Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f69fc).zip

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    • Unit7 Summer holiday plans
      • Cartoon time 01.jpg--点击预览
      • travel around the world.jpg--点击预览
      • traveller.jpg--点击预览
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      • U7Cart01.mp3
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      • U7Cart07.mp3
      • U7Cart08.mp3
      • U7Cart09.mp3
      • U7Cartoo.mp3
      • U7Cult01.mp3
      • U7Cult02.mp3
      • U7Cult03.mp3
      • U7Cult04.mp3
      • U7Culture.mp3
      • 游戏背景音乐.mp3
      • 雨滴.mp3
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    • Unit7 Summer holiday plans.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f69fc.docx--点击预览


Culture time I can use the sentence “Youll find . in ”. I know about some famous scenic spots in the world.(我知道世界上一些著名的景点。) Cartoon time I can understand the story. I can read the story. I can act the story.Unit 7 Free talk: Where will go for the summer holiday? When will go there? How long will stay there?Will go there by ? What will do there?National Geographic Magazine (国家地理杂志) a travel book (一本旅游书)(一本旅游书) Japan the USdifferent countries in the world Australia the UK Chinadifferent places Brain storm(头脑风暴)(头脑风暴)When you see the picture, speak out the name of the country loudly.(当你看到图片时,大声说出图片所在的国家)The rule (规则(规则)Brain storm(头脑风暴)(头脑风暴) Well done!Four new scenic spots (四个新景点) Canada (加拿大)(加拿大)the UKthe USAustraliathe Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷美国大峡谷Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫白金汉宫Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布尼亚加拉大瀑布Uluru Rock乌鲁鲁巨石乌鲁鲁巨石Try to match Requirement: Work in pairs. (要求:两人一组,讨论并试着连一连)(要求:两人一组,讨论并试着连一连)Culture timeYoull find _ in _.Niagara Fallsthe Grand CanyonUluruBuckingham PalaceTry to sayLets share! Read more books! Youll find more places in different countries. (多读书,你将发现不同国家的更多地方哦!)(多读书,你将发现不同国家的更多地方哦!)Bobby is reading a travel book, too. Dream?Guess: Whats Bobbys dream(梦想)(梦想)?Cartoon timeBobby wants to be a traveller. Bobby wants toLets guess!? ? ? (旅行者)(旅行者)travel travel around the world(环游世界)(环游世界)Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam.Travel plans?Cartoon time(旅行计划)(旅行计划) Look and saythe UK ( )( )( )What are Bobbys plans(计划)(计划)?the US AustraliaHe will go TipsTips: :当你想表达事情发生的先后当你想表达事情发生的先后顺序时,你可说:顺序时,你可说:First,First, Next,Next, Then,Then, Ill go Think and saya gentleman_ in the UK.a cowboy the baby kangaroo Why ?He wants to be_ in the US._ in Australia.He wants to beHe wants to be(绅士)(绅士)(牛仔)(牛仔)(袋鼠宝宝)(袋鼠宝宝)Tips:四人一组,讨论Bobby想去这些国家的原因。 Watch and answer1.How does Sam feel about Bobbys plans?2.How does Bobby get to the UK? Watch and answer2.How does Bobby get to the UK?Bobby wants to get to the UK by taxi . He feels excited.1.How does Sam feel about Bobbys plans? Watch and answerHappy reading !语音语调语气Read one by one 一人一句轮流读Read after one一人领读三人跟读选择一种读书方式,四人小组合作朗读。选择一种读书方式,四人小组合作朗读。 TipsTips:小组朗读小组朗读结束后结束后, 别忘记给别忘记给对应的对应的同学评价哦同学评价哦!2 3 1 4 Act one fragment 表演一幅图Act the story表演整个故事不同角色,不同音色,不同性格。不同角色,不同音色,不同性格。Tips:三人一组,一人扮演Bobby,一人扮演Sam ,最后一人说旁白,尝试不看书不看书表演哦! Lets act!Lets write: write down your travel plans. Lets write:Show time!Culture time,Cartoon time 1. I know about some famous scenic spots in the world. 我知道世界上一些著名的景点。 2. I can understand, read and act the cartoon. 我能理解,朗读并表演动画。Ticking time Homework1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently. 2、Preview (预习)(预习)Sound time and Checkout time . 3、Finish Unit7 Exercise 3.Unit7Unit7 SummerSummer holidayholiday plansplans(Culture(Culture timetime andand CartoonCartoon time)time) 教学目标教学目标: :1. 通过阅读 Cartoon time,欣赏其中的幽默,了解谈论假期计划的语言。2. 了解西方文化,增强跨文化意识。3. 进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。学情分析:学情分析:本课时 cartoon time 的主题是关于学生的旅行计划,这个主题比较符合和贴近学生的生活,所以学生都很感兴趣,并且学生的积极性很高,学生的话语点也会比较多,所以基本不会出现学生不知道说什么的情况,所以课文内容的掌握对于学生来说问题是不大的,但是文章中涉及到了一个一个语法知识点,一般将来时,这个时态在五年级时学生有接触过,所以大部分学生的问题不是很大,但对于个别学困生还是要多加关注。在课堂教学中让同桌同学同时合作探究,查漏补缺,圆满完成本课学习目标。此外 culture time 中,四个新的景点稍难,应该引导学生们多去说一说,多了解文化知识,增强文化意识。