Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx

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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx_第1页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx_第2页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx_第3页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx_第4页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:90677).docx_第5页
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1、1Treasures1. Free talkT: Hello, Im Jenny. Whats your name?Give me five./Nice to meet you.I like reading. Do you like reading?2. Cover readingToday, we will read a picture book.Look , this is the cover of the book. What can you see?S: desk/box/key/S: childrenT: Yes they are Peter,Lily,Sandy. They are

2、 good friends.What are they going to do? Can you guess?S:go to school/go hiking/look for the treasuresT: Look at the box and the key. Do you go. with them?Yes,you are right.One day they find a treasure map.They are ready to look for the treasures.Treasures.(贴课题)3. Before-readingOn the treasure map,(

3、贴地图) there are eight rooms. (数一下 this is the first/second.)The treasures are in the eighthroom. (贴宝盒)How can they enter each room?2They have to find keys or passwords to enter the rooms one byone.Do you want to read this story?4. while-reading(1)SkimmingNow, lets read this story quickly. After readi

4、ng you should putthese pictures into the right room.(教师贴图)Read and orderWhich picture is the first room?老师示范第一个,贴在地图上How about the second,third. Can you read and order?(请六个学生上来贴)How can they find the keys or passwords? Lets read the storycarefully.(2)ScanningRoom 1(学生猜密码,说原因)The first room is unlock

5、ed. In it they see a big box on a mat.There are three circles on the box. They are blue, yellow andred. (贴板书)T: Can you find the password?S: 985T: why?S: Nine is blue.3T:Wow you are so clever! Sandy finds the password too. Letslisten to her.T:They write the numbers 9, 8, 5 in each circle. The box op

6、ens.(贴板书)They are very clever. They use their brains and they open thedoor.Room 2T: So they go to the second room.They enter the second room.They see three bottles of water on a table. One is orange, one isblue, and another is yellow. (指着瓶子说)And there is a question “what colour is blue and yellow?”M

7、ike asks What colour is blue and yellow? Is it brown?Do you know what colour is it?S: greenT: Really? What do they do? Lets listen to Lily.Lets mix the blue and yellow water and see what we will get.They get a bottle of green water, so they choose the green boxand find the key to the third room.Room

8、 3In the third room, they see a big computer. There is a questionon the screen.Can you read the question?4Mike thinks the The answer must be some thing in the room.What do you think?S: teapotT: How do you know?S:.T: Lily find out the answer too.Sandy opens the teapot. The key to the fourth room is i

9、n it!Room 4They go the the fourth room. It is dark in the fourth room.Peterturns on the flashlight. There is a large picture on the wall.T: Do you know who is he?S: Van GoghT: He is a famous painter.Its Van Goghs picture. Lets move the picture away and see ifthere is something.T:Actually there is so

10、mething behind the picture. Look, whatsthis?Do you want to open it?(请学生上来打开盒子)Whats in the box? Can you show us?There are some keys in different shapes. What shapes are they?S:.Which key is the right one?5Look at this picture. Van Gogh has a famous painting namedSunflowers. It must be the key in the

11、 shape of a sunflower!This part is a little difficult. Lets try to act it out. It can helpunderstand.Lets actRoom 5They find the right key and go to the fifth room.They enter thefifth room. They see a big pattern on the floor.There is a coded lock. I guess the password is the numbers ofthe squares a

12、nd triangles.Do you know squares and triangles?What is the password? You should count how many squaresand how many triangles? Discuss with your partners.How many squares?Who can come and count.How many triangles? Lets count together.Um, there are eleven squares and twenty-four triangles.Peter presse

13、s the numbers one-one-two-four. The door opens.(一个学生上台数正方形,一起数三角形,相加)Room 6There is a big bookshelf and a desk in the sixth room. Thereare some books on the desk.6Lets put the books on the bookshelf and see what will happen.The bookshelf turns around. There is a box behind it. They getthe key to the

14、 seventh room!They work together and get the key. They are really great!Room 7Tick-tock. Tick-tock. They see a big clock in the seventh room.T:What time is it?S:.Its five past twelve (12:05) now.Is one-two-zero-five the password?Sandy tries these numbers. But the door doesnt open.Peter looks at the

15、clock in the mirror.What time is it now?S:.T: So what will Peter say?S:.They use their brains and work together,so they get into the lastroom and find the treasures.Room 8Finally they get into the eighth room. They see a very nice box.Look at them. They are very excited and happy.7T: They also want

16、to know what the treasure is ?whats in thenice box? Can you guess? Money?gold?They open the box and find a note.The note says, “Congratulations! You have got the chance totravel to E star!”E Star is a nice and beautiful star! So they are going to travel toE Star! What will they say?I think maybe the

17、y will ask. How can we go there? Can we gothere in a spaceship?What do you think? Can you guess what will they say? Here aresome tips for you. You can discuss in four.Look,they get through 7 rooms and finally find thetreasures.during this process, they use their brains and worktogether. So use your brains and work together, you will get thechance too!Here is a book called travel with abby. Its about E Star. If youwant to know more about E Star, you can read this book afterclass.8


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