人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit 1单元综合能力测试卷(Word版含答案).doc

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1、第 1 页 共 13 页人教版(人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit 1 单元综合能力测试卷单元综合能力测试卷时间:100 分钟满分:120 分选择题部分第二部分第二部分阅读理解阅读理解(共两节,满分共两节,满分 40 分分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOne morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called EliasHowe finally fell aslee

2、p.He had been working all night on the design of a sewingmachine but he had run into a very difficult problem:It seemed impossible to get thethread to run smoothly around the needle.Though he was tired,Howe slept badly.He turned and turned.Then he had adream.He dreamt that he had been caught by terr

3、ible savages whose king wanted tokill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine.When he tried todo so,Howe ran into the same problem as before.The thread kept getting caughtaround the needle.The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to killHowe.They came up towards hi

4、m with their spears raised.But suddenly the inventornoticed something.There was a hole in the tip of each spear.The inventor awoke fromthe dream, realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem.Instead of tryingto get the thread to run around the needle,he should make it run through a sma

5、ll holein the centre of the needle.This was the simple idea that finally made Howe designand build the first really practised sewing machine.Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in thisway.Thomas Edison,the inventor of the electric light,said his best ideas came intoh

6、im in dreams.So did the great physicist Albert Einstein.Charlotte Bronte also drew inher dreams in writing Jane Eyre.To know the value of dreams,you have to understand what happens when youare asleep.Even then,a part of your mind is still working.This unconscious(无意识的 ),but still active part underst

7、ands your experiences and goes to work on theproblems you have had during the day.It stores all sorts of information that you mayhave forgotten or never have really noticed.It is only when you fall asleep that this第 2 页 共 13 页part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you areawake.

8、However,the unconscious part acts in a special way.It uses strange imageswhich the conscious part may not understand at first.This is why dreams aresometimes called “secret messages to ourselves”1The problem Howe was trying to solve wasAwhat kind of thread to useBhow to design a needle which would n

9、ot breakCwhere to put the needleDhow to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle2Thomas Edison is spoken of becauseAhe also tried to invent a sewing machineBhe got some of his ideas from dreamsChe was one of Howes best friendsDhe also had difficulty in falling asleep3 Dreamsaresometi

10、mescalled“secretmessagestoourselves”becauseAstrange images are used to communicate ideasBimages which have no meaning are usedCwe can never understand the real meaningDonly specially trained people can understand themBHere are a few things to watch out for when you move somewhere new or arereturning

11、 home after a long time away.Be careful on the road!The first thing that I did when I got out of the airport was to cross the road,but Ilooked the wrong way!In the UK the cars drive on the lefthand side of the roadwhereas in Spain they drive on the right.I almost got run over because I was stillthin

12、king I was in Spain.You have to be very careful.Theres another strange one from travelling on the road.In Mallorca,most of thetime,pedestrians(行人) can cross the road by walking on the road without stoppingand the car will stop for them.In the UK,however,you have to be careful to wait for第 3 页 共 13 页

13、the cars to stop or else you might end up in the hospital very quickly!Drink water.In Spain , most people buy large bottles of water to drink.In the UK thefiltering(过滤) of the water means that you can drink straight from the tap.On my firstnight back I forgot that I could drink water from the taps a

14、nd spent the night wishing Ihad a bottle of water.When I woke up,I realized how silly I had been.Time is different.In Spain there is a small break during the day to have a nap for the rest of theday.You also might only think about going out for a drink with friends in Spain at 11pm. In the UK that i

15、s already past the bedtime!4What can we conclude from the text?AThe author is used to living in Spain.BThe author hopes to return to Mallorca soon.CThe author doesnt like the life in the UK at all.DThe author cant look after himself well.5Why was the author almost run over in the UK?AHe was crossing

16、 an unfamiliar road.BHe was thinking in the middle of the road.CHe was looking the wrong way on the road.DHe was running on the righthand side of the road.6Compared with the traffic in the UK,traffic in Mallorca for pedestrians ismoreAdangerousBimportantCcrowdedDsecure7On the first night back home,t

17、he authorAdrank some water from the tapBhad a big meal in a restaurantCbought a bottle of waterDdidnt drink water at allCFlorence Nightingale was born in a rich family.When she was young,she took第 4 页 共 13 页lessons in music and drawing,and read great books.She also travelled a great dealwith her mot

