Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:c06e5).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park小组合作,试着提问吧! Tim 在公园画了什么?请看动画并打勾。在公园画了什么?请看动画并打勾。 Drawing in the park(Period 1) Unit 4WhenWhereWhichWhatWhenWhen do you .?WhereWhichWhatWhatWhat can you do?What can you see in the.?WhereWhichWhichWhich subjectsubject dodo youyou like?Why?like?Why?WherestorytimeToday is Sunday. is in the park. Try to ask(自主提问自主提问) Who.?When.?What.?Can you.?Do you.?.?.?riverboatflowerstreenow how wowetsetsalkalkTip: 选择你们喜欢方式谈论:编儿歌、句子接龙、扮演小老师. Try to ask(自主提问自主提问)WatchWatch ticktick WatchWatch ticktick WatchWatch ticktick ListenListen AnswerAnswer / TryTry toto readread I can see a tree and some flowers.Sure. Its easy.What can you see over there?Can you draw them?What can you see over there?I can see a tree and some flowersCan you draw them?Sure. Its easy.TimTim 会怎样介绍自己的作品呢?试着说一说吧!会怎样介绍自己的作品呢?试着说一说吧!This is my picture./Look at my picture.This is the tree and these are the flowers.TryTry toto saysay 阅读阅读P25,找出找出Tim 的作品,并说说理由。的作品,并说说理由。ReadRead ChooseChoose TryTry toto understandunderstand Its difficult,but I can try.Is this a boat?Lets draw some pictures here.Good idea !What can you see/ over there?I can see a tree and some flowers.Can you draw them?Sure. Its easy.HappingHapping ReadingReading This is the tree and these are the flowers. Well done. Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. Can you draw it? Its difficult,but I can try. Is this a boat?HappingHapping ReadingReading ReadRead byby rolesroles Where are you,Tim?Im in the park.,Tim?.DoDo anan interviewinterview What can you see in the park?.LetsLets discussdiscuss Learning Tips1. 两人一小组讨论在对话时怎样提问更合理,更有逻辑。2.两人一小组进行模拟对话:Tim 和他的好朋友Amy在微信聊天。 NextNext class.class.s s 表演故事复述故事续编故事下节课HomeworkHomework 1、Read the text with emotion. 有感情地朗读课文2、 Try to act the story with your friends 试着和朋友表演课文3、Write down the dialogue 写一写你和朋友编的对话storytime学学 校校班班 级级四(1)人人 数数学学 科科英语课课 题题Unit 4 Drawing in the park教教 时时第一课时执执 教教日日 期期2015.4教学教学目标目标1、通过听、预测、跟读,方式,能正确理解并初步掌握 story time 内容,能正确地、流畅地朗读课文。2、在故事的学习理解过程中掌握句型:What can you see? Can you .? 并尝试运用。3、在故事中理解并掌握单词 tree,flowers,boat,river,以及日常交际用语:Its easy. Its difficult.4、在听故事、学故事的过程中进行自主提问,并通过多种方式解决问题。5、在故事中体会与分享的快乐。内容内容分析分析 本单元主要围绕“Drawing ”展开,主要学习如何描述公园景色,作品及学会评价他人的作品。其中涉及了本单元的重点句型: “What can you see?” Can you.?以及表示公园景色的单词。本节课教学内容为 story time 的教学。本段对话是 Mike 和 Tim 在公园讨论及绘画公园风景的场景。本课的新句和单词的教授主要在故事的情节推进和理解中完成。教学重点放在对语篇的整体感知和理解上,并尝试进行学生预测故事、自主提问、分角色朗读等活动,通过创设延伸情景,引导学生组织、加工形成新的语言交流活动,实现意义操练,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。制定制定依据依据学生学生分析分析本班学生已形成了较好地听说读写习惯,大部分学生英语学习兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语表达自己。在平时的教学生中,教师一直有给学生渗透自主提问的技巧与策略,本节课教师尝试在让学生自主提问的基础上进行逻辑地表达,这对于学生既新鲜又具有挑战。对后续学习的预期效果:当整体感知、学习 story time 后,帮助学生在情景中正确新句型和单词,并在运用中记忆和巩固。尝试运用所学语言灵活运用到其他对话中,如课文的延伸拓展,创编新对话等。教教 学学 过过 程程教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step 1Pre-reading preparation(5)1.Free talkhave a chat with each other. 2. Enjoy the picture of the park Talk about the parkT:What can you do in the park?1.have a chat with each otherS1:When do you go to school?S2:I go to school at seven.S1:Me too. S3:What do you like doing?S4:I.2.Talk about the parkS1:I can play games in the park.S2:I can play on the swings.S3:.