Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:d091d).zip

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Enjoy a songWhats the matter with Yang Ling?She hasa colda headacheandchYang Ling is ill.What should she do?shouldshould,应该。否定形式:should not=shouldnt Give Yang Ling some advice(建议): She should休息 have a rest看医生,看病 see the doctor喝些温水 drink some warm water吃药 take some medicinehdtsrun in the classroomwalk on the grass(草地) We shouldntWe shouldrun in the playgroundwalk in the streetWhats the matter with Wolffy?=Whats wrong with Wolffy?WolffyWolffyA: Whats wrong with him?B: He has a a headachean earachea toothachea backachea headachea toothachean earachea backacheShe / He has a/an 你发现这些词的构词规律了吗? ache/eik/Su Hai and MikeWhats wrong with Su Hai and Mike?dentist 1、Whats wrong with Su Hai? ( )a.Have a cough. b. Have a fever. c. Have a headache. Watch and choose:2、Whats wrong with Mike? ( )a.Have a headache. b. Have a stomach ache.c. Have a toothache.b、c stomach ache 胃痛cWhoIllness(疾病) should (应该) shouldnt (不应该)Su HaiMikea headache and a fever brush (his) teeth in the morning and before bedtime(自读课文完成表格,然后小组交流)have a restRead the story and fill in the table. a toothache take some medicinedrink warm watereat too many sweetsTip:阅读时划出答案的关键词并填入表格。Unit4 Seeing the doctorDoctor: Whats wrong with you?Su Hai: I have a headache. I feel cold.Doctor: Let me check. You have a fever.Doctor: You should have a rest at home. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.Su Hai: What should I do, Doctor?Su Hai: Thank you, doctor. Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor.check 检查neck 脖子toothDentist: Whats wrong with you?Mike: I have a toothache. I cant eat anything.Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?Dentist: You shouldnt eat too many sweets. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Mike: Yes, I do.Mike: OK. Thanks. Mike has a toothache. He goes to see the dentist.try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.注意模仿语音语调哦Read after the recording 跟录音读Unit4 See the doctorWhats wrong with you?I have a headache. You have a fever.You should have a rest at home. What should I do, Doctor?Thank you, doctor. She goes to see the doctor.Su Hai is ill.Let me check.You should take some medicineand drink some warm water.I feel cold.Whats wrong with you?I have a toothache. Do you eat a lot of sweets?You shouldnt eat too many sweets. Yes, I do.OK. Thanks. Mike has a toothache. I cant eat anything.You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.He goes to see the dentist.Lets act 两人小组,选一幅图进行表演,别忘了表情和动作哦!诊断书feverheadachetoothacheName_Nanjing HospitalSu Hai诊断书 Name_Nanjing HospitalMikecant eat anything 1. have a rest2. take some medicine3. drink some warm water1. not eat too many sweets2. brush his teethSu Hai is She goes to D: Whats ?SH: I have I feel D: Let me You have SH: What , Doctor?D: You should You should and SH: Thank you, Doctor.Try to retell the dialogue.Mike has He goes D: Whats ?M: I have I cant D: Do you ?M: Yes, D: You shouldnt You should M: OK. Thanks. Try to retell the dialogue. Cough have a rest 自编对话 Headache have a rest drink warm water take medicine Toothache eat too many sweets brush your teeth before bedtime Fever have a rest 为下面的四个病人提出建议,用到You should/shouldntHomework:1.Read and retell the dialogue.2. Think and write page 38 in your books.五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctorStory time一、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:Whats wrong with-? What should -do?及其回答。3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。 二、教学重点:1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。2. 掌握 Whats wrong with-? What should -do?及其回答。 三、教学难点:1.能正确理解、掌握语篇内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2.能正确地听、说、读 brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine 等。 四、教学准备:卡片, PPT 5、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up1. Enjoy a song 2. Look and guessWhile doing the Head,shoulder,knees exercise, I hurt myself. Look at my action and try to guess whats wrong with the me.Great, I think I have a headache.Step 2 Lead-in1.Look and sayWhats the matter with Yang Ling?a cold?a headache引导学生说出疾病的名称2. Have a guessWho is he?Whats the matter with Wolffy?He has a headache卡通人物激发学生兴趣,再次导入 headache3. 你发现这些词的构词规律了吗?a headachea toothachean earachea backacheAche means pain让学生了解构词法,了解 ache 的意思。Step 3 Presentation1.Listen and answerWho goes to the hospital?2.watch and choose T: Yes. First, we want to know whats wrong with them. Now lets watch and try to find out the answer.Whats wrong with Su Hai?Whats wrong with Mike?通过听和看使学生初步了解文章大意3. Read the story and fill in the table. 阅读时划出答案的关键词并填入表格。Whats wrong with.?What should .do?Su Hai a headache a feverhave a resttake some medicinedrink warm waterMike a toothachebrush his teethnot eat too many sweets让学生自读课文找出疾病名称,疾病原因及医生建议,培养学生自主阅读的习惯Step 3. Consolidation1.reading timeRead after the recording 跟录音读While reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation , intonation and the tone.Now read with your group members. 2.Lets actIts show time.鼓励学生上台表演,把本课重点句型运用起来,注意表演时的动作表情语气。3.Lets retell用 should 给出诊断书医生建议Try to retell the dialogue.让学生根据提示复述课文,培养学生的英语语感。4.自编对话为下面的四个病人提出建议,用到 You should/shouldnt Cough have a rest Headache have a rest drink warm water take medicine Toothache eat too many sweets brush your teeth before bedtime Fever have a rest 鼓励学生把所学运用起来,学会给别人关于健康方面的建议Step 5 Homework1.Read and retell the dialogue.2. Think and write page 38 in your books. 板书设计 Unit4 Seeing the doctorWhats wrong with.?What should .do?Su Hai a headache a feverhave a resttake some medicinedrink warm waterMike a toothachebrush his teethnot eat too many sweets
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