Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx

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Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx_第1页
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Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx_第2页
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Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx_第3页
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Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx_第4页
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Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 3 Language in use-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:43834).docx_第5页
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1、Module 4 Planes, ships and trainsUnit 3Language in use教学内容选自外研版初二上册课型:综合语言运用课1 课时教材分析本单元的内容贯穿两条线索语言学习与生活实践,围绕旅行同步展开对语言(词汇和语法)在真实语境中的实际运用、思维能力的提升、用英语解决生活中的实际问题,诸如向别人咨询或提供有关旅行的信息;以听和读两种渠道获取相关旅行信息;对去同一地点不同出行方式的比较、分析其利弊,最终选择适合各自的最优方式;确定合理的旅行路线;制定理想合理的旅行计划。从语言积累语言内化语言运用, 从他人旅行到学生自己, 所有活动都在为模块写作任务做铺垫,A1、A

2、2、A3 从语言表达的形式与作用上为写作提供了语言支持,即如何使用形容词的最高级比较出行方式的利与弊。 A6 则为写作提供了思维上的引导, 语境设置真实,为激发学生思考病并得出解决问题的方案提供了可能。与本模块有关的内容出现在初一下册 Module 6 Around the town Unit 2 Tourof London ,Module 10 A holiday journey unit 2 This morning we took a walk.以及初二上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 2 Cambridge, Londonand

3、England.以上的素材均为学生积累有关英国的两个城市的概况和法国巴黎做了必要的准备,利于了解更多世界著名的外国城市,对于听力训练活动 A7& A8 的顺利进行提供了保障。学习目标Skills: i. language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing in the contextof travelling; Consolidating the use of adjectives in real-lifecontextsii. survival skills: analyzing, comparing and makin

4、g the best choiceabout travellingCulture: Description of two world-famous cities in England; The longestrailway in the worldStrategy: Learn to complete a mind map and use it重点形容词最高级的形式及表达功能,出行方式的表达。突出通过认读、圈化、在语境中查找并理解。难点对个别形容词的读音;基于语境下的正确使用形容词的三种不同形式;运用形容词最高级对不同出行方式分析比较,并制定可行的出行计划。易化借助样例提取常用的表比较的用法,

5、或做模仿练习;策略Task-based approach, contextual method方法Use data to compare and analyze媒体PPT,OHP, leaflet教学过程设计教学过程设计:教学环节教学活动Stage 1Revision&WarmerStep 1Warming-up教师活动Ask some interesting questions (Appendix1)to testtheir common knowledge and quick response.学生活动Read the three degrees of some adjective

6、s; Have a quiz1.What is the biggest animal on the land?2.Whats the cheapest way to travel around Beijing?3.Whats the busiest underground in the world?4.Who is the luckiest in your class?5.Whats the longest railway in the world?设计意图Bridgeover the pronunciation of the superlativeadjectives; Help Ss to

7、 memorize the comparative andsuperlative forms of each adjective; Activate Ss with aquiz.Stage 2LanguageinputStep2Skimming(Around theworld)教师活动Present a picture and a map with number, sound and aroute to introduce the culture tip.学生活动Look, listen and try to understand, find out thesuperlative adject

8、ives and think about the functions.(whole class)设计意图Let Ss know about more information, and understandthe function of the superlative adjectivesStep 3Listening(A7&A8)教师活动Play the listening material, help and guide学生活动Listen and get the basic information, understand thefunction of the superlative

9、 adjectives (single S and class)设计意图Guide Ss to know the function of the superlativeadjectives and to construct a mind mapStage 3Languagein-takeStep 4Reading&Speaking(An integrity oflanguagepractice andA1,A2,A3,A5)教师活动Organize, instruct and help when needed学生活动Read an incomplete passage (Appendi

10、x 2) and use theadjectives properly, understand how to compare modesof transportation, and communicate (individual and pairwork)设计意图Train Ss reading and getting key information, askingand answering based on the true information, learningto compare and describeStep 5Reading &Usingvocabulary(A6)教师

