj. 可能的可能的v 写下;记下写下;记下vn. 笔记本笔记本vv. 忘;忘记忘;忘记vv. 发发的音的音vadv. 大声地;出声大声地;出声地地vn. 电台;广播电台;广播vn. 发音发音Words and expressionsWords and expressionskeymainexcellentagreeagree with sb.adj. 关键性的,非常重关键性的,非常重 要的要的adj. 主要的;最大的主要的;最大的adj. 极好的;优秀的极好的;优秀的 v. 赞同赞同 同意某人同意某人Module 1How to learn EnglishUnit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.青州市五里学校青州市五里学校 房房 英英What is the video about? newspapermagazineInternet报纸报纸杂志杂志互联网互联网 Where can we see English in our daily life? China Radio International Voice of AmericaCRIA lot of things around us are used in English.美国之音美国之音and so onDo you want to learn English well?English is very important and useful.Do you like English?Read the instructions and check () the ones you understand.1.Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.2. Correct the spelling.3. Listen and check the words you hear.4. Practise saying the words.5. Match the words with their meaning.6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. A1 A. dictionary ( ) B. make a mistake ( ) C. understand ( ) D. grammar ( ) E. look up ( ) F. letter ( ) 123456Listen and number.Listening A21.Which word did Daming not understand?2.What mistake did Lingling make?3.How does Daming usually check the spelling of a word?1.4.Why was it difficult for Daming to check the spelling of a word? Spring Yesterday, I “go” to the cinema. By looking up the dictionary.looking it up in the dictionary Because he didnt know the first letter.Listen and answer the questions.Listening A2 Yesterday, I “went” to the cinema. Listen and choose the best answers.( )1. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom. A( ) 2. What are they talking about? to get on well with their to speak English.C. how to learn English.CB. At home.C. In the park.Listening A3 Listen it again and then check if the following statements are T or F. Listening A3( )4. Listen to English radio program.( )5. Read English stories.( )6. Try to understand every word.( )1. Speak Chinese in class.( ) 2. Write the mistakes in the notebooks.( )3. Write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.FTTTTFDont need to understand every word.English Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Today,we are going to talk about good to learn English. Ready? Who has some ?Lingling: We should always English in class.Ms James: Good! Lets speak English as much as possible.Daming:Why not write down the in our notebooks?Ms James: Thats a good idea.And dont forget to write down the answers next to the mistakes? What else? waysadvicespeaktry tomistakescorrectListening A3Listen and fill in the blanks.Lingling: Its a good idea and pronounce new words every day.Ms James: Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about the radio?Daming:Yes, thats good for our too. But there are so many new words.Ms James: You dont need to every word. You just need to listen for words and ideas. to spellaloudlistening topronunciationunderstandkeymainDaming: Thats the same for reading.English stories are so interesting . I get to know a lot about the world through .Lingling: I think is also important . Why dont we try to find some English pen friends? We can write to them.Ms James:Excellent! I with you.readingagreewritingRead aloudReadingCrazy Show!Read the dialogue in roles, and underline the expressions of suggestion, then show your achievement.Please pay attention to the intonation. 1.How/What about ?2.Would you like ?3.Lets 4.Why dont you?5.Why not?6.You should/shouldnt 7.Its a good idea to do.doing do sth. do sth.常用的回答是:Thats a good/great idea.OK./ All right.How many pieces of advice can you find?Listening: listen to the radioSpeaking:Reading:Wrting:Learning new words:Write notes about learning English.speak English as much as possible; read English stories, write to English pen friendsspell andpronounce new words aloud every daylisten to the radio; always speak in English in classunderstand key words and main ideasReadingWork in pairs. Talk about problems in learning English and give advice.vProblemsvAdvicevI cantvI dont knowvHow/ What about?vWhy dont you/ not?Speaking Example:-I cant speak English well. What should I do?