Unit 8 How are you -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:14420).zip

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Unit8 How are you ? (Activities and Evaluation) 班级 姓名 1Before class activity. How to care about others? (如何关心他人呢?) For example: Go to see a doctor. Have a good rest. .二.Try to make a new story(试着用对话的形式表演整个故事哦!) 旁白:In the morning,Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. She calls Miss Li. Yang Ling: Miss Li: . 旁白:Then,she goes to see the doctor. Yang Ling: Doctor: . 旁白:In the afternoon, Miss Li calls Yang Ling. Miss Li: Yang Ling: . 旁白:After school, Su Hai comes to see her. Yang Ling: Su Hai:. .三Self-evaluation (自我评价)1.I know some words about illnesses.2.I can make a telephone call in English.3.I can care about others.(我能关心他人)Unit 8 How are you ?Unit 8 How are you ?(story time)Whats the matter with him?He has a cold and a fever.ABfeverme感冒Try to watch and sayriverTry to make a chantHow, how, Ill, ill, What, what, , , what s the matter?what s the matter?he is ill.he is ill.how is he?how is he?ColdColdcoldcold he has a cold.he has a cold.Tips: 4人一组试着编一个新chant吧!Try to ask00THURTry to watch and sayWhats the matter with her? She has a cold and a fever.Try to readShe calls Miss Li and asks for leave. (打电话向李老师请假) Q: How does Yang Ling make a telephone call? 杨玲是怎样打电话的呢?A telephone call打电话Tips: Read and underline (自读课文50页,划出相关句子)Tips: 用英语打电话时,介绍自己我是.要用 This is.(speaking).How does Yang Ling make a telephone call?Try to call your friendHello, this is .speaking.Hello, this is .speaking.May I speak to .?May I speak to .?Hello, . This is.Hello, . This is. . .“Im sorry to hear that.” 一般是听到别人说不好的事情时你的反应,意思是“听到这消息我很遗憾。”Try to read and find Miss Li knows Yang Ling is ill. What does she say? 李老师知道杨玲生病后,她说了什么? ear hear耳朵听见保重Tips: Read and underline (再读课文50页,划出相关句子)Try to discuss and sayYang Ling has a cold and a fever. Do you have any good suggestions? (你有好的建议吗?) Tips: 4人一组讨论给杨玲的建议吧!Try to make a telephone callHow is she now?Miss Li:Yang Ling: .Can she come to school ?tomorrow明天THURTips: 2人一组表演对话,猜猜李老师和杨玲 打电话会说些什么呢?Try to read Tips:注意人物的语音语调和语气变化哦!weak 虚弱的worried 担心的happy Tips:注意人物的语音语调和语气变化哦!polite (有礼貌的)nice, kind(善良), helpful(乐于助人), warmhearted(热心的)What a day !Try to read and actTry to read and act Tips:注意人物的语音语调和语气变化哦!act one picture表演其中一幅图act the whole story表演整个故事read the story 读课文Try to make a new story Know more about Yang Ling.Tips: Four in a group, act in roles. (四人一组,试着用对话表演不同的场景)Hello,this is.speaking.May I speak to . ?Whats the matter?How are you now?Can you .?Here is /are.for you.See you tomorrow.1. Listen and read the storytime .(听读课文)2.A: Make a new story about Yang Ling,try to write down. (根据图片创编一个新故事,尝试把故事写下了.) B: Make a telephone call to your family or friend ,try to write down.(打电话给你的家人或朋友,有能力的可以记录.)3. Prepare for the fun time.(为第二节课做准备)交往互动式教学设计方案教时Period 1课题 译林版英语 4B Unit8 How are you? (story time)日期2017 年 5 月 25 日一、一、教学目标:教学目标:1. 通过演唱歌曲,创设氛围,师生交流,激活学生既有思维。引入话题,看视频,在句型“Whats the matter with him?”中教授新词 cold, fever, cough, headache.