Unit 6 In the kitchen-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:41775).zip

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看到图片和看到图片和词组,词组,请大声请大声朗读,朗读,并并表演表演该动作该动作,看到看到 , ,边跳舞边说边跳舞边说“ d dananc ce e,d,dananc ce e, , d dananc ce e” sweep the floor cook dinner wash clothes make the bedplay the piano clean the tableswim draw a picturechat on the InternetWhat is he/she doing?What are they doing?仔细看图仔细看图30秒,请记住他们秒,请记住他们各自都在做什么。各自都在做什么。RememberRemember andand saysayWhats Helen doing ? She is sweeping the floor.Whats Mr Brown doing ? Whats Mrs Brown doing?What are they doing?He is cleaning the car. She is cooking.They are sleeping.TryTry toto singsingWhats Helen doing now?Whats Mr Brown doing ?Whats Mrs Brown doing?What are they doing now?She is sweeping the floor.He is cleaning the car.She is cooking, cooking.They are sleeping, sleeping in the bedroom.TryTry toto singsingWhats Helen doing now?Whats Mr Brown doing ?Whats Mrs Brown doing?What are they doing now?She is sweeping the floor.He is cleaning the car.She is cooking, cooking.They are sleeping, sleeping in the bedroom.singWhats . doing now?He/She is .TryTry toto singsingmake the bed大声唱出来吧!大声唱出来吧!singWhats . doing now?He/She is .TryTry toto singsingwash the dishesWhats . doing now?He/She is .TryTry toto singsingdo homeworksingWhat are they doing now?They are .TryTry toto singsingwatch TV singWhats . doing now?He/She is .TryTry toto singsingclean the tablesingWhats . doing now?He/She is .TryTry toto singsingread a storysing ListenListen andand guessguessIs he/she .?Yes, .is./No, . isnt.LookLook andand guessguessAre they .?Yes, .are./No, . arent.They are in the dining room(餐厅) .LookLook andand guessguessAre they .?Yes, ./No, . Theyre in the classroom. .LookLook andand guessguessIs he .?Yes, ./No, . Peter is in the bathroom .LookLook andand guessguessIs she .?Yes, ./No, . Nancy is in the living room .SummarySummaryA.A. 一般现在时一般现在时B.B. 现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时表表示:正在进行示:正在进行的的动作或存在动作或存在的的状态状态,表,表示动作示动作发生的发生的时间是时间是 现在现在 ,动作目前动作目前的的状态是状态是 正在进行中正在进行中 。一。一般般用用“BeBe动动词词 + + 动动词词ining g ”结构来结构来表表示示。现在进行时句型现在进行时句型的的关键关键词词有:有:“L“Looook!”k!” “L“Listenisten !”!” “nonow”w” 和和 “I“It t isis . o oclclo ock.”ck.”SummarySummary BeBe动词的用法动词的用法我我 ( I ) 用用am, 你你(you)用用areis 用在他用在他(he) 她她(she) 它它(it)单数单数is, 复数复数areLetsLets chantchantI, I, I am, I am.You, You, You are, you are.He, He, He is , he isShe, She, She is , she isThey, They, They are, they areGame 1:QuickQuick responceresponcePKPKyouit Mike she Tom and Tim your friend my teachers Helen my parents her uncleyour friends we SummarySummary动词动词ing的变化规则:的变化规则:直直接接在动在动词词后加后加ining.g.以以不不发音的发音的“e e”结尾结尾的单的单词,词,去去“e e”加加ining.g.重重读读闭闭音音节节单词,单词,先双写先双写最后最后一一个字母个字母,再加再加ining.g.Game 2: FindFind homehomewatchwasheat cook make take live driveget chat put run sit clean 直直接接在动在动词词后加后加ining.g.以以不不发音的发音的“e e”结尾结尾的的单词,单词,去去“e e”加加ining g重重读读闭闭音音节节单词,单词,先双写最先双写最后后一一个字母个字母,再加再加ining.g.-cleaningcook -watching-washing-eating-cookingclean eat watchwash- making- driving- taking- living- comingmakecome take live drive - running- gettingget chat putrun - putting - sitting - chattingsit come PKPKPlayPlay cardscards 四人打牌游戏四人打牌游戏R Ru ul leses: : 1 1 四人四人一组,一组,其中三人每人手持其中三人每人手持一一种颜种颜色的色的卡片卡片。 2 2 随机抽取随机抽取一一张卡片张卡片,并大声并大声朗读朗读卡片上卡片上的的内容内容。 3 3 第第4 4个人将三张卡片上个人将三张卡片上的的内容连成内容连成一一句话句话。友情提醒:不要偷看卡片上友情提醒:不要偷看卡片上的的内容哦内容哦! 其余同学判断:句子正确其余同学判断:句子正确,说说yeayeah,h, yeayeah,h, yeayeah;h; 句子正确又有趣句子正确又有趣,说说 F Funun, , f funun, , f fununGame 3:LookLook andand thinkthink 如如果没有了网络、没有了电果没有了网络、没有了电,我们可我们可以以做些做些什么什么活动活动呢?