- Why dont you try to talk to our classmates in English?Now its your turn! Whats the of being a good English learner?secret Culture:To attract the students interest in learning English. SummaryKey structures:How/What about ?Lets Why dont you?/Why not?We/You shouldIts a good idea to do Key words:pair, correct, spelling, practise, match, complete, sentence, dictionary, grammar、letter、understand, advice, possible, notebook, forget, pronounce, excellent Key phrases:look up、make a mistake, write down, agree with Homework 1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today. 2. Give some advice on English learning and write them down. Thank you for your listening!Goodbye!教学设计教学设计课题Module 1 Unit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.教材外研社英语八年级上册时间45 分钟教师学生八年级课型Listening and speaking语言知识目标1. To master the words and phrases on how to learn English.2. To get information on how to learn English in reading and listening.3. To learn different ways of giving advice.语言技能目标1. To use the language points that we learnt in this lesson.2. To learn how to giving advice in a right way and say thanks when getting advice.学习策略Enable the students to get familiar with the structure-expressing their advice or plan.文化意识To find specific information about English study.教学目标情感态度To attract the students interest in learning English.教学重点1. To master the language points and try to use them.2. To make up a dialogue about how to learn English.教学重难点教学难点Enable the students to get familiar with the structure-expressing their advice or plan.教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图情境导入Warming-up and leading-inRead the new words and remember them.Video time.English is very Read the words carefully.Watch a video and 熟记新单词。观看视频激发学生的兴趣和important and useful.talking about it.求知欲,为下面的学习打下基础。听前Pre-listening(Activity 1)Read the instructions and check () the ones you understand.Read the instructions and understand them.为下一步的听力扫清语言障碍。小听力While-listening(Activity 2)1.Listen and number.2.Listen and answer the questions.1.Number the words.2.Answer the four questions.清除生词障碍,让学生获得成就感。再听,有利于学生更有效的把握文章的意思,提高课堂的效率,为下面的对话学习做铺垫。大听力Post-listening(Activity 3)1. Play the recording of Activity 3 and ask students to choose the best answers.2. Play the recording of Activity 3 again and Listen it again and then check the sentences are T or F.3. Fill in the blanks as you listen. 1. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers.2. Listen to the dialogue again and check the sentences are T or F.3. Fill in the blanks as you listen.通过相关问题,让学生总体感知,把握对话的主旨大意。通过呈现听力原文,训练学生学会从听中去获取关键词汇的能力。读Reading1. Check if students understand the new words in the conversation.2. Ask students to read in roles.3. Invite several pairs to read and check whether they have any problems.4. How many pieces of advice can you find?5. Read the dialogue by themselves and write notes about learning English.1. Read the conversation in pairs.2. Read in class.3. Show the achievement in class. Check if the statements are true.4. Show the pieces of advice.5. Write down the notes and read them together.鼓励学生张开嘴,大声读。通过复述课文让学生大胆展示自己。通过反复朗读原文,进一步熟悉本课的词汇和句型,掌握好本课出现的提出建议的重点句式,帮助学生形成系统能力,为后面仿说做准备。说SpeakingTalk about problems in learning English and give advice.Make up a new dialogue in pairs and then act it out.通过学生的学习,编写出自己的对话,陈述出自己学习英语的问题和经验,供大家分享,体现英语学习的合作精神。小结SummaryAsk students to summarize key words, key phrases, Summarize the key words, key phrases, key structures etc.通过总结本节课所学的内容,进一步回扣教key structures etc.学目标,让学生掌握好本节课的重难点知识。作业Homework1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today.2. Give some advice on English learning and write them down.1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today.2. Give some advice on English learning and write them down.及时巩固课上学习的词汇和句型;学会运用所学句型,从而达到学以致用的目的。板书设计Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.1.We should 2.Lets try to 3.How about/ What about ?4.Why not ? 5.Why dont we/you ?6.Dont forget to 7.Its a good idea to
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