18、her and father.As a child,she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure.Sheenjoyed helping them.At last,her mind was made up.“Im going to be a nurse,” she decided.“Nursing isnt the right work for a lady,” her father told her.“Then I will make it so,” she smiled.And she went to le

19、arn nursing in Germanyand France.When she returned to England , Florence started a nursing home forwomen.During the Crimean War in 1854,she went with a group of thirtyeight nurses tothe front hospital.What they saw there was terrible.Dirt and death were everywhere tobe seen and smelled.The officer t

20、here did not want any woman to tell him how to runa hospital,either.But the brave nurses went to work.Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes,beds,medicines and food for the men.Her only pay was the smiles from the lips of dyingsoldiers.But they were more than enough for thi

21、s kind woman.After war,she returned to England and was honoured for her service by QueenVictoria.But Florence said that her work had just begun.She raised money to build theNightingale Home for Nurses in London.She also wrote a book on public health,which was printed in several countries.Florence Ni

22、ghtingale passed away at the age of ninety, still trying to serve othersthrough her work as a nurse.Indeed,it is because of her that we honour nurses today.8During the Crimean War in 1854,Florence served in the front hospitalwhereAshe earned a lot of moneyBwork was very difficultCfew soldiers died b

23、ecause of her workDshe didnt have enough food and clothes9Why was Florence honoured by Queen Victoria?ABecause she built the Nightingale Home for Nurses.BBecause of her old age.第 5 页 共 13 页CBecause she worked as a nurse all her life.DBecause she did a great deal of work during the Crimean War.10The

24、passage can be best described asAthe life story of a famous womanBa description of the nursing workCan example of successful educationDthe history of nursing in England11When she was a child,FlorenceAwrote a book on public healthBknew what her duty in life wasCloved to help the sick peopleDwas most

25、interested in music and drawingDJohn von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of a banker,and his speed oflearning new ideas and of solving problems stood out early.At 17,his father tried topersuade him not to become a mathematician because he may lead a poor life being amathematician,and so von Neu

26、mann agreed to study chemistry as well.In 1926,at23,he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph.D.in mathematics.Fromthen on,mathematics provided well enough for him,and he never had to turn tochemistry.In 1930, von Neumann visited Princeton University for a year and then became aprofessor

27、 there.His first book was published in 1932.In 1933 , the Institute forAdvanced Study was formed,and he became one of the 6 fulltime people(Einsteinwas one of the others)in the School of Mathematics.World War hugely changed von Neumanns areas of interest.Until 1940 hehad been a great pure(纯粹的)mathem

28、atician.During and after the war,he becameone of the best mathematicians who put mathematics theories into practice.During thelast part of the war he became interested in computing machines and made severalfundamental contributions.After the war ,von Neumann continued his work withcomputers,and was

29、generally very active in government service.He received many第 6 页 共 13 页awards,was president of the American Mathematical Society and was a member oftheAtomic Energy Commission.He died in 1957 of cancer.Von Neumann made several great contributions and any one of them would havebeen enough to earn hi

30、m a firm place history.He will be remembered as one of thegreatest minds of the 20th century.Von Neumann really was a legend(传奇)in his own time,and there are a numberof stories about him.His driving ability is a part of this legend.He reported oneaccident this way,“I was driving down the road.The tr

31、ees on the right were passingme in an orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour.Suddenly one of them stepped in mypath.”12Von Neumann published his first book at the age ofA23B26C29D3213How did World War affect John von Neumann?AHe realized the importance of engineering.BHe began to research how to put m

32、athematics into practice.CHe left college and served at the government department.DHe lost interest in chemistry.14Which of the following is TRUE of von Neumann?AHe had three children.BHe died from an accident.CHe received many awards in his life.DHe and Einstein were classmates in PrincetonUniversi

33、ty.15According to the text,von Neumanns father believed thatAa mathematician couldnt earn a lot of moneyBa mathematician needed a good memoryCvon Neumann had the ability to learn two subjectsat the same timeDvon Neumann had a gift for solving problems at a high speed第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容

34、,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。No one likes to fail.Whether its at work, at home, or in another area of your life,第 7 页 共 13 页failure is painful and it can also be costly in terms of time,money,or both.1Ifyou never suffer a failure,then youre probably not pushing yourself to your fullpotential.T

