Unit 8 Birthdays-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:e02a1).zip

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Enjoy a song Brainstorm根据日期和描述猜节日根据日期和描述猜节日比比谁的反应快!比比谁的反应快!Rules:1.wear new coats 2.get together with family members3.eat dumplingsIts in January or February.1.look at the moon2.eat moon cakesIts in September or October.1.a festival for old people2.visit parents and grandparents3.climb mountainsIts in October or November.1.a festival for children 2.sing and dance3.happyIts on the first of JuneChildrens DayIts on the twenty-fifth of December1.get presents 2.Christmas tree 3.turkey 4.Christmas puddingsChristmas Day Its in May or June. 1.dragon boat races2.eat rice dumplingsItsIts on the thirteenth of March.2.eat birthday cakes1.Miss Chen My birthdayWhens your birthday,?My birthday is on the thirteenth of March.Its on the_of_.日日(序数词序数词) 月份月份What do you do on your birthday?I usually . birthdays eat birthday cakeshave a big dinnersing and danceget presentsWhat do you do on your birthday?I usually.Whens your birthday,?Its on the_of_.Watch and answer Q1:Whens Su Hais birthday?Q2:Whens Mikes birthday?Q1:Whens Su Hais birthday?Q2:Whens Mikes birthday?Su Hais birthday is on the_of _.Mikes birthday is on the_ of_.eleventhMayeighthAprilWhens Su Yangs birthday?Whose?the eleventh of Maythe eighth of Aprilhave a big dinnereat some noodlesplay with Kitty the cat havea great timehave a partybuy a birthday cakeeat the birthday cakeplay some games havea lot of fun 1.自读课文,用笔自读课文,用笔 划出划出 苏海、麦克过生日时苏海、麦克过生日时做做的事情的事情 和他们的和他们的 感受感受 。2.根据划出的根据划出的 关键短语关键短语 填表格填表格 。When? What activities? 什么活动什么活动Read and fillHow?什么感受什么感受Whose?the eleventh of Maythe eighth of April1.自读课文,用笔自读课文,用笔 划出划出 苏海、麦克过生日时苏海、麦克过生日时做做的事情的事情 和他们的和他们的 感受感受 。2.根据划出的根据划出的 关键短语关键短语 填表格填表格 。When? What activities? 什么活动什么活动Read and fillHow?什么感受什么感受Whens your birthday, Su Hai?Its on the eleventh of May. Its also Su Yangs birthday.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents. Su Yang and I eat some noodles. After that, we play with Kitty the cat. We have a great time.Lets follow注意模仿语音语调哦!注意模仿语音语调哦!Whens your birthday, Mike?Its on the eighth of April. We always have a party at home.Helen, Tim and I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning.Then, my friends come in the afternoon. We eat the birthday cake together and play some games.We have a lot of fun!Su Yang and I usually_ with our parents and grandparents. We_. After that, we_. We always_ at home. Helen, Tim and I go to _in the morning. Then, my_ come in the afternoon. We_ together and_.12546937Read and fillRead togetherB.齐读齐读3 3人一小组,选择一种你们喜欢人一小组,选择一种你们喜欢的方式朗读的方式朗读全文全文吧!吧!LetsLets readreadRead in rolesA.分角色读分角色读Miss Li、Sui Hai、MikeRead after oneC.跟读跟读领读,跟读领读,跟读LetsLets retellretell选择其中一段,以第三人称复述一下吧!选择其中一段,以第三人称复述一下吧!例:例:Sui Hais birthday is on She usually with his friends. She has a great time.Whose?the eleventh of Maythe eighth of Aprilhave a big dinnereat some noodlesplay with Kitty the cat havea great timehave a partybuy a birthday cakeeat the birthday cakeplay some games havea lot of fun 1.自读课文,用笔自读课文,用笔 划出划出 苏海、麦克过生日时苏海、麦克过生日时做做的事情的事情 和他们的和他们的 感受感受 。2.根据划出的根据划出的 关键短语关键短语 填表格填表格 。When? What activities? 什么活动什么活动Read and fillHow?