Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc

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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc_第2页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc_第3页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc_第4页
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Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01665).doc_第5页
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1、五下五下 UnitUnit 6 6InIn thethe kitchenkitchen (Story(Story time)time)教学设计教学设计一、一、教学内容教学内容译林版三年级起点 五年级下册 Unit 6In the kitchen (Story time)二、二、教材简解教材简解本单元的话题是食物,内容涉及到可数名词和不可数名词。本课通过刘涛足球比赛后回到家中,与父母准备晚饭、共进晚餐的线索展开叙述。新句型是现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答, 另外再现了 there be 句型和表达赞美的习惯用语。涉及到的句型有 Are you doing.?Yes,I am./No,Im not

2、.Hows the meat/soup/.?Itsyummy/nice.词汇 vegetable,tomato,potato,look for,smell。三、三、教学目标教学目标1.学生能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组 game, smell, meat, ready, yummy,potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables, look for, love.2.学生能听懂、会说,会读及初步运用日常交际用语 Are you cooking meat?No,Im not.Im washing some vegetables. Hows the meat/soup.? Its yum

3、my/nice. Icant wait!I love it ! 与他人交流。3.学生能整体理解,分层表演对话。4.培养学生积极参与、快乐合作的学习态度;使学生能够热爱生活,学会赞赏他人,尊重他人的劳动成果。四、四、教学重点和难点教学重点和难点(一) 教学重点:1. 在阅读文本中理解词汇及句型, 并初步运用日常交际用语Are you cookingmeat? No,Im not.Im washing some vegetables. Hows the meat/soup.? Itsyummy/nice. I cant wait!I love it ! 与他人交流。2.能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师

4、的帮助下能复述课文。(二) 教学难点:1. 单词 vegetable 及菜名的读音,tomato 与 potato 的区分。2. 句型 Are you cooking meat? No,Im not.Im washing some vegetables. Howsthe meat/soup.? Its yummy/nice. I cant wait!I love it ! 在实际生活中的运用。五、五、设计理念设计理念本课的设计以学生为主体,站在学生发展学习能力的角度,依据学生的思维发展规律,设计各个环节,处理文本时充分引导学生深入探究,发掘文本内涵,体现文化内涵,培养学生的思维能力、想象能力、

5、语言表达与团队合作能力。同时,坚持知识联系生活、应用于生活的原则,把教学内容与学生的生活实践紧密结合起来,让学生学以致用。六、六、设计思路设计思路整体设计思路为:情境导入导图呈现整体感知迁移运用。即从师生交谈,教师以自己的住址、出行方式为索引,通过绘制思维导图,让学生对位置、远近、交通方式一目了然,对本课新授内容进行铺垫。在对文本处理时,通过看图分析,发现文本信息;细读发现、体会文本深层内容;再以导图形式整体统理文本、复述文本。使学生从知到悟,从悟到用,一步步地感知、理解、发现、总结反馈。七、七、教学过程教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Daily report. 课前布置学生准备一幅

6、家人的画,描绘家庭成员正在做的事,课上介绍给大家。E.g: Look at my picture. He is my father. Hes in the garden.Hes growing flowers. Im helping him.T:Who has questions about it?S1: What is .s father doing?.T: I have two questions, Is / Are there. In the picture? Is he/ Are they cleaningthe table?2. Aguessing game:出示刘涛图片,图片遮挡一

7、半内容.T: Lets play a guessing game. What is he doing? You may ask like this:Are youreading, Liu Tao?提问几位学生,使学生学会用现在进行时的一般疑问句。揭开图片,Oh, heis playing a football game. 教学 game, 引导学生观察时间,Its almost 6 oclock.How is Liu Tao now? Hes thirsty/hungry. What does he want to do? He wants to havedinner. 出示一些精美的食物图片

