Module 1 Wonders of the world-Unit 3 Language in use.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:a005c).zip

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名词的分类名词的分类专有名词专有名词:姓名,国家,语言,月份,星期,节日,大学等:姓名,国家,语言,月份,星期,节日,大学等普通名词普通名词可数名词可数名词(有单复数之分有单复数之分)个体名词个体名词集体名词集体名词不可数名词不可数名词(没有复数形式(没有复数形式)物质名词物质名词:自然物质,食品、饮料等自然物质,食品、饮料等抽象名词抽象名词:情感,学科,概念等情感,学科,概念等(某类人或东西中的个体)(某类人或东西中的个体)(若干个个体组成的集合体)(若干个个体组成的集合体)(无法分为个体的实物)(无法分为个体的实物)名名词词. .规则变化规则变化1.在词尾直接加在词尾直接加-s desk-desks field-fields2.以以s, x, sh, ch结尾结尾的名词后加的名词后加-es class-classes box-boxes brush-brushes3.以以f, fe结尾结尾的名词一般变为的名词一般变为-ves leaf-leaves knife-knives4.以以辅音辅音+y结尾结尾的名词变为的名词变为-ies baby-babies butterfly-butterflies 以以元音元音+y结尾结尾的名词后直接加的名词后直接加-s boy-boys toy-toys5.以以+o结尾结尾的名词有的后加的名词有的后加-es, tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes 以以o结尾结尾的名词有的加的名词有的加-s zoo-zoos radio-radios1.以以man结尾的名词变为结尾的名词变为menwomanwomen postmanpostmen. 不规则变化不规则变化3.单数复数同形单数复数同形fishfish sheepsheep deer deer ChineseChinese Japanese Japanese2.oo变为变为ee goose geese toothteeth foot feet4.特殊特殊child children ox oxen mouse mice1. 一般情况下,复合名词的单复数形式一般情况下,复合名词的单复数形式在在最后一个名词最后一个名词上体现:上体现:a man doctor two men doctorsa woman teacher two women teachers由由man或或woman构成的复合名词,其构成的复合名词,其形式如下:形式如下: a pencil boxpencil boxes a school bag school bags a girl studentgirl students注意:注意:3. 有些名词表达复数概念,常作为有些名词表达复数概念,常作为一个整体一个整体看看待,如待,如police, people,这些单词,这些单词没有复数形式没有复数形式,但,但其后的谓语动词却多为复数形式其后的谓语动词却多为复数形式。如:。如:2. 有些名词总是有些名词总是以复数形式以复数形式出现,如出现,如 trousers, glasses (眼镜眼镜),它们在,它们在表示数量时需要借助表表示数量时需要借助表示数量其他名词示数量其他名词来表示,如来表示,如: a pair of trousers three pairs of trousersa pair of glasses three pairs of glassesThe police have caught the thief. 警察抓到了那个贼。警察抓到了那个贼。Many people have seen the film.很多人看了这部电影。很多人看了这部电影。如果要表达单个数量只能换用其他单词如果要表达单个数量只能换用其他单词,如:,如:一名警察一名警察 a policeman/policewoman一个人一个人 a person/a man/a woman注意:注意:people作作“民族,种族民族,种族”解时,是解时,是可数名词,复数形式是可数名词,复数形式是peoples。1) n. + s 采用此方式的多为采用此方式的多为有生命的名词有生命的名词,如:,如:mens clothes, someones bag;以以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格结尾的复数名词的所有格直接加直接加 即可。如:即可。如:the boys school bagsthe teachers officethe six students dormitory名词的所有格有两种表达方式:名词的所有格有两种表达方式:2) of + n. 无生命的名词无生命的名词所有格多采用此方式所有格多采用此方式来表达,如:来表达,如:the window of the house the end of the week the gate of our schoolthe square of the city the capital of our countrythe wall of the townthe door of the classroom名词的句法功能指名词可以充当的句名词的句法功能指名词可以充当的句子成分,常见的有:子成分,常见的有:1)主语主语The flight takes about thirteen hours.航程需要大约航程需要大约13个小时。个小时。Mr Wang teaches us English.王老师教我们英语。王老师教我们英语。2) 宾语宾语Many people were helping the old man when I passed. 我路过的时候,许多人在帮助这位老人。我路过的时候,许多人在帮助这位老人。He has become very interested in chess recently.最近他对国际象棋产生了很大的兴趣。最近他对国际象棋产生了很大的兴趣。3) 宾语补足语宾语补足语We all call him Xiao Li. 我们都叫他小李。