Module 1 Wonders of the world-Unit 1 It's more than 2,000 years old.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:d0508).zip

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The Terracotta Army Victoria Falls The Giants Causeway The Three Gorges Dam1234 causeway 堤道;路堤道;路dam 大坝大坝 fall 瀑布瀑布army 士兵士兵 LookLook andand matchmatch the Terracotta Armythe Three Gorges Damthe Giants CausewayVictoria Fallsthe Terracotta Armythe Three Gorges DamVictoria Fallsnatural wondersman-made wondersancient modernthe Giants Causeway What kind of wonders are they? Listen ! Tony and his friends are talking about Wonders of the World. Do you know their favorite wonders?personswondersTonyLinglingBettyDamingthe Giants CausewayVictoria Fallsthe Terracotta Armythe Three Gorges DamListen and mark the pauses.1. Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.2. That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic.3. In my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.A3. Now read and check () the true sentences.1. Tony thinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder.2. Lingling thinks the Victoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giants Causeway.3. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders.4. For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.He thinks the Three Gorges Dam is fantastic too.most fantastic as asWhod like to decribe these wonders? It is wonder. Its huge. There are 40,000 , most of them with .sides. It runs for several . meters on the .coast of Northern Ireland. the Giants Causeway!Victoria Falls It is in ., it is a/an/the .wonder, it is about 1,700 metres .and 100 metres . People can hear the. a few kilometres away.natural adj. 大自然的大自然的 The Terracotta Army It is in. It was built by people in thedynasty. It is more than . years old. 朝代朝代 It is . wonder. exciting adj. 令人兴奋的令人兴奋的 The Three Gorges Dam It is in China. It is a .wonder. It is 2,300 metres ., 185 metres ., and 15 metres .at the top. It produces .for .people in China.the largest dam in the world 世界上最大世界上最大 的的 大坝大坝ThePyramidsofEgypt埃及金字塔埃及金字塔ColosseumofRome古罗马斗兽场TheLondonBridge伦敦塔桥伦敦塔桥TheSydneyOperaHouse悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院LeshanGiantBuddha乐山大佛乐山大佛TheGreatWallofChina长城Stonehenge巨石阵MachuPicchu马丘比丘TajMahal泰姬陵EmpireStateBuilding帝国大厦TheGreatBarrierReef大堡礁GrandCanyon大峡谷 LetsLets enjoyenjoy wonderswonders ofof thethe worldworld A: Which wonder of the world would you like to visit?B: Id like to visit because A: That sounds great ! Can you tell me more about it ?B: All right! A: Wow, I cant wait to see it, too ! G世界那么大,世界那么大, 我想去看看!我想去看看! 1.Complete the sentences in Activity 5.2. Preview Unit 2.英语导学案英语导学案课题:M1U1 Its more than 2000 years old .(第一课时)课型:listening and speaking主备教师: 年级:九年级 学生姓名:学习目标:学习目标:1 1.掌握本单元的新生词汇和短语。2.能够听懂含有不同时态的谈论景观的对话,理解其中的事实性描述及个人观点。3. 能够用表述事实的形容词描述景观,并发表个人观点。 课前预习:课前预习: 1)新生词汇:man-made, natural, wonder, discussion, eastern, though, loud, wow, opinion, in ones opinion, more than, electricity, millions of2)从课文对话中找出下列短语。1.1. 让我们做某事吧让我们做某事吧 2.2. 给某人打电话给某人打电话 3.3. 参加、加入(活动)参加、加入(活动) 4.4. 同意某人观点同意某人观点 5.5. 中的大部分中的大部分 6.6. 在在东海岸东海岸 7.7. 按某人的意见按某人的意见 8.8. 超过超过 9.9. 发电发电 10.10. 数以百万的数以百万的3)从课文对话中找出计量表达, 如 2000 years old 思考:上面的结构叫计量表达,通过观察发现所用的是:数字后面接思考:上面的结构叫计量表达,通过观察发现所用的是:数字后面接_,然后然后再加上一个表示长、宽、高的再加上一个表示长、宽、高的_(词性词性)_(等级等级)4)Millions of visitors come to China every year. The city has a population of 5 million.思考:思考:million 是一个数词,与是一个数词,与 of 连用要加连用要加_, 与数字连用不加与数字连用不加_.学习过程:学习过程:StepStep 1 1 Leading-in:Leading-in: Enjoy a video Guess the topic: Understand the aim of this lessonStepStep 2 2 listeninglistening practicepractice 听力训练(学习建议:认真听,边听边思考,然后汇报,核对答案)Pre-listeningPre-listening 1) Read through the names of the wonders.a) The Terracotta Army b) The Three Gorges Damc) The Giants Causeway d) Victoria Falls 2) Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.While-listeningWhile-listening ListenListen andand thinkthink aboutabout thethe questionsquestions inin ActivityActivity 2 2 Q1 Which two are natural wonders? Q2 Which two are man-made wonders? Q3 Which is an ancient wonder? Q4 Which is a modern wonder? Post-listeningPost-listening1) Find out the answers to the questions above and answer .2) Answer the question : “What kind of wonders are they?”StepStep 3 3 ListenListen andand readread thethe newnew conversation.conversation.