什么感受什么感受haseatspalyshashasbuyseatsplayshasExtensionExtensionA: My fathers/ mothers birthday is on . He/ She usually . What about your?B: My fathers/ mothers birthday is on. He/ She usually . 介绍父母介绍父母(2 2个人依次介绍父或母个人依次介绍父或母)向你的同桌介绍一下父母的生日吧!向你的同桌介绍一下父母的生日吧!注意使用三单!注意使用三单! LetsLets share!share!Our parents bring us to the world.父母把我们带到这个世界。父母把我们带到这个世界。They grow with us.他们陪伴我们成长。他们陪伴我们成长。They study with us.他们陪伴我们学习。他们陪伴我们学习。They play with us.他们陪我们一起玩耍。他们陪我们一起玩耍。We are the everything in their lives.我们就是他们生命中的一切!我们就是他们生命中的一切!But, they must be old one day. 但是总有一天他们会老去。但是总有一天他们会老去。They will leave us behind one day. 他们会离开我们。他们会离开我们。So ,now! Be a dutiful child. Study hard and try our best to love our parents. 所以现在,做一个孝顺的孩子。努力学习所以现在,做一个孝顺的孩子。努力学习,尽全力的爱我们的父母亲!,尽全力的爱我们的父母亲! FatherFather andand mother,mother, I I lovelove youyou ! !1. Talk about your family members birthday. 谈谈你家庭成员的生日。谈谈你家庭成员的生日。2. Surf the Internet and try to learn more about the birthday in other countries. 上网查看不同国家的人们过生日的情况上网查看不同国家的人们过生日的情况。1Unit 8 Birthdays (Period1 Story time)教学内容:译林英语 2011 课标版(三年级起点)五年级下册 Unit8 Birthdays Story time。教材分析:教材分析:本单元围绕过生日这一话题,通过询问生日的具体日期及在生日里谈论所做的事情展开对话。本单元话题贴近学生的生活实际,教师可通过展开丰富多彩的活动,如“班级生日会” “我的生日我做主”等形式,让学生在真实的情境中理解并掌握本单元的语言知识。 本单元通过 Su Hai 和 Mike 谈论过生日,意在让学生了解中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。学生也可调查自己家人或朋友的生日,了解更多的生日活动。学生也可准备家人过生日的照片,并结合照片介绍自己家人的生日。学生分析:学生分析: 学生在第七单元已经初步学习一年中的几个月份,并在以前的教学中已经涉及到基数词和部分序数词(first/ second/ third)的初步运用。此外,学生对于本单元的内容“生日”较感兴趣,对自己生日日期和生日活动也了如指掌。但是,他们对于中西方文化的异同点还不了解。教学目标:教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:birthday, eleventh, eighth, April, together, game, March, July, August, December.2. 能听懂、会读、会说短语:a birthday cake, eat noodles, have a party, play games.3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:whens your birthday? Its on. / What do you do on your birthday? I usually.4. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。5. 能初步运用第三人称和本课所学的词汇、句型谈论家人的生日。6. 能够激起他们对父母的感恩、感激和爱戴之情。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:2教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。教学难点:能初步运用第三人称和本课所学的词汇、句型谈论家人的生日。教学流程:教学流程: Step 1 Warm up: Sing a songBrainstorm Step2 Pre-reading: Free talkWork in pairs Step3 While-reading: Watch and answerRead, underline and fillListen and follow .Read and fillEnjoy reading. Lets retellStep4 Post-reading: Introduce their parents. Lets share. 教学过程教学过程StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upup(1)Sing a songT: Boys and girls, today we will learn Unit8 Birthdays, Before the new lesson , lets enjoy the lesson “The months of the year” together. First, listen, can you sing the song?【设计意图】让学生在音乐中自然走进课堂,既活跃了课堂,又能为下面日期的学习做好铺垫。(2) BrainstormT: Q: How many months are there in a year?Ss: Twelve.T: Yes. And there are some festivals in some months. Now lets play a guessing game. Can you guess what festival it is? I can give you some tips.(Spring Festival/ Mid-Autumn Festival/ Double Ninth Festival/ Childrens Day/ Dragon Boat Festival the teachers birthday)【设计意图】复习巩固有关节日和日期的表达,并自然过渡导入课题,便于开展下面有关生日的讨论。Step2Step2 Pre-readingPre-reading(1) Free talkT: My birthday is on of. (show the sentence structure to help Ss)3Q1: Whens your birthday? (ask 4or 5 Ss)Q2: What do you usually do on your birthday? (ask 4or 5 Ss)Ss: I usually(2) Work in pairsA: Whens your birthday?B: Its onA: What do you usually do on your birthday?B: I usually【设计意图】通过对话,引出序数词以及时间的表达,从而巩固新授句型。