Module 3 Sports-Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:31cf2).zip

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Student number _ Name: _ Class:_Module 3 SportsStudent SheetTask1: What do I want to know? I want to know _.Task 2: After training so hard, finally we win the game. Think about “ Why” and “What will happen”. And then write a passage about it. Word bank: hard early better carefully carelessly well difficult easily WhenWe winquickly slowly badlySentence structures: _, because_. _, so that_. _, so _. Task 4: Write a passage about “ We win the game”._ 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球Before the classtextbooknotebookblack pensred pensstudent sheetPlease get ready for our lesson! 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球*Module 3Sports程金华 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球*Guessfootball 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球*What can you see?The blue team _the red team.The blue team _ the red team.The blue team look _.The blue team against genstare cheering tr pleased pli:zd beat bi:t 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球*What can you see?They are _.trainingtrencoachkt 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球Today we are going to talk about _.A. a football teamB. a football matchC. football trainingCGuessThis year we are training more carefully. 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球*Before reading, thinkI want to know_.WhenWhereWhoHowWhyOn Saturday and after school.At the schoolThe school team and their coachBecause the other team beat uslast year. 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球I know_.What else do you know? 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球Finish the table What Why 1. We arrive _. 2. We are training _ than _. 3.It is_ to practise in winter. 4.Our coach is early as we can We have to time to warm up.harder The other team beat us last year.more difficultusual The days are short and the winter is cold too.pleased e are playing better as a team now. 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球thinkWhy are they training more carefully?What will happen? 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球We winwe winWhyWhat will happen Evaluation (10 points) Good groupwork 2 points Speak loudly 2 points More than 3 Why and What will happen 6 pointsword bank:hard early better carefully carelesslywell difficult easilyquickly slowly badlysentence structure:_, because_._, so that _. 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球 Evaluation (10 points) Good cooperation 2 points Speak loudly 2 points At least 3 Why and What will happen 6 points Good morning, everyone! We are from Group X. It is our great honor to be here to show. Thank you for your listening!Show time 追求卓越 融会中外 放眼全球Sentence structures _, because_. _, so that_. _, so _.we winWhyWhats the result (原因)Write a diaryThank you!放眼全球 融会中外 追求卓越教学设计教学设计M3 SportsUnit 2 This year we are training more carefully.(外研版初中英语八年级上册)外研版初中英语八年级上册)教学内容:教学内容: 话题: Lesson 2 This year we are training more carefully, U3 Sports 课型: 阅读课(第一课时) 教材分析:教材分析: Module 3 Sports 这个模块的话题是初中生熟悉且十分热爱的体育运动。校园生活中体育运动和体育比赛一直是他们时兴的话题,容易激发他们的兴趣,他们积累的语言素材也很多,帮助他们在课上的学习过程。 本模块第一单元通过大明,托尼,贝蒂三人在家观看足球比赛节目的一段话,对比了他们各自对观看比赛和参加比赛的感受,在自然语境中引导学生对球类活动进行简单描述。 本模块第二单元以大明参加校足球队训练为主题,着重介绍了大明所在小队积极备战今年的校级联赛的情况。本篇短文在文体上属于日记,文章行文着重通过因果逻辑关系的写作技巧,使得文章环环相扣。本文先对今年的联赛训练做整体说明(今年我们训练的很认真,因为我们去年输给了对手球队。我们放学后训练,周六训练,而且提前到学校,就是为了更好的训练。然后进行局部说明(冬天训练很辛苦,因为天气变冷日长缩短,但我们还是很认真;教练很满意,我们训练的更认真,踢得更好,以至于今年我们成功的机会更大)。最后再对粉丝俱乐部进行了说明(去年我们输了,粉丝变少,今年我们更加努力,希望粉丝逐渐增多)。因而第二模块通过分析全文的因果逻辑关系,更利于学生理解全文的脉络,也更容易让学生感受本篇文章的独到之处。学情分析:学情分析: 初二的学生经过一年多的英语学习已经积累了一定的关于体育运动的词汇与句型。加之通过第二模块比较级的学习和第三模块第一单元球类运动的学习,学生对比较级和基本体育词汇较熟悉,从而帮学生减轻了语言负担。教师可以通过设计教学任务让学生在了解整篇文章大意的基础上,再着重训练学生因果逻辑关系,只要教师给出足够的引导和示范,学生基本上都能够按照要求,在规定时间内以小组协作的形式完成具体阅读思维培养任务。 教学目标:教学目标: 在本节课结束时,学生能够:1.通过观察和描述图片和标题,能够对文章的话题进行预测;2.理解以下词汇意思:beat; cheer.on; fan club; coach; train; usual; play against3.通过理解文章结构,以及事件因果关系;4.能够利用思维导图理清因果关系,并以 because,so, so that.简单复述事件。教学重点与难点:教学重点与难点:1,在语篇中找出因果逻辑关系来理清文章脉络,从而训练学生的因果逻辑思维。2,通过思维导图展现因果关系,并能进行简单的推测和表述。教学过程:教学过程:Teaching DesignStageStage aimTeachers activitiesStudentsactivitiesStrategiesTimeWarm-up1.Arouse students interests in the topic.2.Find out how much students know about the topic.3.Teach new vocabulary with pictures.4.Predict the topic according to the pictures and the title.1.Show Ss two pictures and ask to describe the pictures.2.Ask Ss to fill in the blanks to check new words. 3.Ask Ss to make a prediction about the main idea of the passage.4.Give the title to help Ss to predict the main idea.1.Describe the pictures2.Make predictions about the main idea.利用图片、标题预测文章主旨大意5mBefore reading,predict the passagePredict the some details of the passage.Ask Ss to guess what is the passage going to talk about.Predict what is the passage going to talk about- When, Where, How, Who, Why.利用表格预测文章基本内容5mReading for understandingUnderstand the passage1.Ask Ss to read the passage very quickly to find out “ When, Where, How, Why, Who”2. Ask Ss to list out more information about the passage.1.Read and finish the table.2.List out “What else do they know about the passage?”快速阅读 完成表格列出更多信息10mExperiencingRead for the cause-and-result relationship1.Ask Ss to go through the passage again and finish the table.2.Ask Ss to circle out the linking words.Read and finish the table.快速阅读完成表格圈出逻辑连接词5mExploringExplore the cause-and-result relationshipGuide Ss to draw the thinking map.Finish the thinking map with the guidance of the teacher.利用 thinking map 启发学生因果关系思维。10mApplyingApply the thinking map and guide Ss to draw the thinking map.1.Ask Ss to work in groups to finish the thinking map about “ We win the game.” Why and What will happen.2.Ask Ss to present the thinking map.Finish the thinking map about “ We win”利用 thinking map 来巩固因果关系思维。5mSummary & HomeworkConsolidationWrite down a diary about “ We win”.5mBoard Plan:M3 SportsUnit2 This year we are training more carefully. Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8 This year we are training more carefully.lost to the other teamhave fewer fanswant to do betterWhyWhat will happen?have better chance of winninghave more fansplease our coach
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