1、设计题目Unit5 Seasons (2)日期教学目标1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter,hot, warm,cool, cold.2.听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter.In,it iswarm/cool/hot/cold. We(具体活动)3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4. 有感情地朗读课文。教学重点及解决措施有感情地朗读课文。会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常做的事情。教学难点及解决措施会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常
2、做的事情。教学策略PPT, season card ,板书,季节牌教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step 1 FreetalkStep 2 Talkaboutthefour25T: Hello,boys and girlsT: How are you today?Is it warm today? Is itspring now?T: Boys and girls, todayfirstly lets play a game.Im going to show yousome words or pictures.Please try to guess wh
3、atseason it is. (PPT 显示游戏内容)1. Review Part AT: Boys and girls, doS: HelloS:Fine,thanks./Yes. / No.seasons2. Playacard game5you like this game?S: Yes.T: Well, we all know thatthere re four seasons ina year. And we dodifferent things in eachseason. Here I havesome cards. Can youread them? (黑板上先翻出春天卡片
4、spring,warm, fly kites, goboating)T: Yes. Now can you tryto finish the rest of threeaccording to Story time?(学生不看书,回忆story time 口头填写剩下的三个季节, 说对了,老师翻出卡片)T: Good! Now lets talkabout the four seasonsaccording to them.T: Now lets play a cardgame. Who wants toplay this game with me?(取下黑板上的卡片,PPT 显示规则)S:
5、读卡片S: 根据黑板上的卡片说四季。In spring, it iswarm, we fly kites,we .In summer, it ishot, we eat icecreams, we .In autumn,3. enjoyapoemStep3 Make210In this game, firstly,one of you shows one ofyour cards. Forexample, I show thecard-summer. Andthe other two studentsshould show their cardswhich are aboutsummer.An
6、d anyoneof you can show thecard first. But when youare playing, please try tosay the sentences here.(示范游戏, 强调语言)3. Actually, everyseason is colourful, lets enjoy a poem aboutseasons.Do you like it?Among the seasons,which season do youlike best?What do you do?Look at the boy. Helikes winter best, and
7、 hehas a season card ofwinter.1.Do you want to have aIn winter,学生在小组内玩卡片游戏aseasoncardseason card?But how do we make it?Look! It concludes twoparts : Your pictures andyour poem.Lets read it.2.What can we write onthe season card?Now please discuss ingroups: What sentencescan you write?教师将孩子的句子板书在黑板上3.
8、 And also we must payattention to the pattern.In an English sentence,the first word alwaysstarts with a capitalletter.And don t forget to writea full stop after thesentence.4.You have alreadyfinished the pictures athome, now it s your turnto compose the poemand try to introduce yourseason card to yo
9、urS1: It isS2: We likeS3: I in Step4Cartoontime15partner.5.Now lets show yourcard and talk about it inclass.1.S1 likes S2 likesWhat about Sam?Which season does helike?Guess!T: Yes, he likessummer. Hes flying toHainan. .2. But what happened toSam and his mum?A. Sam lost his bag.B. Sam lost his jacket
10、.Lets watch the cartoonand choose the correctone.3. Whose bags arethey?Please read the storyand match the pictures.Whose bag is it? (指向第一个包)4. Good! Well, boys andgirls, lets learn thestory together.Ss: A.S1:Its Marys.Step5Homework1Ss: Listen and repeat.T: 指导朗读。Ss: Read togetherAct in four.We know S
11、am and hismum are in Australia.He misses his dad somuch.So hes sendingWechat to his dad. Readtheir dialogue, use youimagination and try tofinish it, then act it out.1. Read and act“cartoon time”.2. Introduce yourseason card to yourparents.作业设计1. Read and act “cartoon time”.2. Introduce your season c
12、ard to your parents.板书设计Unit5seasonsIt isWe likeI in 教学反思英语作为一门实践性很强的学科,怎样才能打破传统的以教师为中心的教学模式,使课堂教学成为多动的,师生多向的、多中心的互动关系呢?这就需要英语教师确立“以人为本”的教育理念,严格遵循“以学生为发展目标”的原则,将培养学生自主学生能力视为英语课的课程的灵魂,帮助学生自主学习,自主发展,为其终生发展打下扎实的基础。1、优化教学关系,让学生“敢”学受传统教育观念与教学模式的影响,一些英语老师仍然习惯于“以教师为中心”,整个课堂教师是主角,学生则成为了忠实的观众。要改变这一被动局面,使学生从“
13、怕”的阴影中解脱出来,就需要融洽师生关系,营造一个民主和谐的氛围,让学生树立起自主学习的信心。在这过程中,笔者认为师爱是至关重要的,学生对学习的渴望,来自与被爱的需求,教师的爱对于学生来说虽然是一种外部条件,但是它能转化成为学生接受教育的内部动力,古语有云:亲其师信其道。例如在本课中,学生犯了小小的错误,笔者微笑着给予纠正;当学生单词句子读的好时,教师慷慨的给予表扬。Good! Great!这样的赞美话语时时响起在英语课堂上。实践证明:民主、和谐、轻松、愉快的教学氛围更能促进学生大胆,积极主动的学习,使学生自主学习的信心得以树立,自主参与意识得以增强,自主性这一人格特征得以培养。2、优化课堂环
15、习活动中表现学习英语的潜力、发挥其创造性的才能。3、优化指导方法,使学生“懂”学教师不只要教给学生知识, 更重要的是要交给他们自主学习的方法。古语说:授人以鱼不如授人以渔。这就需要在平时的教学中注意渗透和指导,并鼓励学生通过自主学习掌握方法,达到自由运用,比如在本课时中,让学生说一说在写小诗时可以用哪些句型,让他们不仅牢固的掌握了新知识,而且更有利的开发他们自主和创新的学习潜能。本节课整体上看来,学生都能自主参与到课堂学习中来,但在个别环节,学生的创新意识并不强,如在谈论季节活动时,大部分学生只能说用书上的句子来,而不能自己组织语言来介绍。如果在设计教案时考虑学生的现有能力,降低练习的难度,相信大部分学生都能积极参与,更加体现本课的实效性。