让学生根据疑问词 What, which, when, 进行自由交谈。这样的设计着眼点在于 1,激发学生交谈积极性快速进入英语学习氛围;2,激活学生知识储备,渗透提问策略为后面的学习做铺垫;3 通过这一环节中展示学生在公园的照片导入相关话题,为文本的学习作准备。Step 2While-reading procedure(25)1:Try to askT:Today Tim is in the park ,too. Do you have any questions to ask him? 给学生思考的时间,小组进行讨论2: Look at the picture and talk about the pictureT: You have so many questions,now lets look at the picture and you can get some answers3.Teach the new words.1Try to ask questionsS1:Tm, when do you go to the park? S2: Can you ride a bike in the park?S3: What can you see in the park? S4: Do you like the park?S5: Who go to the park with you?S6: Whats the weather like?S7: Is the park nice/big? .2.Talk about the pictureS1: Ican see some trees and flowers in the park.S2:Time goes to the park with Mike.S3:I can see a boat.学生通过小组合作,提出自己感兴趣的问题,教师渗透提问策略引导学生提出有价值的问题。承接学生刚提出的问题,我给学生观察插图并让学生得出一些信息,例如故事中的人物、环境、天气、活动等。4.Work in groups5.Try to askT:OK. I think you like the park the very much just like Tim,right? Look, Tim is drawing pictures now! Do you have question to ask him now?6.Watch and tickWhat does Tim draw in the park?7.Listen and answerCan Tim draw the tree and flowers very well?8.Try to sayT:Now look,Tim has finished his picture. How can he introduce his picture? Lets help him.S4:.4.Work in groups四人一小组谈论公园(用你们喜欢的方式:编儿歌,接龙,小老师提问。 。 。 。 。 )5.Try to askS1: Tim,what can you draw?S2:Tim, can you draw the tree/boat/flowers/.?S3: Tim, can you draw the.very well?S4.6.Watch and tickTim draw the tree, flowers and boat.7.Listen and answerS:Yes, he can draw very well because he says “Its very easy.”8.Try to say看图上台扮演 Tim 介绍自己的作品同时扫清一些文本的语言障碍小组合作用喜欢的方式介绍图片,进行语言输出,鼓励学生自由表达,实现意义操练随着学生观察插图对文本有初步的了解后,我引导学生深入思考,引导学生提出更具体的问题,例如 What can Tim draw in the park?Can Tim draw very well? 让学生带着问题看动进入 Watch and tick ,学生带着问题观看完整的动画,了解整体信息通过 Listen and answer 获取细节的信息,教师追问学生如何得知答案的,同时注重学生朗读训练。引导学生扮演Tim 介绍自己的美术作品,加强语言的输出,为学生提供展示的平台,After reading procedure9.Read and choose(1)Show two pictures let students read the story and choose which is Tims picture.(2)Explain th word “difficult”10.Enjoy readingT:You are clever. Now lets read the whole story.T: This time Lets read by roles. These groups are Mike. This groups are Tim . Please stand up.We can do some actions. OK? 1Do an interviewT:ok. Boys and girls ,Tim is happy in the park. Look ,he sent a message on WE CHAT. His friends are asking qusetions.2.How to be logical?Encourage the students to work in pairs9.Read and chooseS1:Tim cant draw it very well because its too difficult.S2:difficult means “not easy”10.Enjoy reading(1)read after the tape(2)Read by roles.1.Do an interview创设延伸情景,Tim 的好朋友正在和他微信聊天,鼓励学生扮演 Tim一个学生上台扮演Tim,其他学生对他进行提问采访2. Make a dialogue增加他们的自信通过阅读选择培养学生的阅读能力、理解能力。引导学生用英语阐述自己的观点。在处理difficult 词汇时,指导阅读策略,引导学生通过前后文理解,阅读插图等来理解,培养学生用英语解释英语的能力。整体朗读有助于加强学生对故事中人物及故事情节的理解。同时让学生站起来边做动画边朗读提高他们参与的热情也让他们更好地理解内化文本。用问答的方式来回顾问题,回忆故事。在最后环节引导学生思考怎样提问更有逻辑,通过学生讨论深入理解故事,学生在之前获得的信息基础上进行组织、加工形成新的语言交流活动,实现意义操练,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,使学生的思维从教材走向了生活。Assignment1. Read Part A after the tape.3 Try to act the story with friends.3.Write down the dialogue you maked作业重在强调语感的培养以及拓展表演,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。板书设计
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