Unit 3 My day-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:0005a).zip

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        • U3_Song_002.mp3
        • U3_Song_003.mp3
        • U3_Song_004.mp3
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Unit 3My day Period threeCartoon time& Sound time& Song time 大鱼吃大鱼吃小小鱼鱼 have play go to school bed dinner an Art lesson table tennis the library basketball football breakfast lunch a Music lesson a PE lesson Look and say看图说短看图说短语语get up起床起床get up at seven in the morning7:00 Look and say看图说短语看图说短语go to school上学上学 go to school at seven forty7:40 Look and say看图说短语看图说短语have lunch 吃吃午饭午饭have dinner吃晚饭吃晚饭12:006:15 Look and say看图说短语看图说短语play football踢足球踢足球play football at four in the afternoon4:00 Look and say看图说短语看图说短语watch TV看看电视电视watch TV at seven in the evening7:00 Look and say看图说短语看图说短语go to bed睡觉睡觉go to bed at ten at night10:00do my homeworkplay footballgo to bedgo to schoolget uphave dinnerhave lunchwatch TVhave lessonsgo homeWhen do you?II atAsk and answerPeterPeters day?get up?go to school11:40have lunch9:40go to bedPeter, Peter, when do you , hei-lo-li, every day? I get up at_,hei-lo-li,every day.I go to school at_,hei-lo-li,every day.six thirtyseven thirty歌词 在歌词上圈出问句和答案Lets singWhen do you _,Peter, hei-lo-li, every day?When do you _, hei-lo-li, every day?I _ at_, hei-lo-li,every day.I _ at _,hei-lo-li,every day. have lunch go to bed go to bed eleven forty have lunch nine fortyPeters day6:30get up7:30go to school11:40have lunch9:40go to bed你可以用你可以用Peter的其它活动改编这首歌吗?的其它活动改编这首歌吗?Tom and Jack We meet Miss Li at three.Who are we? Tom, Jack and me.e, ee/ i: /Peter me she we语音学学语音学学看看is for “ ”. e sleep three greenme she heeee/?/we eleven Chinese evening be these week see coffee tree sweet tweet meet thirteen fourteen ./i: /i: /?/eee/i: /你能说一说学过你能说一说学过的含有的含有e/ee发音是发音是/i:/的单词吗?的单词吗?beesheep根据根据e/ee的发音试着读出下列新词的发音试着读出下列新词feetteethjeepDo you remember?When does Bobby get up every day?When does Bobby have dinner every day? (Bobby每天什么时候吃晚饭呢每天什么时候吃晚饭呢?)At _ .sixCartoon time快速浏览21页第一幅图片,找出答案。What can Bobby and Sam see?A.A big hamburger. B.A big pie. C.A big cake!Watch and find Can Bobby eat the cake? sleep 睡觉睡觉Read and thinkNo, he cant.Why?为什么为什么Bobby had a dream about desert adventure . Bobby做了个关于沙漠探险的梦。做了个关于沙漠探险的梦。读一读,想一想读一读,想一想Lets repeat Im hungry, Sam. At six.饥饿、疲惫饥饿、疲惫感感 注意模仿语音语调哦,看看谁模仿最注意模仿语音语调哦,看看谁模仿最像像 Its seven oclock. What time is it now? Lets repeat I can see a cake.Lets repeat惊讶、不可思议惊讶、不可思议Lets repeat兴奋激动兴奋激动Lets repeat陶醉其陶醉其中中Lets repeat Get up! Get up!Lets repeat Lets repeat Lets repeat 让我们一起让我们一起 有感情地有感情地朗读对话,并尝朗读对话,并尝试试记住对白记住对白!Read and remember 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。的方式读一读课文。Read in roles.(分分角色读角色读)Read after one.(跟一个学跟一个学生读生读)Read together.(齐读齐读)Lets read Act the story in pairs. (小组表演小组表演) 两人一组,其他同学饰演小两人一组,其他同学饰演小闹闹 钟,配合表演课文。钟,配合表演课文。Lets act Show time 表演时间到了!表演时间到了! 