Step3Step3 While-readingWhile-readingT: Who are they? (Pictures1Su Hai / Picture 2Mike)(1) Watch the carton and find out the answers.Q1: Whens Su Hais birthday?Q2: Whens Mikes birthday?【设计意图】让学生带着问题看动画,初步了解课文内容,有助于培养学生的听读能力。(2) Read, underline and fill in the form.Whose?When?What activities?(什么活动 )How?(什么感受)Su HaiMike【设计意图】将课堂完全还给学生,给予学生足够的时间去朗读并理解课文,培养学生自主学习的能力。表格的设计既是文章中心内容所在,又是本课的板书设计,为下面复述环节打好基础。(3) Listen and follow .(注意语音语调)(4) Read and fill (the exercises in the book)(5) Enjoy reading.(three ways for the students to choose)Way 1: Read in rolesWay2: Read togetherWay3: Read after one4(6) Lets retell (Ask the students to try to use “he or she”)【设计意图】有了上面填充表格环节的设计作为铺垫,这时让学生根据表格进行复述,一方面可以检查学生对本节课内容的掌握情况,还可以培养他们语言的表达能力。Step4Step4 Post-readingPost-reading(1) Introduce their parents.【设计意图】有了对课文描述作为铺垫,这时进行拓展,让学生对父母的生日进行系统的陈述,可以检查学生对于第三人称的掌握情况,还可以培养学生组织语言材料进行口语交际的能力。(2) Lets share. Our parents bring us to the world.父母把我们带到这个世界。They grow with us.他们陪伴我们成长。They study with us.他们陪伴我们学习。They play with us.他们陪我们一起玩耍We are the everything in their lives.我们就是他们生命中的一切!But, they must be old one day. 但是总有一天他们会老去。They will leave us behind one day. 他们会离开我们。【设计意图】几句话概括父母和孩子的相处,能够勾出学生内心最深处对父母的情感,更好的拉近了父母与孩子之间的距离。Homework:Homework:1. Talk about your family members birthday. 谈谈你家庭成员的生日。2. Surf the Internet and try to learn more about the birthday in other countries. 上网查看不同国家的人们过生日的情况。5板书设计:板书设计:Unit8 Birthdayshave a big dinner Su Hai eat some noodles have a good time play with Kitty the cat have a party Mike buy a birthday cake eat the birthday cake have a lot of fun play some games6教学反思:教学反思:本课是译林牛津英语(2011 版三年级起点)五年级上册 Unit8 Birthdays 第一课时。这节课这节课前我将本课的教学内容制定为:1、 学习日期的表达(月份和序数词) ; 2 、 教 授 询 问 When is your birthday ? My birthday is on和 What do you do on your birthday? I usually .;3 、描述自己和家人的生日。试上几节课,结合其他教师的意见和建议,本人将课件修改了几次,最后一节成品课经过打磨后出来了,本人认为本节课有三个成功之处: 1、学生有关生日的对话,学生们都能够简单陈述本课的重难点句型。这一活动简单易行,让学生在实际操作中运用,体验所学的语言知识,并为学习日期的说法起到了很好的引导作用。体现了在用中学的思想。通过这样的活动,摆脱了机械的读和写,不仅在任务中巩固语言并且增进了同学之间的情感,培养了学生团结,合作的品质和合作,探究的精神以及用所学语言解决实际问题的能力。 2、板书的设计较科学,有利于学生加深对课文的理解和记忆,在本节课中,学生不仅仅能够结合板书设计进行复述,还能帮助学生对父母生日介绍列出提纲,并能够正确运用第三人称介绍家人和朋友的生日。3、课后的拓展有助于拉近父母和孩子之间的距离,激起学生对父母的敬爱之情。4、课外作业的布置也有效的巩固了所学语言知识,其中让学生网上查找中西方关于生日习俗的不同,使得学生的知识得到了有益的延伸。当然,一节课后,本人也发现了不少的不足:1.备课前要钻研教学大纲,通读、熟悉教材,驾驭 教材,收集大量信息。不能只通读一课或一个单元,必须通读全套教材。这样才能准确制定出单元教学目标和各课教学目标,才能把各课教学目标分解成相应时数的课时教学目标,为提高课堂效率作好保障。 2.任务设计时,应考虑学生的生活经历和英语语言表达水平,不然学生“有话说不出来” ,任务再新鲜巧妙,也是白费。 创设真实的情景,使学生将所学的语言结构应用到生活实际中,培养他们运用英语知识进行交际的能力。达到学中用,用中学的目的。 73.在本节课小组活动中,好学生“动”起来了,学困生却“袖手旁观” 。对学困生应多进行赏识教育,帮助和鼓励他们大胆发言,积极参与,建立自信。尤其要注意体察学生在课堂上的心理感受,亲近学生,使学生喜爱英语教师和英语课,从而提高英语课堂教学的效益。新课程标准从某种意义上说对老师提出了更高的要求,作为英语老师,我们要及时转换自己的角色和观念,组织好每一项课堂活动,把表演的机会给学生,让学生成为真正的“主角” ,让学生时刻处在体验,实践,参与,合作与交流的活动中,使他们的语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等素养得到整体发展。8Unit8Unit8 BirthdaysBirthdaysExercisesExercisesRead, underline and fill in the form.Whose?When?What activities?(什么活动 )How?(什么感受)Su HaiMikeHomework:Homework:1. Talk about your family members birthday. 谈谈你家庭成员的生日。2. Surf the Internet and try to learn more about the birthday in other countries. 上网查看不同国家的人们过生日的情况。
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