听说训练(学习建议:先初步感知对话,然后与小组成员大声朗读模仿对话,采用小组合作学习方式,完成以下学习任务,核对答案)1) Listen and watch the video of the new conversation, and think about the following question. Question:Question: WhatWhat wonderswonders areare theirtheir favourite?favourite? Tony:Tony: LinglingLingling : : Betty:Betty: Daming:Daming: 2) Pronunciation and speaking1. Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.2. That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic.3. In my opinion,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.3) Read the conversation in groups and check()the true sentences.1 Tony thinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder.( )2 Lingling thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giants Causeway. ( )3 Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders. ( )4 For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army. ( ) 4)Free talk:Describe the wonders that are mentioned in the conversation.(见附表)StepStep 4 4 WorkWork inin pairspairs1) Enjoy wonders of the world 2) Make a list of wonders of the world that youd like to visit . 3) Say which one you would like to visit and why.StepStep 5 5 SumSum upup1) Have a deep passion for wonders of the world 2) check up group work.StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework1) Complete the sentences in Activity 5. 2) Preview Unit 2.附表WhodWhod likelike toto describedescribe thethe followingfollowing wonders?wonders? WondersDescriptionThe Giants CausewayIt is wonder. Its huge. There are 40,000 , most of them with .sides. It runs for several . meters on the .coast of Northern Ireland.Victoria Falls It is in ., it is a/an/the .wonder, it is about 1,700 metres .and 100 metres . People can hear the. a few kilometres away.The Terracotta ArmyIt is in. It was built by people in thedynasty 朝代.It is more than . years old. It is . wonder. The Three Gorges DamIt is in China. It is a .wonder. It is 2,300 metres .,185 metres .,and 15 metres .at the top. It produces .for .people in China.教学设计方案、教学效果评价与教学反思教学设计方案、教学效果评价与教学反思课题:课题: Module 1 Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 years old. 科目:科目: 英语教学对象:教学对象: 九年级学生课时:课时: 1提供者:提供者:单位:单位: 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析本课是外研版九年级上册第 1 模块的第 1 单元听说课,对话的内容是:以托尼、玲玲等人收听世界奇观节目并拨打电话参与讨论为场景,介绍了巨人之路、维多利亚瀑布、三峡大坝和兵马俑等著名的景观。在这样一个令人喜欢的话题中,有效地复习了各种时态、并从对话中获取有关“世界奇观”的事实性信息和观点类信息。二、教学目标二、教学目标知识目标:掌握本单元的新生词汇和短语。能力目标:1. 听:能够听懂含有不同时态的谈论景观的对话,理解其中的事实性描述及个人观点,培养听力技巧。2说:能够用表述事实的形容词描述景观,并发表个人观点,培养口语交际能力。情感态度:培养对神奇的大自然和伟大的人类文明的热爱之情。三、学习者特征分析三、学习者特征分析九年级学生已具备一定的英语基础,本单元这一话题正是他们所喜欢的学习内容,很好地激发学生的学习兴趣和参与意识, 尽管学生的学习基础不同,只要是在预设任务时注意问题的梯度,他们中每一位学生都可以围绕本话题有话可说,还可在交流讨论中发表自己的观点,此外,他们善于自我展示,乐于在“小组合作”这种轻松愉快的教学活动中,体验到语言学习乐趣。四、教学策略选择与设计四、教学策略选择与设计1.在本课教学活动中,我利用多媒体素材,如“世界奇观”视频影音进行热身,为新课学习营造教学氛围。2.接下来,采用了“任务型”的教学途径,对学生进行有目的性的听力训练,使学生能够识别事实性信息,激发他们用形容词描述信息的能力。3.“听说训练”重在培养学生“学会倾听和口语表达的能力” ,因此我选择使用交际教学法。通过播放课文对话音像资料使学生明确了解对话内容,熟悉对话中人物的事实性信息和观点类信息的表达,组织学生分组朗读模仿对话,在小组合作交流中进行语言项目的操练,这样学生可以通过思考,交流和合作等方式,更好的学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。五、教学重点及难点五、教学重点及难点1. 新生词汇:man-made, natural, wonder, discussion, eastern, though, loud, wow, opinion, in ones opinion, more than, electricity, millions of2. 能够听懂含有不同时态的谈论景观的对话,并使用表述事实的形容词描述景观,准确、得体地发表个人观点,同时尊重他人的不同意见。六、教学过程六、教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图一、Leading in1. Play a video of “Wonders of the world”.2. Show the aim of this lesson.1) Enjoy a video Guess the topic: Wonders of the world 2) Understand the aim of this lesson课前热身,直入主题,导入学习目标,达到调动学生的积极性、激发学习兴趣的目的,为下一步学习做好铺垫。