默契合作默契合作 共同表演这个有趣的故事共同表演这个有趣的故事吧!吧!A sweet dream.一场美梦。一场美梦。Homework1、Try to recite Cartoon time. 试着背诵卡通。试着背诵卡通。2、Make a new song about your friend. 编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。3、Find more words with the sound /i:/. 找出更多含字母找出更多含字母e/ee且发音为且发音为/i:/的单词。的单词。译林版牛津小学英语 4B Unit3 My day教材简析本课时是译林版牛津小学英语四年级下册第三单元 My day 的第三课时,包括 Cartoon time ,Sound time 和 Song time 这三个板块,本单元的交际用语主要围绕询问“何时干某事”这一功能项目展开教学,引导学生在真实的情景中,运用 When do you ? I at 来进行交流,能向他人主动询问信息,并获取信息。Cartoon time 和 Song time 分别在 Bobby 做的沙漠探险的梦中与欢快的歌曲中继续巩固本单元句型,Sound time 涉及的是字母 e 和组合 ee 的发音/i:/,在听、读、分辨感受中加强对发音的敏感度。本节课力图将这三个板块按照其内在的逻辑顺序自然衔接起来,激发学生的学习热情和主动性,提高学习的效果性。学情分析四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意力不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引。另一方面,他们感知事物的特点比较笼统,不精确,往往只注意到一些孤立的现象,看不出事物之间的联系和特点,对时间和空间的概念也比较模糊。所以,针对这些特点,教师在备课时应该综合考虑教学方法,帮助学生保持相对恒定的注意力,引导他们在知识间建立联系,学会梳理整合,培养良好的学习方法。教学目标:(一) 、知识目标1.能领会 Cartoon time 的幽默之处,有感情地朗读课文,在此基础上进行表演。2.会唱歌曲 When do you get up?, 并能创造性地改编歌曲进行演唱。3.了解字母 e, ee 在单词中的发音/i:/,发音准确,并能进行一定辨别。(二) 、能力目标 学生能在实际生活中主动运用本课句型询问他人的日常活动,学会与人友善交流。(三) 、情感目标学会关心他人,培养良好的合作精神和自信开朗的学习态度。教学重难点重点:1.能在情境中正确理解故事内容,并能正确朗读故事。2.能准确辨别字母 e, ee 在单词中的发音/i:/,能与其他发音相区别。难点:1.能在熟读课文基础上,小组进行生动表演。2 能在歌曲基础上进行创编并熟练演唱。教学过程:Step1. Warming up1. Greeting2. Play a game:大鱼吃小鱼T: What time is it now?S: ItsT: Are you hungry?S: Yes.T: Look, the three fish here are hungry too. Lets feed them. OK?The first fish, his name is “have”. What can he eat? S: Have breakfast.(学生选择能配对的小鱼进行喂食,完成词组配对)T: How about the second fish “play”? What can “play” eat?S: Play basketball.(仿照上面,依次完成 play 和 go to 的词组配对)T: Well done! You are a good feeder. Now the fish can swim happily in the sea. Thank you.设计意图:课伊始,用大鱼吃小鱼词组配对形式的游戏活跃氛围,集中注意力,激发学生说的欲望,激活已学过的动词词组的记忆,同时通过帮助喂食小鱼,教师及时进行赞赏,让学生在学习中获得成就感,形成后续动力。3. Look and sayT: Look at the screen. What is the rabbit doing?S: Get up.T: Yes. Look at the time. (手指向时间) When does the rabbit get up?S: At seven.T: Yes. Its seven in the morning. So we can say the phrase(引导学生回答)S: Get up at seven in the morning.然后依次看图说出以下词组:go to school at seven forty,have lunch at twelve, have dinner at six fifteen, play football at four in the afternoon,watch TV at seven in the evening,go to bed at ten at night设计意图:通过看图说一说,帮助学生复习上节课所学的一天中的活动类动词词组,通过图片提示和教师动作,引导学生能熟练完成动作+时间的叙述方法。4. Ask and answer (Pair work)T: (走到一位同学身边进行互动)Hello, when do you usually go to school? S1: I usually go to school atT: OK, I see. Now can you use “When do you?” to ask your partners some questions? You can choose any one of these phrases. (ppt 呈现可供选择的动词词组)设计意图:通过师生示范句型运用,让全班同学进行小组活动,多操练句型“When do you?” ,培养其语言表达能力,同时培养学生伙伴间的合作能力。Step2. PresentationPart one: Song timeT: You all did a good job in this part. And I know something about your day. Now lets get to know Peters day.1. Teach: PeterT: Look, this cute boy is Peter. Read after me.Teach and learn the word “Peter”.2. (指向时间表)From the timetable, we can know Peter has lunch atS: At twelve.T: Yes. And he goes home atS: Four forty.T: Great! But do you know when does he get up and go to school?S: No.T: Yes, we dont know. So lets ask him “Peter, Peter, when do you get up, hei-lo-li, every day?