Unit 3 Asking the way-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:f08c9).zip

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Unit3 Asking the way Unit3 Asking the way Story time1.It can fly.Its fast.We usually take it to go to a city or a country far away.2.It has two wheels.There is usually a basket on it.3.It is long.It runs under the ground.4.It is a big boat.5.It is long.It runs very fast.It usually travels between cities.6.It is small.It has a driver and it can carry one to four passengers(乘客乘客).Happy guessingRevisionA: Where do you live? How do you come to school?B: I live in/on . I come to school. by plane by ship by metro by train by bus by bike on footA: Where does live? How does . come to school?B: He/She lives in/on . He/She comes to school.Happy sayingget onget offTraffic lights turn rightTurn leftRead and match12get onget offShe wants to go to the cinema ,she must (必(必须)须)_.She wants to go to the post office, she must _turn leftturn right12Look k andand saysaytalk on the telephone What are they talking about? A. Su Hais new home B. the buildings(建筑建筑) in the city C. asking and showing the way(问路和指路(问路和指路)Wa atch h andand ansanswerWa atch h andand ansanswer What are they talking about? A. Su Hais new home B. the buildings(建筑建筑) in the city C. asking and showing the way(问路和指路(问路和指路)Wa atch h andand ansanswer Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hais new home. How do I get to your home, Su Hai? You can take the metro. You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. Then, walk to Moon Street . Theres a bookshop on the street. My home is next to it. All right. Tips: 读第一场景,画出文中问路的句子和圈出 文中经过的地点 Readinading ti imeYou can come by metro. Readinading ti imeCan Yang Ling find Su Hais home? ask the policeman for helpYang Ling comes out from City Library Station. She is on Sun Street. She cannot find the book shop. She asks a policeman for help. Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop on your right. Thank you. Tips: 读第二场景,找出正确的线路图 Readinading ti imeTips: :小组讨论,选择正确的线路图。ABCReadinading ti imeHappy watchingWatch and answer:Who helps Yang Ling?A policeman.Happy reading and answeringTips: 读第一场景,回答问题。读第一场景,回答问题。 1.How does Yang Ling go to Su Hais home?2.Where does Yang Ling get on the metro?3.Where does Yang Ling get off the metro?4.Where does Su Hai live?5.Does Su Hai live near a bookshop?Take the metro./ By metro.At Park Station.At City Library.She lives on Moon Street.Yes ,she does.aedcb Readad andand ma atch h将图片与句子相匹配。a Yang Ling gets off the metro.d Yang Ling turns right at the traffic lights.c Yang Ling gets on the metro.b Yang Ling walks along Moon Street. e Yang Ling asks a policeman for help.Happy ordering(按课文内容排序按课文内容排序)caebd Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hais new home. How do I get to your home, Su Hai? You can take the metro. You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. Then, walk to Moon Street . Theres a bookshop on the street. My home is next to it. All right.Readinading ti imeYang Ling comes out from City Library Station. She is on Sun Street. She cannot find the bookshop. She asks a policeman for help. Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop on your right. Thank you. Readinading ti imeTips:3:3人人小组内分角色来朗读,人人参与,可以多人同时读一个角色。(自选一个场景来展示)Happy readingRead correctly. 正确朗读。Read fluently. 流利朗读。Read with emotions and actions. 加入合适动作,有感情朗读。Happy retellingTips: :小组讨论,看图复述。Excus se me, How d do/canan I get to ?Wh here isis Canan y you shshow/tell me th he wayay to ?Whihich h isis th he wayay to ?Canan y you tell me h how to get to ?How to askask th he wayay(如何问路如何问路)Happy summary How to shshow th he wayay(如何指路如何指路)You canan takake You canan get on n/get off a at Go a alon ng You canan s see on n y your ri igh ht/left.T Turn n ri igh ht/left a at We should be polite and helpful!我们应当有礼貌且我们应当有礼貌且乐于助人!乐于助人!1. Read Story time.熟读熟读Story time。2.Practise using the sentences of asking and showing the way.练习使用问路和指路句型。练习使用问路和指路句型。Unit 3 Asking the way一、教学内容: Story time二、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读 cinema, hospital, shop, zoo 等地点类单词. 2.能初步运用句型 How do I get to ? 及回答:Go along Get on/ off Turn left/ right 3.能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事. 4.学生能在理解的基础上合作朗读故事.四、教学重点: 1.能听懂,会读,会说,会用 How do I get to ? 及回答:Go along this street. Turn left/ right at the traffic lights. Get on/ off at Station. You can see the on the left/ right. 2.能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事5、教学难点能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.六、教学准备 ppt七、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up 1.Free talk Revison:Happying guess 2. Happying saying (学习 left, right, turn 等单词) Yes. 学习新单词:left, right, turn.Step2 Pre-task 1. Su Hai and Yang Ling are also like dancing. Today Yang Ling wants to go to Su Hais home. Look, what are they doing? (出示插图 1)They are making a telephone. 2. What are they talking about? (教读插图上的 park station, city library station, book shop, moon street,get on, get off)Maybe they are talking about where is Su Hais home? 3.Can you work in two and guess? Work in two.Step 3 Task 1 1.Lets watch and find Is Yang Ling find Su Hais home? Who helps her? 看动画,回答问题。 2.Read and match 朗读课文,完成第 28 页的配对。Step4 Task 2 Reading time: 1.read after the computer 2.read after the teacher 3.read togetherRead in different ways. (Do you have any questions?)自主提问,老师或同伴帮助解答。Step 5 Task 3 1.show time: read in three Read in groups 2.How does Yang Ling get to Su Hais home. First, Next, Then, Finally, 根据第 28 页的 Look and say 完成解说。Step 6 Posttask 1.Now Yang Ling is in Su Hais house. Theyre very happy. They want to go to some places. Can you guess? (1)There are many doctors and nurses. Hospital (2)There are many animals. Zoo (3)You can watch films there.Cinema 2.But they dont know how to go there. Can you choose one and tell them how to go? You can discuss in groups. Choose one and discuss in groupsHomework: 1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times. 2. Copy the new words 3 times. 3. 收集更多的地点类单词。板书设计 Unit 3 Asking the way Get on Get off Go along Turn A map
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