呢?LookLook andand thinkthink Good evening. Its Earth Hour now. Many people turn off their lights.LetsLets listenlisten Alice:Hi, Im Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now were looking at the stars(星星).LetsLets listenlisten Kitty: Hello, my names Kitty. My brother Ben and I usually read e-books before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story.LetsLets listenlisten Sally: Hi, Im Sally. I usually play computer games at night, but now Im playing word games with my family.What are they doing ?She is looking at the stars.They are listening to stories.She is playing word games.It is Earth Hour now.Alice is not TV. She at the stars with parents.Kitty and her brother are not e-books. Their grandma a story.Sally usually computer games at night. Now she word games with her family.Read and finishwatchingis lookingreadingis tellingplaysis playing A A proposalproposal (倡议书(倡议书) Playing computer games too much is bad for health.Reading with ipad is bad for eyes.Playing, reading with e-things too much is not good.Please chat with your family, play games with your friends, read books with your family. Then we will be happier.HomeworkHomework 1.1. 与与你的你的朋友和家人朋友和家人分分享这份倡议书享这份倡议书。2.2. 用用现在进行时现在进行时的的句子说句子说一一说放学后说放学后你你教室里教室里的的场景场景,并描述给并描述给你的你的父母听父母听。Unit 5- Unit 6 复习课1、教学内容:义务教育教科书小学英语五年级下册 unit5 unit6 两个单元的复习课2、教学目标1. 复习 Unit 5 现在进行时特殊疑问句和陈述句。2. 复习 Unit 5 现在进行时一般疑问句及其回答。3. 总结和巩固 be 动词的用法4. 总结和巩固动词 ing 的变化规则5. 在有趣的练习和复习中巩固所学知识点。3、教学重难点:1. 复习 Unit 5 现在进行时特殊疑问句和陈述句。2. 复习 Unit 5 现在进行时一般疑问句及其回答。3. 总结和巩固 be 动词的用法4. 总结和巩固动词 ing 的变化规则4、教学准备:1. 教学课件2. 板书3. 写好了人称、动词、场景的卡片5、教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings2. Act and playT: If you see the pictures and phrases, read it loudly and act it. If you see the girl, dance and say dance, dance, dance (复现和练习动词词组)3. Enjoy a song T: What is he/she doing in the song?S: He/she is .Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Remember and sayWhat are Mikes family doing? Remember and say (仔细观察图片 20 秒,记住他们各自在做什么?)What is Helen doing? She is sweeping the floor.What is Mr Brown doing ? He is cleaning the car.What is Mrs Brown doing? She is cooking.What are Tim and Ben doing ? They are sleeping. 2. Try to sing T: I can sing a song with these sentences, would you like to listen? (教师用上个环节的问句和答句编唱一首歌)lets sing together (学生和老师一起唱,教师唱问句,学生唱答句)3. Lets sing (男生女生进行 PK)(用 checkout time 部分的图片进行问答唱歌)What is/are . doing?. is/are .ing 4. Listen and guess (用 U6story time 部分的图片)T: What is Liu Taos father / mother doing? Guess!S: Is he/she .ing ?5. Look and guessLiu Taos family are in the dining room. What are they doing? Guess!S: Are they .ing ?T: Yes,./ No,.Practice:They are in the classroom. What are they doing? Guess!He is in the bathroom. What is he doing? Guess!She is in the living room. What is she doing? Guess!(用比较意想不到的动作让学生发散思维,多练习多运用问句)Step 3 Consolidation1. Ask and say What tense are these sentences?A. 一般现在时B. 现在进行时What is present continues tense? (总结现在进行时的定义、结构、关键词)现在进行时表示:正在进行的动作或存在的状态,表示动作发生的时间是现在,动作目前的状态是正在进行中。一般用“Be 动词 + 动词 ing ”结构来表示。现在进行时句型的关键词有:“Look!” “Listen !” “now” 和 “It is . oclock.”2. Be 动词的用法1)总结 Be 动词的用法:我 ( I ) 用 am, 你(you)用 areis 用在他(he) 她(she) 它(it)单数 is, 复数 are2)chant I, I, I am, I am.You, You, You are, you are.He, He, He is , he isShe, She, She is , she isThey, They, They are, they are3) Quick response (男女生 PK)跟着 chant 的节奏 教师说人称,学生说 Be 动词3. 动词 ing 的变化规则1)总结动词 ing 的变化规则直接加 ing以不发音的 e 结尾的动词,去 e 加 ing重读闭音节单词,双写尾字母再加 ing2)Find home (动词 ing 分类)为以下动词分类如:clean, cleaning, 直接加 ing4. Play cardsRules: 1 四人一组,其中三人每人手持一种颜色的卡片。 2 随机抽取一张卡片,并大声朗读卡片上的内容。 3 第 4 个人将三张卡片上的内容连成一句话。其余同学判断:句子正确,说 yeah, yeah, yeah; 句子正确又有趣,说 Fun, fun, fun5. Look and think (看图思考)如果没有了网络、没有了电,我们可以做些什么活动呢?Step 4 Production1. It is earth hour now, what are these children doing? 1) Listen and answer 2) Read and finish It is Earth Hour now.Alice is not TV. She at the stars with parents.Kitty and her brother are not e-books. Their grandma a story.Sally usually computer games at night. Now she word games with her family.2. A proposal Playing computer games too much is bad for health.Reading with ipad is bad for eyes.Playing, reading with e-things too much is not good.Please chat with your family, play games with your friends, read books with your family. Then we will be happier.Step 5 Homework 1. 与你的朋友和家人分享这份倡议书。2. 用现在进行时的句子说一说放学后你教室里的场景,并描述给你的父母听。
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