Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:813b4).zip

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We should/shouldnt Project 1 Being a good studentJinHuJinHu DailyDailyOurOur citycity isis lookinglooking forfor somesome imageimage spokesmenspokesmen ( 形形象代言人象代言人) fromfrom thethe goodgood studentsstudentsYouYou needneed a good lifestyle(生活方式生活方式)Have a healthy dietFollow the traffic rules Write down”My habits”My names Eddie. I get up at 8:30 and go to bed at 10:00. I brush teeth only in the morning and often forget(忘记) to wash my hands before meals. Sometimes I dont make the bed after getting upDoes Eddie have a good lifestyle?Can you help him ?You shouldYou must.Task 1HaveHave a a goodgood lifestylelifestyleLets think:ToTo havehave a a goodgood lifestyle,lifestyle,WhatWhat shouldshould youyou do?do?WeWe should.should.Task 2HaveHave a a healthyhealthy dietdietGood for healthBad for healthFoodFood groupinggrouping( (食物归类食物归类)_is/are good/bad for our healthWork in pairsTips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,someFor breakfastI have.For lunch and dinnerI have.DesignDesign a a healthyhealthy dietdiet forfor yourself:yourself:Tips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,someTask 3FollowFollow thethe traffictraffic rulesrulesTryTry toto describedescribe andand judgejudgegood habitbad habit P K: 30-Second Non-Stop Talking Rules:Rules: 1.1. 小组内先轮流说小组内先轮流说WeWe must./Wemust./We mustntmustnt .,.,再两组再两组PK.PK.2.2. 3030秒内不能重复,看哪组说得多,直到音秒内不能重复,看哪组说得多,直到音乐停止。乐停止。How can we cross the road safely?We mustWe mustntOn the roadTip:Rule(规则规则):用所给句型说出相关地点的规则,轮流进行。用所给句型说出相关地点的规则,轮流进行。Cherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.Enjo oy timemeTo keep safe.You must You mustntTask 4write down “My habits”Read and underlineTips:用红笔画出好习惯,蓝笔画出坏习惯:用红笔画出好习惯,蓝笔画出坏习惯.get up earlyhave breakfast every daygo to school earlyhelp her classmatesfinish homework earlywait for the green maneat too many sweetsSay good morning” to his teachersWait for the green mango to school latewatch TV after schooldo his homework laterun quickly on the roadeat a lot of meatMyMy habitshabitsI have some good habitsBut I also have some bad habits,I always .I often.I never.Sometimes, I .Good habits make a happy life and a bright future (未来未来)JinHu image spokesmanCertificate of awardCongratulations on being:Jun. 16thTryTry toto makemakeWork in groups,try to make a poster about Being agood student. You can use the pictures you have prepared before. You can only write down the key points including activities. Four minutes later, we choose some groups to show.以小组的形式,尝试制作一张关于好学生的画报,你们以小组的形式,尝试制作一张关于好学生的画报,你们可以使用事先准备好的图片进行粘贴。你们只需要写出可以使用事先准备好的图片进行粘贴。你们只需要写出主要信息即各种活动。四分钟之后,我们选一些小组同主要信息即各种活动。四分钟之后,我们选一些小组同学进行展示。学进行展示。 How can we be a good student?TryTry toto talktalkA A goodgood studentstudent should.should.A A goodgood studentstudent must.must.A A goodgood studentstudent mustntmustnt.Tip:学生根据海报的内容进行汇报。学生根据海报的内容进行汇报。1Continue to make a poster about how to be a good student .2 Write a passage “Good students around me”. Project1Project1 BeingBeing a a goodgood studentstudent一教学内容一教学内容六年级(下) 专项复习二教学目标二教学目标1. 在竞赛中帮助学生复习 14 单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用14 单元的单词和句型。2.2. 以”Being a good student”为主题,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生的良好习惯。3. 能通过各项任务设置,激发学生学习兴趣,体验合作与竞争。三教学重难点三教学重难点1. 以”Being a good student”为主题,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,2. 指导学生完成作文“My habits” 。四教学准备四教学准备PPT, 教材,练习纸五教学过程五教学过程Step1 Warming up1. Daily report.2Free talkT:Today,well learn Project 1 Being a good student.Do you want to be a good student in class?Step2 Pre-taskT: Our city is looking for some image spokesmen (形象代言人) from the good students.Do you want to join them?(PPT 呈现四个任务)Step3 While-taskTask1.Have a good lifestyle.Task2:.Have a healthy diet Task3.Follow the traffic rulesTask4.Write down “my habits”(渗透情感教育)Step4 Post-task1. Try to make a poster2. Show timeStep5.Homework1. Make a poster about how to be a good student.2. Write a passage “Good students around me”.3. Design:Project1Project1 BeingBeing a a goodgood studentstudentWeWe mustmustWeWe mustntmustnt
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