8、,引出食物及 yummy, nice 等评价的语言。T: Look, what dish is it? Meat with potatoes(土豆烧肉), chicken with potatoes,tomato with eggs, tomato soup (番茄汤), and mushroom soup. How is the food? Itsyummy/ nice/ delicious.Liu Tao goes home. Which room does he go first? Kitchen. The story happens inthe kitchen. Today lets

9、learn Unit6 In the kitchen.引出课题。【设计意图:以旧带新,在猜测中感知现在进行时一般疑问句的意思,进设计意图:以旧带新,在猜测中感知现在进行时一般疑问句的意思,进行初步的语言铺垫,出现食物类新单词及赞美的语言,使学生感知教学目标的行初步的语言铺垫,出现食物类新单词及赞美的语言,使学生感知教学目标的知识知识。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Watch and tick.What are Liu Taos parents cooking?教学 vegetable, tomato,meat withpotatoes。2. Watch again, ask

10、and answer.Questions: Is Liu Taos mum cooking meat?What is Liu Taos dad cooking?How are the dishes?3. Read and find out more imformation.(1)Read the first paragraph, let the students ask questions.根据 How is Liu Tao?的线索,揣摩他的语气,有感情地朗读第一段文字。(2)Read the second and third paragraph, work in groups, ask at

11、 least twoquestions.学生互动,根据文本信息,开动脑筋,互问互答。E.g:Whats in the fridge? Is there any apple juice?Look! Dinner is ready. Whatare they doing?Whats Liu Tao eating?Does Liu Tao like the meat? Why?给出关键词,学生自己编对话。4. Check out the answers.【设计意图:设计意图:为了让学生主动学习,深层探究,在跟读后设计学生自行阅为了让学生主动学习,深层探究,在跟读后设计学生自行阅读,发现问题的方法,给

12、出关键词,让学生在理解内容后,针对内容从各个角读,发现问题的方法,给出关键词,让学生在理解内容后,针对内容从各个角度发问,深入了解文本内容度发问,深入了解文本内容。 】Step 3 Reading time1. Listen and repeat【设计意图【设计意图: 听录音模仿语音语调听录音模仿语音语调, 有助于学生对人物和情节的准确理解有助于学生对人物和情节的准确理解。 】2. Read by yourself3. Read together/by roles4. Retell the story,以刘涛讲述家人活动的方式,复述课文。It is six oclock in the even

13、ing. My parents _in the kitchen. Myfather _. My mother_. She wantsto cook some_. I love the _ very much.It is yummy. I love the _ too. It is nice.T: Good job! Do you remember the whole story now? The map may help you.Ask and answer in pairs. (最后请几组学生演示)【设计意图:通过【设计意图:通过借助板书思维导图,借助板书思维导图,对对内容内容完整情节的复习

14、和回忆来发完整情节的复习和回忆来发掘学生的思维想象力和语言能力掘学生的思维想象力和语言能力。 】5. Try to act 让学生与同伴自选片断表演内容。Step 3 Summary:1. 播放一段四岁外国男孩做饭的小视频,看视频,使学生思考自己可以帮助父母做的事。T: I know most of you cannot cook. But we can help our parents when they cook!And we shouldnt waste the food. Our parents cook nice food for us, and we needto thank th

15、em for that. What can you say for your parents?S:Thank you ,Dad, Mum. / Your food is nice./ I love your food.【设计意图:【设计意图:开发教学资源,让学生开发教学资源,让学生发挥想象,发挥想象,运用生活运用生活,进一步激发思,进一步激发思维能力与语言能力维能力与语言能力,培养学生关心父母、帮助他人的品质,培养学生关心父母、帮助他人的品质。 】八、八、家庭作业家庭作业1. Read the story three times.2. Copy the new words and phrases.3. Review the story and act it out with your friends.九九、板书设计板书设计Unit6In the kitchenlook for some juicecook meat with potatoeswash some vegetablescook some tomato soupHows the meat?Are you cooking meat?Hows my soup?yummy I love it. Youre a great cook!nice I love it too!


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