Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 2 What is the best way to travel -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-部级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:907a9).zip

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Welcome to our class!Guessing gameJourneybook the hotel However, what is the best way to travel?合肥市第四十五中学橡树湾校区合肥市第四十五中学橡树湾校区 吴华玲吴华玲Module4 Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?London What will the passage tell us? Be a keen readerHow many parts are there in the passage?WhatWhat areare thethe fourfour waysways toto travel?travel?12345go by planeTips:Pay attention to the first sentence of each para. Londontne most expensivethe second most expensive the second cheapest the cheapestBe a smart readerBe a smart readerQuestion I am planning to travel from London to Amsterdam. How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? Could you please tell me about the trains or ships to get there? The more information, the better. Thanks!Askers(提问者(提问者) questions.How to ask for more information?How long does the journeytake and what is the best way to travel?Could you please tell me about the trains orships to get there?The more information, the better.Ways of travelingTrainGood pointsmore relaxinga lot more expensiveBad pointsSuggestionsbuy your ticket a long time before you travelAnswer: para 1Ways of travelingGood pointsthe most comfortableBad pointsthe most expensiveSuggestionsbook your ticket before you book your hotel/stay outsideAnswer: para 2 Car and shipWays of traveling CoachGood pointsthe cheapestBad pointscrowded, long hoursSuggestionsno suggestionsAnswer: para 3Ways of traveling PlaneGood pointsthe fastest and the second cheapestBad pointswait for hoursAnswer: para 4Ways of travelingBy trainBy coachBy planeBy car and by shipGood pointsSuggestionsBad pointsWays of traveling TrainCoach PlaneWays of travelingBy trainBy coachBy planeBy car and by shipGood pointsSuggestionsBad pointsGood pointsBad pointsGood pointsBad pointsGood pointsBad pointsSuggestions Pay attention to(注意)(注意) the words.Be a smart readerHow does the passage describe the four ways of travelling?A. By making an interview.B. By comparing ways of travelling.C. By telling some stories.How many ways before this sentence?Will there be more ways to tell?London to AmsterdamCostTimeComfortable traincar&shipcoachplane*If you are the asker, what is the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam?We have different standards(标准标准) for the best .Id like to travel by plane. Because I am very busy and going by plane is the fastest way. It can save our time.Be a critical readerBe a helpful readerWhat is the best way to travel from Sanya to Hefei?Be a helpful readerWhat is the best way to travel from Sanya to Hefei?Sanya-HefeiWays CostTimeComfor-tableplanetraincar*CostTimeComfor-tableWays*2 hours6 hours24 hours*Be a helpful readerTourism Ambassador of Hefei(合肥旅游推广大使)(合肥旅游推广大使) Welcome to Hefei. There are three ways to travel from Sanya to Hefei. A journey by train is the most comfortable but it takes more time than taking a planeThe most suitable(适合的)(适合的)way is the best way!Just enjoy your journey!1.Choose a city to visit.2.Talk about the possible ways to get there.3.Decide on the best one.4.Discuss the plan with your family members. Homework:Make a holiday plan for your family journey to a city in China. Module 4 Planes, ships and trainsUnit 2 What is the best way to travel?教学课题:Module 5 Planes, ships and trainsUnit 2 What is the best way to travel?项目项目设计内容设计内容备备 注注课时课时第 1 课时课课 型型Reading教具教具multi-media执教者:执教者:知识与能知识与能力力1. Language focus 语言目标语言目标 a. Words and phrases: journey book outside however 1.the most comfortable 2.the most expensive3.the cheapest 4. the second cheapestb. Key sentences 重点句子 1.How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? 2.This is the most comfortable way to travel but also the most expensive. 3.It will not cost as much as going by train. 4. It is the fastest and the second cheapest.2. Ability goals Enable Ss to know about the advantages and the disadvantages of different ways of traveling.3. Learning ability goals Help students learn to analyse the structure of a passage by using the mindmap.过程与方过程与方法法Communicative Approach教学目标教学目标态度与情态度与情感感1. The most suitable way is the best way.2. Enjoy your journey in your own way.重点重点The advantages and the disadvantages of different ways of traveling. 难点难点How to analyse the structure of the passage.教学手段教学手段方法方法1、充分利用学生已有知识和经验,创设生活化的真实情境和、充分利用学生已有知识和经验,创设生活化的真实情境和半真实情境,引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习半真实情境,引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言.(为用而学(为用而学,学了就用)学了就用)2、开展各种任务教学活动,给学生提供交流合作的空间和时、开展各种任务教学活动,给学生提供交流合作的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。探究学习。教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动说明或说明或设计意图设计意图Step 1Lead-inShow some photos of the students. Ask some questions: Where did you go? How did you go there?Watch and answer the questions. 通过让学生们观看同班同学的旅行照片并回答相关问题引起孩子们的兴趣,并导入到本课话题。Step 2Intruduce Emily and her family. Talk about their journey from London to Amsterdam.1. Teach the new words: journey book however2. Show a short video about Amsterdam.3. Discuss the possible ways of traveling from London to Amsterdam.1. Learn the new words.2. Enjoy the short video about Amsterdam.3. Talk about the possible ways of traveling from London to Amsterdam.通过观看视频,加深学生对于阿姆斯特丹的印象,并同时讨论从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹的交通方式为后面的文章阅读做很好的铺垫。Step3 Be a keen reader.Ask students to predict what the passage will talk about according to the four pictures. Give students 1 minute to read the passage for the first time and find out the two parts of the passage.1. Predict what the passage will talk about and have a discussion. 2. Read the passage for the first time and find out the two parts of the passage.根据标题预测内容,激发学生更多的想法。Give students 2 minutes to read the second part again and find the four ways of traveling from London to Amsterdam.Read the passage and try to find the four ways of traveling from London to Amsterdam. 培养与训练学生在阅读中怎样快速的获取主要信息.Step 4 Be a smart reader.Ask students to read the passages more carefully and compare the four ways .Read the passage again and find more information to answer the teachers questions.通过细读,加深学生对文章的感知,把握更多的细节。Step 5 Be a critical reader.1. Ask students to think about the question: If you are the asker, what is the best way of traveling for you?2. Invite students to discuss the question with their partners and share their personal ideas.Discuss the question with partners and share different ideas.通过对于最后作者观点的讨论,加深对于文章的理解。Step 7 Be a helpful Ask students to talk about the best way to travel from Sanya to Hefei.Write the passage to compare the different ways to travel from Sanya 通过比较三亚到合肥的 Hefei.几种不同的旅行方式加深学生对于比较类型文章的把握。Step 8SummaryStep 9:HomeworkMake a summary. Remind students to choose the most suitable way to travel.Make a holiday plan for your family journey to a city in China. Listen and think.提醒学生最合适的交通方式就是最佳的方式。布置相关作业让课堂内的知识延伸到课堂外。Blackboard designM4U2 What is the best way to travel?but, the most comfortablebut also, the most expensiveThe third choice, the cheapestHowever, the fastestFinaly,课后反思
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