我们都叫他小李。4) 表语表语My younger brother is a policeman.我弟弟是警察。我弟弟是警察。5) 名词还可以用作同位语、呼语等。名词还可以用作同位语、呼语等。Mr Wang, my neighbour, has bought a new car.我的邻居王先生买了辆新车。我的邻居王先生买了辆新车。(my neighbour 是是Mr Wang 的同位语的同位语)Tom, come and play games with us.汤姆,来和我们玩游戏吧。汤姆,来和我们玩游戏吧。(Tom 是呼语是呼语)五元教学导学案编号:2016201001年 级: 九年级 学 科: 英语 课 题: 专题复习名词 备课人: 上课时间: 授课班级: 九(2)班 教学目标教学目标1.1.了解名词分类和句法功能了解名词分类和句法功能2.2. 掌握名词的词义、数和所有格掌握名词的词义、数和所有格学习重难点学习重难点 名词单复数和所有格名词单复数和所有格学习过程学习过程教与学札记教与学札记一、自主学习一、自主学习 名词的定义名词的定义 名词的分类有哪些名词的分类有哪些? ? 名词变复数的规则名词变复数的规则, ,名词所有格表达方法名词所有格表达方法 ( (参考资料面对面名词专题参考资料面对面名词专题) )二、合作探究二、合作探究 1.1.把下列名词变成复数把下列名词变成复数 shopshop bagbag busbus boxbox watchwatch brushbrush babybaby citycity storystory tomatotomato herohero radioradio photophoto zoozoo pianopiano lifelife knifeknife manman womanwoman footfoot toothtooth childchild fishfish deerdeer sheepsheep ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese 2.2.翻译短语翻译短语 mymy fathersfathers helphelp MarysMarys bedbed anan hourshours walkwalk MikeMike andand JacksJacks bikebike MikesMikes andand JacksJacks bikesbikes TeachersDayTeachersDay 三、成果展示三、成果展示 四、点评小结四、点评小结 见幻灯片见幻灯片五、课堂检测五、课堂检测 1.1. PeoplePeople inin westernwestern countriescountries usuallyusually eateat withwith _(_(叉叉子子) )andand knives.knives.2.2. TheyThey werewere luckylucky toto havehave thethe _(_(机会机会) ) toto attendattend suchsuch anan importantimportant meeting.meeting.3.Carrots3.Carrots andand _(_(土豆土豆) ) areare goodgood forfor youryour body.body.4.According4.According toto thethe _(_(天气天气) ) report,report, itit isis goinggoing toto rainrain tomorrow.tomorrow. 5.His5.His skillskill ofof makingmaking breadbread hashas reachedreached a a highhigh _ ( (水平水平) ). .6.Bob6.Bob hashas gotgot goodgood examexam results.results. HisHis parentsparents areare proudproud ofof hishis _._.A A successsuccess B B chancechance C C failurefailure D D dreamdream 7._7._ mothersmothers cantcant gogo toto thethe parentsparents meetingmeeting becausebecause theythey areare tootoo busy.busy.A A JacksJacks andand PaulPaul B B JacksJacks andand PaulsPauls C C JackJack andand PaulsPauls D D JackJack andand PaulPaul 8._8._ HowHow farfar isis youryour homehome fromfrom school?school? _ ItsIts aboutabout twotwo _ walk.walk. A A hourshours B B hourshours C C hourshours D D hourhour 9.The9.The boyboy didntdidnt wantwant toto bebe noticednoticed byby hishis classmates,classmates, soso hehe justjust walkedwalked toto hishis seatseat inin _._.A A silencesilence B B orderorder C C factfact D D publicpublic 10.I10.I hearhear PeterPeter plansplans toto enterenter thethe business_business_ afterafter hishis graduation.graduation. A A promisepromise B B fieldfield C C wayway D D factfact 教学反思教学反思
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