Unit 2 How do you come to school -Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:42dee).doc

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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:42dee).doc_第1页
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Unit 2 How do you come to school -Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:42dee).doc_第5页
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1、The wheels on the bus一、教学内容:一、教学内容:绘本The wheels on the bus二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1. 通过感知、读悟、唱演、扩编等任务的完成,学生能深刻理解绘本并熟练使用一般现在时。2. 通过小组合作等方式,学生能自己学会文中生词,并了解更多拟声词。3. 通过指导和引领,学生能激活思维,积极进行语言迁移,并在此过程中,形成一定的阅读能力与阅读技巧。三、教学目标制定依据:三、教学目标制定依据:教材分析:教材分析:The wheels on the Bus是第二单元 Song time 版块的一首儿歌,深受学生们的喜爱。本课时学习的是这首儿歌的完整版

2、,文本内容简单押韵,重复率高,主要为孩子们模拟了车轮哗哗开启,雨刷刷刷扫动,喇叭哔哔响起,以及车上的驾驶员卖票,大人闲聊和小婴儿哇哇的声音,教会孩子们 wheel、wiper、horn 和一些拟声词,文本时态使用了一般现在时。这个绘本的曲调很轻松活泼,学生很容易学会。教师可以带领孩子们体会英语的韵律美和不同的异域文化,而不是被冗长的词汇和枯燥的练习弄得兴趣全无,可以重燃孩子们的对英语学习的热情。学情分析学情分析:五年级学生的英语学习处于一个飞跃阶段,他们的活动能力往往要超过认识水平,思想容易受到暗示,有一部分学生的学习主动性有明显提高,英语表达的内容也更为丰富,对于语言规律的概括能力也有较大提

3、升,英语的语法知识由散点走向初步系统。学生们已经不满足于课本,具有了一定阅读英语课外读物的需求和能力。他们对于本节课所用绘本表现出了极大的兴趣,非常愿意完成预习任务。他们很喜欢短小的幽默故事、童话故事或者朗朗上口的儿歌,这种类型的阅读材料词汇量少,浅显易懂,很符合他们语言积累薄弱的特点。培养他们的读写能力应该是我们教学的重头戏,而这种读写能力的培养必须通过阅读来拓宽知识面,增加词汇量,也只有通过大量阅读来训练他们的各种阅读技巧。Teaching procedureProcedureTeachers activitiesStudentsactivitiesPurposePre-task1. En

4、joy the song“The wheelsSs: Sing and act the song.师生间真实有效的回on the bus”2. Free talk:a.T: How do you come to thisclassroom? Can we comehere by bus?Why?b. T: I am drawing. Guess!What is it?c.T: Where can the bus go?T 根据学生的回答适时展开追问。Ss:On foot.No.Because its not far.S:AbusSs: The bus can go to the ourhome

5、/hospital/cinema/park/school/ /station/ supermarket/bookshop.应,使得语言真正的有意义。挖掘学生已有的知识储备并追问,让学生在情景和对话中主动积极地进行所学知识和实际意义的构建。While-task1.看图片, 描述背景,了解作者T: Look, theres a lovely bus.What can you see on the busor near the bus?T: They look so happy. Why?Now, lets enjoy this story The wheels on the bus. Thewri

6、ter of this story is Paul.O.Zelinsky. He is an American.2.看动画, 整体感知,抓取大意T: Lets watch the cartoon andanswer the questions.Q1: Where does this bus go?Q2: How many people wantto get on the bus?3.听故事, 抓取关键,理清脉络T: Is my picture book nice? Doyou want to have it?You canmake it by yourself. This time,lets

7、listen to the story, thennumber the pictures and putthem in order.S: I can see.S: Know the writer.Ss watch and anser.S: The bus goes to thebirthday party.S: Seven.S: 小组合作, 将自己手中的图片按听到的顺序交给组长标号。Check the answer.核心板块分六步走,有层次地进行推进,多次采用小组合作学习的方式,促使学生的学习行为更为深入更为主动,听说读写四项技能均有所得。培养学生静听的习惯,并学会如何在小组中合作完成任务。随

8、着任务的完成,4.读故事, 小组学习,扫清障碍T: In this book, there are somenew words. First read thestory. Next, circle the newwords. Then talk about theirmeanings and pronunciationswith your partners. Finally ,try to match and try to read.And if you cant read the newwords, these old words canhelp you.T: Check the new w

9、ords.T: In our life, we have manykinds of tickets. What ticketsdo you know?T: There are some special words.They are mimetic words.Theyjust meansome sounds.Doyou know any other mimeticwords?5.唱故事, 配上表演,深入理解T:Read the story in your groups,then lets sing and act thisstory together.S: Learn the new word

10、s bythemselves in groups.S: Match and read the words.Read the sentences.S: Bus tickets, train tickets,metro tickets, planetickets, cinema tickets,park tickets.S: Woof/meow/cheep/ticktock/Tweet/quack/ouch/oink.S:Read the story.Sing and act the story.文本自主生成,可以给学生带来极大的喜悦和成功的感受通过分析与研讨、表达与交流等探究性学习方式,突出学生

11、本位。在此过程中,训练学生的朗读、 默读、跳读、速读等阅读技巧借助 ticket和拟声词形成两次生成,引导学生在已有的认知结构基础上主动构建相关信息,而不是被动地接受和存储。Post-task6.编故事, 小组合力,丰富文本T: This story is about on the bus.How about near the bus?T: Make two models.Look at P2, there are somebirds. What do they say?学生运用文本中的句型进行语言结构整合输In classTry to match(连线连线)(We can write abo

12、ut the sound)Look at P3. There is a snail.We know the snail alwaysgoes slowly slowly slowly.(We can write about the action.)T: Now its your turn.Please make up a new story.S: Read and compare the twomodel parts written by theteacher.S: Give the attention tip.S: Choose, write, sing andact in groups.出

13、,内化为自己的语言知识体系。并在此过程中逐渐提升学生的包括理解文本、鉴赏文本、评价文本和活用文本的阅读能力。HomeworkHomework:1. Act and sing the story.2. Make up your new story and finish the picture book.3. Finish the reading card.DesignThe wheels on the bus反反思思重重建建wiperhornticketTry to read-After class1. Act and sing the story.2. Make up your new story and finish the picture book.3. Make your reading card.Reading CardTitle(篇名)(篇名)WriterRecommend(推荐指数)(推荐指数)New wordsGrammarMake sentences(仿句)(仿句)I can read thisstory loudlyAfter reading Iwant to say


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