35、he following are some tips on how to pick yourself up after youve failed.Remember that other people fail too.2Theyll tell you about that great newcontract they signed,not the deal that failed eventually though they worked on it formonths.But failure is normal,and lots of people fail time and time ag

36、ain beforemeeting with success.Remind yourself of your past successes.Failing doesnt mean that youreworthless,or that youll never achieve the things you want.3Maybe you hadhigh marks last term , or you lost weight , or you learned to play a musicalinstrument.You might want to write down a list of su

37、ccessesthings that youveaccomplished over the past few years , whether big or small.If you ever lackconfidence,you can go back and read over that list.4Your past successes are important,but so are your past failures.Youvemade mistakes before,and youve survived them.Perhaps you did badly in an exam,o

38、r lost your temper and had to apologize.Its not fun to think about the times whenthings went wrong, but by acknowledging your failures, you can remind yourself thattoday is no different.Just as you recovered in the past,you can recover from yourrecent failure too.5Whatever went wrong, youre probably

39、 facing some sort of decision.Dontrush into making hasty decision,but do look for a forward path.That might requiresome deep thinking.AMake a decision.BLimit the damage caused.CRemind yourself of your past failures.DHowever,failure is a normal part of life.EGet some advice and support from others.FM

40、ost people dont talk openly about their failures.GThink of all the times in the past when youve succeeded.第三部分第三部分语言运用语言运用(共共三三节,满分节,满分 40 分分)第一节完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)第 8 页 共 13 页阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you think you have what it takes to be a successful scientist?A

41、 successfulscientist is generally a good observer.He makes full1of the facts he observes.Hedoesnt accept ideas which are not based on obvious facts,and therefore2toaccept authority as the only reason for truth.He always checks ideas3andmakes experiments to prove them.The rise of modern science may p

42、erhaps be considered to4as far back asthe time of Roger Bacon,the wonderful philosopher of Oxford,who lived betweenthe years 1214 and 1292.He was probably the first in the Middle Ages to5thatwe should learn science by observing and experimenting on the things around us,andhe himself6many important t

43、ruths.Galileo(15641642),however,who lived more than 300 years later,was thegreatest of several great men in Italy, France, Germany,and England,7beganto show how many important truths could be discovered by observation bydegrees.Before Galileo , learned men believed that large bodies fell more8toward

44、s the earth than small ones,9Aristotle said so.But Galileo,going to thetop of the Leaning Tower of Pisa,let fall two10stones and proved Aristotlewas wrong.It is Galileos11of going direct to nature,and proving ouropinions and theories by experiment,that has12all the discoveries ofmodern science.What1

45、3those people good scientists?From the example of Galileo,we know14that successful scientists are those whose observations have15better results.1A.useBsenseCspeedDtrust2A.refusesBdesiresCintendsDregrets3A.casuallyBcarefullyCquicklyDprivately4A.dateBkeep第 9 页 共 13 页ClookDcome5A.commandBsuspectCsugges

46、tDconclude6A.broughtBdiscoveredChandledDannounced7A.whoBwhenCthatDwhere8A.slowlyBrapidlyClightlyDheavily9A.althoughBbecauseCwhenDif10A.bigBsmallCsimilarDunequal11A.spiritBskillCtheoryDwish12A.led toBturned toCset upDput forward13A.makesBpreventsCconsidersDpromises14A.likelyBclearlyCnaturallyDunwilli

47、ngly15A.foreseenBrejectedCproducedDchallenged非选择题部分第二节语篇语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Dad,On this date of your 50th birthday,Mom gave me the letter you wrote to mewhen I was born 18 years ago.In your letter,you 1.(wish) me to be第 10 页 共 13 页strongminded and s

48、uccessful.You were looking forward to 2.(see) me fightfor my future bravely and do well for 3.(me) and others.After reading this letter,I feel quite 4.(shock) at your 5.(expect) on me.I also feel shamed of not having performed well 6.(meet)your demand.I still remember when I was in primary school,I

49、failed to apply myselfto studying.I was addicted to computer games.As a consequence,I soon became thelast one in my class.You didnt abuse me at all.7.the contrary,you taught methat studying was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me tostudy hard.Only 8.I read your letter did I rea

50、lize that I behaved so badly atthat time and you were so sad to see I didnt do well for myself.I cant help expressing my gratitude and sending my best wishes to you.Wish you9.(health) and happy.I promise that I will spare no effort to satisfy yourdemand of being 10.brave and successful person.第四部分第四


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