在 chant 中巩固单词和句型。2. 能在交流中引入杨玲的图片,构建描述图片内容的结构框架。呈现思维导图,激发学生对文本进行独立预测。3. 通过观看课文动画,证实杨玲 has a cold and a fever;自读课文,找到如何打电话的句型;再读课文,总结如何关心他人的建议。4. 能围绕主题合作创新,联系生活情境活用打电话用语,运用核心知识交流,实现核心知识的内化。5. 学生跟读课文,根据自己的情况选择读或演来理解文本的内在含义,体会情感,为语言输出铺垫。6. 能结合生活实际,创编故事,将本课所学新知回归生活,提高学生使用电话用语的能力。重 点 与难 点1. 能在具体语境中,能听懂、会说,会读核心语言,如词汇 come to school, cold, fever.句型和交际用语 This isspeaking. May I speak to? Whats the matter? Im sorry to hear that.take care. How are you? Im fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you.2. 指导学生掌握合理的学习方法。正确理解对话,流利朗读对话,能用英语打电话并询问身体状况。培养学生关心他人和帮助他人的品质。1. 教材分析 本单元是译林版小学英语四年级(下册)第八单元的内容,主要以打电话询问健康为主题,学习电话用语和询问身体状况的表达。学生在第七单元已初步学习疾病类词汇,如,ill,tired,再结合本课时新句型 This is speaking. May I speak to? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you.等进行讨论交流。因此,拟将story time 作为本单元第一课时教学,学生在阅读中习得语言知识,在情境中巩固新知,在互动中提升语言运用能力和英语思维品质,感受英语学习的乐趣。 2. 学情分析 学生在第七单元已初步学习疾病类词汇,如,ill, tired,以及句型 Whats the matter? 本课的重点是帮助他们用英语打电话并询问身体状况,通过小组合作正确理解对话,能流利朗读对话内容并能创造输出。Teaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activities Feedbacks &Aims8minStep 1Free talk创设情景,引出话题,积累语言1. Warm and singSing a songHow are you?2. Talk and review揭题,Unit 8 How are you?3. Watch and say Whats the matter with my student?4. Read and chantSing the song together.(class work)Communicate with T(solo work)She has a cold, fever, cough, headache.Try to make a chant全班一起唱歌曲在交流中揭题看视频,师生交流,教授新词。四人 chant 展示,教师评价,巩固词汇和句型。达成目标达成目标 1 1Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Think and askLook and talk about the pictureShow the mind map1.Try to askTalk about the picture from: When, where, who, how, etc.(pair work)师生交流中自主构建本文描述的角度和框架。达成目标达成目标 2 212min核心过程Step3Task 1教学核心内容1. Watch and askWhats the matter with Yang Ling?2.Talk and learnHow to make a telephone call?Try to call your friend3.Read & findMiss Li knows Yang Ling is ill. What does she say?4.Talk and sayYang Ling has a cold and a fever. Do you have any good suggestions?She has a cold and feverThis is XXX speaking. May I speak to XXX?Practise calling your friend. (pair work)Try to read and find(Read and check)Try to talk and say(Self think & talk in pairs)独立思考后学生展示,教师提炼核心词汇和句型。两人展示,评价,当场用一用核心句型交流。细读课文后学生找出其他交际用语。两人展示,教师评价,提炼关心他人的建议。达成目标达成目标 3 35minStep4Task 2活用核心知识Practise and useIf you are Miss Li. Can you make a telephone with Yang Ling? Try to make a telephone call (Pair work)两人展示,根据上下文理解 tomorrow 一词,实现语言的内化。达成目标达成目标 4 45minStep5Task 3强化运用核心知识Read and actChoose one way to read1) Read the story.2) Act one picture.3) Act whole story. Know more about Yang Ling and Miss LiChoose one way to read or act.Ask and answer (Pair work)小组朗读后展示, 教师评价、提问,对文本深层次理解。达成目标达成目标 5 510minStep6Posttask巩固核心知识1.Talk and useTry to make a new story2.Use and sumWhat do we learn today3.Self-evaluation(自我评价)Try to make a new story about Yang Ling Make a summary together.Evaluate the result四人展示交流,核心内容在对话中体现。总结提升,自我评价。达成目标达成目标 6 6作业设计1. Listen and read Story time.2. Make a new story and write down,or make a telephone call to your friend. 板书设计
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