Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1f8b).doc

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1f8b).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1f8b).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1f8b).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1f8b).doc_第4页
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1、Unit 4 Drawing in the park第一课时第一课时一、教学内容一、教学内容四下 Unit 4 Drawing in the park (Story time )二、教学目标二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult(2) 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, its easy.Its difficult, but I can try.2. 技能目标(1)能初步用以下句型 What can you see? I can se

2、e 来对看到的事物进行交流; 初步用句型 Can you ? 询问交流会做的事。(2) 能正确理解课文内容。(3) 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。3. 情感目标(1)鼓励学生遇事要不怕困难,敢于尝试。(2) 鼓励学生走进公园去感受春天大自然的美,去享受生活的乐趣。三、教学重点三、教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! Sure, its easy. Its difficult, butIcan try.3.

3、 能正确理解朗读课文内容。四、教学难点四、教学难点1. 能够较准确地朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。2. 单词 flower, difficult 的发音五、教学准备五、教学准备单词卡片,光盘,PPT六、教学过程六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1.Brain storming用所给关键词快速造句,注意标点符号:can play./can make./cant. /can?/ Can you draw?新授 draw,并让学生用 Can you draw?造句。【以头脑风暴的形式,引导学生快速回顾之前所学有关 can 的句型,并引到本课句型】2.呈现呈现 a picture of t

4、he farm ,操练句型操练句型T: Boys and girls , can you draw?Well , I can draw doo. Look ,I can draw a pictureof the farm. What can you see in the picture? I can see a /an/some通过以上图片操练句型 What can you see ? I can see a /some .并新授单词flowers 。【通过教师的现场板演,让学生关注到单词的复数,同时在数的过程中通过有意义的练说,突破难点,让学生掌握该单词 flower 的发音】3. 引出主人

5、公,教授引出主人公,教授 drawing in the park ,揭题揭题T:I like drawing on the farm. Look ,who are they ? They are Mike and Tim. Do theylike drawing ? How do you know(通过出示两个主人公的图片,引导学生观察图片,了解到他们都喜欢画画)T: Do you want to know more about them ? Try to ask.( What? Can ? Do ?.)4. Watch and choose :Where are they drawing ?

6、A. on the farmB. at schoolC. in the park5.通过揭示答案,教学 park , 并揭题 Unit 4 Drawing in the park.Step 2 Presentation1.学习学习 Good idea.对话操练对话操练 Lets dwaw some pictures here.Good idea.解决第一解决第一幅图幅图T: Do you like drawing in the park?Lets draw some pictures here .Lets invite Mike/Tim.Tim is very happy .Lets list

7、en what does he say?出示 Good idea,并新授。 (师生同桌操练对话)Learning tip:Good idea. 意思是好主意。当你同意别人的观点或赞成对方所提的建议时,可以说 Good idea. 还可以说:Agood idea.Thats a good idea.2. Listen and tick: What can they see in the parkThey can seea tree / some flowers / a boat (新授,并操练 the boat on the river)3.Try to ask : Can Tim draw_

8、well ?Can Tim _well?Can _well?Lets read ,注意读一般疑问句时,用升调。引出 Can Tim draw them well ? 新授 them.4.Read and judge:Can Tim draw them well? 请大声朗读,划出关键句,并在练习纸上判断。(通过两个问题,引导学生分段细读文本,理解记忆)T: Can Tim draw them well?(出示两个问题)Q1: Can Tim draw the tree and the flower well?Q2: Can Tim draw the boat well?1)Can Tim dr

9、aw the tree and the flowers well?How do you know that?A: Teach: Its easy. 解决第二幅图解决第二幅图(引导学生理解 them 的含义,新授 easy,并让学生体会其语气,并引导学生思考them 在这里是指代a tree and some flowers,同桌操练Can you draw them?Sure ,it s easy.并注意其朗读时的声调降调)B: Try to introduce Tims picture, 解决第三幅图解决第三幅图Try to sayWhat do you think of the pictu

10、re?How about Mike? 体会 Well done.两两操练。【由于本幅图片相对简单,学生都能基本理解,所以在该幅图片处理时,我采用学生自主运用的方式,直接让学生来看图完成对话】C:read together.2) Can Tim draw the boat well ?How do you know?(解决第四幅图)解决第四幅图)A;Teach : difficult = not easy 困难的,新授,朗读 Its difficlut ,but I can try .并出示一些图片,让学生体会做这些事情比较困难,并能尝试用这个句型说一说。B:引导学生了解引导学生了解 it 在这

11、里指在这里指 the boat on the riverC:指导朗读指导朗读 Can you draw it ? Its difficult ,but I can try.D:出示两幅图,Which picture may be Tims picture? Why?E:指导朗读指导朗读 Is this a boat?(解决第五幅图解决第五幅图)Mike is very confused ,and he says :Is this a boat?(学生模仿朗读, 注意一般疑问句用升调)F:Read together.G:情感教育:情感教育:For us:Whatever it is diffic

12、ult, we should have a try.无论多么困难,我们都应该试一试。Step 3Read and act1. Time to read (注意语音语调,可以加上动作和感情读一读)2. Lets act给学生两个表演形式,easy: Try to dub. difficult:Try to act.Step 4 Consolidation1.Summary together 教师根据板书让学生问答回顾本课重点, 并引出思维导图,让学生根据关键词一起复述课文内容。2.Time to summary:给学生两种复述形式:easy:根据板书对话复述课文。difficult:根据思维导图复述课文。Step 5 Homework1. Read after the tape three times.听录音,跟读课文 3 遍。2.Go to the park and draw some pictures.去公园感受春天,并画下你所看到的东西,尝试用英语说一说。七、板书设计Unit 4 Drawing in the parkWhat can you see ?I can seea treesome flowersa boatCan you draw them ?Sure. Its easy.Can you draw it?Its difficult,but I can try.


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