Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:02a87).doc

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:02a87).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:02a87).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:02a87).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:02a87).doc_第4页
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1、5B Unit4 Seeing the doctor一、教学内容5B Unit4 Seeing the doctor(Checkout time&Revision)二、教学目标1. 学生能够讲述故事。2. 学生能够讨论疾病。3. 学生能够用 should 和 shouldnt 给建议。4. 学生知道字母组合 ch 在单词中的发音。三、教学重难点1. 能够准确的讲述故事。2. 能够运用所学句型给建议。四、教具准备课件、光盘五、教学过程Step1 GoalsT: Toay, Were having a revision lesson. Which are the aims for Unit4?Th

2、e computer presents the teaching aims.(教学目的:给学生一定的干扰项,让学生通过自主思考,选择出本单元的学习目标。充分尊重学生的主体地位。)Step2 Lets tellThe students work in four and choose one part to tell, try their best to be the best storyteller.T: Now, lets tell the whole story together.(教学目的:先让学生选择一段进行讲述,再集体讲述。分层次地进行复习,将课堂的选择权交给学生。)Step3 Mag

3、ic eyesT: There are some words in the cross-word puzzle. Can you find the illnesses youknow? Lets find.S1: eye acheS2: headacheThe teacher writes the words on the blackboard.T: In these words, ch is pronounced?S:/k/T: Heres another word. Listen to me, ”wechat”.In this word, ch is pronounced?Ss:/t/T:

4、 Can you say words that are pronounced /t/?S: chair(教学目的:通过小组合作的形式让学生找出疾病名称,接着读单词说出ch的发音。再通过wechat复习ch的另一种发音。源于书本又别于书本。)Step4 Lets chooseT: Heres a wechat about Tim, lets look.Tim says I want to fly kites, butHeres a remark from Wang Bing. Whats up?Whats the meaning of Whats up? Lets choose.S: Whats

5、 the matter?Whats wrong with you?Step5 Listen and chooseT: Whats wrong with you, Tim?Here are two more questions.Ss: How does he feel?What should he do?(教学目的:教授新知时,通过旧知进行讲解。既复习了旧知,又拓展了新知。传授了学生一种学习的方法。)Step5 Lets summarize.T: Look at the sentences, when can we use them?Feel well or not well?S: Not we

6、ll.T: What sentences do you know? Lets work in four.Ss: How are you.T: You know many sentences. And here are two more. Lets watch the micro-lectureand find out.Ss: Whats the trouble with you?How are you feeling now?(教学目的:通过泰微课的形式让学生拓展知识面,同时带着问题去观看更能提高注意力,印象深刻。)Step6 Lets sayT: Mum tells Tim he shoul

7、d have a rest. What about your advice?Ss: He shouldT: I believe that with your help, Tim will be better soon.Heres another one, Liu Tao is ill. And he says “ I have a fever, my temperature is102”. It equals to?Ss:39T: Here are some remarks from his friends. What should they say? What shouldntthey sa

8、y?Lets judge.(教学目的:通过思维导图的形式,让学生在齐读时知道由一个句型,可以和很多的短语联系在一起。形成一个面。)Step7 Write and check老师拿一学生的书到展台前批改。T: Who wants to be teachers?Ss: Let me try.The students read the pictures together.学生选择一段进行讲述。Step8 Help FloppyT:When someone is not well, you can help him. Now lets help Floppy.Listen to the story p

9、lease.If you are the vet, what will you write? Lets talk about them firstly.The students write the case of illness.T: The vet is very busy. Do you know why? Look , here comes some patients.Whats wrong with them?Ss: The giraffes neck hurts.The monkeys arm hurts.The rabbits ear hurts.The elephants nos

10、e hurts.(教学目的:通过让学生给动物写病例,既尊重学生的知识经验,有话可写。同时在最后又联系文本,回归到文本。)Step 9 HomeworkT: Please write a case of illness for them.Heres another one. Watch the other micro-lectures about Unit4. These are yourhomework.1. 观看第观看第 4 单元相关单元相关“泰微课泰微课”;2. 为医院里的其它小动物填写病历吧!为医院里的其它小动物填写病历吧!Step10 Feedback本节课的设计通过新颖的微信这一形式将各个环节有机的整合起来。每一个环节的设计,充分尊重学生的主体地位,及其知识经验。所设计的任务都是学生可以完成的,在拓展方面是源于文本,但又别于文本。在 Help Floppy 这一环节中,充分利用绘本激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在板书上,老师通过思维导图的形式,让学生对本节课所复习的内容有清楚的了解。分为四个板块,illnesses,feelings, advice, questions.让学生清楚的认识到复习课要复习哪几个面,以此为切入口,复习面所涵盖的内容。板书的完成也是在学生的帮助下进行的。学生通过思维导图的复习清楚的将所学知识进行系统化的整理。


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