11、活动Guide Ss to choose and think学生活动Read, understand and use words properly; Learn how totravel in a proper order (single S)设计意图Learn to use words properly under a certain contextStage 4LanguageoutputStep6 WritingA 9教师活动Provide Ss with a context and hints学生活动Write a travel plan (Appendix 3) (individua

12、l work)意图Train and improve Ss writing performance板书设计:作业设计:Module 4 Planes, ships and trainsUnit 3 Language in useHomework:I.Finsh writng your travel plan and modify it.II. Read 2 supplimentry passages (Appendix 4)III.Use the table (Appendix 5): to ask and answer alone or with partners ; writesenten

13、ces including the comparative and superlative adjectives; make asurvey in your class and fill in out the tableTo make a travelingModesoftransportationDescribingandcomparingPlacesThings to doThe best choiceadjectivesAppendix 1:My family is going to Beijing this winter holiday. We ask the tourguide fo

14、r some travel information. The _(much) information, the_(good ), we think. The tour guide tells us there are three ways toBeijing from our home town, by plane, by train and by coach. The_ (fast) and _(safe) way is going by plane, but we have to goto the airport by taxi and that takes time too. The c

15、heapest way is goingby coach, but its not very comfortable. The _(comfortable)way is going by train, but it takes more time than going by plane. Howshould we go? My parents would like to go by coach, they think it is thecheapest and we can save much money. I say no to that idea, because ittakes the

16、_(much) time. Its not comfortable and not safe enough.My husband wants to take a plane, but thats the _(expensive) of all.Whats the _ (good) way to get there? Finally we decide to go bytrain. Its _(slow) than going by plane, but its the second_(cheap).And we can enjoy the scenery all along the trip

17、on the train.And the railway station is the _( close) to my home.I.Read and fill in the blanks withthe proper form.II.Underline the sentences which shows how to compare the ways oftransportation.III.Ask and answer.HuhhottoBeijingPlane1 hour¥500Train8.5 hours¥138Coach6 hours¥150Whats the cheapest way

18、 to get there?Whats the most expensive way to get there?Whats the fastest way to get there?Whats the most comfortable way to get there?Whats the safest way to get there?Appendix2:写作(二选一) :1、我校预计在明年暑期组织学生到北京开展夏令营活动,现请你根据所给信息选出一条合适的出行路线、方式及活动并给出理由,以便学校确定最佳出行方案。RouteAFromHuhhot ToXianTrain13 hours¥261T

19、heDayanTowerCoach7 hours¥160Plane1.5 hours¥706Route BFromOrdostoXianPlane1 hour¥648Coach8 hours¥2102、Choose your favorite city in and outside China and make your family travelplan. (Where would you like to go ? How ? Why? What things to do there?30-50words.)_Appendix3:Chinese railway facts:In 1949,

20、there were more than 20,000kilometres of railway lines inChina, but only about 10,000 were operable, mostly in the east andnortheast of the country. By 2010, there were more than 90,000kilometers of railway, and they carried about 25 percent of the worldstotal railway capacity. The Beijing Kowloon l

21、ine is the longest in China,at 2,372 kilometers long.Transportation in TokyoIn Tokyo, there are too many cars. Tokyo drivers often spend a longtime in the busy street, just like drivers in London, Paris and New York.During the day, most people go to work by train. Six million train ticketsare sold e

22、very year in Tokyo. Trains arrive every two or three minutes,but they are always crowded, they always leave and arrive on time. Youmay see somebody reading a newspaper on the train in some countries.But on Tokyo trains, everyone seems to be sleepy.Appendix4:Who live the farthest from school?Whose ho

23、me is the closest to school?Who takes the most time to go to school?And how?Who takes the least time to go to school?And how?FromhometoschoolNameHow farMeansHow longBill2,000 metersOn footThirty minutesMillie5,000 metersBy busFifteen minutesAlice5,000 metersBy undergroundTen minutesKatrina2,000 metersBy bikeEight minutesAmy3,000 metersBy carFive minutes


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