Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:2284f).zip

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Cartoon timeSound timeWhose dress is this?Its moms dress. 你能根据图片提出你能根据图片提出 “Whose”问题吗?问题吗?Do you love this funny animal party ?Theyre the hens (母鸡母鸡).Oh!My trousers are beautiful, but how can I lay eggs(下蛋下蛋) ?. Whose trousers are these?Theyre the giraffes (长颈鹿长颈鹿).Oh!My neck is so long. I need six ties.Are they nice ? Whose ties(领带)(领带)are these?Its the pig s(豪猪豪猪).Oh!The dress is so beautiful.But I have a lot of spines(刺刺) .The dress is broken(破了破了).Whose dress is this ?Theyre the snakes .Oh! I dont have legs(腿腿).They always(总是)(总是)fall down. (掉下来)(掉下来)Whose trousers are these ?Theyre the camels .Whose hats are these ?One day , the animals are having a dress party.Look ,they are so funny !Rules(游戏规则游戏规则):1.When you see the words or pictures, read the words.看到单词,大声出单词。看到单词,大声出单词。2.When you see , say “bomb”看到看到 ,说,说“bomb” 。coatT-shirtshirtglovescapjeansjeansjackethatWhose hat is itJerryEnglish Is It?Whose Hat This is Jerry.He likes English.This is Tom.He likes fish.TomJerryEnglishfish listenBefore eating _,Lets _ to some _ .你能用下面的词造句吗?同桌先说一说你能用下面的词造句吗?同桌先说一说.在之前和你的同桌一起拍手读一读和你的同桌一起拍手读一读Sound time 吧!吧!/ I /IndianiglooinkinfantTi meti md ind in eri dri d em ilkM ik em itm itewhitekiteChinesemusiclikei 发音发音 /aI/pigfishhimEnglishtimei 发音发音 / I /pigfishhimEnglishi 发音发音 / I /whitekiteChineselikei 发音发音 /aI/musictimemusicthisfishisaIthisfishis I i 发音发音/ I /thisfishis I i 发音发音/ I /This is _s fish.?有有2 2种读音种读音 四人小组讨论,帮单词们找到自己的朋友,让四人小组讨论,帮单词们找到自己的朋友,让他们手拉手吧!他们手拉手吧! Lets make the word chains.kid kitedifficultChinesemillbiteMikelistenEnglishrigwhitenine/ I / aI /w inI win! I win! 赢,获胜赢,获胜hi d e躲藏,躲避躲藏,躲避Lets play hide-and-seek.让我们一起来玩捉迷藏吧!让我们一起来玩捉迷藏吧!语气:语气:Happy开心开心Sad伤心伤心Care关心关心怎么啦?怎么啦?Ouch!Whats the matter, Bobby? My hand hurts. .语气:语气:Happy开心开心Sad伤心伤心moveWhat s this?A. Its a . B. Its a .hedgehogWhats this? Look! It can move.Is this a ball, Sam?Lets play.I think so.我也这么认为。我也这么认为。Whats the matter?Ouch!My hand hurts.Hi! Nice to meet you too.Hi! Nice to meet you. read togetherLets dub.三人小组三人小组,演一演演一演,发挥想象力发挥想象力,表情要表情要到到位哦位哦!声音响亮声音响亮 语音语调正确语音语调正确 声音响亮声音响亮 语音语调正确语音语调正确 动作表情丰富动作表情丰富 声音响亮声音响亮 Chapter 2 Today Bobby and I have a _ in the park. After picnics we meet a hedgehog. At first(一开始) we _ its a _ ball. We want to play with _. But Bobbys hand hurts. Sams diary日记 picniclittleitthinkwith picniclittleitthinkwith12345 Now we make friends _ this hedgehog.当刺猬遇到危险时,会卷成一团,变成有刺的球当刺猬遇到危险时,会卷成一团,变成有刺的球,包住头和四肢,浑身竖起棘刺,以保护自身。,包住头和四肢,浑身竖起棘刺,以保护自身。 Look! Its _. Is it _s ?Whats the matter?Look! Its an apple.Whose apple is it? Is it Monkeys?I think so.A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter?A: Look, its_.B: Whose _ is it?A: Is it _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so.AB发挥你的想象,和同桌说一说,别忘了加上动作哦!A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter?A: Look, its_.B: Whose _ is it?A: Is it _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so.A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter?A: Look, its_.B: Whose _ is it?A: Is it _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so. Take care of your things. 