(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册英语unit 3 -语法基础巩固 能力提升专项训练 (2)(含答案).docx

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(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册英语unit 3 -语法基础巩固 能力提升专项训练 (2)(含答案).docx_第1页
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1、人教版(人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册)选择性必修第三册 unit3-语法基础巩固语法基础巩固+能力提升专项训练能力提升专项训练板块一板块一基础巩固基础巩固.单句语法填空单句语法填空1There is no doubt_ their team will win the final game.2Without exams,the students _(lead) an easier life.3I dont know the specialist _(refer) to in the speech.4He was comforting the old man_(release) from t

2、he hole.5The expert told us that this animal died of _(starve)6The surgeon seized the pickpocket _the collar.7There will be a lecture on_(sustain) economic growth next Sunday.8The_(restrict) of press freedom is seen as an abuse of human rights.9It is wrong of you _(skip) so many lessons.10What do th

3、e workers usually do to refresh _(they)?11The old man found it_(disturb) to sit next to the noisy baby.12The new magazine is very popular and it is released_(month)13He walked slowly,trying not to disturb the children_(absorb) in their learning.14Another doctor had her body _(examine) and could stil

4、l find nothing wrong.15She had to correct her sons mistakes_ (repeat) in that situation.16The young woman _(fine) by the policeman was rude and proud.17It is the new teaching building that is still under_(inspect) now.18_(conserve) programs cannot function without local support.19With time going by,

5、the woman is becoming more and more_(tolerate)?20His will(遗嘱) arranged for the _(dispose) of his property after his death.21My mother _(undergo) major surgery last year.22Most young people here were interested in the new book_(release) last week.答 案 : 1. that 2would lead. 3.referred 4. released 5. s

6、tarvation 6. by7.sustainable8.restriction9.to skip 10. themselves11.disturbing12.monthly13.absorbed 14.examined 15.repeatedly16. fined17 . inspection18. Conservation19. tolerant20 disposal21.underwent.22.releasedII. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Scientists often co

7、mpare coral reefs to underwater rainforests, yet unlike the leafy plant baseof a forest, corals are animals.The soft organs inside the hard parts of corals are naturallytransparent and get_1_(they) famously brilliant color from algae(藻类)living inside them.When corals experience stress from hot tempe

8、ratures or _2_ (pollute),they end theirinterdependent relationship with this algae,typically forcing them out _3_turning white,though one recent study indicates some corals turn a bright neon color when stressed.Corals arestill alive when they bleach(白化),but theyre _4_ risk-essentiallyimmunocompromi

9、sed(免疫功能低下)and many _5_ (eventual) starve and die, turning adark brown.People first noticed coral bleaching events in the 1980s.The problem worsened in 2016, whenan El Nino weather pattern, _6_causes warmer waters in the Pacific Ocean, _7_(mix)with an already unseasonably warm ocean and killed off a

10、 third of the corals on the Great BarrierReef.Since then, roughly half the corals on Australias famous reefs _8_(die) in followingbleaching events, risking an underwater landscape 1,500 miles long.Scientists around the world are looking for all kinds of ways to protect and maybe evenrevive corals.On

11、e option is _9_ (create) more marine protected areas-essentially nationalparks in the ocean.Scientists say creating marine shelter, where fishing, mining,and recreating areoff limits, makes the reefs _10_ (healthy), and so much stronger.【答案】1. their2. pollution3. and4. at5. eventually6. which7. mixe

12、d8. have died9. to create/creating10. healthierIII.III. 将下面句子翻译成英语。将下面句子翻译成英语。1.很多人会支持这项新政策,这是毫无疑问的。2.门口有一些人,他们大多数都提交了申请。3.女孩在那里度过了艰难的时光,忍受着恶劣的工作条件。4.没有他们的帮助,我们不可能按时完成工作。5.那个小偷站在那里,双手被那位年轻的警察抓着。答案:答案:1There is no doubt that dozens of people will be in favor of the new policy.2There are some people a

13、t the gate,most of whom have submitted their applications.3The girl has a hard time there,tolerating the bad working conditions.4We wouldnt have finished our work on time without their help.5The thief stood there,with his hands seized by the young policeman.词汇归纳词汇归纳环保environmental protection 环境保护env

14、ironmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存污染:Pollute= contaminate, 污染(动词)pollutant 污染物Pollution=contamination 污染(名词)垃圾rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理dispose of, burn, bury (landfill 垃圾场),dump 倾倒,recycle 回收 plastic bags塑料袋drinking cans 饮料罐biodegradable packaging 可降解包装throwaway 可丢弃的disposable

15、 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励燃料non-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels 矿石燃料natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy 替代能源replace=substitute v.取代(wind power, hydropower 水电solar (lunar) power 太阳能板块二板块二能力提升能力提升.阅读理解阅读理解A(2020 年兰州市高三诊断考试)While we are burning hot here, it is

16、 winter in South America. The Andes Mountains aresituated along the Argentina-Chile border. Once the first snow falls of early June start lo drop,skiers are ready to enjoy the nightlife of ski towns all along the border.CaviahueMeaning “site of gathering and celebration”, this spot draws people with