二、listening practice Pre-listeningPre-listening1) Show the pictures of the wonders,and then teach Ss their English names.a) The Terracotta Army b) The Three Gorges Damc) The Giants Causeway d) Victoria Falls2) DO Activity 1: Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.While-listeningWhile-listeningPlay the recording for students to listen and show the questions in Activity 2 Q1 Which two are natural wonders? Q2Which two are man-made wonders? Q3 Which is an ancient wonder? Q4 Which is a modern wonder? Post-listeningPost-listening1) Help Ss check the answers.2) Ask the question : “What kind of wonders are they?”Pre-listeningPre-listening1) Read through the names of the wonders.a) The Terracotta Army b) The Three Gorges Damc) The Giants Causeway d) Victoria Falls2) Look and matchWhile-listeningWhile-listening1) Listen and think about the questions in Activity 22) Find out the answers to the questions and write them downPost-listeningPost-listening1)Answer the above questions2) Answer the questions usingnatural,man-made,ancient,modern,and master the newvocabulary.第一步,听前:观看“世界奇观”图片,识记本课新生词汇,感知世界景观之奇特。第二步,听中:指导学生带着任务去听,抓住关键词,完成听力任务,训练学生从听力材料中寻找关键信息点的能力,培养学生的听力技巧。第三步,听后:在思考交流中,检测学生的理解程度,培养他们从听力材料中辨认关键信息点的能力。三、listen and read1) Play the video of the new conversation and question:what wonders are their favourite for Tony、Lingling、Betty and Daming ?2)Teach Ss Pronunciation and speaking3) Have Ss read the conversation in groups and check()the true sentences.4) Ask Ss to have a free talk about the wonders that are mentioned in the conversation.1)Listen and find out Tonys and his friends favourite wonders .2)Listen、mark the pauses and repeat 3)Read the conversation in groups and check()the true sentences .4) Describe the wonders that are mentioned in the conversation. 第一步,让学生在视频音像中初步感知对话内容, 激发学生学习兴趣。第二步,帮助学生体会对话长句中的停顿。第 3、四步,通过分组朗读模仿对话,合作释疑,自我学习展示,使每个学生都有参与的机会,在互助合作,交流展示中,达到人人想说、敢说、会说的目的,从而帮助学生深入理解对话内容。四、Work in pairsLead Ss to know more about wonders of the world and have a talk about them in English.1. Enjoy wonders of the world 2. Make a list of wonders of the world that he/she would like to visit. 3. Ask and answer in pairs.Say which wonder he/she would like to visit and why.通过口头表达练习,使学生将所学知识,活学活用。5、Sum up1) Stimulate Sslove of wonders of the world.2) Make an assessment with students 1.Have a deep passion for wonders of the world. 2.Group leaders report group scores to the whole class.激发学生对人文景观和自然景观的热爱之情,接下来对各小组课堂学习情况进行总体评价六、Homework1. Complete the sentences in Activity 5. 2. Preview Unit 2巩固本课新知,为下一课的学习做准备。七、教学效果评价设计七、教学效果评价设计一、课堂学习效果自我评估表 二、课堂小组评价表Can you say the following now? Check ()the()the squaresquare brackets.brackets. 1.Can you make a list of wonders of the world? 2.Can you talk with others about wonders? 3.Can you describe your favorite wonder and say why ? 课堂评价小组评分标准: 1.每人答对()1 题(2 分) 2.每个参与回答,但答错 ( )了(1 分)3.语言实践 good(1 分) better(2 分) best(3 分)Group 1() ( )(good / better /best )总分Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5八、板书设计八、板书设计 M1U1 Its more than 2,000 years old. Everyday English Group Score Im not sure. Natural man-made In my opinion,. Ancient modern Look at. Fantastic exciting Whod like to .? Interesting 九教学反思九教学反思在本节听说课中,我利用多媒体素材,穿插了音频文件、视频文件及一些世界奇观图片,还辅加以实物教具,如:世界奇观图片和书签,通过这些真实的影音图文介绍,直观形象地导入主题,生动地呈现了教学内容,在紧张有序地教学活动中,不断变换着花样进行语言项目的操练。整堂课的教学过程,环环相扣,紧紧地抓住了学生的注意力,同学们在课堂教学活动中以小组活动为主线,结对或全班活动为辅,互相切磋、交流“Wonders of the world” ,师生互动,生生互助,教师适时适度的鼓励和表扬,使学生感受到学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义,同时也培养了学生能够与他人合作,尊重他人的态度,倾听他人的不同意见。总之,本节课在轻松愉快的英语学习氛围中,完成了教学任务,收到了很好的教学效果。当然,这四十五分钟的课堂毕竟时间有限,在听力部分,由于时间问题,只播放二遍,对于那些基础差的学生来说,没能及时听懂对话,始终处于被动中, 回答问题不积极,在今后的教学中,较难的听力材料,就要多播放几遍,通过反复的听力练习,潜移默化的培养学生爱听英语的习惯,逐渐提高学生的听力能力。此外,我还要把口语交际与创新教育结合到一起,不仅要让学生运用所学新词汇“想说,敢说,”,更要让学生“会说”联系实际地说,有自己的创新,有自己的发挥,更有自己的独特的表达方法,如:本课中,让学生结合自己游览的奇观,用亲手拍的照片进行展示和介绍,这样真实的教学情境,一定会收到更好的教学效果。
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