Unit 7 What's the matter -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:44758).zip

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译林2011课标版三年级起点四下 Unit 7 Sound time (/的语音拼读与绘本阅读)教学内容Unit7 Sound time学科英语年级 四年级基本结构自主平板学习语音-探索发音归类工具辅助学习绘本巩固运用交际授课教师所在学校对应教材 译林版牛津小学英语、少儿语音拼读教程平台环境尚学平台拟授课时间2016.12.23一、学习目标1.能正确地听、说、读、理解本课的新单词及词组:Joe,home,ago,alone,coat,hole,toe,poke,snow,cold,coal,stove,woke,told,go,so,Toby,Rose, bowl, oats, loaf 等;能大声朗读绘本故事,掌握/u/的发音;熟悉字母组合 oe,oa,ow, o-e, o ;2.体会字母拼读的乐趣;感受/u/音单词在绘本故事中意思;3.能尝试运用多媒体工具、自主学习,在主动学习的过程中,积极分享、共同完成学习任务,通过聚类学习语音单词,能正确的朗读与表达;4.通过原汁原味的英语故事,了解西方孩子生活中的故事,增加对西方文化的了解。二、重难点分析四年级学生通过一年多的语音拼读学习及大量的绘本阅读,积累了一定的词汇量。但在互联网环境下聚类学习单词,还处于初步尝试阶段。 本课是基于语音/u/的课外绘本阅读。主要教学内容是学生在绘本故事中感受含有/u/音素单词的发音,能正确朗读单词、句子、绘本故事;能通过绘本图片、语音朗读、网络词典等工具,理解绘本故事的意思;通过使用学过的/u/音单词进行表达,增强对文本的理解。但文章篇幅较长,在 40 分钟的课堂能准确朗读、理解也是一大挑战。通过“尚学平台”的交互技术和实时作业反馈技术辅助教学,让语音拼读教学的学习更加以“学”为中心,根据学生不同的需求、不同层次的学生在课堂上不同进度地学习,让差异资源通过互联网环境下得以互通有无、分享学习、共同提高,在互联网环境下使课堂交流更加贴合学生学习的需求。三、教与学过程设计学习活动(任务)活动支架(工具与资源)教师活动学生活动Step 1Free talk视频播放Play a musicSing a song togetherStudents try to find out aboutox,octopusStep 2 Learn the sound/u /复习字母以及字母组合,朗读单词,体会发音1.Brain storm(Write the words down)write on the blackboard2.Show a sound of /u/3. Show a chant about the words with /u/1.Say the word with the sound /u/:go,mango,home, nose,open, window2.Follow the video of/u/3. Say a chant:Read the words:Follow the wordsand the chant with the sound of /u/.观察故事主图片,通过观察图上,找出故事中的时间、地点、人物等信息。Show the pictures of the story and try to talk about it.Look at the pictures of the story and try to say sth. About it.(1)What can you see in the picture?(2)What happened? Guess!在看电子书、听音频的过程中,了解故事的情节,整体感知故事内容;圈出含有/u/音的单词。Show the thestory .Listen to the story about sentence by sentence; Circle the words with /u/.(Airplay the screen)学生用拖拽功能进行单词分类,并在聚类学习过程中,总结归纳。Show the words with the sound of /u/.Divide the words in groups. And say the reason. Read the words one by one.Step 3 Learn the words in the story通过听音辩词,进行挑战,检测学生拼读单词的能力。Give a test with groups of words which have the sound of /u/.Listen to the sound and tap the correct words , do three groups of words.Save the screen when see the flowers.Step 4Read and understand 通过自主听音频,学会准确朗读新单词 ;通过“尚学平台”的划词功能,在词典的帮助下,进一步理解故事。Printscreen of 4 students.Help the students understand the story.Read the story and understand the meaning of the story.(1) Read by oneself.(2) Stroke the words and know the meaning of them.学生用含有/u/因素的单词陈述课文,学会用所学的单词进行表达,同时也增进对故事文本的理解。Write some sentences on the blackboard.Talk about the story with the words with the sound of /u/.The more the better.教师呈现对文本陈述的句子,请学生朗读并判断,并阐述理由。提高学生对新学词汇的运用能力。Show the lucky bags .Try to choose a lucky bag and talk about in groups . Give some reasons.集体朗读绘本故事,整体理解。Play the sound of the story.Read the story together.学生在理解单词的基础上,学会在情境中表达。Show some pictures.Talk about the pictures in groups with the new words.Step 5Consolida-tion总结本课所学内容;通过评价功能,收集学生的学习后的数据资源,为后续的教学作为反馈资源。1. What we know today.2. How many stars can you get?1. Summary we know today.(1)We can read the words How many stars can your partner get?with the sound/u/.(2)We know and we can read the story (3)I can raise questions about the story.2.Give stars to oneself and the partner.Step 6 Homework通过朗读并在 QQ 群中录音评价、通过讲述、绘制思维导图,巩固课堂绘本故事的学习。Assign homework to the student according to the blackboard writing.1.Read the story three times and record in QQ group.2. Try to draw a mind- map according to the story.
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