看好你的东西,看好你的东西, Take care of yourself. 自己保重。自己保重。 Read sound time and cartoon time after the tape for fifteen minutes after class.Continue to act the cartoon with your friend after class.1 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?一、教学内容一、教学内容译林牛津教材 四年级 Cartoon time& Sound time二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、通过学习,学生能进一步掌握服装类的词汇,以及句型 Whose. is this/that?Whose .are these/those?及其回答 Its/Theyre.s.要求能听懂、会说、会读。2、通过学习,学生能了解字母 i 在单词中的发音,要求能听懂,会说,发音正确。三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点1、句型 Whose. is this/that?Whose .are these/those?及其回答 Its/Theyre.s.2、字母 i 在单词中的发音。四、教学准备四、教学准备ppt 课件五、教学过程五、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Enjoy a song The clothes wearing.2. Look and ask: Whose puppy is this? T: Look at the photo, please ask and answer. Whose dress is this? Its Mons.Whose hat(puppy,dog) is this? Its Dads(Jeans, Mins).Step 2 Lead-in 1. Enjoy a story Funny animal party2. Game: Quick respond.设计意图 结合四年级孩子的年龄和心理特点,本课的教学设计不仅仅局限于教材的内容,选择了大量与教学内容相关的故事和诗歌给学生欣赏和学习,激发学生学习兴趣,扩大语言的输入量。教学伊始,以一首滑稽的歌曲The clothes wearing和 ChantWhose puppy is this?导入,让学生复习旧知,以饱满的情绪参与到新的学习中。接着以故事Funny animal party的讲述导入新知。Step 3 Sound time 21. Read a story Whose hat is it?2. Read: This is Jerry. He likes English. This is Tom. He likes fish.3. 用 English, fish, listen 组成新句子:Before eating fish, lets listen to some English. 并有节奏地 朗读。4. Read and learn: i /I/ Indian, igloo, ink, infant Indian, Indian, please come inside. I says /I/, in, in, in.5. Read Tim, rid, din, mit, milk time, ride, dine, mite, Mike 元音元音 i+辅音辅音+结尾不发音的结尾不发音的 e,字母发本身的音字母发本身的音/ai/6. 单词辨音: Chinese like music kite white English pig fish him time7. 补充句子: is this fish This is _s fish.8. 单词辨音 /I/ /ai/ kid Mike English white mill kite listen rig nine difficult bite Chinese 9. Listen and learn: win I win! I win! hide Lets play hide-and-seek.设计意图 语音教学时将单词和语境结合,将单词放在相应的语境中练习,并且设计的练习方式多样,通过读辨等多种方式让学生了解字母 i 的发音。Step 4 Cartoon time1. Learn to say: Ouch 并指导语气2. Listen and watch Whats the matter, Bobby? My hand hurts.3. Watch the cartoon34. Watch and choose Whats this? A. Its a hedgehog. B. Its a ball.5. Learn to read 1) Read together. 2) Dub. 3) Act.6. Summary Today Bobby and I have a _ in the park. After picnics we meet a hedgehog. At first, we _ its a _ ball. We want to play with _. But Bobbys hand hurts. Now we make friends _ this hedgehog.7. Look and say 1) A: Whats the matter?B: Look, its an apple.A: Whose apple is it?B: Its Monkeys.A: I think so. 2) A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter?A: Look, its_.B: Whose _ is it?A: Is it _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so. 3) A: Ouch!B: Whats the matter? A: Look, its_.B: Whose _ is it? A: Is it _s?B: I think so. / I dont think so. 设计意图对话教学注重情景,结合学生已有的知识水平,通过图片和肢体语言引导学生逐步描述图片情景,同时教师的教学时加强朗读训练,让孩子多模仿多练习,使他们很快掌握知识。同时教师还设计了类似的情景,让学生对话,真正把知识用到实处。Step 5 Homework1. Read sound time and cartoon time after the tape for fifteen minutes after class.2. Continue to act the cartoon with your friend after class.板书设计: 4
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