重点难点重点难点教学重点:1. 了解西方文化,增强跨文化意识。2. 进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。教学难点:教学难点:1.进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。教学过程教学过程Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup1、Show learning aims.2、T: Hello, boys and girls.Our summer holiday will come in July. What are your summer holiday plans?复习 Grammar time 句型:Where will go for the summer holiday?When will go there?Will go there by ?How long will go for the summer holiday?What will do there? (教师同两生对话)设计意图:呈现学习目标,让学生对于本堂课所学内容一目了然。教师和学生们自由交谈,话题贴近学生们的生活,同时又帮助学生们复习语法知识,为下面的学习做好铺垫。StepStep 2 2 CultureCulture timetime1、Show a travel book.T:Well, boys and girls, I want to go abroad(出国)this summer holiday. Last night I read a book called National Geographic. It is a travel book.(teach)2、Review different countries in the world. 3、Brain storm: Different places in different countries.设计意图:通过教师自己读书从而引出新词并教授,复习世界上不同的国家为下面的学习做好铺垫,头脑风暴的游戏使学生们能够将已经学过的景点与国家相对应,激发学生们学习英语的兴趣。4、Learn four new scenic spots from the book.1)Show four national flags: the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada(teach)2)Try to match:(出示四个景点和英语地点名,两人一组,讨论并试着连一连。)3)Listen and try to say:听录音,试着用 Youll find _ in _.句型说一说。4)Lets share!设计意图:通过国旗引入国家使国家更具有形象性,两人一组,讨论并试着连一连,培养学生们提前预习自主学习的能力。听并且试着用句型说一说,加深对课本知识的记忆,分享环节更进一步加深学生们的文化意识。StepStep 3 3 CartoonCartoon timetime1、Look and answer.T: Bobby is reading a travel book, too. Whats his dream(梦想)?What does Bobby say?Bobby: I want to be a traveller and travel around the world. (出示图片,帮助学生理解新词组。)(Teach: traveller)设计意图:通过以上国外旅游胜地的介绍和学习,吊起学生旅游的热情,在这个基础上转入学习 Cartoon time 的学习,其中以Bobby 的 travel book 为话题导入顺理成章,水到渠成。在这里学习 traveler 以及 travel around the world 两个词组的学习。2. Look and sayT: Bobby is talking about his plans with Sam. What are Bobbys plans? Please show us Bobbys plans and use the sentence: He will go Ss: He will go to the UK. He will go to the US.He will go to AustraliaT: Please show us Bobbys plans with the sentence: Ill go and these words: First, Next, Then,(当你想表达事情发生的先后顺序时,你可说:First,Next, Then,)S: First, hell go to the UK. Next, hell go to the US. Then, hell go to Australia.Ss read together.设计意图:在结束了以上 Look and say 板块的学习后,让学生进入口头表达的模式,用 First, Next, Then,这个句式,既操练了将来时的表达,又帮助学生组织了内容比较全面的语言表达。3. Think and say(四人一组讨论为什么 Bobby 想去这些国家)T: Why does Bobby want to go to the UK?S1: He wants to be a gentleman in the UK.T: Why does Bobby want to go to the US?S2:He wants to be a cowboy in the US.T: Why does Bobby want to go to Australia?S3:He wants to be the baby kangaroo in the Australia.Ss answer these questions one by one.Ss read together.设计意图:通过让学生们分组讨论为什么想去这些国家,不仅培养学生们小组合作的能力,同时启发学生们理解 Cartoon time 中涵盖的文化知识,增强文化意识。4. Watch and answerQ1:How does Sam feel about Bobbys plans?S1:He feels excited.Q2:How does Bobby get to the UK?S2:Bobby gets to the UK by taxi. T: Is that possible? S: No. T: How can they get there? S: By plane.设计意图:通过看让学生们从对话中抽取关键信息,加深对课文的理解和记忆,同时通过疑问句反问学生们,向他们展示一个生活常识。 5、Lets read:1)Read after the tape.2)Four in a group and choose one way to read.设计意图:通过各种形式的读加深学生们对课文的理解和记忆,同时锻炼学生们读的能力,为下面的表演做好铺垫。5、Lets act: Choose one way to act as you like.设计意图:在学生理解了短文内容后,安排学生表演,这个环节的设计更是照顾了学生整堂课上的学习疲劳,表演的活动,让学生放松一下上课到现在的紧张情绪,在表演中表达,使语言更是学生真正想要的表达的语言,摆脱了呆板的课文文字表达。StepStep 4 4 ConsolidationConsolidationWrite down your travel plans设计意图:通过写下自己的旅行计划,与上面所学的内容紧紧相扣,同时复习了将来时 Will 的用法,学生乐于表达自己的计划,锻炼了学生们读写的能力。StepStep 5 5 ExerciseExercise一、 Look and match the Grand Canyon Uluru Rock Niagara Falls Buckingham Palace二 、Write down your travel plansMy travel planThis year, I will go to .I will go there by .I will go there in/on .I will stay there for .I will do many things there.I will .I will have a good time.三 Self-ticking StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently. 2、Preview (预习)Sound time and Checkout time . 3、Finish Unit7 Exercise 3.BlackboardBlackboard Design:Design:Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Uluru Australia The Grand Canyon The US Buckingham Palace The UKNiagara Falls CanadaWhat are your plans?
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