17、 its long ski season,natural beauty, and hot springs.Season: June 15th to September 30thTel/Fax: (011)4314-8212/9180Website: http:/Cerro CastorThe newest ski resort in Argentina, this winter playground is near Ushuaiathe worldssouthernmost city. The stable and cold temperatures of Castor allow it to

18、 offer the longest skiseasons in South America.Season: June 17th to October 16thPhone: 54 290-1499301Fax: 54 290-1430680Website: http:/www.cerrocastor comPerito MorenoThis resort features 11 skiable kilometers divided into 9 tracks, a double 1, 000-mcter-longchairlift line that joins the 900-meter-h

19、igh and the 1,350-meter-high areas, where snow isguaranteed throughout the winter.Season: From June 15th to October 5thPhone: 54 294-4409000Fax: 54 294-4409000, int. 118Website: http:/ www.cerro-Cerro CatedralCerro Catedral was one of the first ski resorts in Argentina. Cerro Catedral has continued

20、togain a reputation for itself-all the while updating its facilities. The resort has 39 lifts, which allowaccess to 600 hectares (公顷)of skiable surface divided into 53 well-signaled runs of variousdifficulties.Season: From June 18th to October 10thTel/Fax: (012) 4672-2947/7672Website: http: 1. Which

21、 number should you call if you want to take a hot spring bath?A. 54 294-4409000B. 54 290-1499301C. (012)4672-2947/7672D. (011)4314-8212/91802. Which of the following offers the longest ski season?A. CaviahueB. Cerro CastorC. Perito MorenoD. Cerro Catedral3. Whats the feature of Cerro Catedral?A. Cul

22、tural appeal.B. Beauty and comfort.C. Advanced equipment.D. Historical significance.【答案】1. D2. B3. CB(广东 2020 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试联考)As anyone whos tried to befriend a baby knows,the very young are a tough crowd. Inresponse to your solicitous babble(喋喋不休),a baby might lock eyes with you. Just aslikely,th

23、ough,shell stare insistently into an empty distance,spit up,or simply protest by cryingloudly.New research suggests that babies are highly selective-discriminating even-in whom theywill pay attention lo.And even before their first birthdays,this research shows,babies distinguishbetween people like m

24、eand all others.For those of us who like to think that prejudice comes with age,this may be disappointingnews.But a new study,published Monday in the journal PNAS,offers a fresh perspective on babiesremarkable ability to distinguish betweenin-groupmembers(people like me)and out-groupmembers(others)

25、at such a young age.Babies are all about learning new stuff,the new research concludes.And they wont waste aminute paying attention to someone they think unlikely to deliver the goods.The new research shows that,given the choice of listening to someone speaking in theirnative language and someone sp

26、eaking another tongue, 11-month-old babies will consistentlyignore the foreign speaker and pay attention to the person speaking the language thats familiar tothem. At the moment that those babies made such decisions,researchers detected a distinctivepattern in their brain activity-a pattern consiste

27、ntly seen in babies expecting to learn somethingnew.Yes,the babies were makingusversusthemJudgments which,research has found,becomeever more generalized and powerful as we age. But they appeared to be making those selectivejudgments, the research found,in a bid to maximize the information they lake

28、in,not to exclude the“other”。4. If you keep talking to a baby,she may_A. be your friendB. ignore youC. lock you in the roomD. respond you with words5. According to the passage,babies can distinguish_A. between bad people and good peopleB. between researchers and journalistC. between people who like

29、them and people who dislike themD. between people who are alike and people who are not alike6. Ababy from China is more likely to be interested in a person who speaks_A. ChineseB. EnglishC. FrenchD. Japanese7. The passage mainly tells us that_A. babies are born cleverB. babies may lock eyes with you

30、C. babies are eager to learn new thingsD. babies can make selective judgments about people【答案】4. B5. C6. A7. D.七选五练习七选五练习(安徽省十校联盟 2020 届高三线上自主联合检测)How to Work From HomeAs more companies across nearly every industry accommodate an increasing number ofemployees wishing to forego (摒弃) the morning commu

31、te and office pantry footfall, remote workhas become an increasingly easy and breathlessly practical option for many who seek it._8_._9_. Its a culmination (巅峰) of what Ive learned along the way.Dont sleep where you work. Whether its a rented office space or a den converted (转换)into a home office or

32、 a cabin in the woods for that matter, find a space away from your bedroom towork._10_. “Having a consistent schedule and being kind of strict about it is really useful fordrawing outlines around your time so that you can keep things balanced for both work and play,”said Jacqui Cheng, editor in chie

33、f of Wirecutter, and someone whos worked from home full timefor over 12 years.Plan against distractions._11_You can explain to your family members or children thatyour work area is off limits, and they should avoid interrupting unless its important.Trying to mix work and free time runs the danger of

34、 never quite powering down or shuttingoff._12_. Besides, your friends and family miss out on the time you would spend with them ifyou worked in an office instead of at home. Make sure to enforce your boundaries.A. Get into your groove.B. Set boundaries if youre working at home.C. Here is a modest gu

35、ide to becoming a successful remote employeeD. I can comfortably and productively contribute a solid days work from almost anywhere.E. And it can lead to burnout and depression from feeling like youre always on and available.F. There are many things that contribute to becoming a successful work-from-home employee.G. Close your work chat programs and emails and consider yourself “out for the day,” and “homenow.”【答案】8. F9. C10. A11. B12. E


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