(播放 Peter 录音)T: So he gets up (引导学生回答)S: At six thirty. (同法问上学时间)设计意图:为了避免直接学唱歌曲的生硬,这里为 Peter 设计了一个日常时间表,通过让学生问 Peter 时间得到答案,从而过渡到歌词学习,这样比较自然,也拉近了学生与歌曲人物 Peter 的距离感,唱起来也会比较亲切。3. Read the two lyrics after the teacher.I get up at_six_thirty_, hei-lo-li, every day.I go to school at_seven_thirty_, hei-lo-li, every day.4. Sing after the cartoon. 5. Make a new song.T: Can you use Peters other activities to rewrite this song? You can discuss with your partners.Sing the new song together.设计意图:在熟练演唱歌曲基础上,让学生进行创编,发挥其主动性和灵活性,不让歌曲演唱显得那么单调乏味。Part two: Sound time1. Introduce Tom and Jack T: Look, Peter is playing with his friends now. Who are his friends? Lets listen. (录音 Peter: Hello, they are my friends, Tom and Jack)Check the answer.2. Say the rhyme after the cartoon.T: Whos she?S: Miss Li.T: Yes, they meet Miss Li by chance. When do they meet? (箭头指向钟)S: At three.T: Now lets say this rhyme after the cartoon.(男女生各读一次)3. Teach: e /i: /T: Its a song about Peter. Here, letter “e” is pronounced as /i: /. So /i: / is for Peter. Its also for “me”, “we” and “she”. Read after me.4. Teach: ee /i: /How about these three words? (呈现单词 sleep,three 和 green) Can you read? Ss read the words.T: So “ee” is also pronounced as /i:/.T: Can you give me more words? (让学生举例更多单词。 )5.根据 e/ee 的发音试着读出下列新词bee, sheep, feet, teeth, jeepT: Well done!设计意图:在教学完发音规则之后,给出几个难度适当的新词,让学生试着现学现用,自然拼读出单词,学会知识迁移,同时可爱有趣的图片和逼真的声音能继续吸引学生注意。Part three: Cartoon time1. Fast reading and find the answerT: I see youre clever,but I wonder do you also have a good memory? Do you remember when does Bobby get up every day? (呈现图片)T: Yes, at six. But do you know when does Bobby have dinner every day? Please turn to page 21. Read the first picture quickly and find the answer.Check the answer.2. Watch and findT: Lets watch an interesting cartoon and find what can Bobby and Sam see?Check the answer.T: Bobby and Sam can see(引导学生回答)S: A big cake.3. Read and thinkT: Oh, its a nice cake, but can Bobby eat the cake? S: No, he cant.T: Why? (呈现单词 sleep,让学生发挥想象推测)T: Yes. Bobby was sleeping, and he had a dream about desert adventure. What a sweet dream! Is it funny? (引导学生感受卡通的幽默之处)4. Lets repeat.(注意感情指导)设计意图:一句句跟读,除了语音语调的指导之外,还要让学生注意朗读每句时的感情,尽量模仿比较,这有助于学生形成良好的语感。5. Read and remember.6. Free readingRead in roles. Read after one. Read together.设计意图:提供多种方式让学生在小组内进行朗读练习,进一步熟悉课文,同时锻炼合作能力。7. Lets act.T: OK, its show time. Lets act.设计意图:中年级学生喜欢表演,展示自己,所以多给他们这样的平台让他们发挥,培养他们的自信和合作意识。Step3. Homework1. Try to recite Cartoon time.2. Make a new song about your friend.3. Find more words with the sound /i:/.板书设计:Unit3 My dayWhen do you get up/ go to school/ have lunchI get up/ go to school/ have lunch at
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